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Thanks, Obama: You Lie

Record-Setting Absurdity and Mendacity The malignant fascist sociopath Donald Trump lies so voluminously and absurdly that many Americans will believe he said or Tweeted almost anything, no matter how offensive and ridiculous. Every few months for the last three years I’ve been making up off-the-wall Trump statements and sending them out on so-called social media More

Operation Legend in Albuquerque is Not What Anyone Says It Is

President Trump announced an expansion to Operation Legend in a July 22 White House press conference, calling it a planned “surge of federal law enforcement into American communities plagued by violent crime. . . One of them is Albuquerque, New Mexico.” Attorney General William Barr said that thirty-five agents from multiple federal agencies would be sent to Albuquerque to assist in serious gun and drug investigations. “These are street agents,” explained Barr, who will be “working shoulder to shoulder with our state and local colleagues.”  More

Socialist or Capitalist: What is China’s Model, Exactly?

Near the end of his life Lenin gave a speech that referred to the USSR as a transitional society. He explained that socialists had taken state power and could thereby take the post-revolutionary economy—which he labeled “state capitalism”—further. The socialists’ state could achieve transition to a genuinely post-capitalist economy. He never spelled out exactly what More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch



Jeffrey St. Clair on the police state in Black America; Laura Carlsen on How COVID-19 is Advancing Trump’s White Supremacy Agenda; TJ Coles on How Big Pharma Has Exploited the Crisis; Dan Glazebrook on the Malthusian Responses to the Pandemic; Stan Cox on the Contradictions of the Green New Deal; Jennifer Matsui on the Coming Medical Surveillance State; Daniel Raventos and Julie Wark on the Camps of Lesbos; Maximilian Werner on the West’s War on Predators; Chris Floyd on Dylan’s Stunning Reemergence; Pete Dolack on the New Misery Index; Lee Ballinger on the Criminalization of Rap Music; John Davis on the Disruptive Force of COVID-19; and John LaForge on What Juries Aren’t Permitted to Hear About Nuclear Weapons.


This Week on CounterPunch Radio: Doug Henwood

    • HOST: Eric Draitser
    • GUEST: Doug Henwood
    • TOPICS: COVID and America’s working class.

Marquee Moon – LUNA
