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Welcome to the Cheeky Weekly blog!
Cheeky Weekly ™ REBELLION PUBLISHING LTD, COPYRIGHT ©  REBELLION PUBLISHING LTD, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED was a British children's comic with cover dates spanning 22 October 1977 to 02 February 1980.

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Wednesday, 29 July 2020

The Whoopee Years - Cheeky Weekly Characters in the Popularity Polls - part 7

Were the readers of late-era Whoopee the most regularly-polled (some might say mercilessly-polled) comic audience in history? I don't know, but I strongly suspect they were. However there's no time for further consideration of that now as we need to dive in to the next set of results...

The previous post in this series concluded with the Top Ten results printed in the 06 November 1982 issue.

As the editor promised, another voting coupon was printed in the 27 November 1982 edition, and the next results appeared in the comic dated 04 December 1982. Clearly votes sent in response to the 27 November coupon wouldn't be reflected in the 04 December results but presumably the frequency of the voting coupons (7 appeared in the comic during 1982) meant that there was a continuous background trickle of completed Top Ten coupons arriving at the Whoopee office, as well as the small voting coupons that featured on most of the letters pages.

What features had ended between 06 November and 04 December issues?

21-MAR-81 27-NOV-82 Whoopee It's Quiz Time

...this was something of a filler in which readers were presented with scenes from a selection of the stories within that week's edition and then set questions about the events which had transpired in those strips.

What new additions had there been?

27-NOV-82 23-MAR-85 Calculator Corner
04-DEC-82 25-JUN-83 Quizmaster
04-DEC-82 04-JUN-83 Rambling Rhymes

Calculator Corner, launched in the same issue that contained the final Whoopee It's Quiz Time, was of course a spin-off from Cheeky Weekly's Calculator Kid. This single-row-of-panels-per-week quiz concoction set readers puzzles which they could use their new pocket calculators to solve. Quizmaster was another brainteaser replacement for Whoopee It's Quiz Time (although unlike its full-page predecessor, Quizmaster was limited to a half-page per issue), the new feature hosted by different Whoopee stars each week. Rambling Rhymes was a series of strips featuring captions written in verse.

The following strips continued during the period under review...

09-FEB-80 25-JUN-83 Smiler
09-FEB-80 12-JAN-85 Cover Feature
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Bookworm
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Bumpkin Billionaires
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Calculator Kid
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Frankie Stein
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Lolly Pop
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Mustapha Million
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Paddywack
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Stage School
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Sweeny Toddler
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Toy Boy
16-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Chip
01-MAR-80 19-JAN-85 Top Ten voting coupon
10-MAY-80 09-MAR-85 Top Ten Results
01-NOV-80 27-OCT-84 Guy Fawkes Mask
09-MAY-81 25-JUN-83 Robot Granny
12-SEP-81 25-JUN-83 Tom Horror's World
31-OCT-81 05-NOV-83 Guy Fawkes Supermask
02-JAN-82 25-JUN-83 Teacher's Pets
27-MAR-82 25-JUN-83 Little Ed
01-MAY-82 25-JUN-83 Beaky
01-MAY-82 25-JUN-83 Kids of Class Five
01-MAY-82 25-JUN-83 Smile-In
01-MAY-82 25-JUN-83 Whoopee Winners
22-MAY-82 25-JUN-83 Cheeky (second run)
23-OCT-82 30-MAR-85 Snack-Man

These are the 04 December 1982 results...

Robot Granny Art: Ian Knox

Mustapha Million re-enters the top 5, having fallen to 7th place in the previous results.

Poll Date Feature Position
10/05/80 Mustapha Million 1
15/11/80 Mustapha Million 1
20/06/81 Mustapha Million 1
20/02/82 Mustapha Million 3
07/08/82 Mustapha Million 4
21/08/82 Mustapha Million 4
02/10/82 Mustapha Million 4
06/11/82 Mustapha Million 7
04/12/82 Mustapha Million 4

Calculator Kid has also fared better this time, up from 8th place to number 6.

Poll Date Feature Position
10/05/80 Calculator Kid 4
15/11/80 Calculator Kid 2
20/06/81 Calculator Kid 5
20/02/82 Calculator Kid 4
07/08/82 Calculator Kid 6
21/08/82 Calculator Kid 5
02/10/82 Calculator Kid 6
06/11/82 Calculator Kid 8
04/12/82 Calculator Kid 6

Stage School have made a dramatic move in the opposite direction, dropping from 3rd place last time to number 8.

