Saturday, 22 August 2020

Throbbing Gristle ‎– "At the Veterans Auditorium L.A. 22.05.1981" (Bootleg) 1981


Yer average American's idea of Industrial Music is the rather shit Nine Inch Nails, Ministry,Skinny Puppy, Front Line other words. Rock music with a prefix...'Industrial Rock' they call it,just a tad of an oxymoron methinks.. They'd turn up at a venue featuring those English faggots Throbbing Gristle expecting Motley Crue and getting something almost intrinsically opposite to rock,except for the fact that it's loud. ........yeah,yeah we know there's more extreme noisey ouitfits out there to fuck yer brane up, and well done for telling us 'cus we know already fanx..The noise loses its effect without the silences,and TG make you wait for the noise.All the best horror films leave out the graphic stuff and leave it up to you what the horror is.TG does this very well indeed,leave the gore to Whitehouse......a group Genesis detested by the way.
Some Americans got it,notably Monte Cazzaza,who was credited with coming up with the genre name.He hales from San Francisco,the scene of TG's final dissolution,and the gig after this penultimate show in Los Angeles.Ah,those poor californians,living in the richest place on the planet had it so hard;but at least they could now slum it and pay to listen to what its like to exist somewhere where suffering is not just waiting for the next shipment of Cocaine from Mexico.I do understand,however, that when one has a long way to fall, it ain't no picnic to climb back up when faced with such wealth flaunted in the starving underclasses face. We all have our own private hell's...what's yours?


1.Dimensia / Scorched Earth 11:33
2.Tangible / Carnality / Marriage Carriage 17:25
3.Still Walking 5:56
4.Slam 9:18
5.Principa Disciplina / Forbidden 13:59

Tuesday, 18 August 2020

Throbbing Gristle ‎– "Recorded At The Lyceum London 08-02-81" (Bootleg) ‎– LMT 102 1981


It wasn't just Jimi Hendrix who put some Breasts on record sleeves to sell product you know? That old Rock'n'Roll tactic was frequently used by those who should have known better. Though in the case of this bootleg recording of TG's final gig in the UK, I doubt it made any would have sold-out anyway. It was 1981,and the mission was about to be terminated in that graveyard of great British bands, San Francisco.
Ahhh, the poor luvvies weren't getting on,and it shows in this slightly lacklustre performance musically speaking,which seems to be one long megamix of Gen's greatest 'Hit'....yep, 'Discipline'again.
Off to America they went,which is usually the sign that a band is finished, to split up......but don't worry they reformed twenty years later for a few quid in the pocket,like so many of them do.Only by then Gen had turned into a little old lady!? 


1. Beginning
2. primal Church
3. Look Away
4. Endless Discipline
5. Discipline
6. Consummation
7. Endless Discipline 2
8. Ending
9. End

Throbbing Gristle - "The Psychic Rally , December 4 1980 at Rafters ,Manchester, England." (Italian Records ‎– EX 23) 1982

Throbbing Gristle's penultimate performance in The United kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland was in rafters Club in Manchester,at something called 'the Psychic Rally'...wot?
Oh yeah, it opens with a tape of posh nut-job Aliester Crowley blathering on about some shit, sounding for all the world, or underworld, like Winston Fucking Churchill after a few Brandy's. Christ, or should I say 'Anti-Christ', I hate all this Psychic shit....and these people would slag off Christian-Metal when they are doing the exact same thing, but with a different lead actor.
Genesis P. Megson would have loved to have been a cult leader, or better still, would have loved to have been Aliester Crowley. The trappings of being an alternative pop star seemed to trip that switch we all seem to have,when one gains an over inflated view of oneself to the point of self-diefication. Hence the soon to be formed 'Temple Ov Psychick Youth' embarassement, or more accurately, The Psychic TV Fan Club. Bizarrely this is the opposite way that most Cult leaders go about things.Like David Koresh (His surviving children are on record as thinking that your faithful scribe is a complete 'asshole'), who started the Davidian cult first, then tried to be a Pop Star on the back of that.....who's right and who's wrong I dunno...maybe both of them one thinks?
This show is full of all the late-period tension that makes for a good outcome artistically, but disasterous personally.I think they were on to something here....if only they'd have stuck it out, without having an ex-girlfriend ,and her new boyfriend in the group, they could have been as big as Fleetwood Mac.Whoops-a-daisy,I think I just described Psychic TV!?


1 Illuminated 666
2 Betrayed
3 Womb Of Corruption
4 Very Friendly
5 Something Come Over Me
6 Playground
7 Auschwitz
8 Devil's Gateway
9 Hastings
10 Discipline

Monday, 17 August 2020

Throbbing Gristle ‎– "At Goldsmiths College, London 13th March 1980" (Industrial Records ‎– IRC 29) 1980


TG return to Goldsmith's College,only a few places allowed them back for a second go,to introduce the kids to an abstract version of their recent hit Heathen Earth LP.Group tensions were brewing,as always in any creative environment,and these tensions were certainly transferred into the music by the sound of this appearence,full of Noise,and awkward silences.

The lesson to all creative persons with an ego out there is, if you want to gift the world your vision, your genius, then don't form a group;a form of behaviour that seems to be restricted only to music.A movie has a director,paintings are generally made by one artist,but music seems to be blighted by having too many chefs in the kitchen....go solo,or pay them so they do what they're told, not what they think....not that this happened in TG however.It was mainly centered around the breakdown in personal relations between GPO and Cosey,who was now in a relationship with Chris Carter, the Tony Banks of Industrial Music.The Fleetwood Mac syndrome...but not quite as bad.I think they all shagged each other at least once in the Mac....very unsavoury behaviour indeed. 

Ok then,which one would you sooner have a go on?Stevie Nicks or Cosey Fanni Tutti? much for in depth artistic analysis kids?...or for heterosexual girlies, Genesis, pre-op Orridge,or Mick Fleetwood...jeez that's a tough one?


A1 Introduction 0:41
A2 Cornets 5:56
A3 An Old Man Smiled 6:53
A4 Russ 3:15
A5 Subhuman 6:48
A6 Heathen Earth 5:43
B1 Untitled 6:37
B2 The World Is A War Film 7:37
B3 Don't Do What You're Told, Do What You Think 14:28
B4 Painless Childbirth 0:47

Saturday, 15 August 2020

Throbbing Gristle ‎– "At Sheffield University 10th June 1980" (Industrial Records ‎– IRC 33) 1980


Sheffield is correctly cited not only as the birthplace of Stainless Steel,but also,and  just as accurately as the home of Industrial Music. Throbbing Gristle come from Hull, a place that can rival even Siberian industrial towns for gloom and pointlessnes that few people manage to escape from.But, there is a ferry sevice to Iceland from Hull,so it ain't all bad. Genesis and Cosey managed to penetrate the invisible wall that imprisons its populace to this day, and move to London where they met the other two. So see this gig as a homage to Britains' fourth biggest shithole.

