August 24, 2020

In Kenosha, Insurrectionists Brandishing Automatic Rifles Shut Down Streets and Even Stop Armored Police Vehicles


I wasn't on the internet much yesterday and am just seeing this fresh hell.

This is an insurrection now, period.

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Posted by Ace at 12:32 PM Comments

The Morning Rant


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Last week's freak-out was because Trump was stealing thousands of mail boxes. Why? To stop voting-by-mail. Which even isn't legal in most places. Here in Oregon, we do have mail-in ballots, but they need to be dropped off in special mail boxes used for ballots only, the ballots must be signed, and the signatures checked against the signature they have for you on file. It's convenient, but I would give it up in an instant for a system where I would have to go to a polling location and provide proper ID.

This week's freak-out is because Melania redesigned the White House Rose Garden. Which is bad. Because national crisis. Also, you can see the drastic difference from these side-by-side photos of the garden taken in April during one of the Obama years and the other taken in August of this year. So you can add a lack of gardening knowledge, of planting and growing seasons, to the progressive list of accomplishments.

One more thing: The shrubbery along the sides of the garden literally spell out 'KKK'. Melania deliberately designed it this way.

Biden is a confused old man who said he wanted to defund the police. Then he said he didn't. He made some noise about police budget reduction that sounded like he was playing both ends against the middle. So nobody knows if Joe Biden wants to defund the police. Even Joe Biden doesn't know if Joe Biden wants to defund the police. One thing he's sure of, though: Donald Trump wants to defund the police.

Outside the reduced-venue DNC, there was some master-class trolling going on.

Meanwhile, partially sentient tuber Brian Stelter ponders 'Should TV Networks air RNC in full?' Says the media will have to make decisions about "whether to cut away if there’s this stream of disinformation happening live." Really. He actually said that. He actually argued that one party's convention should be "fact-checked", but not the other's. No, this is not from the Babylon Bee. See also this bint.

Finally, in the 4 days of the Democrats' convention, not once did any of their speakers mention the rioting, the looting, and the vandalizing that have taken a toll on blue cities. Some of them, i.e. Minneapolis and New York City, may never be the same again. Mayor Beetlejuice has had to beg retailers not to leave Chicago. And *not one* word of this last week from any of the convention speaks. Not even a 'sorry this happened to you' to their constituents living in those cities. Isn't that kind of creepy? Wouldn't most Americans watching think that's odd?

A Disturbing Thought:

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Posted by OregonMuse at 11:13 AM Comments


Mid-Morning Art Thread


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Coin De Vigne
Edouard Debat-Ponsan

Posted by CBD at 09:30 AM Comments

The Morning Report - 8/24/20

—J.J. Sefton


Good morning kids. The start of a new week and the Republican National Convention kicks off tonight. Meanwhile the beat goes on across the usual fronts, including a fresh conflagration in Kenosha, WI after a policeman allegedly shot a black man in the back during the course of a call about domestic violence. All things considered, the incident happened in a Democrat-controlled city by officers who are part of and trained by a Democrat-run department and Democrat-controlled city administration. Despite the fact that incidents like this are rare to the point of being statistically insignificant - especially when one considers the numbers of black-on-black and black-on-white shootings - the Democrat-Media Complex starts a prairie fire from a single spark (to paraphrase a rather toxic quotation).

In this case, we already have a conflagration engulfing the American body politic thanks to the incident in Minneapolis this past May. The epicenter remains Portland where the city administration has either lost control or willingly surrendered it to semi-organized cadres of domestic terrorists, whose ultimate goal is the overthrow of the United States. For now, they have turned a fairly good-sized chunk of downtown into Beirut on the Willamette. Along with Molotov cocktails and fists (more than likely low-T man-baby sucker-punching fairy fists gripping a set of brass knuckles), they are now hurling feces-filled balloons at the police. No doubt the irony of "flinging poo" is lost on these droogs, but considering what the Democrat-Media Complex has done to President Trump and all of us, it's just perfectly encapsulates who and what they are.

There were incidents in Denver and Charlotte as well, but in Seattle, idiot mayor Jenny Durkan vetoed the city council's near unanimous vote to defund the police department. I assume she'll be run out on a rail by the goons whether or not the council can override her veto. Back in Portland the terrorists got into it with counter-protesters at a "Back the Blue" rally and it turned into a melee. At this point, with law enforcement either willingly or forced to backed down by Democrat politicians who are refusing to crack down with overwhelming force, it is incumbent on the citizenry, alone or in groups, to defend themselves and their right to peaceful assembly. Or just to walk down a street to go about their business. When you no longer have that, you no longer have a society or a country.

* * * * *

Some big news on the Chinese Lung AIDS phony pandemic panic:

The Food and Drug Administration on Sunday issued an "emergency use authorization" for transfusions into [Chinese] COVID-19 patients of plasma donated by those who have recovered from the disease, citing data showing a "significant" -- up to 35 percent in some cases -- reduction in mortality rates.

Americans who have recovered from the disease caused by the coronavirus that emerged in Wuhan late last year are being urged to donate plasma, the liquid component of blood, for injection into [Chinese] COVID-19 patients...

[HHS Secretary Alex] Azar said that number should not be glossed over.

"We dream in drug development of something like a 35 percent mortality reduction," he said. "This is a major advance in the treatment of patients. It's a major advance."

Hahn said that the "convalescent plasma" of donors recovering from an infection has been used to treat others with the same disease for more than 100 years.

Under the evaluation launched in April, almost 100,000 Americans had enrolled to receive the treatment, and 70,000 had already received it, in "one of the largest expanded access programs in the history of FDA."

Meanwhile, the Joe Biden sockpuppet is promising that if he's installed in office, he'll lock the entire country down on day one, to save us from a virus that is marginally more lethal than seasonal flu, and with the peak point of infection and danger occurring probably four months ago. But, never let a crisis go to waste, even like hate crimes, if you have to invent them.

The parallels between 1918 and 2020 are extreme. The mass isolation and quarantine had no effect on 2019-nCoV and ruined our economy. The mass quarantine of the most vulnerable into nursing homes and the use of mechanical ventilators with their high occurrence of ventilator-associated pneumonia (1.5% per day) led to over 60% of the deaths, otherwise 2019-nCoV is far from the mass murderer it was hyped to be. Why quarantine and intubation? Medicare cut reimbursement for non-invasive ventilators, and Congress rewarded the use of ventilators on (presumed) COVID patients and their deaths. Socialist medicine transforms doctors into highly paid executioners of the elderly, weak, and infirm.

You say these were just mistakes of science and implementation? Under "ideal" socialism, the restriction of liberty is still valid? Perhaps mistakes, but an argument over science trumping liberty is a red herring. Lives versus lives is part of the Game of Socialism, which ignores the possibility that liberty is necessary for the public good -- rather, dismisses it.

Social media trolling and unethical reporting exaggerated a cold into a plague, and socialist health and safety advocates panicked the world into surrendering liberty and implementing socialism. All of the damage attributed to COVID-19 was instead caused by the socialism meant to protect us. COVID-19 is a pandemic of socialism.

By the way, I wasn't kidding about the fake hate crime. See the link here and in the Democrat Chutzpocrisy section.

* * * * *

Elsewhere, Kellyanne Conway has announced she is leaving the White House to spend more time with family. This time, it may be true considering the friction in the household. And speaking of friction, George Conway's thighs will emit sparks as he leaves the Lincoln Project to spend more time with pastrami.

As for the RNC, in the wake of the abject disaster that was the Democrat convention, there was no expected "bounce" for Biden, and the words of Mark Meadows defines the moment, stating that Trump "accomplished more in his first 100 days than Joe Biden did in the last 40 years." Boom. Not only does that statement define both candidates, it defines how our government operated for at least the past 50 years if not longer, and the struggle to stop that insanity and restore power back to the people.

