August 18, 2020
by actforfreedom
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Thessaloniki,Greece: Announcement by Terra Incognita regarding today’s 17/8/20 eviction

Announcement by Terra Incognita regarding today’s eviction
This morning (17/8), around 5 am, the uniformed scum of the greek police invaded Terra Incognita in Thessaloniki, which is a building that has been occupied since 2004 and constitutes a landmark of struggle and the anarchist movement in the city.
The cops proceeded to evacuate the building, while technical and material equipment was confiscated and a large part of the resources within the building have been withheld.
More specifically, equipment from the following anarchist infrastructures housed within the squat, was confiscated: the medical -first aid infrastructure, the gym, the library and the printing infrastructure, as well as a large archive of posters and other printed material that date decades.
Since the first moment, the cops were joined by the well-fed lackeys of the media, which, after starting their “ethical” service of reporting fake and unconfirmed details regarding the arrest of one person (which is a lie), eventually took to enacting the smear campaign and “copy-paste” reports which they have the habit of doing during similar operations of repression.
Soon, near the squat, around 100 solidarians gathered and gradually marched toward the building, which was surrounded by cops, and they chanted slogans in support of squats and the anarchist struggle.
When the state signs agreements with large tourist businesses and “ecological development” contractors for the benefit of the capital, when it fights for the interests of energy giants by playing openly with the possibility of armed conflict, when it warehouses helpless people in detention centers for immigrants and forces them to live their daily lives in deplorable conditions, when it shoots people at the border and drowns people at sea, when it violates the right to protest and attempts to smash workers, when it blames people for the spreading of corona virus in order to cover its own crimes against the healthcare system, it also does not tolerate any voice of resistance in its interior.
So, it is not by accident that the state has chosen to proceed to attacking an infrastructure of the anarchist movement which has stood against the state consistently in each and every way the former has mistreated the oppressed.
Our squats and infrastructures are a very important instrument in the struggle for social revolution and anarchism, as well as our daily resistance in the world defined by authority. Definitely, such a move constitutes a significant attack against the movement as a whole.
But buildings can be reoccupied. Infrastructures can be built again. The relationships and processes which take place within them can never be repressed by states, cops or authorities.
What matters is the continuation of the struggle against the state, the capital and every form of authority. The struggle will continue as long as the ideas of liberty and anarchy live in our hearts and minds.
They wanted to bury us deep, they forgot we were a seed
Nothing is over
Terra will forever remain a squat
Get your hands off our squats!
Squat Terra Incognita

August 18, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Avis de tempêtes #31-32

Avis de tempêtes #31-32

Avis de tempêtes – bulletin anarchiste pour la guerre sociale n°31-32<br>(juillet-août 2020) vient de sortir.
Pour lire, imprimer et diffuser ce petit bulletin autour de soi (il est
en format A5, et celui-ci fait 32 pages), on pourra retrouver chaque
nouveau numéro tous les 15 du mois, ainsi que les précédents, sur le
blog :
“Chaque été les forêts s’enflamment dans des proportions toujours plus apocalyptiques, et jusque dans le cercle arctique. Les terres
s’assèchent. Les eaux de la mer montent. Les océans se vident de
poissons. Les pollutions tuent durablement la faune et la flore, tout en
rendant l’humain encore plus dépendant de l’industrie pharmaceutique pour y faire face malgré tout. Plus la dévastation avance, et plus l’artificialisation du vivant est embrassée comme la seule et unique solution.
Et en effet, c’est bien la seule solution. En tout cas pour continuer
sur le même chemin. Aménager encore plus les territoires, modifier
génétiquement les organismes, ériger des digues, réorganiser les forêts, fertiliser les sols à l’aide d’intrants industriels… : voilà les seules possibilités pour donner une lueur de vie à ce qui est déjà mort. Au nom de la sauvegarde de la planète, on détruit ce qui restait encore de la planète pour en fabriquer un simulacre. Quelque chose qui y ressemble, mais ne l’est pas vraiment. Être ou paraître, voilà la question, aurait pu dire le fameux poète anglais.”