Sheffield is,of course ,where Cabaret Voltaire, Clock DVA, The (early and good) Human League,Vice Versa...the group....and a personal fav of mine "I'm So Hollow", came from.Also where the wonderfully grim nuclear nightmare drama "Threads" was set and filmed.It were Grim! Nowadays,Its full of abandoned Steel mills,now gentrified, and the caked on grime has been stripped back to reveal some rather lovely brickwork. Pittsburgh is the U.S. equivalent i suppose, but what ever worthwhile came out of Pittsburgh?....don't answer that.

This performance ,is TG at their late-period swirling,effect laden best.There's even a joke at the beginning!?


Side A (31:15)- 

1 Introduction 0:47
2 Punished 9:14
3 Heathen Earth 6:24
4 Strangers In The Night 1:45
5 The World Is A War Film 6:29
6 Tortured Smiles

Side B (23:54)

1 We Said No 5:27
2 Flesh Eaters 18:27

Friday, 14 August 2020

Throbbing Gristle ‎– "At Oundle Public School 16th March 1980" ( Industrial Records ‎– IRC 30) 1980


TG's infamous appearence at a posh private school as recorded by TG super roadie,Stan Bingo for posterity.The moment when the 'Wreckers of Civilisation' played dutifully for the designated future leaders of civilisation for Thirty Pieces Of Silver, probably thirty-one pieces to out-do Judas.Then these Toffs could listen to the Gospel of P-Orridge for an hour,so they can say in future, "One may be the Governor of the Bank Of England now,but ooooh Yes, I had my naughty years alright"....well if that was the case you weren't fucking listening.It's not their fault,they have reptilian DNA.Isn't Boris de Pfeffel Johnson's favourite band The Clash? He wasn't listening, no matter how much of a pose The Clash was; and Chris and Cosey weren't even listening to their own music,but I don't think they were too posh,certainly not Cosey anyway,with her awful Hull accent......whoops,just googled it,yes, Chris Carter went to a private school...knew it!....hang on there's more,but slightly less surprising...Genesis P-Megson went to one too!)
No info concerning Sleazy's schooling,but his Papa waza master at Magdalene College, Cambridge prior to receiving a....uhum... knighthood!?......The Wreckers of Civilisation were posh.
Having established that TG were 'Posh', Cosey being the Phil Collins of the group,it would be safe to say that TG's Prog credentials were intact.This stuff is the bastard son of Progressive rock,it's all clear to me now.
The gig was arranged by an Oundle boarder who convinced the hierachy of the John Cage similarities in TG's non-music, called Nigel Jacklin, who happens to be the same Nigel Jacklin of The Alien Brains,a UK DIY super-group with Instant Automatons connections.
Normally I'd bang on about how the Toffs came and stole our music, football and culture; but as TG are basically Prog,I can't say that,'cus Prog is certainly Posh-Boy territory.However by 1980 TG were long past being the former Wreckers of Civilisation,they had become,but regained their place in it.
Despite the odd bunch of our future leaders chanting 'Off,Off,Off' and countering 'Subhuman' with a Last Night of the proms style rendition of 'Jerusalem', TG seemed to go down rather well with the audience of 70 or so teenage boarders and a few school masters.
"Oh Mummy, we had a splendid time.One of those awfully charming Punk Wock gwhoops performed some quaint working class rituals for us.I thwink I taw Tarquin spitting,tewibly exthiting.....I thwink I'm wedy for my place in the board woom now......Yes i've moved on from that anal raping the sports master gave me,tell Pater I'm wedy to Rule"...said six-former Rupert in his monthly phone call home.
One should feel sorry for them really, a damn good bumming is an age old  mind control technique,so these poor traumatised Posh Kids should understand the Burroughsian (another rich boy btw) references.
Sexual abuse is step one in creating a Manchurian Candidate....I suspect that the current government is full of them.Ultimately I Pity us, rather than them,it's 'us' who have to be ruled by a bunch of traumatized Fuck-Ups,and even worse....There is NOTHING we can do about it.Just be satisfied in our captivity,that's what drugs were invented for.

"As it’s Mother’s Day we’d like to dedicate this to all the absent mothers of the young boys here tonight. I’m sure if they were here tonight they’d wonder if it was worth all the money they’re paying."

Genesis P. Orridge attempting to protect his industrial cred introducing the TG set at Oundle, March 16, 1980.


A1 Introduction 1:28
A2 Cornets 4:52
A3 An Old Man Smiled 8:00
A4 Subhuman 4:25
A5 Heathen Earth 8:10
A6 Something Came Over Me 6:46
B1 The World Is A War Film 5:30
B2 England Is A Toilet 1:20
B3 Don't Do What You're Told, Do What You Think 6:47
B4 Wall Of Sound 4:04
B5 Show Us Your Legs 6:06

Throbbing Gristle : "Live In SO36 Berlin 08-11-80) (Bootleg LTM 017) 1980

A cheap holiday in other peoples misery, a great chance to pose for photographs at Hitlers Bunker and the Olympic stadium, and get to do a couple of gig's for West Berlin's art poseurs as well. This is what being in a group is all about.
This is the longer and superior second set from the evening after the first set.Again there's a version of greatest hit 'Discipline' tacked on at the end for the kids to dance to,but no encore.....I bet they wanted to really, but it wouldn't fit in with the pose.That's Alternative Pop Stardom for ya.Ja?


1. Side 1 (30:37)
2. Side 2 (44:25)

Thursday, 13 August 2020

Throbbing Gristle ‎– "Live In SO36 Berlin 07-11-80" (Bootleg ‎– LMT 017) 1980

If there was a town that was made for Throbbing Gristle it would have to be West Berlin before the wall came down. Can't see 'Throbb.Gristle' using Truro (Cornwall UK), or some lovely cottagey village in the Cotswolds as a backdrop to their sounds.
So our anti-rock heroes got to play two nights in Berlin did they?
I can imagine all the future Berlin Geniale Dilletanten and Industrial arty celebrities, like Die Tödliche Doris, or various members of Malaria to have hung out at both of these TG appearences at the SO36 club.
"Ohhhhh, look over there by the bogs....isn't that Blixa Bargeld?" A gothette student was heard to exclaim excitedly. Blixa signed her copy of 'Kollaps' that she just bought in reception;which would have been difficult because it never came out until a year after this gig....not sure if 'Gig' is an appropriate adjective either, with its 'rock' connotations.....alas, but it is,as 'Gig' comes from prime TG influences, Beatnik culture and above all, The Beat Poets.So, 'Gig' it will be.
Its a sound-desk recording,as by this time TG could certainly afford some decent equipment.So, we have a semi-improvised set that would have made a better "Heathern Earth",plus a version of that perenial family favourite "Discipline",which I think was used as a bonus track on one of the CD reissues was it not?
The second 'gig' follows tomorrow,to enable you to compare and contrast live TG in their twilight years.The so-named "Destroyers of Civilisation" were no longer the potent force they had been,and were to terminate their mission six months later and go onto lesser,but more lucrative, projects,like the awful Psychic TV,and the even more awful Chris and Cosey.....the exceptions being late period Coil of course.