Anyway, there are other major things breaking that no doubt you'll see in the links as you peruse them. And if you are in the path of those hurricanes, please stay safe and if ordered to evacuate, get the hell out and get to safety.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

Follow us on Twitter: @CutJibNews

Posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:30 AM Comments

Sunday Overnight Open Thread (8/23/20)

—Misanthropic Humanitarian



The Quotes of The Day

Quote I

“I would be prepared to do whatever it takes to save lives because we cannot get the country moving until we control the virus. That is the fundamental flaw of this administration’s thinking to begin with. In order to keep the country running and moving and the economy growing and people employed, you have to fix the virus. You have to deal with the virus.” Former VP Joe Biden

Quote II

Our black, gay mayor is not protecting the women in this city. I have a personal problem with that.” Taylore Norwood

Quote III

“The pricing is still way too high relative to what we’re seeing in the illicit market. If you are someone that consumes cannabis on a regular interval, there’s not a lot of incentive for you to transition over.”Canaccord Genuity analyst Matt Bottomley

Quote IV

This is what happens when malevolent narcissists don’t get slapped and thrown to the ground. The kind of psychology we’re seeing, over and over again, overwhelmingly from the left, is an exercise in bad faith, a fundamental dishonesty. It therefore isn’t amenable to correction with facts or debate, or appeals to reciprocity or some higher purpose. Tolerating such behaviour - and worse, deferring to it – will only encourage an escalation of vanity, malice and sociopathy. It may, however, be discouraged with reminders of physical consequences. Ideally, physical humiliation. A reminder that nasty little egos can be publicly broken.David Thompson

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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:55 PM Comments

Gun Thread: More Basic Information Edition! [Weasel]

—Open Blogger

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The weather is finally cooperating, so guess who is heading to the farm tomorrow? That's right, your ol' pal Weasel is heading to the farm tomorrow! Right now, the plan is to spend a day cutting brush and grass, a day doing some other chores around the place, and a full day shooting video. If all goes well, I hope to come back with lots of material for the following week's GT. Yay Weasel! In the meantime, let's pick up where we left off last week reviewing basics, shall we?

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Posted by Open Blogger at 07:00 PM Comments

Food Thread: Mussels, Whole Lemons And Crappy Wine



Mussels are ubiquitous on the menus of Italian restaurants around here, but they are usually a pedestrian presentation without much in the way of flavor. But yesterday I had a plate of mussels in a spicy light tomato sauce, and they were fantastic. Starting with really good mussels obviously helped, but it wasn't ridiculously spicy, and the sauce wasn't thick and gloppy. In fact, it was served over some rounds of bread so that the sauce had somewhere to go...a touch I would have rejected immediately had I known, but it worked out really nicely. The bread soaked up some of the sauce and added a bit of oomph. And it wasn't toasted, so it was right on the edge of breaking down, which made it even weirder.

There are so many versions of wonderful foods that turn out to be thoroughly boring, so it is a real and rare pleasure to find a common dish that is done exactly correctly...and is a cut above the rest.

Their meatballs were damned good too. Better than mine, and that really pissed me off!

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Posted by CBD at 04:00 PM Comments

First-World Problems...Part Kakskümmend üks



That's the thumb slide for the utility knife, and it is much less effective when it breaks off! Crappy pot metal combined with lots of use yields a short life span for the tool.

How much extra would it cost to use better metal? The enclosure can be cheap, but that little piece of metal that is exposed to lots of force could be just a little bit better, and the tool would last a lot longer.

How did that happen? Luckily it was after I needed the utility knife. I put it back into my tool holder and...SNAP! Is it too much to ask that the knife lasts longer than the first blade?

What is the corollary to Murphy's Law that governs the propensity for tools to break just as we really need them?

Judging the quality of a tool isn't always easy. Many of us go with brand names and previous experience, but that doesn't always pan out. Craftsman tools is a good example of that.

And this can be extrapolated to most mechanical assistants. How often have we discussed washing machines in these august pages?

So: good tool stories, bad tool stories, and everything in between!

And below the fold; a tool I want but should never, ever buy.

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Posted by CBD at 02:00 PM Comments

The Future Of America Can Be Seen In California, And It Is Poor, Nasty, Brutish And Short


The Dead Kennedys song, "California Über Alles" wasn't supposed to be a guide book, but it is strangely prescient, albeit a few years late. They sang about Jerry Brown being a totalitarian, but the song applies quite well to Kamala Harris, who's a vile combination of police state excess and socialist destruction of upward least for you and me.

Don't believe me? Just take a look at California, which in just a generation has gone from a state with endless possibilities to a calcified wasteland of the ultra-rich and the ultra-poor.

Kamala's America?

By virtue of being chosen Joe Biden’s running mate, Senator Kamala Harris of California has reasonable odds of becoming president someday—and probably better odds than the average running mate, given Biden’s advanced years and sometimes shaky public presentation. That’s cause for concern, not because she represents, as some conservatives fret, the far Left but because she will promote the spread of California’s increasingly feudal political and economic order, which undermines the upward mobility that long defined the California experience. [emphasis mine]
"Go West young man" wasn't just a tossed off quotation. Horace Greeley was serious, and he was correct (even if he didn't actually say it). But today's California is a testament to the worst excesses of American progressivism gone mad, complete with Byzantine rules for doing almost literally everything. Build a business? Be prepared for years of regulatory hell. Feel like building a house? Good luck! Want to clear the brush around your house so it doesn't burn? You might go to jail!

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Posted by CBD at 12:00 PM Comments

Sunday Morning Book Thread 08-23-2020


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Housing Works Bookstore Café & Bar, New York City

Good morning to all you 'rons, 'ettes, lurkers, and lurkettes, wine moms, frat bros, crétins sans pantalon (who are technically breaking the rules), losers, boozers, snoozers, and other layaboots (for it is in Canada that our scene lies). Welcome once again to the stately, prestigious, internationally acclaimed and high-class Sunday Morning Book Thread, a weekly compendium of reviews, observations, snark, witty repartee, hilarious bon mots, and a continuing conversation on books, reading, spending way too much money on books, writing books, and publishing books by escaped oafs and oafettes who follow words with their fingers and whose lips move as they read. Unlike other AoSHQ comment threads, the Sunday Morning Book Thread is so hoity-toity, pants are required. Even if it's these pants, taken from the lamest ren-fair ever.

Pic Note:

I think this is your typical lefty-run bookstore:

For over a decade, Housing Works Bookstore Café & Bar has established itself as a New York downtown institution and tourist destination. All of our stock is donated, and we are staffed almost entirely by volunteers, so 100% of our profits go to fund Housing Works' lifesaving services. There are free and low-cost events many nights of the week, an exceptional range of books, movies, and music, and a fully stocked café & bar. We pride ourselves in being a great place to visit, meet friends, relax, read, write, and shop! Our one-of-a-kind space is available for rent, and we host weddings and special events almost every weekend.

Just don't click on the 'Advocacy' link if you decide to check out their web pages. It's the usual trendy causes du jour which I suppose they think makes their advocacy on behalf of said causes stunning and brave.

It Pays To Increase Your Word Power®

A FUG is a warm, close atmosphere.
In 1920s slang, radiators were nicknamed FUGS—and underpants were nicknamed UNDERFUGS.

And then there's these guys:

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Some 1969 correspondence, found inside an FBI file on the rock group The Doors, called The Fugs the "most vulgar thing the human mind could possibly conceive".

Cardi B: ( *scoffs* )

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Posted by OregonMuse at 09:00 AM Comments

EMT 08/23/20


Some mornings you get the alarm. Some mornings the alarm gets you.

