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[Report] The Big Tech Extortion Racket
How Google, Amazon, and Facebook control our lives
September 2020
Current Issue September 2020
[Memoir] A Litany for Survival
Giving birth as a black woman in America
[Letter from Washington] Elder Abuse
Nursing homes, the coronavirus, and the bottom line

August 18, 2020

The Justice Department accused ISIS of operating a scam PPE website named Read More

In Plain Sight

The movement to hold Syrian war criminals to account in foreign courts
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Past Issues

Harper’s Finest

[Article] from the March 2003 Issue
Jesus Plus Nothing

At Ivanwald, men learn to be leaders by loving their leaders. “They’re so busy loving us,” a brother once explained to me, “but who’s loving them?” We were. The brothers each paid $400 per month for room and board, but we were also the caretakers of The Cedars, cleaning its gutters, mowing its lawns, whacking weeds and blowing leaves and sanding. And we were called to serve on Tuesday mornings, when The Cedars hosted a regular prayer breakfast typically presided over by Ed Meese, the former attorney general. Each week the breakfast brought together a rotating group of ambassadors, businessmen, and American politicians. Three of Ivanwald’s brothers also attended, wearing crisp shirts starched just for the occasion; one would sit at the table while the other two poured coffee.

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