Side 1 (20:30)
Side 2 (27:36)

DOWNLOAD some misery tourism HERE!

Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Throbbing Gristle ‎– "Frankfurt Kunsthochschule November 10th 1980" - (Bootleg) 1980

A untitled bootleg,not listed on Discogs, from TG's gig in Frankfurt from when they started spreading the Industrial gospel live beyond the UK's shores. Its from the "Heathern Earth" period,so a lot of the set-list appears on many of their recorded appearences around this time....improvisation being binned off for what one has to say was a more commercially orientated direction for the Throbbers.
Nowadays, of course, everyone has a TG record somewhere in their house,filed next to Elton John,and K-Pop bands can be seen wearing TG t-shirts,the Ramones being now discarded as a Boy-Band cliche...surely not?
The 'interview',if you can call it that, consists of GP-O going off on one of his monologues full of ,what we would now call, 'conspiracy theories, and trite observations on human behaviour, with someone going 'Mmm' at the end of every sentence,seemingly agreeing with everything the master says.
A version of 'Discipline',from the Frankfurt concert one assumes, crops up mid-interview for some reason,probably to illustrate Gen's self-effacing fake-humility in describing himself as someone crawling on the floor shouting Discipline a lot. Don't you just love humble pop-stars?


1. Concert (25:17)
2. Interview (21:38)

DOWNLOAD this bootleg of a bootleg probably of a bootleg,HERE!

Tuesday, 11 August 2020

Throbbing Gristle ‎–"Music From The Death Factory (12/06/76 + 18/06/76)"(Reflection Press ) 1976

 As Throbbing Gristle were mentioned in the "Methods Of Execution" post,and It has been pointed out that a gaping hole in my online TG collection existed,so here we have music from the year zero of Nazi-Chic; the Death Factory being a thinly disguised reference to Auschwitz-Birkenau I guess.It being a...woe back off boogaloo!....controversial opinion warning......a gas chamberless,but very brutal, Labour Camp, with an out of control Typus epidemic, that no end of Zyklon B Giftgas,could not control. The 'Gas Chamber that you Nazi-Obsessed tourists look suitably sad in, was built by the Soviets in 1948 as part of their de-nazification program (not pogrom).This has now been conveniently brushed under the novelty cash-in-able atrocity carpet, and is never mentioned on those obscene guided tours that help turn over the cash for the local Polish oligarchs. If there isn't one already, they should be an Auchswitz gift shop...or should I say 'Gift-gas(german for poison gas)' Shop(?) providing stripy T-shirts,Astrays with certified Auschwitz Ash provided, Mugs (that's you), Oven gloves, and other novelties......may I suggest cuddly Josef Mengele and Irma Grese dolls,wow! I'd even buy a pair of those.! I had an idea to make atrocity based Snowstorms, and Auschwitz was gonna be the first subject.....I think they'd go down well; just waiting for the 'Giftgas' Gift Shop to open it's oven doors to the public. Anyway, who could possibly do without a pair of Auschwitz Ovengloves?......Its a pity they don't hook up that fake gas chamber with some real Zyklon B and offer the full experience for the tourists,who act as if they wouldn't have been a campgaurd if Hitler had ordered them to do it......'No not me' they say....'I'd have chosen the Russian Front' you had a choice?.......Awwwwww lighten up for Jehovah's sake!!!.....and don't go to that despicable Nazi-Disneyland, its a scam!.....this kinda talk gets one locked up in various EU member states;just like we never fought a war against totalitarianism at all. Freedom of Thought?..ok,but,whisper it quietly.The Brain Police are still out there.

Throbbing Gristle missed out on many of the the promotional aspects of Holocaust-chic, no 'Death Factory Ovengloves, for example.....BUT, they did plenty of live and in rehearsal cassettes with death camp....and lobour camp, references. To give them their due respect, TG never really flaunted this angle as something worthy of that commercial catalyst, 'Shock Value' , or court controversy was 'Art' man. Never forget this lot came out of the post-hippie morass, and had obviously heard a lot of Kluster and Tangerine Dream. Krautrock copyists,however, they were most certainly not. That British talent for turning anything into subversive entertainment rather than just an art pose is legendary.Like the endless debates of 'who done punk first', who done Industrial first its original form...either TG or Cabaret Voltaire, with a bit of inspiration from William S. Burroughs, and Kluster. Totally unique stuff for 1976.How 'Rock' got involved I dunno.....Industrial Rock is for Arse Lickers.


1. recorded 12 June 1976.
2. recorded 18 June 1976.

DOWNLOAD then go and burn all your books on the third reich HERE!

Monday, 10 August 2020

Methods Of Execution - "Electrocution" (Direct Sound Tapes) 1980

Smear Fanzine article on how much the author hates Cassette Culture,especially 'Methods Of Execution' (1981)

Yeah, the bitter hack who wrote the above article,rather than the bitter hack writing this blog,doesn't like inclusivity,which was basically what releasing your own tapes was about. Aparrently you can't make your own music unless you've been given the thumbs up by the Rock establishment; and the fucker even dissed Danny and the Dressmakers, which is an unforgivable sin in these 'ere parts.

BUT....I see what he's getting at about the tiresome predictability of those who would dare to walk in Throbbing Gristles' footsteps in the snow,alas, for me, TG never sounded as good as this tape. TG sounded as if they had been recorded in Pink Floyd's studio, Brittania Row wasn't it, where the kids fav's Joy Division did 'Closer'.Methods of Execution has all the audio qualities of being recorded in a public lavatory,under the uncharted waters of a blocked U-Bend. Whenever any actual instruments appear, the protagonists seem to have never seen one before, nevermind know how to play 'baa-baa-black sheep'. That particular Black Sheep certainly doesn't have any wool,as its all been taken to create the muffled ambiance of these decaying industrial escapades.  Tim G. Owen (where are you now file contender), the fanzine journo, scoffs at the prospect of Industrial Urban Decay in Peterborough,where Methods Of Execution hale from. Admitedly Peterborough is a very 'new' kind of town,and not rife with the sprawling ruins of the UK's Industrial heritage, but is that what it's about? There are plenty of Rappers,and Urban artists who come from places like Cornwall, and Welwyn Garden City,which is indeed laughable,but you don't need factories to have an angle on Industrial Culture.It's about the Human condition,systems of control and the horrors of reality; these are the same for anyone,anywhere, yes,even in Milton Keynes.