August 18, 2020
by actforfreedom


Panfleto quema tu banco recupera tu vida.pdf
El 29 de Octubre de 2018 detenían , en Madrid en las puertas de sus
casas, a dos compañerxs anarquis-tas bajo la acusación de “daños con
fuego” a un cajero de Bankia. Realizado en el contexto del aniversa-rio
por la detención de Lisa; compañera anarquista condenada a 7 años de
prisión por el atraco al banco “Pax bank” en Aachen (Alemania).
Tras 2 años lxs compañerxs han recibido el escrito de acusación donde
les piden 3 años de prisión y una responsabilidad civil de 17000 euros ,
cantidad que Mapfre (aseguradora de Bankia y denunciante) con-sidera
necesaria para cubrir los daños del cajero y las costas del juicio.
Actualmente lxs compañerxs se encuentran en libertad a la espera de
fecha de juicio.

Este caso , junto con todos los casos represivos hacia compañerxs
anarquistas alrrededor del globo, es otro ataque más al anarquismo y sus prácticas. Independientemente de la inocencia o culpabilidad de lxs compañerxs , pues son términos propios de la democracia burguesa que solo pretende encasillar y crimi-nalizar cualquier forma de rebelión contra todo lo que nos oprime. Es necesario responder a los continuos ataques que recibimos no solo a nivel represivo si no en el día a día , por ello, lanzamos estos carteles y panfletos contra los bancos ya que es uno de los pilares más importantes de este orden que nos aplasta.

August 18, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy : Updates on operations ”Panico”, ”Bialystok” and ”Ritrovo”

Italy : Updates on operations ”Panico”, ”Bialystok” and ”Ritrovo”

1/Beginning of the appeal trial for ”operation Panico
While awaiting more information, we report that a date, 13th October 2020, has been set for the start of the ”operation Panico” appeal trial.
2/ On DNA sample-taking following the arrests of ”operation Ritrovo
Even if two months have passed since we were released, we want to say briefly how sample taking was carried out upon our release. Many texts and analyses have been written in this respect, but we think it important to collectivize direct experiences so as to draw possible suggestions.
We start by saying that we were in four different jails (Vigevano, Piacenza, Alessandria and Ferrara) and were all released on 30th May, although at different times.
In the case of the comrades who refused voluntary sample-taking, the guards’ reaction was the same: they threatened to hold us longer until they were given the prosecutor’s go-ahead for forced sample-taking. In one case they declared that they would go ahead with forced sample-taking, as the State allowed them to do so.
Subsequently, their course of action was as follows:
1) Alessandria: as the prosecutor’s go-ahead didn’t arrive quickly, the guards warned the comrades they would report them for resistance to public official, but no charge was notified. The comrades got out without any forced DNA sample-taking being carried out.
2) Ferrara: as the prosecutor couldn’t be contacted and so authorization would be delayed, the guards proposed that medical staff (not prison staff) proceed with the swab on the comrades. The comrades managed to contact their lawyer and were made aware of a real possibility of being held longer in prison and indefinitely (according to the waiting time for the prosecutor’s authorization); so they decided to accept.

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August 18, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Chile: Words from Comrade Juan Aliste Vega on the Arrest of Mónica and Francisco

Chile: Words from Comrade Juan Aliste Vega on the Arrest of Mónica and Francisco

[Comunicado. Juan Aliste Vega, sobre la detención de Monica y Francisco, Chile.]
A little less than a month after the arrest of our comrades Monica and Francisco at the hands of the state police apparatus, guardians of power and custodians of the interests of the political bourgeois caste of this territory.
Monica and Francisco in prison and hostages of this capitalist state that judges and sentences them from the first moment in which the fascist administration mediatically installs its servile legal machinery in their consequent lives.
They are comrades who hold a position of walking freely and have fertile convictions.

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August 18, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on On the recent arrest of anarchists Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero (Chile)

On the recent arrest of anarchists Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero (Chile)


Today, Friday 24th July 2020, a police operation was carried out in Chile against anarchist comrades Mónica Caballero and Francisco Solar, accused of various explosive attacks.
Raids of the comrades’ homes by the GOPE and other police forces, including an intervention concerning devices considered “suspicious” in Mónica’s home in Santiago Centro, took place in the morning. In the afternoon searches against other persons were confirmed, but we don’t know the reasons why or whether they are linked with the arrests. 
We remind you that these comrades are not unknown to power or to the various realities of the subversive autonomous and antiauthoritarian struggle. Ten years ago, in 2010, Mónica and Francisco were arrested, accused and later acquitted, in an emblematic operation called “Caso Bombas I”, used by the authorities to attempt  to condemn the prisoners at all costs, linking them to various anticapitalist attacks that had been occurring (and which continue to occur) in the Chilean capital and provinces.

