Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Strawman - The Nature of the Cage

'Strawman - The Nature of the Cage is a cutting edge documentary like no other. It highlights the truth around debt, the Legal Fiction, Lawful and Legal, Debt Collectors, Bailiffs, and modern day Policing. The film gives a detailed overview as to how you can address these issues in your personal life, offering knowledge on how to Lawfully deal with any kind of authority, if you haven't broken any Laws.

Drawing on the expertise of Trailblazers whom have risked everything to deliver this usually unavailable information, Strawman will outline information that you would otherwise be completely unaware of.

John K Webster, who has spent 18 months researching and making this film, has one goal... having noticed the increase of suicides in the UK that relate directly to monetary worries, he says "If this film saves one life, my work is done."

This film applies to everyone, regardless of your personal situation. It is important to know how the system works and more importantly, how it is working you.

It is said, that you must first know that you are in a cage, before you can escape from that cage.'
Well made high quality documentary about the rights of every man and woman in the UK - where you stand under the 'laws' and 'statutes' of the land. References to case law and precedent are presented to back up arguments and explain positions, and footage is used to show both personal successes within, and abuses of, the system we find ourselves living under, whether we accept it or not. This is the state of play at the moment.
Recommended viewing.

Sunday, 21 June 2015

From the Top Drawer LXIV - Another Green World

 For this year's Summer Solstice, here is the third cassette release from the organic/electronic ambient duo of Dan Carpenter (sax & clarinet) and Paul Chousmer (all other instruments & noises).

 Not much more to say about AGW that I haven't covered on their previous posts HERE and HERE ,
except that if you like their very mellow style (and you like bird noise!), you certainly won't be disappointed by this tape.

 Ripped as two side-long tracks @320kbps.

 Kick off your shoes, feel the grass between your toes, and get out your butterfly net to trap a copy as it floats by...

Monday, 27 April 2015

From the Top Drawer LXIII - Jud Suss

 Obviously taking their name from the 1940 film, is this a celebration of their upbringing within a certain ethnic group? A heartfelt cry for understanding?

 Who knows, who cares...would they themselves even want to remember?

A 1987 transmission

 Witnessed on several occasions performing at Club Dog when it was held at the Trade Union Centre in Wood Green, North London, this tape plumbs the very depths of obscurity & questionable taste, and consequently it is an honour to offer it up for your listening pleasure here.

Exhibit One

The tape appears to be named 'Hey Juden' - here's a possible track listing...

Side One: A Song From The Old Country/Cross Over Cross Out/Vot You Talkin-Tower Of Babel/Branson

Side Two: Zionisme/Baseball Cap On/One Small Business/Your So In Your Out

Ripped as two side-long tracks @320kbps

Saturday, 4 April 2015

From the Top Drawer LXII - Junkwaffel

 This is another post where I have very little info on the band, but I suspect they came from the South West of the UK.
 After trawling the infowebs the only 'official' release that I can find is 'The Mudskipper EP' which came out on Planet Dog Records in 1995. This EP's main claim to fame (in addition to the excellent original tunes) is that it contains a couple of remixes engineered by Portishead and Eat Static, thereby becoming something of a completist/collector's item. The EP was also recorded by, and engineered at, Ed (Ozric) Wynne's studio at The Mill in Somerset - a note on the artwork supplied with this cassette shows that some of this tape was recorded at The Mill as well, no doubt by Ed and possibly during the same sessions.

The music is funky and danceable with some vocals over the (organic) bass and beats, and is going to appeal to a more groove orientated listener, though it is spacey in its own way, with a great dub track included. Think modern-day funky Gong and the more world music-based Ozrics tracks and you won't go far wrong.

Tracklisting is:
Side One: Spirit Zone / Elyz / Beta Base
Side Two: BA-11 / Mudskippaz / Yamm7(?)

Ripped and digitized as two side-long tracks @320kbps

Remix from the 'Mudskipper EP'

Sunday, 22 February 2015

From the Top Drawer LXI - Timeshard

Back with the excellent Timeshard again. (Go HERE if they're new to you.)
The title is self-explanatory - a 1996 collection of recordings of this eclectic psychedelic electronic 3-piece outfit on stage, possibly at Megadog or at their own events, not sure.