The tape itself, in a series named got it...different Methods Of Execution, is classic early -Cabaret Voltaire style muffled DIY electronics,abundant in found dialogue,Tape collages of Nazi speeches and that over-used "Horst Wessel Lied" marching song crops up yet again. There was a moment when a tape of someone like Irma Grese,the Hyena of Auschwitz (don't you just hate those stupid nick-names that war criminals get given?),shouting beyond the top of her voice for some unfortunate camp inmates to "RAUS" shamefully found this disturbingly exciting in the worst possible sense!......or was that a quote from Kenny Everett in character as Cupid Stunt?..we'll probably, never know?


01 Soulhunter - Cancer
02 Bombers
03 Rotting Away
05 God
06 Killmyth
07 Seagull
08 The Gift
09 In The Jungle
10 Bits
11 Alleged
12 Gun Law 3

Sunday, 9 August 2020

The Cravats - "Once Upon A Time In Redditch" (1977-1983) (Bootleg)

 Who were the real UK version of Peter Brontzmann's 'Last Exit' if it wasn't Sting's Geordie jazz funk outfit from '74/'75 then?......The Cravats of course!?.....They had a sax player called Svor Naan for one. Any band that had a  Sax player in the ranks would automatically be labelled 'Jazz' something.Jazz Rock, Jazz Funk, or in The Cravats case, 'Jazz Punk' ? This never happened to X-Ray Spex or Theatre Of Hate for some reason,,mainly because their Saxophonists, or Saxophonies, couldn't play anything more than a basic melody line. Not much Sax on this tape however,as it comes from The Cravats dark brummy beginnings,and various off shoots associated with original drummer Martin de Sey.
The vast majority of The Cravats output,including all their excellent Peel Sessions, can be found by clicking this......"Everything The Cravats Ever Did"
Martin on the skins complete with clean socks and underpants drying on his mums that's Rock'n'Roooolll!

"Once Upon A Time In Redditch" comprises the tracks from a C60 compilation,original Cravats sticksman, Martin de Sey, made back in 1983, and has somehow found its way into the Die or DIY? files. It includes some Cravats Demo's,and various groups Martin was involved in post-Cravats,including the A and B sides of the one 7" released by Martin's Girl Guided Missiles in 1979.
De Sey was a founding member of the Cravats, along with Ethos Yapp, Robin Dallaway, and the Shend. Tracks 1-7 are the demo tracks he recorded with them, before someone hit the eject button. 
The Girl Guided Missiles were Martin with Adrian Garlick on bass, Steve Franklin on guitar and the peculiar falsetto vocals you'll hear, and Nick Raybould on drums. I presume the Missiles were a related thing. I've no idea about the T-Killers, beyond that the name was a double duty reference to Marc Bolan and Alice Cooper - not his finest work but never mind.
So, I suppose you could say this is a tape of the Pete Best of the Cravats, or something?
The Flab Four
Post Punk Entertainment in the west midlands 1977
The original line up of The Cravats in 1977 hanging out at a junkyard in Redditch,or maybe the junkyard WAS Redditch?...dunno...never been there!? 

The Cravats

1 - Precinct (25/9/77)
2 - Pressure Sellers (25/9/77)
3 - Shut Up (25/9/77)
4 - Crash Barrier Dancer (25/9/77)
5 - Situations Vacant (12/3/78)
6 - Gordon (12/3/78)
7 - Killing the Memory (12/3/78)

Girl Guided Missiles

8 - Further Education (2/2/80)
9 - Day in a Padded Cell (5/5/80)
10 - It's a Lie (30/5/80)

The Missiles

11 - Drinker (31/1/81)

The T-Killers

12 - Shut Up (12/3/83)
13 - 20th Century Boy (12/3/83)
14 - Fully Qualified Robot (12/3/83)
15 - Live for Now (12/3/83)
16 - 1989 (12/3/83)
17 - Substitute (12/3/83)

Girl Guided Missiles (1979 7" on Seandee Records)

18 - Fully Qualified Robot
19 - Desperate Men

Saturday, 8 August 2020

Last Exit ‎– "First From Last Exit" (Impulse Studios, Newcastle ‎– WUD/C/101) 1975

 Ahaaaaa!....did someone mention Sting's first band? Indeed, Gordon Sumner got to use the 'Last Exit' moniker first with their depressing,geordie, version of the Average White Band. The Pub Rock shadow of the German American Noise Jazz outfit from a decade later,when the Bass Player (in fact both of the Last Exit's bass players!) was/were,and still are,enormous pricks. This says more about the origins of 'Punk' than any forgotten, "we got there first man" punk before punk groop from Boise Idaho that gets discovered every year. This represents what an awfully dull and depressing hole Great Britain used to be in 1975,and its main protagonists wern't necessarily all in search of the re-birth of rock'n'roll. 'Bandwagon' was a word oft-used by 1978, and sting was indeedy accused of this common behavioural pattern;either that or he had his eyes and ears open for something better? The early Police were a great band,full of ex-proggers ,looked good sounded good,and had eff-all to do with the London based clique that became 'punk Rock'. Sting often relayed a story about when the Police were bottom of the bill at the second Mont-de-Marsan Punk Festival in 1977,when he popped his bleached blonde head in the Damned's dressing room,and humbly asked for a Beer,the response to which was,from Rat Scabies I believe, "Fuck Off and come back when you're as famous as us!"....oh how Ironic.This brings to mind tne old showbiz addage to 'be careful who you meet on the way up for you will surely meet them again on the way down'.

I actually enjoy listening to this tape believe it or not? This Jazz rock bland-out transports one instantly back to a time which is often accused of being the worst year ever in Rock Music....which is crap.For a start every year ,virtually since ,i'd like to say 1988,but its probably since about 1999 is the worst year in pop and rock music. Sting's Last Exit is a fine example of the kids doing it for themselves in the height of the 'Pub Rock' phenomenon, which had far more influence on those original spikey tops than Iggy Poop.

Don't worry, i'm not gonna post a load of Police rareties,I feel a duty to amuse as well as bemuse.