Posted by krakatoa at 06:00 AM Comments

Saturday Overnight Open Thread – 8/22/2020 [Buck Throckmorton]

—Open Blogger

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I don’t fully know the risks or benefits of wearing / not-wearing a mask in certain situations. Neither do public health experts. But I do know that they’ll enthusiastically lie through their teeth in service to a left-wing political agenda. So, if public health experts don’t want to be thought of as lying frauds, then they should stop being fraudulent liars.

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Posted by Open Blogger at 10:05 PM Comments

Saturday Evening Movie Thread 08-22-2020 [Hosted By: Moviegique]

—Open Blogger

Movie Review: Host

We were supposed to be opening up—well, hell, we were supposed to be opening up in April. (Remember that? in time for Easter!) But the latest "we were supposed to be opening up" was August 20th, at least for the movie theaters. The AMC has been taunting me with visions of a Train To Busan sequel, a Rocky marathon, hell, The Empire Strikes Back—the only good Star Wars movie (out of the 14) I will sometimes say if I want to start Internet fights.

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Patches O'Houlihan probably felt the same about Internet debating and pandemic leadership as he did watching a bunch of Average Joes play dodgeball.

But as you may know, I live in Los Angeles, and we are to be punished at least until the election, and possibly after if the "elite" don't get their way. So I drove around to the AMC, then to the Regal in Simi Valley, which is in Ventura County (or "God's Country") thinking that, at least might be relatively free of the stupid but no luck.

I've been falling back on the horror streaming service, Shudder, more often, whether to watch Joe Bob's Last Drive-In Show——the "Summer Sleepover" episode featured the classic Slumber Party Massacre 2 and the relatively recent (and delightfully old school) slasher Victor Crowley—or just to see what new stuff they have and what old stuff they've brought back. (I re-watched Dan Curtis' Dracula, with Jack Palance as the Count, which I remember watching with my parents back when it came out nearly 29 years ago.) One of their new movies, however, was a clever little flick, recently made, called Host.

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Posted by Open Blogger at 07:50 PM Comments

Saturday Afternoon Chess thread 08-22-2020


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GM Kateryna Lahno (UKR/RUS)

Moviegique will be along later with the movie thread. As always, the chess/dress pr0n thread is an open thread, so there is no such thing as an off-topic comment.

Beginner Problem - White To Play (1184)

Goal: White can force mate in 3 moves
Hint: Crossfire from the two bishops is deadly

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2kr1b1r/pp6/2n1P1p1/3N3p/2BP1BP1/3K1Q2/PPP5/6q1 w - - 0 1

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Posted by OregonMuse at 05:26 PM Comments

Ace of Spades Pet Thread

—Misanthropic Humanitarian


Good afternoon, welcome to the almost world famous Ace of Spades Pet Thread. Why not slack off for a couple of hours this afternoon and enjoy the world of animals.

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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 03:00 PM Comments

Saturday Gardening and Puttering Thread, August 22, 2020 [KT]

—Open Blogger


How are all our gardeners, putterers and dreamers now that it's August? We have smoke in the air from wild fires here in Central California. But we persist.

Don in Kansas wrote a post this month on the flower colors in his garden. The Tithonia above is especially bright, but there are other lovely flowers at the link. Tithonia (Mexican Sunflower) is especially attractive to butterflies. The wild version grows pretty tall.

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Posted by Open Blogger at 01:25 PM Comments

Displacement [KT]

—Open Blogger


Displacement by a cuckoo chick

I found an interesting little piece, an editorial, in the "Powerline Picks" yesterday. There have been several notable examples of displacement in our politics and culture lately:

Liberty Displaced

The title of a book by Pierre Manent, Democracy Without Nations, cuts to the heart of the European Union's folly. The day may soon be coming when someone has to write a companion volume about the United States called Democracy Without Community. Place has always been the organizing principle in American self-government. This is true in a formal sense, with the country divided into states and localities with governments of their own. But it has also been true in an informal, cultural sense: different places have had different personalities and have held different conservations with themselves, most often through the medium of local newspapers. In 1840, Alexis de Tocqueville famously observed in the second volume of Democracy in America:
The number of newspapers must diminish or increase among a democratic people in proportion as its administration is more or less centralized. For among democratic nations the exercise of local powers cannot be entrusted to the principal members of the community as in aristocracies. Those powers must be either abolished or placed in the hands of very large numbers of men, who then in fact constitute an association permanently established by law for the purpose of administering the affairs of a certain extent of territory; and they require a journal to bring to them every day, in the midst of their own minor concerns, some intelligence of the state of their public weal. The more numerous local powers are, the greater is the number of men in whom they are vested by law; and as this want is hourly felt, the more profusely do newspapers abound.
The consequences of America's recent trend toward displacement are thus far-reaching indeed. Social media is not place-based the way newspapers were. Walmart and other vast national chains were once the nemesis of localists, yet now the retail economy has become even more placeless with the rise of Amazon. COVID-19 has shown that information-economy employment also has little necessary tie to geography. And the virtual economy has been the less vulnerable economy amid the pandemic crisis. . .
The identities of identity politics are not localized and cannot fit the pattern of traditional American self-government. Perhaps unsurprisingly, progressives now call into question not only the Electoral College but also the principle of equal representation in the U.S. Senate. And when they refer to the "popular vote" in House elections, what they mean is not the vote in each congressional district, but the overall national vote for one political party or the other.

Antifa didn't do so well at Sturgis. No wonder they don't want localized interests heard. Back to our editorial:

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Posted by Open Blogger at 11:17 AM Comments

Saturday Morning Coffee Break

—Misanthropic Humanitarian

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Quite the aroma this morning..................

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Posted by Misanthropic Humanitarian at 09:00 AM Comments

Provisional EMT

—J.J. Sefton

I go away for a half day and then this. Meh. I'll get stomped in a few, no doubt.

Have at it whilst I have my Kispy Kritters...

Posted by J.J. Sefton at 08:56 AM Comments

To Denounce The Evil Of Truth And Love! To Extend The ONTs Reach To The Stars Above!


Greetings Morons. Today is August 21st On this day in 1878 Surrey wicket-keeper Ted Pooley completes a then-1st class cricket record 8 stumpings in a County match against Kent at The Oval. Why you would care or what that even means is beyond me, but I just thought you should know.

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Posted by WeirdDave at 10:46 PM Comments

Quarantine Cafe


I got nothin'.

Posted by Ace at 07:56 PM Comments

New Call of Duty Videogame Trailer Features Yuri Bezmenov


Yuri Bezmenov is the high-ranking KGB defector whose warning about Soviet subversion -- noting it takes only 15-20 years to demoralize a country, once you capture its media and schools -- is often cited.

The new Call of Duty entry is called "Cold War." It features long clips from Bezmenov, and shows images of 1960s radical protesters as he shifts from talking about the first step of subversion (demoralization) to the second (destabilization).

I'm so suspicious of anyone in the entertainment or tech industries that I take this as an attempt to claim that the last step in Soviet subversion is... Trump.

But leftwingers are freaking out about the use of a KGB defector exposing all their plans, so I guess I'll take it that way too, provisionally.

Just because a former KGB agent warned us that Marxist propaganda and agitation was intended to destabilize us from the inside doesn't mean the avowedly-Marxist grievance terrorists of Black Lives Matter who have besieged our cities and destroyed our economy for 80+ days are just executing the Marxist active measures plan.

It could just be like a coincidence or something.

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Posted by Ace at 07:04 PM Comments

Poll: Trump's Job Approval With Hispanics Rises in 2020



With the November presidential election less than 100 days away, what does this mean for Hispanic Americans' views of President Trump?

Even though Hispanic Americans tend to have less favorable views of Trump than Americans in general, surprisingly, their views of Trump have become somewhat more favorable in 2020. Data from the American Values Atlas (AVA) shows that throughout 2019, on average, 28% of Hispanic Americans viewed Trump favorably, compared to 41% of all Americans. In 2020 so far, more than one-third (36%) of Hispanic Americans view Trump favorably, a significant increase from 2019.