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August 18, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Basel, Switzerland: Fire to All Prisons, Nations and Borders

Basel, Switzerland: Fire to All Prisons, Nations and Borders

On the night of August 1st we took a walk to the deportation prison Bässlergut.
We greeted the people imprisoned in there with slogans, which they answered loudly from the windows. At the same time we painted the ugly concrete block that many walkers pass by every day.
We find it absolutely disgusting and ironic that people are celebrating the oh-so-great nation of Switzerland this night, despite the fact that this nation-state, defined by borders, is murdering through a rigid policy of isolation and migration. The Bässlergut is a place where this failure and inhumanity become visible. That is why we are attacking this prison and will continue to do so!
Solidarity with all prisoners of the Bässlergut!
Colour and fire to the deportation prisons!
via: Anarchists Worldwide

August 18, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Repression Against Anarchists in Belarus – Call for International Solidarity

Repression Against Anarchists in Belarus – Call for International Solidarity

From AWW:
Repressions against anarchists in Belarus!
On August 12, anarchists Alexander Frantskevich and Akihiro Khanada were detained in Belarus. Frantskevich is a former political prisoner, in 2010-2013 he was imprisoned on charges of attacks on government facilities. The police call him “the leader of the most radical group of anarchists, “Revolutionary Action.”” At the moment, Alexander is accused of organizing mass riots (sanctions – from 5 to 15 years in prison). It is currently unknown what the second detainee, Akihiro Hanada, is accused of.
Anarchists have been the most radical and one of the organized forces opposing the regime of Alexander Lukashenko for a long time. They actively participate in all mass protests of Belarusians against the dictatorship, and have long been the object of persecution by the authorities.

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August 18, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on New Communiqué Poster: Arson of CN Signal Box

New Communiqué Poster: Arson of CN Signal Box

11 x 17″ | PDF
February 25, 2020
In the night from Sunday to Monday, an elec-trical signaling box located along the CN rail line in Pointe-St-Charles was burned. We hope that traffic will be interrupted again and for as long as possible. We targeted the rails not only because they are the colonial infrastructure par excellence, but also because the majority of natural resources are moved by train.
We give a warm salute to all those fighting extractivism and domination: the mines that destroy the land (even the lithium mines needed for the production of electric car batteries), the extraction and trans-portation of oil and natural gas, the devastation of forests, from one side of the country to the other.
We want freedom, dignity, self-determina-tion and a healthy life — for everyone and without concession.

August 15, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Text by anarchist comrade Dinos Giagtzoglou : For the day of agitation and propaganda in solidarity with Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar

Text by anarchist comrade Dinos Giagtzoglou : For the day of agitation and propaganda in solidarity with Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar

Just like today, 10 years ago, the Chilean State carried out an extensive repressive operation against comrades and anarchist operations in response to the dozens of bombings against symbols and institutions of the State and Capital. This operation, which led to the arrest of ten anarchists and became known as the “Bombs Case”, ended in a fiasco, as the five who were eventually prosecuted were completely acquitted, and were described by the press as the biggest defeat of law enforcement authorities in court history. Today, two of our comrades, Monica and Francisco, who were among those arrested at the time, are again imprisoned in a State that a few months ago slaughtered a massive social uprising that shocked us all.
Arrest and imprisonment are nothing new for our siblings, since in 2013 they were found in the cells of the Spanish State accused of an attack on a cathedral in Zaragoza by the Insurrectional Commando Mateo Morral. The comrades is once again accused of a series of bombings against representatives of the rich, powerful and their defenders in Chilean territory. The attacks included the shipment of two booby-trapped parcels, one of which exploded, leaving eight cops injured (3 of them seriously) at a Santiago police station and the other being located before hitting its target at the subsidiary offices of one of the largest business consortia in Chile (owned by the fourth richest family in Latin America) having as a recipient the head of the legal department, who had served as Minister of Defense and Interior during the crackdown on anarchists known as the “Bombs Case”.
After so many years of persecution and imprisonment, relentless struggles inside and outside prisons, they remain steadfast and convinced of the right of the liberation struggle. It is such examples of combatants that have motivated me too to take subversive initiatives and make choices of resistance to domination and exploitation. In such paths of struggle we want to and must walk constantly with love for life and freedom and without fear for death or prison.
With the undimmed memory of Mauricio Morales,
With passion and determination,
With stubbornness and commitment,
With my heads high,
From the bottom of my heart I send a rebellious signal and a big hug to Monica Caballero and Francisco Solar.
Special underground section of Koridallos prison

August 15, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy: Anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino,has been transferred to Rebibbia prison in Rome.