A1 We Got Something 4:05
A2 Truth Kills 4:41
A3 Whispering Voices 2:56
A4 Carrion Prince 2:48
A5 Savage Beast 4:49
B1 I Got It Made 3:46
B2 I'm On This Train 3:45
B3 Oh My God 4:43
B4 A Bit Of Peace 3:03

Friday, 7 August 2020

Last Exit ‎– "Cassette Recordings 87" (Enemy Records ‎– EMY 105) 1987

Oh Jesus! How shit is this new Blogger thing wot they've paid some 'expert' to re-jig!? Fucking Hell!
Remember MySpace? This is going the same way. I start a new post with a childlike excitement, then quickly give up in a childlike strop after trying to select labels for my new and wait technology......But, I won't let the 'Man' get to me with his power games...oooooh no! So here's a transitional Peter Brotzmann work, recorded on the humble cassetten,yet never released on a humble cassetten. Yup, it's Jazz Metal soopergroop , 'Last Exit' innit?
Do I hear a Groan?....unfortunately,yes, Bill Laswell does makes a traditional appearence with anything to do with downtown jazzy types.He's the Thurston Moore of Jazz,although I think Thruston Moore reckons that his-self is in fact the Thurston Moore of Jazz too? What is it with these serial collaborators? They crop up like a bad smell in a toilet,and usually contribute nothing......the jury's out on Eno however,'cus i'm a bit of a fan of our Brian Peter George St John le Baptiste de la Salle Eno.....but.....with a name like that he is obviously rather Posh,which gave him full Progressive rock qualifications above and beyond the call of duty. Never trust anyone with more than two christian names. A case in point is the beyond awful posh bloke whose childhood ambition was to become Prime Minister of Britain,and worse still, actually did!?......Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson......which is code for 'Bastard'.
Who the fuck has a realistic childhood fantasy of being a country's leader other than that priviliged line of human aliens with the reptilian DNA? Little undernourished Tommy Atkins from the council estate with the abusive parents' greatest ambition was to learn to read, not study Greek History with a bunch of Oxbridge cronies,and future leaders,and, do it all with a smirk on his face!? Why didn't someone slap those smug jowels at kindergarten and nip this horror in the bud? It might not be too late?
Yes, anyone can become a leader, except the Kings won't let it happen.
So, here we have a group, proudly displaying moustaches and beards when it was patently 'Unhip' to do so, wearing clothes that would impress only Michael Bolton's wardrobe assistant. Their debut sooper pooper groop eponymous debut was rather good in its musical napalm tendancies. This outing is less so,with rather too much of Sonny Sharrocks metally guitar work,and his even worse singing, but it has its moments.Brotzmann's sax is, for once, well mixed,and not stage front.Peter's other main contibution is likely to have been the very Brotzamannesque song titles of "Sore Titties" and the terribly rude, but laughable, "My Balls/Your Chin"!!!?
Recorded at the North Sea Jazz Festival in Copenhagen to cassette,so it has that nice saturated cassette sound that's so hard to reproduce in any other medium.We like cassettes here......sorry about the Laswell though.


1. Line Of Fire
2. Big Boss Man
3. Sore Titties
4. Ulli Bulli Fooli
5. Ma Rainey
6. My Balls / Your Chin

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Fred Van Hove / Wolfgang Dauner ‎– "Requiem For Che Guevara " (MPS Records ‎– 15205 ST) 1969

Where's the tribute to Lee Harvey Oswald for starting the whole conspiracy caper,that's what I wanna know? Although in cool terrorist Ché's case, it was more a conspiracy of T-Shirt manufacturers than the secret rulers of the planet. Some say that T-Shirt manufacturers ARE the secret rulers of the planet, but I have my doubts. However ripe with suspicion is the ironic act of naked evil that would see a Crass t-shirt adorning the crass hologram that is David Beckham, or K-Pop boybands resplendant in Ramones memorabilia, one suspects that the secret rulers of the known world are none other than ourselves.....shocking,but all the evidence points towards that sad conclusion. I'd like nothing more than some shadey oligarchy of plutocrats to be meeting in a secret bunker beneath the Pyramids deciding how to make it seem they're not there when they are.That's a full-time job!
Naturally, the most often used noun for our ghostly leaders is "They",it's never 'Us' is it; the more paranoid section of society would never be able to cope with the post-post-truth fact that we might be doing this to ourselves?
This takes me back to the conclusion of the psychedelic thriller TV series "The Prisoner",when number 6 finally gets to unmask Number 1,only to find that its none other than himself. This caused nationwide outrage in the UK.They wanted it to be some kind of 'Hitler' figure,but it turned out to be our hero,Number Six himself....hero's always turn out this way in the real world,bastards! What made them...."The public" angry was this brief moment of reality staring them....."The public" the face. The only person or persons keeping you all in this permanent state of slavery, in this prison without walls, is, guessed it, or maybe not?......YOURSELVES!
A similar encounter with reality is German Free Jazz, so here's Brotzmann's piano abuser,Fred Van Hove, and Wolfgang Dauner sharing an album in tribute to famous assasinees of the mid twentieth century.This is as close to freedom as you're gonna get this side of a Peter Brotzmann LP.


1. –Wolfgang Dauner - Psalmus Spei For Choir And Jazz Group 13:07
2. –Fred Van Hove - Requiem For Che Guevara, Martin Luther King,John Fitzgerald And Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X

Tuesday, 4 August 2020

The Peter Brötzmann Sextet / Quartet ‎– "Nipples" (Calig ‎– CAL 30 604) 1969

See, I told you that Brötzmann did an album called "Nipples",but that's the only thing that's changed. Pete does his usual short but manic bursts of moving his fingers on a Saxophone and blowing hard enough to bust a gusset. There is, I assume, a degree of imteraction between the players in this type of non-music,but as far as I can see they could be in different rooms with no means of monitoring the other members of either 'The Sextet' or the 'Quartet'......but that's not the point is it? Personally I like the idea of four or six seperate entities doing their thing independently but ending up on the same record.....not that this was the concept of course. This is about freedom of self-expression and the rejection of rules, the straight jacket of 'notes' rather than the liberty to roam with the tone. Its subversive in it's rejection of what is normal, the taboo's of abstract art. This is basically a room clearer that divides the human population selectively along the lines of followers and free spirits, trump supporters and hope. The small percentage (2/3%) who understand this music...and it IS music ....already see the futility in voting for the fools who would run for Office, including even the clueless Kanye West, bi-polar or not.So what is the point?..... The point is, this wild ecstatic noise delivers hope that the Human race isn't doomed to be eaten by itself. Maybe the co-vid Virus is a natural cleanser,freeing 'us' from the prison created by the immoral majority, the 98% who are frightened of being handed the key......what key? What career? What life? Freedom comes from within....if you have a 'within' of course. Suck on these 'Nipples' for nourishment, or don't, it really is up to you.


