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Image for Update: Clearview AI Requests

Update: Clearview AI Requests

We've reached out to Clearview AI to remind them of their legal obligations and to see if they're planning on fulfilling the requests.
Image for Save Internet free speech!

Save Internet free speech!

We need to tell the FCC and Trump to keep their hands off the rules that protect freedom of speech online.
Image for Tell Navdeep Bains: You represent Canadians, not Big Telecom

Tell Navdeep Bains: You represent Canadians, not Big Telecom

Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains wants to raise your Internet bill to protect Big Telecom. Take action now!

OpenMedia’s comments on federal cabinet decision in wholesale Internet rates appeal

“We’re disappointed to see Innovation Minister Navdeep Bains side with Canada’s telecom giants. In no way does this morning’s decision help improve Internet affordability, despite Minister Bains long promising it to be a priority.”– OpenMedia Executive Director Laura Tribe

CRTC finally announces first round of Broadband Fund to connect Canada’s north

But piecemeal support highlights need for federal national broadband strategy

New Internet performance data shows federal government failing rural Canada

Months after Minister Monsef promised financial support “in the coming days,” Internet advocates question government’s commitment to rural connectivity

OpenMedia calls for federal investigation of today’s Internet outage

Poor network management threatens Canadian economy and safety during COVID-19
Image for What’s wrong with a Streaming Tax? (an FAQ)

What’s wrong with a Streaming Tax? (an FAQ)

Common questions and answers on the streaming tax – AKA the Netflix Tax – from OpenMedia’s community
Image for Take back your data from Clearview AI!

Take back your data from Clearview AI!

Clearview AI is a facial recognition technology company that scrapes the Internet for publicly available images of faces, breaking terms of service agreements, and violating our basic privacy rights.

OpenMedia works to keep the Internet open, affordable, and surveillance-free. We create community-driven campaigns to engage, educate, and empower people to safeguard the Internet.

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