Trump's approval rating with Hispanics is, as Trump might say, "Not the best. Really not great."

But his approval rating with Hispanics was worse in 2016, and he won that election, even if the unhinged left and former Republicans-turned-hyperpartisan-liberals won't accept the results of that election.

Democrats need minorities to vote hugely for them. They can't do with split decisions from Hispanics.

Most of Trump's improved ratings come from Protestant Hispanics, which are only 23% of Hispanics. But even among Catholic Hispanics (49% of all Hispanics), his ratings have gone up slightly.

Speaking of polling and voting: a friend floated a very counter-intuitive idea to me.

Many people are abandoning California in droves. The geek vlogger Nerdorotic says there is a 2-3 month wait on renting moving trucks in the San Francisco area; he had to drive 90 minutes outside of town to get a free one.

People are worried -- rightly -- that these people fleeing from blue areas will immediately vote blue and turn their new homes into shitholes indistinguishable from the last shithole they made.

Now, this does seem to have happened in Nevada, where liberal Californians infested the place and turned it first purple and then blue.

And it happened in Virginia.

But my friend thinks in other places, immigration from one state to another may be increasing the conservative vote share in the states immigrated to.

Here's his thoughts:

I think a huge aspect of this election is being completely ignored and no one is attempting to report on it.

I *think* it's a big Trump advantage, but I could be wrong.

We are witnessing one of the largest internal migration events in American history, in an incredibly narrow window of time. To complicate matters, people who move still have their old cellphone numbers associated with their previous area codes, so polling catches very little of this.

There's no way this doesn't have some effect on the election.

If we look at previous migration patterns in recent history, particularly because of political self-sorting, this generally a net benefit to Republicans on the electoral map.

The common belief here is that California -> Texas migration, for example, is "turning Texas blue". It isn't. It's keeping it red. The people that make that move are right-leaning by about a 2-to-1 ratio.

Beto *won* native Texans in his race.

It was the [state-to-state] migration that boosted Republicans. Same thing is happening in Florida, and I think the outmigration from Chicago is going to be a boost to Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan.

I used to really worry about how blue state to red state migration would ruin the political makeup of red states. But it really doesn't. Because the people more motivated to move generally share our politics.

What happens is it leaves reliably blue states even more blue.

Just look at California. You can't even get a Republican on a ballot out there anymore.


A really good example of this phenomenon is New Hampshire. The thinking was that all the Massholes were hopping the border and starting to vote blue. That wasn't the case. Mass and CT voters, skewing heavily red, hopped the border and allowed the state to continue to be reasonably competitive. It was the NH natives in the northern counties who started voting more and more Democrat, matching the rest of the region.

Anyway, if this pattern holds for the crazy migration we've seen in the past 6 months, that's probably a big plus for us...

I would bet that an overwhelming majority of those people are ideological allies.
The most common comment I see from [people immigrating to red states] is something along the lines of "I finally have an excuse to escape this stupid state"

I would bet that an overwhelming majority of those people are ideological allies.

This 2013 article buttresses his claim that California-to-Texas migration is generally conservative.

With its economic troubles, California has been losing people in droves. The plurality of those migrants have moved to Texas, as many as 70,000 in 2011 and 60,000 in 2012. Given this influx of new residents, we are fortunate to have at times asked our respondents whether they have moved to Texas from California, and though the actual number of these people is but a small subsample of our surveys, we have enough respondents to make two broad conclusions. First, these newcomers, on average, tend to be conservative. Pooling data from the May 2012 and February 2013 UT/Tribune surveys, we found that 57 percent of these California transplants consider themselves to be conservative, while only 27 percent consider themselves to be liberal (a fair guess as to the margin of error is somewhere around +/- 7 percentage points). Second, these new Texans aren’t rushing to find homes in the state's urban centers: 55 percent are heading to the suburbs, the rest evenly dividing themselves between rural and urban locations.

So while some may want to perceive the wave of Californians coming to Texas as part of the broader demographic trends that might eventually turn Texas purple, and then blue, the data collected to date suggest that Perry's pitch appears to be hitting a chord with Californians who wear cowboy boots instead of Birkenstocks.

And this 2018 article says that Beto O'Rourke, shockingly, did win a majority of native Texans, while recent immigrants to the state gave Ted Cruz the win.

A CNN exit poll showed that O'Rourke beat Cruz among native Texans, 51 percent to 48 percent. In contrast, 57 percent of people who had moved to Texas said they voted for Cruz, compared to 42 percent who voted for O'Rourke.

Cruz prevailed Tuesday night, beating his opponent by just 2.6 percentage points. It's the closest Senate race in Texas since 1978.

I don't mind the idea of all conservative/productive people fleeing these shitholes and leaving dying blue husks behind.

It'll make the inevitable division of the country that much easier, and that much more inevitable.

Interesting stuff. I hope he's right.

Posted by Ace at 06:06 PM Comments

Judge Orders New Election In Paterson, NJ, Due to Widespread Mail-In Vote Fraud Of Such an Extent That It Completely Eradicates Any Credibility of the "Vote"


This is another Trumpian Lie, is the sort of thing AllahPundit would quote Damon Linker saying.

BTW, apparently Paterson has only one T. So I'm spelling it right.

I'm not the asshole here.

You are.

A state superior court judge ruled Wednesday that a new election will be held for a disputed Paterson, New Jersey city council seat after allegations of voter fraud via mail-in-ballots. The ruling comes only weeks after voter fraud charges were brought against the May 12 election winner Alex Mendez, per the Associated Press.

Mendez was charged with voter fraud along with Paterson Council Vice President Michael Jackson, Shelim Khalique and Abu Rayzen -- all of whom have denied the charges, according to The Hill.

A diverse rainbow of Democrats. Wonderful.

An investigation performed by the U.S. Postal Service's law enforcement arm found hundreds of mail-in ballots in a Paterson mailbox, as reported by the AP.

Ultimately, 800 ballots were discounted by the Passaic County Board of Elections and another 2,300 ballots were rendered ineligible after analyzing signatures on file and comparing them to those on the ballots, according to the Hill. A Passaic County report shows that these 3,100 disqualified ballots is equal to more than 22% of the total votes cast in the election.


The local race has garnered national attention amid the political battle regarding nationwide mail-in voting for the upcoming presidential election. President Donald Trump made reference to the Paterson election in a tweet attacking mail-in voting.

Video report from Fox News -- definitely not from CNN, which I imagine has completely embargoed the story -- here.


It was 22%.

Please enjoy that simulation of a "fact-check" by the nonpartisan and totally not meltbrain-insane media.

Posted by Ace at 05:00 PM Comments

NBA Ratings Down 45%, Despite Many Still Being Locked Up Inside Their Homes


Aw, that's too bad.

A year and a half ago, while the sports media gushed over the NBA, I pointed out that the league’s ratings were troubling. They've continued to worsen, highlighted by last season’s double-digit Finals decline.

This week, the most troubling stat yet was publicized. The Athletic's Ethan Strauss pointed out, since 2011-12, the NBA on ABC is down 45%. Nearly half.

ABC is the NBA’s premium partner. Nearly every broadcast, it showcases top matchups and players. Yet, viewers are tuning out an alarming rate.

"In that hastily promoted lockout season, [2011-12], ABC games drew 5.42 million viewers on average," Strauss writes. "The final tally on this latest 2019-20 season was 2.95 million average viewers on ABC games. Every ABC game from 2011-2012 received higher viewership than 2.95 million, save for a meaningless late season 1 p.m. Thunder-Bulls game that Derrick Rose sat out."