1. Nipples (17:54)
2. Tell A Green Man (15:32)

Monday, 3 August 2020

Brötzmann/ Van Hove / Bennnink ‎– "Balls" (FMP ‎– FMP 0020) 1970

Never mind the Balls, here's Brötzmann, Van Hove  and  Bennink.
"Yes Cinders, you will go to the BALLS!",said the gone-bad binary fairy to the poor downtrodden,possibly sex trafficked Kosovan skivvy held in slavery by two ugly pre-op and post-op sisters. Alas, as soon as Cinders found out Peter Brotzmann and Hans Bennink were involved, she declined the opportunity, preferring a fulfilling life of slavery and sexual abuse instead. For one, the sheer sonic ball- kicking that these three musical renegades dish out from inside small art venues would have been enough to shatter Cinderella's glass slippers where she stood,lacerating her dainty bunions and corns,which would normally require hospital attention if she wasn't someone the Police would like to interview.So a dirty handkerchief would have to suffice.As for Prince Charming,he was last seen running with a rope looking for a suitable tree to end his misery.
"BALLS" of the greatest album titles ever to brand its simple profundity onto my failing retina's, features Bill Clinton's favored saxophonist, Peter Brötzmann,on...yes...Saxophone;ably backed up by the human dumpster,Hans Bennink, emptying its cargo of trashed tin cans and various clattering metal objects into your living room. Regular Brötzmann collaborator, Fred Van Hove, plays the Chimps Tea-party piano as if he was blind and deaf from birth;which, incidentally, is the only way to approach such an overused instrument.
This stuff is what Punk Rock wished it had been.The kind of Anti-Music,unmotivated by money or success,uninterested in audience approval;an uncompromising lurch towards the opposite,then turn left.Especially admirable is the blatant fact that Brotzmann plays the same sax parts on every single one of his hundreds of records,its just the silences that are different.
Your average citizen in this modern cesspit would say that this LP was just a load of "BALLS"; almost correct, those brainwashed fools just need to alter the context of their dumb insults slightly,for it really refers to the 'Balls' that are needed to make an anti-music like this. Post-jazz,pre-jizz improvisation with....yup...'BALLS'
Brötzmann did an album called 'Nipples' as well.(Cumming Soon).


1. Balls
2. Garten - Für Angelika / "Fritze" Geges / Schmiddy'
3. Filet Americain
4. De Daag Waarop Sipke Eindelijk Zijn Nagels Knipte, En Verder Alle Andere A Moten Voor Hem Openstonden I.C.P. 17
5. Untitled 1 (bonus)

6. Untitled 2 (bonus)

Friday, 31 July 2020

Wolfgang Dauner's Et Cetera Feat. Jon Hiseman, Larry Coryell ‎– "Knirsch" (MPS Records ‎– 21 21432-2) 1972

One thing I likey not within the 'Jazz' idiom is 'Jazz Guitar' (Derek Bailey exempted), which Larry Coryell extols the virtues of excessively in his guest spot on this Wolfgang Dauner Rock-fusion album. Nowhere near as 'Out-there' as "Output", this could potentially reel in countless Colloseum fans just by the presence of Jon Hiseman, never mind the attempt to recreate 'The Kettle' from 'The Valentyne Suite' as album opener.This could be as far-out as 'Rock' fans could dare to get to achieve the next rung up the ladder of Intellectuality yet still enjoy the simple Joys of Thin Lizzy and Status Quo.
This and Colloseum would be ,thee, 'Jazz' records in a dysfunctional rockers' record collection,which although he doesn't like them much, he will whip out whenever he want to display his 'interesting' side.
Krautrock Fusion with a bit of bite, "Knirsch"..... ("Crunch" in English)


A1 The Really Great Escape 4:20
A2 Sun 5:00
A3 Yan 12:50
B1 Tuning Spread 11:05
B2 Yin 9:50

Thursday, 30 July 2020

Wolfgang Dauner ‎– "Output" (ECM Records ‎– ECM 1006) 1970

As well as being great to be left hanging around in your batchelor pad,even if your are a forty year old batchelor whom no sane woman would want to be in the same room as,never mind be intimate with; "Jazz" can go so wrong that it's right. As Howard Moon explained so succinctly in 'The Mighty Boosh':
"Yeah you fear jazz!
You fear the lack of rules, the lack of boundaries. Oooh! It’s a fence! No, it’s soft! Ahh, what’s happening? The shapes! The chaos! Has to be simple little nursery rhymes for you, huh? Simple little “dee dee dee de dee-dee.” Soon as the melody gets abstract you mess your trousers and run to your mommy."

In fact, the boudaries are so stretched here that the word Jazz becomes just a meaningless blurry blotch on the outer spiral arm of just one of a billion billion galaxies,or, in fact, just over there for those of us us who nearly understand this raw juju....everyone and no-one!?
As the cover 'art' suggests, just plug yerself into the PA and let the ideas flow channeled from the ether in the vast untapped vat of Dark Knowledge that makes up for 95% of the Dark energy in the known universe.Even Quantum computers can't calculate the exact volume and location of this dark force that is splitting the universe asunder.
The corpulent torso with dense crabs ladder adorned by groovey neck-a-chief, reveals the location of the Earth end of this rip in the space-time continuum as being cold war era West Germany;briefly world leaders for music this 'out', until "Future Days" in 1973 normalised it all.
The 'Output' seems to be an intriguing alloy of Prog,Jazz, and spontaneous improv direct from the source that is tearing reality apart.Kraut-Fusion has been volunteered as a category for those of us who feel comfortable on solid ground.


A1 Mudations 5:45
A2 Output 7:42
A3 Bruch 4:15
B1 Nothing To Declare 10:40
B2 Abraxas 4:24
B3 Brazing The High Sky Full 4:25

Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Penderecki - Don Cherry & The New Eternal Rhythm Orchestra ‎– "Actions" (Philips ‎– 6305 153) 1971

You know you've made it into the pantheons of recognition when you're only referred to by your family Beethoven,Coltrane, and Collins (Phil). Penderecki gets in there, but alas, the great Don Cherry never is reffered to as simply "Cherry".He's far too self-effacing for that.He just gets on with it and is comfortable as an ignored Jazz also-ran.
This sounds like predominantly a "Cherry" record to me,but Penderecki gets to be named first on the front cover.
Plaudits go out to our favourite Polish avant-gardiste, for having anything to do with losing control to a bunch of seasoned improvisers. Normally those who write stuff down don't allow self-expression as part of their scripts,notable exceptions includes Cage(who also gets the surname treatment I notice).
This is a wild excursion into feral free Jazz territory,that can only enhance the legend of both Penderecki and, yes....."Cherry".Just don't let his screechy step-daughter sing on it....... pleeeeease!