 Not giving away too much on the tape...

Side One:
Cosmic Carrot/25th Century/Reality Helmet/Zero (version 1)/Zero (version 2)

Side Two:
Psionic Lattice/Photon/God Sez No To Tomorrow/X-Ray Ears/Voodoo Chronometer

Round about 80 minutes' worth of music...ripped @320kbps as two side-long tracks

Download HERE

(My scans of the cover do not do justice to the full-on pinky-orange day-glo of the original, but it seems that colours that vibrant don't scan very well!)

TimeShard - 'Arzach (Photon)'

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Solstice Shenanigans

To paraphrase Frank Zappa - 'this blog is not dead, it just smells funny...' Yep, been busy for a while.

 Anyway, to celebrate the Winter Solstice of 2014 and the imminent return of the sun to the Northern Hemisphere, here we have a brace of live shows recorded at the mighty Club Dog during the years 1989-1990. All (except maybe Treatment) are audience recordings (taped using a stereo pair of PZM microphones onto a cassette deck) from the back of the main room at the Sir George Robey pub in Finsbury Park, North London, so quite rough'n'ready but very listenable quality-wise.

 I'm posting them all together as I don't have any artwork or images that relate to the tapes themselves, as they live in a wooden box with only simple scribbles to identify both them and their dates of origin (thanks very much for the lend, Michael!) No track details either, except for the Treatment tape which I think may have been issued as a cassette that was sold from the merch table at the Robey.

Here are the files - all ripped @320kbps and joined together (without a break where possible) into one file from the two sides of the tape.
All are archived using the 7z program which can be downloaded free from here -

Treatment - 3rd March 1989    DOWNLOAD HERE

Earthnicht - 22nd September 1989   DOWNLOAD HERE

Karma Kanix - 6th October 1989   DOWNLOAD HERE

Oroonies - 8th December 1989 (Setlist can be viewed in the comments section)
                                                                                        DOWNLOAD HERE

Rhythmites - 26th January 1990   DOWNLOAD HERE

Ullulators - 16th February 1990   DOWNLOAD HERE

Third Ear Band - 11th May 1990(?)   DOWNLOAD HERE

Some (but not all) pictures may have been taken at the Sir George Robey 

There is a short YouTube video that I was hoping to add to this post, but unfortunately the embedding is disabled, so try this link...

Thursday, 20 March 2014

“Maybe Logic: The Lives and Ideas of Robert Anton Wilson”

'Maybe Logic: The Lives & Ideas Of Robert Anton Wilson' (2003)

Guerrilla ontologist. Psychedelic magician. Outer head of the Illuminati. Quantum psychologist. Sit-down comic/philosopher. Discordian Pope. Whatever the label and rank, Robert Anton Wilson is undeniably one of the foundations of 21th Century Western counterculture. Maybe Logic - The Lives and Ideas of Robert Anton Wilson is a cinematic alchemy that conjures it all together in a hilarious and mind-bending journey guaranteed to increase your brain size 2 - 3 inches!
From the water coolers and staff meetings of Playboy and the earth-shattering transmission of the Illuminatus! Trilogy, to fire-breathing senior citizen and Taoist sage, Robert Anton Wilson is a man who has passed through the trials of chapel perilous and found himself on wondrous ground where nothing is for certain, even the treasured companionship of a six-foot-tall white rabbit. Featuring RAW video spanning 25 years and the best of over 100 hours of footage thoroughly tweaked..

This feature-length documentary features Tom Robbins, RU Sirius, Ivan Stang, Paul Krassner, Valerie Corral and Douglas Rushkoff.

The soundtrack includes music from Boards of Canada, Animals On Wheels, Tarentel, Funki Porcini, The Supplicants, Pullman, Matt Elliott, The Cinematic Orchestra, Ognen Spiroski and Amon Tobin.'
Essential viewing...