Welcome to Gentoo, a highly flexible, source-based Linux distribution.

New packages at the Gentoo packages database

dev-haskell/chimera-dev-haskell/chimera Lazy infinite streams with O(1) indexing
dev-haskell/exact-pi-dev-haskell/exact-pi Exact rational multiples of pi (and integer powers of pi)
dev-haskell/numtype-dk-dev-haskell/numtype-dk Type-level integers, using TypeNats, Data Kinds, and Closed Type Families
dev-haskell/integer-roots-dev-haskell/integer-roots Integer roots and perfect powers
dev-haskell/mod-dev-haskell/mod Fast type-safe modular arithmetic

Fresh documentation on the Gentoo wiki

Spectre SWAPGS gadget vulnerability started by Whissi
App-portage/version started by Azaeldevel
Upstream repository shutdowns/bitbucket.org started by Winterheart
Webcams started by Tiagodfer
Glibc 2.32 porting notes/sysctl.h removal started by Dilfridge