1.Humus - The Life Exploring Force 18:36
2.Sita Rama Encores 4:17
3.Actions For Free Jazz Orchestra 16:33

Sunday, 26 July 2020

Edgard Varèse ‎– "Complete Works Of Edgard Varèse, Volume 1" (EMS Recordings ‎– EMS401) 1950/1962

Edgard Varèse has been credited as the "Father of Electronic Music",probably by himself. There's a clear behavioural pattern among artists,especially classical composers, to control events with zero wriggle room. They either long to be either dictators or composers.They are the large pulsating brain in the centre of the orchestra.If they could not do this they would regularly crop up in the extreme ends of the Political spectrum,the number one destination for the failed artist.As they cannot legally control people any other way than they could a triangle player in a symphony Orchestra,sadistically allowing him just one note,then woe betide you if you got it a nanosecond out of place. I'm sure that if Artists weren't given their medium to ejaculate their need for control they would vent their anger in the form of some attempt at doing Genocide properly,and this time 'no more mr Nice Guy!

"I Long for instruments(read instruments as people) obedient to my thought and whim, with their contribution of a whole new world of unsuspected sounds, which will lend themselves to the exigencies of my inner rhythm." Varèse said in June 1917,obviously his mind was with the millions of young men being slaughtered on a small strip of land in north-eastern France at the time?

As for the 'Father of Electronics' title, i would suggest there are far more worthy and earlier pretenders to the throne than Varèse,but all those Frank Zappa fans grasping over every word their hero said,won't have it any other way....Frank liked Edgard,that's all you need to know.
Ed had been hoping for using some electrical devices in his music since the twenties,composing a piece for two Theremins and voice.Then, with electronic music at last a real possibility owing to the development of the tape recorder, Varèse produced Déserts for wind, percussion and tape (1954) and Poème Électronique (1957-8), devised to be diffused,very influentially, in the Philips pavilion at the Brussels Exposition of 1958.

His non-electronic pieces, have a tendancy to sound like a bucking mule in an empty kitchen...with police siren of course.....I told you he was wacky? There are other pieces that sound not unlike the Car Horn factory that Laurel and Hardy worked in in "Saps At Sea".....horns....HORNS.....HOOOOORRRRRNNNNNSSSSS!.....after hearing this you too will need rest and plenty of sea air just like Oliver Norville Hardy was recommended by his physician.

The more trad avant-garde works on this album were recorded in New York City in 1950,taken from the original mono master tapes, except 'Interpolations' which are in stereo,and recorded in 1954.'Interpolations' are 'organized sound' compositions on magnetic tape, realized in the studios of the highfalutin Groupe de Musique Concrète,Paris.This is was that french roman nose was evolved for,to look down on 'us' along.
The original album didn't have the more Musique Concrete/electronic numbers on it, so I took the liberty of adding them, in their original, done by Edgard himself all you Zappa fans can rest easy.


1 Ionisation 5:27
2 Density 21.5 3:57

Interpolations (From Déserts) (9:22)
3 Interpolation I 3:00
4 Interpolation II 2:12
5 Interpolation III 4:10

6 Octandre 7:34
7 Intégrales 10:33

8 Poème Électronique

Saturday, 25 July 2020

Basil Kirchin - "Worlds Within Worlds" (Columbia ‎– SCX 6463) 1971

Looking like the Wolfman for need of a better description, Basil was a much overlooked innovator in the world of improvised music and tape composition. "Worlds Within Worlds" contains so many ideas,constantly shifting direction,that it sounds like a frustrated experimental musician's attempt at compressing all his ideas into this rare moment where he was allowed to express himself.
Any album where the sounds sources are credited to:
1 Gorilla
2 Hornbills
4 Flamingos
Various amplified insects, animals, birds, jets, and other engines. Sounds of the docks in Hull, Yorkshire... and the autistic children of the community of Schurmatt, Switzerland.

Augmented by one (uncredited)Derek Bailey, and Evan Parker,who were basically, the UK Improv Jazz underground.
Erroneously labelled the 'Father of Ambient'retrospectively,and a major influence of the 'other' 'father of Ambient', Brian Eno,Nurse With Wound was also an obvious recipient of the Kirchin influence. Basil made his living playing in jazz bands from the early forties and writing sweet tunes for the 60's and 70's UK Film Industry.
Let off the leash by EMI in 1971, Basil poured aall his ideas into this two part album,which is a whirlpool of found sounds,tape effects, field recordings,spontaneous improv,and jazz.Certainly a unique album,which was released in two parts...the first in 1971, and the second part, with the same title but different tracks, in 1974.....complete with ENO sleevenotes.
I've stuck them together, so you get the uninterrupted version,as originally intended.A bargain bin favourite,it never sold enough to justify the EMI conglomerate to allow the same mistake twice,so Baz stuck to film,and library music,but always continued experimenting off duty.The results of which are still being regularly released on the Trunk label.In,how we brits say,"Continental Europe", our Basil would have been made a professor at the national academy of Music...but he would have had to have a haircut,get some glasses,and wear a suit.You're either 'pop' or you're 'Not' in the UK.
It does say 'File Under Popular' on the rear cover?....hmmmm I'd love to see the face of someone in 1971 who took a blind punt on this?!


1.Part I - Integration (Non-Racial)
2.Part II - The Human Element
3.Part III - Emergence
4.Part IV - Evolution

Friday, 24 July 2020

Various ‎Artists – "Electronic Panorama: Paris, Tokyo, Utrecht, Warszawa" (Philips ‎– 6740 001) 1970

This is the 'NOW that's what I call music" for Musique Concrete,or "NOW That's what I don't call Musique" for most people. Looking at the pictures of the artists on insert cover, it seems that to make music like this you needed to wear National Health Service spectacles,wear a suit, have a side-parting even if you were balding, and be male! The being 'male' part was not an essential ingredient,as emphasized on this blog, by the lengthy 'Women in Electronics' thread wot I dun a few weeks back. And there's me thinking that Holland was a progressively liberal state.
More likely is that women,sensible creatures that they are, just don't wanna make silly directionless sonic nonsense, or Nonsense Sonique, like this;putting their undeniable talents into such popular male ghetto's as Football,getting blind drunk and mindless violence.

The intention of this four disc compilation was to show us nay-sayers that Musique Concrete was a worlwide phenomenon,and we do get some early noise pioneers from Japan,which is where the best disc in this quadruple album draws its tracks from.Was this the start of the japanoise obsession with how to damage ears without touching extention of their interest in torture and disembowelling themselves at the drop of a hat.
The French disc, naturally has all the legends of Concréte, Schaeffer,Henry, Ferrari, Parmegiani, in fact anyone without a French surname.
After listening to the entire three hours and twenty minutes of this album, you will be willingly joining your Japanese chums with a celebratory disembowelling.After raiding this for a bunch of rather marvellous samples of course.