A decline of this magnitude is astounding. There is no explanation other than the interest in watching the NBA on television is rapidly diminishing.

Allow a nobody from Yahoo "News" to disagree!

A woman (I assume) sportswriter for Yahoo says this is no big deal, low ratings are just terrific.

This article is a classic of the genre, "It's actually true but it's false because Trump says it." This AWFL woman, who probably doesn't watch sports, admits that sports ratings, particularly for the NBA, are way down...

But then she says, without evidence, that a decline in interest in sports does not prove a decline in interest in sports.

Oh? Do tell, low-paid bottom-feeding garbage-tier-media drudge.

The return of live sports was supposed to usher in an explosion of interest. Americans were going to hunker down in front of their TVs and watch in record numbers because, well, there’s not much else to do during a pandemic and everyone has missed their favorite distraction.

But that didn't quite happen. In fact, a cursory glance at TV ratings and headlines about viewership suggests the overall interest in sports may even be down.

The NBA’s ratings were already down a bit from last year, and they dipped again when sports started back up after the COVID-19 suspension. NASCAR started red-hot as one of first major American sports back on network television during the pandemic, but then dropped to below-average ratings. And MLS, which didn't have high expectations to begin with, still managed to underperform.

Are people put off by the awkward lack of crowds? Are they too focused on the pandemic and the upcoming presidential election? Do they not consider bubble tournaments "real" competitions?

All those things may be true. But TV ratings don't actually show that people have suddenly become less interested in sports.

Of course not, Dear. Spinal Tap's appeal has merely grown more selctive.

A closer look shows that viewing habits are changing during the pandemic, but sports are as popular as ever. And as much as conservative pundits and even President Donald Trump have tried to turn the NBA into their latest political wedge, the NBA has little reason to worry.

See that part at the end? Where she tells you "Ignore the facts, I'm about to give you perspective that contradicts them"?

It's entirely an empty promise. She quotes someone saying something vague about viewing habits changing during the lockdown -- indeed, people's viewing habits have changed, in the sense that they've stopped watching the NBA -- but never delivers on why the NBA shouldn't worry about losing 45%!! of its viewers.

It's almost as if she's just a know-nothing blogger armed with some Intersectional Feminist Theory and some Orange Man Bad dogma and she knows that her job is just to provide the laziest, shallowest gainsaying of anything Trump says, and that Yahoo will not demand she actually supply evidence for her claims.

In other words: It's a standard media "fact-check." There are no facts supplied to back up the claim that Orange Man False, but that's okay, the naked assertion of it will do. Everyone knows that's the Right Answer you're supposed to get to, no matter how you get to it.

You really should read this. It's an amazing exercise in wheel-spinning, as if she's an undergraduate freshman struggling to hit that Minimum Word Count.

Here's as close as she gets to proving ratings don't actually measure ratings:

To use ratings to determine if people are watching sports, it’s important to understand what TV ratings actually measure.

Contrary to what people assume, they are not just the number of people who watched something on TV. Instead, TV ratings are a calculated average derived from the number who watched and how long they watched for.

In other words, if an NBA game reached the same number of people, but everyone watched a few minutes less because there is also baseball, hockey and soccer on TV, the NBA's ratings will go down.

In other words... people are not watching the NBA to watch something else.

This, she claims, proves that Trump is wrong when he says that people aren't watching the NBA.

Posted by Ace at 03:55 PM Comments

Portland Head-Punter Marquise "Keese" Love Arrested, Charged With Three Felonies


"The Summer of Love comes to an end," JackStraw quips.

This wannabe DJ and journeyman criminal was charged with felony assault in the second degree, felony coercion, and felony riot.

I thought that "felony assault in the second degree" sounded weak. I mean, the guy could be charged with attempted murder.

But in Oregon's code, felony assault in the second degree is a serious charge which specifies an element of extreme indifference to human life as well as an intent to inflict grave physical harm.

First degree felony assault is limited to attacks with a deadly weapon and attacks against children under six and some other categories (like causing physical harm due to driving under the influence).

It's a class B felony. Class B felonies are punishable by fines up to $250,000 and up to 10 years in prison. That's a touch light, maybe, but... whatever.

Maybe slap on a Hate Crime Intensifier and now we're talking.

Just kidding, white people can't be victims of hate crimes.

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Posted by Ace at 02:31 PM Comments

"Fat Acceptance" Professor Promoted by CBS News: Fat Phobia Is Rooted in Racism Against Blacks


The whole point of the political movement and religious cult of "intersectionality" is simply to construct a Coalition of the Aggrieved, and create a religious architecture that binds them completely so that they will not defect from the coalition.

This requires claiming that wealthy white women's travails are similar to those of impoverished black street kids. Muslims' oppression in AmeriKKKa is just the same as a transgender's.

Note that some of the biggest fights in the Coalition of the Aggrieved come when this proposition -- that this group's alleged struggles are just as bad (or worse) than this other group's struggles, or likening one group to another group they don't like -- is tested and pushed.

But again, intersectionality is not meant to be taken as literally true. At least, not by the people running the grift.

It's simply a political claim which absolutely no one believes which is repeated like a mantra to keep the Coalition of the Aggrieved voting and rioting together.

That's a decent context, I think, for evaluating a Fat Acceptance pyrsyn's claim that if you're anti-obesity, that must be because you're also anti-black.

A professor who regularly writes about race and health issues recently argued that the stigma surrounding obesity is linked to racism.

Sabrina Strings, a professor of sociology at the University of California, Irvine told CBS News that the medical community’s approach to weight issues stems from anti-blackness and oppression.

She told CBS News on August 20:

We cannot deny the fact that fat-phobia is rooted in anti-Blackness. That's simply an historical reality. Today, when people talk about it, they often claim that they don't intend to be anti-Black ... they don’t intend all of these negative associations, and yet they exist already, so whenever people start trafficking in fat-phobia, they are inherently picking up on these historical forms of oppression.

Any claim which ties one part of the Coalition of the Aggrieved to another part is a useful claim, and all useful claims must be insisted to be true even though they're plainly false or even plainly bonkers.

She also claims the mass-body index is racist.

Because: Of course.

Posted by Ace at 01:33 PM Comments

Joe Biden Ahead of Trump in Pennsylvania


Actually, they're statistically tied.

As Democrat Joe Biden formally accepts his party’s presidential nomination, a Morning Call/Muhlenberg College poll shows him with a narrow lead over Republican President Donald Trump in the key battleground state of Pennsylvania.

Biden drew support from 49% of likely state voters and 45% backed Trump, when those leaning toward a particular candidate were included. That four-point gap is within the poll's margin of error.

I don't know why this report says Biden is "ahead" when this lead is within the margin of error -- that means they're statistically tied.

Oh that's right, I know why: Because the left is insane and can't admit Trump might win, so they're making themselves another Hugbox Bubble of Fake News where the Bad Orange Man can never win.

Posted by Ace at 12:35 PM Comments

The Morning Rant


talking ape.jpg

Well, I guess the 2020 Democratic National Convention is going pretty well so far:

--The DNC tells America how relevant they are by dragging that old fossilized hippie Steven Stills out of cold storage to play a song that is 54 years old. Groovy, man.

--They had Bill Clinton lecturing Donald Trump on proper decorum for the Oval Office.

--Andrew Cuomo to to brag about his successes in fighting the covid pandemic in the state of New York. The really astounding aspect of this is that his constituents back home believed him.

--John Kerry presented himself as an expert in foreign policy. While pretty much unwatched here in America, word is that his ratings in Tehran were pretty good.

--Previously, Elizabeth Warren spoke on behalf of her fellow Native Americans. She should've shared her crab omelet recipe.

--the Hamas louse Linda Sarsour spoke on the topics of tolerance and acceptance of others.

I think the 2020 Democrat Party convention is just an extended "opposites" day.

