Pictures, words, vibrations. 

MCM London is upon us in a handful of weeks, so I’m opening up the sketch list early to avoid last minute panics. Check the recent examples above for the general sort of thing that’s on offer, tho I am open to other sizes and formats.

These are all A4 and on 250gsm cartridge paper. If you are attending the show and fancy a little something to commemorate the occasion, hit me up via the email link with the subject “MCM sketch list” and I’ll fix you up with a price list.

Non-attendees can also apply, tho nothing will be mailed out until near the show date.

Folks have been asking about the state of the legendary GUTSVILLE in my messages, so it’s time for an update!

As you can see above, some of the pages are still in that transition stage between started and finished, waiting for me to find the time to focus on completing them so that I can recieve the script for issue 6.

The good news is that this will be my Very Next Job once I have completed this current 8 page strip I’m drawing for MEGADEATH. Truth. As luck would have it, I have nothing else to do after the 8 pager is done, so rather than look for new work to pay my rent, I’ve decided to just finish the last pages of issue 5 straight away, and eat a little less during the process.

Once those pages are completed, the next stage is to fix the hard-to-read lettering that we used in some portions of the book, also seen above. That font needs replacing doesn’t it? For then, and only then, can we be bold enough to release the earlier chapters (either as a collected edition, relaunched series, or just as part of the Hardback collecting the entire series) for your enjoyment.

I’ll show you guys the fruits of my labours shortly, for now I have some vampires to draw.


Blast him, Scott. Blast that Tony Stark good.

Good news, everyone! [/Professor Farnsworth voice] I was still able to order this variant. I was waiting for this era of Uncanny to get its own variant. Illyana made it (as she should) onto the ones for the Extinction Team, Bendis and Extraordinary eras.

“Uncanny X-Men Variant” for Tony Stark: Iron Man #7 by Frazer Irving.


A colour spread from my guest spot on Strangehaven in vol 9 of Meanwhile… due out next month. Next to it is the “original” procreate file in tones. For this project I aimed to complete all the painting on the iPad, leaving only the colours to be added later in photoshop. The original only had 6 layers to play with, so it was a bit old school. Back in photoshop on the Cintiq and it was like driving a Ferrari.

Not that I have ever driven a vehicle…

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sutamatorega-crokertopoulos asked:

What book-studying path do you recommend going through for one who wants to draw like you (not so much the painting part, more the construction and gesture aspects (including the gesture of the face), since your simple-but-photorealistic style appears to be it's own mountain of work).

Tricky to pin it down, as I never really read much of the books on hand, preferring to gain insight and wisdom via the fickle fingers of fate. The books I *did* read were How To Draw Comics The Marvel Way and Understanding comics, and the three Chris Achilleos books from the mid 80s. Everything else is a result of trial and error over 4 decades of doodling. I hope that helps :)

I’m drawing an episode of Strangehaven! Yes folks, the UK comic classic that is part The Prisoner, part Twin Peaks (and all Gary Spencer Millidge), is getting a dose of the Irving treatment in Meanwhile…issue 9.
Above u can see a work in progress shot of the cover! What could it be? Does it have the answers? Or is it just more cheese on toast?
To find out, order it from Soaring Penguin right now.

Greetings, Tumblrians. I have joined forces with the people at Unbound to publish my latest project, the Illustrated Compendium of Creative Collaboration titled FRAZER IRVING’S PLAYFUL INVERSIONS!

Yes this is the big grown up version of the sketchbooks I was publishing earlier in the year, what with that being such fun to do I took it to the next level with bigger pages, more detailed and varied art, and stories that provide stand alone tales as well as sequential narratives. Plus, colour.

The campaign has just started so I’ll be adding updates both on the campaign page and on here, showing more clips of the process from the cintiq and ipadpro, snippets of text from the stories as they form, and some music.

For now, back to drawing comics…

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edward-nb asked:

Hi Frazer! We met at last year's Thought Bubble, but I won't be surprised if you don't recall! Just saw the newsletter from Soaring Penguin and wanted to say how cool it is that you're working with them. Looking forward as ever to seeing your new work!

Next weeks announcement in fact! I’ll have some more art to preview then, it’s been 20 years (I think) since I was last in those pages!

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thelivingoracle-deactivated2018 asked:

Hello! I was wondering if you can shed light on the speculation surrounding the Batman Who Laughs being inspired by the variant cover for Batman & Robin 15 -- perhaps a prototype? Thank you for your great work!

It’s news to me! If that is the case, then I’m proud to have contributed to the ever expanding and mutating world of Batman. If not, then I’m pleased that some folks thought it was and were motivated to discuss it :D

Now, if I could bag me a gig doing some variants on that new series….