Disc 1: Groupe De Recherches Musicales De L'O.R.T.F.
1–Ivo Malec- Spot 1:35
2–Luc Ferrari- Visage V 10:34
3–Guy Reibel- 2 Variations En Étoile 6:49
4–Bernard Parmegiani- Ponomatopées 6:33
5–Bernard Parmegiani- Générique 2:20
6–Pierre Schaeffer- / Pierre Henry- Bidule En Ut 2:30
7–Ivo Malec- Dahovi II 7:20
8–Pierre Schaeffer- Étude Aux Allures 3:30
9–François Bayle Solitioude 6:30
Disc 2: Studio Voor Elektronische Muziek Utrecht
10–Jaap Vink- Screen 7:30
11–Milan Stibilj- Rainbow 7:00
12–Frits Weiland- Textuur 6:50
13–Jacob Cats- Lux 6:55
14–Alireza Maschayeki- Shur 6:40
15–Luctor Ponse- Radiophone 6:01
16–Jos Kunst- Expulsion 9:00
17–Gottfried Michael Koenig- Funktion Blau 6:00
Disc 3: Studio Of Radio NHK, Tokyo
18–Toshiro Mayuzumi- Mandara 10:20
19–Maki Ishii- Kyoō 13:15
20–Minao Shibata- Improvisation 9:32
21–Makoto Moroi- Shōsanke 13:20
Disc 4:Studio Eksperymentalne Polskie Radio
22–Krzysztof Penderecki- Psalmus 5:05
23–Andrzej Dobrowolski- Musique Pour Bande Magnétique Et Hautbois Solo 9:00
24–Arne Nordheim- Solitaire 11:00
25–Włodzimierz Kotoński- Microstructures 5:20
26–Bogusław Schaeffer- Symphonie 17:40

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Tod Dockstader ‎– "Eight Electronic Pieces" (Self-Released) 1961

Thanks Tod, I knew I was the real talent behind all these musique concrete the man himself explains:

"Electronic music is recorded music -it exists only in a recording. The cuts on this record are not performances that have been recorded - they ARE the performances; you perform the piece when you play it on the phonograph."


Tod was a sound effects engineer for animated cartoons in 1950's Hollywood,when he must have heard a few of his contemporaries getting acclaim for making so-called 'Avant-Garde'records that sounded like the sound effects he was making for kids cartoons.
Smartly realising that he could do this 'Musique Concrete' stuff,he began making 'Electronic' pieces from 1958 onwards.
Not so smartly,he would soon realise that there's bugger all money in Avant-Garde composition, but it can lead to a string of easily impressed stalkers,similar to those who think Artists are 'special', and that Poets aren't just lazy short story writers.
Musique Concrete has many similarities with Poetry,and Abstract Painting,as its the easier route to making product.Just as Poets don't have the staying power to even write a pamphlet of their dreary prose,if they write anything at all,-the pose is the prose-,and Abstract painters don't even have to paint something recognisable,Avant Garde Electronics relieve the composer of the hassle of writing a melody...its too bloody difficult for starters.The only brain power needed is to dream up some confusing explanation to justify the general inactivity surrounding these finished works of Art.No-one can say you're not working when you're primarily a "Thinker".
The basic needs of the male can be met simply by covering his lack of actual talent with a thick layer of bullshit.This will bring him credulous young women,fame, to appeal to ladies he's never met,and rave reviews by equally pretentious and talentless art critics,to boost his ego.Yes 'Artists' of all kinds are generally lazy talentless bastards looking for a life livin' on easy street.
Whether Tod Dockstader fits into this category, I don't know;but he did manage to create this without going to a music school,and self-release his own album...all this in 1961. How many he actually sold isn't revealed, but Folkways Records later re-released it,eager to get on that darn Avant-Garde bandwagon that was gaining momentum by 1961.
Well I enjoyed it being a pretentious feckless arsehole looking for an easy earner.Or,simply that i like funny noises....Don't we all?


1 Piece #1 2:01
2 Piece #2 3:06
3 Piece #3 4:12
4 Piece #4 2:31
5 Piece #5 4:32
6 Piece #6 3:09
7 Piece #7 8:01
8 Piece #8 9:08

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Josef Anton Riedl ‎– "Klangregionen 1951- 2007" (Edition RZ ‎– Ed. RZ 1020-21) 2009

Another pioneer of concrete and Early electronic music composition, Riedl co-founded and became music director of Siemens Studio für elektronische Musik in the nazi homeland of Munich (1956-66)...good to hear that Siemens' massive war profits from slave labour were invested in something worthwhile?
The 'music' on this retrospective has the same problem as most of the Musique Concrete lot,an inate inability to repeat any of the sequences to suggest at least, some, musicality,rather than just piling one noise after another so it becomes more like a sound effects record rather than an articulate piece of modern composition. The dark ambient pieces apart, the stream of funny noises does tend to get on one's proverbial tits accusation that admittedly doesn't just fall at the feet of Herr Riedl.There are many other guilty parties in the early Electronics gang.
Nonetheless there are many atmospheric and interesting works among these 24 tracks worthy of admission into the Electronic Hall Of Fame.
I'd better end it there before I start ranting on about Nazi's ,who's a Nazi, and who isn't a Nazi,again....I'm beginning to sound like an Industrial tape in flesh,but without the tape echo effects!?
However,this doesn't change the fact that without Nazi's there'd be nothing worth watching on TV, and next to nothing to accuse each other of, which would make for a very boring life. 'Nazi-Fatigue is as real a thing as 'Holocaust Fatigue';don't let it get cha!


1 Paper Music I 4:28
2 Studie 59 I 2:39
3 Zeichnen - Klatschen / Zeichnen - Zeichnen 4:00
4 Aus Landschaftsbeschreibung I 4:58
5 Mix Fontana Mix 4:58
6 Silphium 4:08
7 Lautgedichtfolge G) 4:52
8 Ausfluss, Niederschlag, Spur, Nachhall I 4:17
9 Douce-amère 3:06
10 Komposition Nr. 2 10:15
11 Polygonum 1:25
12 Leonce Und Lena 1:44
13 Vielleicht - Duo 3:16
14 Musique Concrète - Studie II 2:27
15 Musique Concrète - Studie I 2:53
16 Leonce Und Lena B 3:38
17 Folge Von 4 Studien: Studie 62 I 2:07
18 Folge Von 4 Studien: Studie 62 II 5:46
19 Klangsynchronie I Studie 59 6:16
20 Studie 61 I 2:08
21 Komposition Nr. 3 6:49
22 Ideir Notna Fesoj 51:02
23 Elektronische Musik - Studie II 2:17
24 Elektronische Musik - Studie I 5:46