Oh, and the unyielding tower of progressive principles Bernie Sanders was caught on open mic asking "how far do you want me to bend over?"

And Now, A Woman With Green Hair And Mental Health Issues Tells Young People Who To Vote For:

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Posted by OregonMuse at 11:10 AM Comments

Mid-Morning Art Thread


Rops Puppet.jpg

Lady With Puppet
Felicien Rops

Posted by CBD at 09:45 AM Comments

The Morning Report - 8/21/20

—J.J. Sefton


Good morning kids. The weekend is here and mercifully, the toxic waste train wreck that was the Democrat National Convention was put out of our misery, only to perhaps reappear in our nightmares as DNC Chairwraith Tom Perez wishes upon Trump and all of us. Understanding full well such Leftist institutions as Birkenau and Kolyma, the prospect of losing this election is what keeps me up at nights, so mission accomplished Tommy old boy. But I digress.

The big news last night is that Joe Biden - the drooling, gibbering bipedal kohlrabi who's nevertheless still sentient enough to grab little girls by the crotch and lucre from corrupt businessmen and politicians worldwide - actually seemed to string enough sentences together to make a coherent speech. That said, what came out of his maw did him no favors and did not move the needle; except in a positive direction for President Trump.

Daniel Greenfield at FrontPage Mag:

"I will draw on the best of us, not the worst of us," Joe Biden claimed, accepting his nomination after a convention filled with conspiracy theories about mailboxes, smears, and cheap shots.

That promise is coming from a politician who spent his career insulting voters, calling them fat and stupid, whose family is notorious for profiting from his political office, who palled around with segregationists and sexual predators, but whom three nights of celebrities and fellow hacks from across the political swamp spectrum now insist is really a kind, decent, and loveable man.

Biden's transformation after 47 years of nastiness is just as convincing as that of his party...

Andrea Widburg at American Thinker:

A weary sounding Joe Biden, who periodically managed to flog himself into a weak and shrill rage, delivered a singularly awful acceptance speech. When it wasn't hackneyed, he plagiarized ideas and policies from President Trump and made boasts that were inconsistent with his 48 years in politics, whether as a Senator or a Vice President. The worst thing about it, though, was that he repeated a vicious, and unforgivable, slander about Trump.

Here's a short list of Biden's platitudes: Trump is darkness. I am light. FDR was a great president. Help young people by ending Trump's darkness. America is racist. More darkness, more light...

Debra Heine at American Greatness:

Former Vice President Joe Biden formally accepted the Democratic Party's nomination for president Thursday night in a deeply dishonest speech that repeated the Charlottesville lie.

Biden never misses an opportunity to fulminate against the torch-carrying neo-nazis and their bulging veins, but besides lying about President Trump's "very fine people" comment, he also grossly mischaracterized the events of that day to suggest that the violent antifa and BLM counter-protesters were -- well -- very fine people...

Apparently convinced that stoking racial divisions will help Biden's electoral chances, his team has made the Charlottesville lie the centerpiece of his campaign. Indeed, he launched his campaign with the very same recitation of the lie, complete with the vivid description of their bulging neo-nazi veins (and fangs!).

Following Biden's speech, Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert comic strip, suggested on Twitter that Biden had disqualified himself by telling "the most divisive lie in American history."

Finally Michael Goodwin at the New York Post:

He did it. Joe Biden got through the biggest speech of his life cleanly and coherently, without stumbling or mumbling or getting that far-away dazed look in his eyes.

That sounds like an incredibly low bar because it is, but it reflects the honest and serious debate about Biden's fitness. His age, 77, past health problems and the obvious signs that his faculties have been diminished raised the unprecedented possibility that he would not be able to carry out one of the routine performances of a major party nominee -- give an acceptance speech.

Coming into his party's virtual coronation, the test was not whether he would give a good speech or a bad speech. It was whether he could give a speech at all.

So congratulations to Biden for clearing a fundamental hurdle. Now the bar is raised and he should be treated as any other candidate. He can start by releasing his health and medical reports, which he has so far refused to do.

Most importantly, there is no excuse for him to hide any longer in his basement. Hidin' Biden must be a thing of history...

Bingo. If, as the Democrat-Media Complex will undoubtedly trumpet as proof positive that the rumor of Biden's brain turning into his breakfast are wildly exaggerated, then there will be no excuse in the eyes of the electorate for him not to face off against Trump in a series of debates. The Dems were screwed anyway; Biden could not have avoided giving a speech but now, Rasmussen has some rather interesting polling data that show Trump's approval actually going up as a result of this four-night Democrat carnival but more tellingly, that Democrat voter enthusiasm is pinging only slightly more activity than Biden's EEG. Seems they are voting more against Trump than for Biden. All of this does not bode well for them in terms of winning, let alone winning decisively.

Meanwhile, coming on the heels of Team Biden condemning the rioting, yesterday they disavowed the support from Democrat Jew-hater and sharia pimp supreme Linda Sarsour, the Hamas Louse. As I alluded to in a previous column, the up and coming Young Turks want to let their freak flags fly while the old guard are trying to keep the revolution on the down low, and the former ain't digging that at all.

Robert Spencer delves into the mixed messaging:

... The mixing of the message here is likely the result of careful consideration on the part of Democrat strategists. The most popular figure in the party today is not Joe Biden, and certainly not Kamala Harris. To the dismay of Democrat leaders who prefer their Marxism a bit more subtly presented, it's still Bernie Sanders.

Bernie is the only presidential candidate on the Left who inspires enthusiasm and passion that remotely approaches Donald Trump levels. Even though he is nearly 80 and suffered a heart attack in the past year, he is the standard-bearer of the youthful and vigorous wing of the party, the young, hate-filled, anti-American, far-left wing, the candidate of Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the candidate of antifa and Black Lives Matter.

Sanders and his followers love Linda Sarsour; she was even a surrogate for his campaign. Thus she had to appear at the DNC as part of ongoing efforts to keep Bernie's base loyal and in line behind Biden.

In a sane political party, which leaves out the Democrats, Sarsour wouldn't be anywhere near any of the presidential contenders...

And if you think that Joe Biden's condemnation of Linda Sarsour signals a retreat from the anti-Semitism, radical leftism, and anti-Americanism she represents, you're in for a rude surprise in the unlikely event that the pollsters are telling us the truth this time, and on January 20, 2021, Biden becomes America's first figurehead president.

Amazing how Sarsour and Rancida Taliban, who absolutely understand the principle of "taqqiya" still can't see that the Democrat Party establishment and their media cohorts have been doing the socialist/atheist version of it for decades are doing it right now with Biden and Sanders. More importantly, the hard left base doesn't seem to grasp this either. Thank goodness.

Somewhat related to this was the exclusion of Tulsi Gabbard from all of the festivities. Well, this is not really surprising since she utterly destroyed Kamala Harris in a debate as well as the mortal sin of ripping Hillary Clinton. Too bad for the Democrats; Gabbard is relatively young, attractive, a good debater and also a military veteran. In essence, despite her being a liberal, it's a safe bet she's not a raging leftist, although when push comes to shove she will vote in lockstep with whatever Democrat madness is put in front of her. She would've been a formidable contender and in essence, a taqqiya candidate to win over the vaunted independents and moderates. But, as we have seen, the Democrats are going all in on going full Marxist and so Gabbard really now has no future in that party, at least not any higher than where she is. That is, until Toothy McBigTits tries to primary her with a true believer, which is likely her fate.

Lots of other lowlights including Obama's fly choosing a fresher pile of low-slung dung to land on.

Finally, I want to touch upon the arrest and charging of Steve Bannon. As CBD stated yesterday, of which I am in full agreement, if the charges against Bannon and the others are backed with evidence to prove his guilt, then he deserves to face the music. BUT - - given that these charges are coming out of the Southern District of New York, and hours before the final night of a disastrous Democrat convention, I question the timing. More importantly, given what has happened to Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone and George Papadopoulos, I am smelling a giant rat here.