Italy: Anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino,has been transferred to Rebibbia prison in Rome.
Anna Beniamino [sentenced in the « Scripta Manent » trial, whose appeal is currently taking place in Rome], has been transferred from Messina and is now in AS in Rebibbia prison.
To write to her the address is now:
Anna Beniamino
C.C di Roma Rebibbia
via Bartolo Longo 72
00156, Roma ,Italy
 Actforfree notes:
And to write to the other anarchist comrades in the same case:
Marco Bisesti
C.C. di San Michele
Srada statale per Casale, 50/A
15121 – Alessandria (Italy)
Alfredo Cospito
Nicola Gai
Alessandro Mercogliano
Via Arginone, 327
44122 – Ferrara (Italy)
Translated by Act for freedom now!

August 15, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on France, Neuville-sur-Saône, métropole de Lyon [government office] : Can you open an ATM?

France, Neuville-sur-Saône, métropole de Lyon [government office] : Can you open an ATM?

via: Attaque
Le Progrès / Monday10 August 2020
The cash machine of the Le Société générale bank at 1 rue Victor-Hugo right opposite  Neuville-sur-Saône bridge, was vandalised during Sunday to Monday night. The mischief took place between 3 and 4 am.
 The local shopkeepers that we spoke to a few hours after the event today, Monday 10th August, did not notice anything unusual. On the spot there is visible damage to the machine. The cash dispenser, which shows a wide hole, seems to have been forced. The gendarmes intervened to make first observations and took fingerprints, as shown by the presence of green powder. The Lyon Research Section (SR) have taken up the investigation. […]
Translated by Act for freedom now!

August 15, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Montereau-Fault-Yonne, (Seine-et-Marne), France : Greetings  to the social landlord

Montereau-Fault-Yonne, (Seine-et-Marne), France : Greetings  to the social landlord

via: Attaque

La République de Seine-et-Marne / Wednesday 5 August 2020

In the night of Tuesday 4th to Wednesday 5th of August, at around 1am, the technical workshops of Confluence Habitat, boulevard Voltaire in Montereau-Fault-Yonne, were targeted by acts of vandalism. In fact, five vehicles divided into two groups a few metres apart were set on fire.

A fire engine was mobilised. The fire was brought under control at around 2am. The mayor, James Chéron, expressed his indignation on Facebook:   «These vehicles belong to a public office of the habitat. They are therefore common property and naturally a work tool for the company employees. They were equipped with the material necessary for the maintenance and settlement of complaints from tenants. »

Translated by Act for freedom now!

August 15, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Couvet, Switzerland: Incendiary sabotage at quarry

Couvet, Switzerland: Incendiary sabotage at quarry

via: Sans nom
Couvet : two pieces of construction machinery set on fire
RTN, 11 August 2020

Vandalism in Couvet. Two construction machines were set fire to in quarry at a place known as La Bondetta. The material damage is significant. According to the Neuchâtel cops press release issued on Tuesday, this is probably a voluntary act. The facts occurred between July 24 and August 10. A criminal investigation has been opened and an investigation is underway to define the circumstances of this destruction.

Translated by Act for freedom now!

August 15, 2020
by actforfreedom


Flyer.gif(~201 KB)
Actforfree received on: 14/8/20




August 15, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on DE/EN/ (B) Solidarität mit dem Aufstand in Belarus! Berlin, Germany: Solidarity with the Uprising in Belarus

DE/EN/ (B) Solidarität mit dem Aufstand in Belarus! Berlin, Germany: Solidarity with the Uprising in Belarus

Seit dem 10. August befinden sich Menschen überall in Weißrussland im Aufstand gegen das diktatorische Lukashenko-Regime. In unzähligen Demonstrationen liefern sie sich Auseinandersetzungen mit der Polizei und lassen sich selbst von der brutalen Gewalt des Staates und tausenden Festnahmen nicht einschüchtern.
Der militante Widerstand gegen den weißrussischen Staat richtet sich vor allem gegen die offensichtlichen Wahlfälschungen. Die Menschen in Weißrussland beginnen aber auch zunehmend, das gesamte politische System in Frage zu stellen, das seit Jahren in einer tiefen ökonomischen und politischen Krise steckt. Die anarchistische Bewegung in Weißrussland ist dabei die fast einzige politische Kraft, die an der Basis agitiert und eine wirkliche Alternative zu (Staats-)Kapitalismus und Unterdrückung bietet. Somit ist sie auch jetzt maßgeblich in die Kämpfe und die Unterstützung der Verwundeten und Festgenommen involviert. 

