Mises Institute
covid unemployment

The Global Jobless Recovery

Blog30 min ago

So far, the United States is leading Europe in employment improvement, but the full recovery is extremely far away.

usps mailboxes vote by mail monopoly

No, We Don't Need a Government Post Office

Blog3 hours ago

Leonard Read has explained how so many Americans arrived at the clearly false notion that a government post office is necessary.

A Poor Understanding of Monetary Theory Leads to Disastrous Government Policies

Blog8 hours ago

Since government creates nothing itself, all interventions are nothing more than transfers of wealth for the benefit of some and the destruction of wealth for everyone else.

Nationalism and Secession

08/21/2020Mises Wire

Secession increases ethnic, linguistic, religious, and cultural diversity, while in the course of centuries of centralization hundreds of distinct cultures were stamped out.

Man, Economy, and State: Money & Its Purchasing Power with Robert Murphy


Dr. Robert Murphy joins Jeff Deist to breakdown Rothbard's exposition of money in an Austrian framework.

Mises and Rothbard on Democracy


Is democracy a vehicle for the peaceful transfer of power out of the hands of an unpopular government? Are ballots a substitute for bullets?

How Slavery Reparations Turned into Just Another Welfare Program


Over time, the demand for reparations has evolved from a demand to compensate specific victims to became just another call for more funding from a national welfare state.

Why Ideas Dictate What We Think Is in Our Self-Interest

08/20/2020Mises Daily Articles

It is ideas that determine what people consider as their interests. Free men do not act in accordance with their interests. They act in accordance with what they believe furthers their interests.

How Government Roads Expand Police Power in America


The case for the privatization of roads has much to recommend it if only in terms of how it would affect the power of the police to detain us, search us, and seize our property.



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