And also given the fact that the Clintons as well as the Bidens who have a record of shady dealings, influence peddling and outright treasonous actions that put our national security at serious risk (Loral Space, Uranium One, for starters), and of course the ongoing coup to sabotage and then overthrow the 2016 election, that they remain unpunished and untouched makes me almost not give a damn about Bannon. We have a two-faced justice system. If you are in favor with the globalists, you are unmolested. If not, you're fucked. And that goes for the animals who are laying waste to our cities and stomping people in the head.

Change that and then maybe change my mind. Have a great weekend.

NOTE: The opinions expressed in some links may or may not reflect my own. I include them because of their relevance to the discussion of a particular issue.

ALSO: The Morning Report is cross-posted at if you want to continue the conversation all day.

Follow us on Twitter: @CutJibNews

Posted by J.J. Sefton at 07:56 AM Comments

That Night On The Marge Of Lake Lebarge, I Posted An ONT


Look at this picture from an abandoned mine. A lifetime of video games tells me that there has to be loot down at the bottom there. Gold, maybe, or epic gear. What do y'all think?


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Posted by WeirdDave at 09:55 PM Comments

Final DNC Night: Joe Biden Gives a Pre-Recorded Speech That They'll Pretend is Live


You don't really expect Sundown Joe to take a chance that his brain medicine will fail him at a crucial moment, do you?

The media should have guaranteed this was live and therefore news (prerecorded advertisements are not "news") by requiring him to start off with some codeword they give to him minutes before his speech.

But they wouldn't want to do that -- they're in on the con of pretending this obviously senile man isn't demented.

So, enjoy the speech that Joe Biden has actually already recorded, which will be broadcast shortly before the nightly news.

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Posted by Ace at 08:53 PM Comments

Quarantine Cafe: Baby Goats Edition


Goat yoga, which is a real thing. They have this all around the country now. Or they did have it.

I actually tried to sign up for this back in January, but they were sold out for months and months.

And then The Koof hit.

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Posted by Ace at 07:53 PM Comments

Audio From Goodyear Training Session Leaks:
Leftwing Messaging Is Okay, Because Leftwing Political Agitation Isn't Political


Goodyear says that any message that has to do with "social justice" or racial grievance is "appropriate," because they are -- insanely -- deeming that non-political.

Only conservative messages are "political." Leftwing agitation is just The Truth that All Good People on the Right Side of History believe.

"Some people may wish to express their views on social justice or inequity or equity issues such as black lives matter or LGBTQ pride on their face coverings, shirts or wristbands. That will be deemed approved because it applies with a zero-tolerance stance," the speaker on the recording said during the meeting. "However if any associate wears all, blue, white lives matter shirts or face coverings, that will be not appropriate."

It "applies" with the zero-policy stance, this illiterate says.

He/she/they meant "complies."

English, motherfucker, do you speak it?

Had enough?

Have you had enough of Jim Crow rules, pushed and promoted by leftist-converged corporations, with the aim of making you and your children second-class citizens, or do you want more?

Cash these motherfuckers out.

Boycott them until the entire management team is fired, and the incoming team fires the social justice termites in Human Resources.

Via Tim Pool.

It is perhaps because of the leak of this audio -- and because the company already lost 6% of their stock value yesterday -- that Goodyear has now partially retracted its clearly biased (and racially biased, to boot) policy.

They'll allow pro-police messages on masks.

And that's it. They're still claiming that support of the avowedly Marxist, grievance terrorism group Black Lives Matter is not "political," nor is pushing "Love is Love" and other messaging of the Sexual Fringe Left, but that supporting Republicanism or Trump is political (and on The Wrong Side of History).

But they can't claim you can agitate against cops but not for cops, so they have made that single allowance.

And I doubt they'll really allow it -- anyone wearing a Blue Lives Matter mask can expect to be harassed for a welter of petty complaints until they get the message and stop wearing that mask that they're now supposedly permitted to wear.

The boycott is on, as far as I'm concerned.

They must be Made to Care -- for our goodwill, and our willingness to do business with then.

The corporate left aren't the only people who can engage in dehumanization and boycotts intended to separate targets from society and any hope of making a living wage.

We can do that too. In fact, we must do that.

Unless we're all now ready to let our children be forever dehumanized.

And you know, the Acela C*ckservative class who's telling us that we should allow our children to be dehumanized, rather than ruffle the feathers of one of their corporate class donors -- you can just fuck yourselves right to hell.

It's time to cash out the Acela Corridor class, too. For every Rick Wilson you see who is openly working with Democrats, there are 100 "conservative activists" and politicians secretly working with Democrats.

In a way, Rick Wilson is the least objectionable sort of "Republican." At least his betrayal of you is out in the open and subject to debate.

Posted by Ace at 06:58 PM Comments

Lori Lightfoot Defends Policy of Outlawing "Protests" On Her Block and Her Block Only, Stating That She (Alone) Has the Right to Be Secure In Her Home


They're not even hiding it.

It's the duty of all Chicagoans to block the streets to Lori Lightfoot's home. She must not be allowed to use police force to keep protesters away from her palace while inflicting the "protesters" on the rest of the city, for political/ideological reasons.

People cannot allow this sort of open abuse of office and contempt for law and the citizenry to stand. Although, thusfar, they have allowed it, from high-ranking bureaucrats to tech moguls to tyrannical mayors and governors.

This cannot be allowed to stand, or this is the end of America.

Tar and feathers and a rail required.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot defended the Chicago Police Department's ban on protesters being able to demonstrate on the block where she lives, telling reporters Thursday that she and her family at times require heightened security because of threats she receives daily.

Lightfoot refused to elaborate on the specific threats, but said she receives them daily against herself, her wife and her home. Comparisons to how the Police Department has protected previous mayors' homes, such as Rahm Emanuel's Ravenswood residence, are unfair because "this is a different time like no other," Lightfoot told reporters.

"I think that residents of this city, understanding the nature of the threats that we are receiving on a daily basis, on a daily basis, understand I have a right to make sure that my home is secure," Lightfoot said.

Critics are calling this single block in Chicago where police have been ordered to disallow "protesters" "Fort Lori."

The order -- casually leaked by police, I imagine -- does not say that violent "protesters" will be arrested but "peaceful" protesters will be allowed.

It says that all "protesters," whether "peaceful" or violent, are to be shut down.

The Chicago Police Department has effectively banned protesters from demonstrating on Mayor Lori Lightfoot's block in the Logan Square neighborhood, ordering officers to arrest anyone who refuses to leave, the Tribune has learned.

The directive surfaced in a July email from then-Shakespeare District Commander Melvin Roman to officers under his command. It did not distinguish between the peaceful protesters Lightfoot regularly says she supports and those who might intend to be destructive, but ordered that after a warning is given to demonstrators, "It should be locked down."

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Posted by Ace at 06:10 PM Comments

Fox News' Left-Liberal Cranky Old Fossil and Conspiracy Theorist Chris Wallace Defends Joe Biden on Guns, Insisting That He Doesn't Want to Erode the Second Amendment, Just Take Away "Weapons of Mass Destruction" Like the AR-15


Had enough?

I ask again: Why are 90% of the positions in "conservative" media filled by left-liberals?

It's almost as if the corporate stooges running these companies intend them to be safe, managed Controlled Opposition operations that will never be too conservative.

That basically describes 90% of "conservative" politicians as well.

...Wallace's analysis of the Democrats' convention went off the rails when he turned to the topic of Joe Biden and gun control.