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August 15, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on The Quarantine of Fascism in Peru

The Quarantine of Fascism in Peru

The following text is a translation by Anarchists Worldwide of an article from Estallido Antisocial / Antisocial Outburst, a new anarchist publication from Chile. You can download a copy of the publication HERE.
The Quarantine of Fascism in Peru
The presence of the military and the police is normalized and applauded by a large part of the population.
The repression of the Peruvian state against the population or “the disobedient” as they say, is the same as what they do in protests or during any curfew in a territory in conflict with an extractive industry, with a company that exploits its workers or that pollutes us like Monsanto on our tables, like the mining companies in the mountains, the oil companies in the jungle, and so on.
This repression of “the disobedient” comes with humiliations such as doing exercises as if it were a barracks or a military or police drill. There are also beatings and haircuts with the approval and mockery of people who inhabit the neighborhoods and they start recording the situations when the same agents who exercise the repression in Peru and other countries such as Ecuador or the Dominican Republic carry it out.
Another situation that has been seen is the applause, celebration and cheering by citizens in the face of the curfew and the arrival in the streets of the military, police and municipal police, forgetting what this decree has historically meant as an instrument of repression that has also reappeared in countries like Chile.

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August 14, 2020
by actforfreedom


Day of agitation and propaganda with the anarchist prisoners.14 AUGUST 2020
Ten years from the onslaught of power in the Caso Bombas and in the face of a new repressive coup against our comrades Mónica and Francisco, we are making a call to bring about demonstrations of propaganda and solidarity in all the corners of the territory this August 14. Unleashing creativity from where we are and as we can, once again doing in such a way that solidarity is more than a written word.
Neither guilty nor innocent, simply anarchists.
Active revolutionary solidarity with Mónica and Francisco!


Translated to English by Act for freedom now!
random anarchists in London

August 14, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Call for solidarity actions with the uprising against the Lukashenko regime – 14 August (Belarus)

Call for solidarity actions with the uprising against the Lukashenko regime – 14 August (Belarus)

(Greek) [Russian] [German]
For the first time in the history of Belarus, people across the country rebelled against the dictatorship. Many thousands of demonstrations are held not only in the capital, but also in small towns. People take to the streets and not only peacefully protest against the authorities, but also fight against the state apparatus – they help friends and comrades and clash with punishers.
August 10, barricades appeared in the streets of Minsk for the first time, while protesters began using molotov cocktails. Some enterprises and firms went on strike.
In recent days, standing shoulder to shoulder, we have felt what the energy of the people means. We have realized that together we can overthrow a tyrant!
The blockage of the Internet could not stop the news flow. People all over the world have learned that the Belarusian dictatorship is ready to drown the population in blood just to stay in power. In three days, police and internal troops detained more than 5000 people, hundreds suffered from cop violence. At least one person has been killed.
Now more than ever, international solidarity is important in the fight against Lukashenko. Therefore, we call you all to join the international day of actions in solidarity with Belarusian people! In what format can you express your solidarity? You can hold rallies and demonstrations at Belarusian embassies and other institutions of Belarusian power in your country. Take collective photos. Take part in direct actions. Any, even the smallest solidarity can support the fire of rebellion that will tear down the dictatorship in our country!
Send your reports to or post on social networks with the #Belarus hashtag.
ABC Belarus

August 13, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Direct action in so called BC (canada)

Direct action in so called BC (canada)

Editorial Note: MTL Counter-info typically publishes content from or directly related to so-called Quebec. This submission contains information that can be difficult to publish, so we are making an exception.
On August 3, in so called Smithers BC, we attacked Val’s Drilling rig #004, using the accelerant in plastic bottles and firestarter cube method. After receiving word that the drill had arrived in Smithers, we departed from Prince George immediately. After arriving in Smithers and getting our bearings, we posted up at the park across the street from the hotel that the drill was parked at. After gathering sufficient Intel, a plan was developed, and the decision to act in the early morning was agreed upon.
After the device was planted and ignited, we immediately left back to prince George via highway 16. We believe that firm action is required to ensure that CGL does not drill underneath the Wedzin Kwah, by whatever means necessary. Solidarity with our Haudenoshaunee brothers and sisters facing off with the OPP pigs. No state militia sponsored industry on the stolen land that is Turtle Island.