Earlier in the hour, Wallace praised an address by former congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords -- whose husband, astronaut Mark Kelly, is seeking to unseat Sen. Martha McSally, R-Ariz., in November -- as "enormously powerful" and called her "a living embodiment of the concern" most Americans have about gun violence.


"I understand that Republicans will say that Joe Biden wants to take away your Second Amendment rights," Wallace added. "The only problem with that is, Biden has made it clear over and over [that] he's not interested in taking away Second Amendment rights, he's interested in taking away weapons of mass destruction like assault weapons."

Wow, Chris Wallace decloaks as a left-liberal hack and partisan shill for the Democrats.

What a surprise. Yet again, my expectations have been so subverted that my whole reality is spinning and my limbs feel like alien meat controlled by invisible puppeteers.

Next thing you'll be telling me is that AllahPundit, who claimed to oppose Obama for eight years, is backing the third Obama term now as represented by Centrist Moderate Joe Biden, just as he backed the third Obama term in 2016 when he backed Hillary Clinton in a very cowardly, womanly, passive-aggressive/plausible-deniability way.

And then I just won't know which way is up!

Fact-Check: Last year, when CNN nepot Anderson Cooper asked about gun owners' fears that Joe Biden's administration would come to "take their guns away," Joe Biden answers: "Bingo!"

But don't listen to Joe Biden's own words; listen to left-liberal media activists' spin.

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Posted by Ace at 04:52 PM Comments

Kamala Harris' Livestream Was So Poorly Attended That the DNC Had to Clone Viewers In Order to Make the Stream Appear Full


There were 30 faces of viewers -- supposedly -- shown watching her livestream.

But a sharp-eyed viewer noted that two of the faces in the mosaic were the same -- the face had just been cloned to fill up the screen.

Then another viewer noticed more duplicated faces.

They couldn't even pull 30 real people into the livestream.

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Posted by Ace at 04:00 PM Comments

The BLM "Security" Punk Who Kicked the Good Samaritan In the Face Begs for Money on Snapchat as Police Hunt for Him


He fled -- which was easy for him, because Portland police didn't bother looking for him until 4chan ID'd him and his name was all over social media -- and police are now searching for him.

Allegedly. Who knows if they'll bother to arrest someone caught on videotape committing attempted murder.

So he's on snapchat, whining that all he did was "fight" a "racist," and begging for money.

Portland protester with long rap sheet who is on the run from cops after kicking unconscious a truck driver BEGS people on social media to give him money in case he gets jailed

Police are searching for 25-year-old Marquise Love, known by friends as 'Keese Love', for his apparent involvement in a vicious attack in Portland on Sunday

Love has allegedly been looking for money on Snapchat as he remains on the run
'[all] I did was fight him look it up on twitter,' he claims, calling his victim a 'racist'


The incident took place shortly before 10:30pm Sunday blocks from a Black Lives Matter demonstration

Since fleeing the scene, Love has been posting messages on Snapchat, according to The Sun.


'Might go to jail for murder tonight for a racist when all I did was fight him look it up on twitter put money on my books and come see me,' he allegedly sent from his account, alongside a selfie.

'On the books' is a reference to money held for inmates for the prison commissary.

Oh, he already knows the lingo. What a surprise that has totally surprised me.

The Portland Police Bureau say they have left Love, a recently fired security guard, a number of messages, urging him to hand himself in, but have so far received no response. They say they have a probable cause for his arrest.

He has a lengthy criminal record which includes charges for domestic assault, interfering with public transport, driving without a license, domestic harassment and guns charges.

So many surprises. My expectations have been totally subverted. I feel like I just discovered that I'm a robot imposter of myself whose code was written by Rian Johnson.

Posted by Ace at 03:02 PM Comments

Netflix Proudly Presents "Cuties," A Movie About an 11-Year-Old Girl Who... Becomes Obsessed with... Twerking... and Then... "Explores Her Femininity"


Oh. Ohhh.

Netflix recently released the trailer for an upcoming film called Cuties--a French film that hyper-sexualizes 11-year-old girls as they form a twerking dance crew. A petition was kicked off shortly after the trailer was released that has, at the time of this writing, reeled in just shy of 28,000 signatures.

The film seems to concern a black immigrant girl who becomes "fascinated" by a Parisian "twerking crew," who also seem to be 11.

This could possibly be the Elusive Unicorn of a movie that features a Muslim family getting the hypersexualizing degredation that filmmakers like to inflict on Christian families.

But no, I don't think the movie would have gotten funded if this were a Muslim family. I would bet big money that it's a Christian immigrant family.

Either way, of course, it's awful to promote twerking -- a highly sexualized dance which is meant to simulate a woman having sex -- in 11 year olds, or feature any 11 year olds "exploring their femininity."

Netflix is now editing their descriptions of this movie. Here is the current version of the description:

Screenshot (20).png

Doesn't sound that objectionable. It reads:

Amy, 11 years old, tries to escape family dysfunction by joining a free-spirited dance clique called "Cuties," as they build self confidence through dance.

But compare the new language with the original language:

Screenshot (21).png

The original pitch read:

Amy, 11, becomes fascinated by a twerking dance crew. Hoping to join them, she starts exploring her femininity, defying her family's traditions.

It's hard to read "exploring her femininity" as intending anything but "exploring her sexuality," which is pretty much a synonym.

Obviously, that's where I've gotten the "fascinated by a twerking crew" and "exploring her femininity" language from.

Key quote from the twerking trailer, said by an adult woman to an 11 year old child:

"You're a woman now."

No, she's not.

Why are you claiming otherwise?

Update: And now, the phony apology.

"We're deeply sorry for the inappropriate artwork that we used for 'Cuties.' It was not OK, nor was it representative of this French film, which premiered at Sundance. We've now updated the pictures and description," the service told Deadline in response to the backlash.

The film, directed by first-timer Maïmouna Doucoure', has a TV-MA rating.

The art they're apologizing for features the little girls in tight clothing striking a lot of... um, exaggerated poses that just happen to show off the sorts of things pedos would be looking for.

If that art isn't representative of the film, where did it come from? Is it all just a pure photoshop?

4chan has banned pictures from this movie. I'm avoiding link that "art" myself.

Zombie writes:

But no, I don't think the movie would have gotten funded if this were a Muslim family. I would bet big money that it's a Christian immigrant family.

No, Ace, you're wrong -- it IS about a Muslim family.

Here's my willowed comment form last thread:

A black French woman filmmaker made a movie, in that classic French pedophiliac "Peppermint Soda"-style but even worse, that has elements to piss off everyone:

a. It's about how white culture in France can and should rescue black Muslim immigrants in France from their awful oppressive immigrant culture -- so now immigrants hate the film because it exhibits "white savior complex," and moonbats hate the film because it implies that white culture is superior to black/Muslim culture.

b. The plot involves an 11-year old fundamentalist Senegalese Muslim girl who is tempted away from her culture by a clique of whorish white 11-year-old slutty girtls who form a super-sexy "twerking" dance troupe, and half the screentime is devoted to obvious softcore child porn of nearly naked actual 11-year-old actresses doing grotesque sex-imitating twerks and pole dances -- obviously intended to just titillate the pedo male French audience -- so now old-fashioned cultural conservatives hate the film for being an unapologetic X-rated child-porn mainstream film.

It would have languished in film-festival obscurity, but after winning several awards (of course), it was "picked up" by Netfilx, who are now showing it. Apparently Netfilx originally featured a very porn-y promo poster for the film, which drew many complaints, so Netflix changed the poster and apologized, but now the whole thing is in the news as a result.

The film now has the LOWEST IMDB rating I have ever seen by far: 1.6

And furthermore, literally 100% of user reviews are 1-star reviews -- something I've also never seen before:

This could be the most univerally loathed film ever.

More Netflix bullshit: here, thanks to Smoked Surfperch.

Posted by Ace at 02:08 PM Comments

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