Poll Date Feature Position
10/05/80 Stage School 8
15/11/80 Stage School 6
20/06/81 Stage School 10
20/02/82 Stage School 7
07/08/82 Stage School 8
21/08/82 Stage School 10
02/10/82 Stage School 5
06/11/82 Stage School 3
04/12/82 Stage School 8

Robot Granny, having edged back into the results in 10th place last time, is absent. Cheeky and Paddywack remain consistent in failing to trouble the typesetter of the poll results yet again.

My examination of the fortunes of the ex-Cheeky Weekly funny folk in the Whoopee Top Ten polls will continue in future posts.

Sunday, 26 July 2020

Brian Walker RIP

downthetubes is reporting the sad news that Brian Walker has passed away. Brian's unmistakable and highly appealing style graced many comics, including Cheeky Weekly, where he worked in collaboration with Barrie Appleby on Laugh and Learn. My condolences to Brian's family and friends.

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

The Whoopee Years - Cheeky Weekly Characters in the Popularity Polls - part 6

The previous post in this series concluded with the Top Ten results printed in the issue dated 02 October 1982.

A Top Ten voting coupon was printed in the comic dated 30 October 1982, and the next results were published in the 06 November 1982 edition.

As has become customary in this series of posts, we'll first examine those features which ended between the previous poll results and the latest...

18-SEP-82 09-OCT-82 Toby's Animal Rescue Service booklet

These are the features that started between the two poll results...

16-OCT-82 16-OCT-82 Microchip Badge Giveaway
23-OCT-82 30-MAR-85 Snack-Man
06-NOV-82 06-NOV-82 Pa Bumpkin's Countryside Spot-The-Difference
06-NOV-82 06-NOV-82 Teach Your Family The Firework Code

Three one-offs are joined by David Mostyn's arcade game-inspired Snack-Man, whose grub-grabbing adventures went straight onto the comic's front cover, so the editor must have been confident that kids would enjoy the strip.

As usual, to understand the full contents of the comic at that point, we'll just remind ourselves of the features that were ongoing at the time...

09-FEB-80 25-JUN-83 Smiler
09-FEB-80 12-JAN-85 Cover Feature
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Bookworm
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Bumpkin Billionaires
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Calculator Kid
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Frankie Stein
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Lolly Pop
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Mustapha Million
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Paddywack
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Stage School
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Sweeny Toddler
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Toy Boy
16-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Chip
01-MAR-80 19-JAN-85 Top Ten voting coupon
10-MAY-80 09-MAR-85 Top Ten Results
01-NOV-80 27-OCT-84 Guy Fawkes Mask
21-MAR-81 27-NOV-82 Whoopee It's Quiz Time
09-MAY-81 25-JUN-83 Robot Granny
12-SEP-81 25-JUN-83 Tom Horror's World
31-OCT-81 05-NOV-83 Guy Fawkes Supermask
02-JAN-82 25-JUN-83 Teacher's Pets
27-MAR-82 25-JUN-83 Little Ed
01-MAY-82 25-JUN-83 Beaky
01-MAY-82 25-JUN-83 Kids of Class Five
01-MAY-82 25-JUN-83 Smile-In
01-MAY-82 25-JUN-83 Whoopee Winners
22-MAY-82 25-JUN-83 Cheeky (second run)

Stage School, Mustapha Million and Calculator Kid continued essentially unchanged from their Cheeky Weekly days. Gran was still in her 'Robot' phase as far as the title of her strip was concerned (she had of course always been a mechanical synthetic human). Paddywack had suffered a reversal of fortune since his erstwhile Whoopee cover-star status and was by now reduced to a half-page per week. Cheeky was faring just a little better, occupying one page per issue, although when compared to his former 5-page per week Whoopee presence this was a considerable comedown.

Let's look at the 06 November 1982 results...

Stage School seem to be enjoying something of a resurgence, having moved up from 5th place last time to 3rd position, the highest they've ever reached.

Poll Date Feature Position
10/05/80 Stage School 8
15/11/80 Stage School 6
20/06/81 Stage School 10
20/02/82 Stage School 7
07/08/82 Stage School 8
21/08/82 Stage School 10
02/10/82 Stage School 5
06/11/82 Stage School 3

Mustapha Million's previously slow descent through the rankings has accelerated, dropping from 4th to 7th place.

Poll Date Feature Position
10/05/80 Mustapha Million 1
15/11/80 Mustapha Million 1
20/06/81 Mustapha Million 1
20/02/82 Mustapha Million 3
07/08/82 Mustapha Million 4
21/08/82 Mustapha Million 4
02/10/82 Mustapha Million 4
06/11/82 Mustapha Million 7

Calculator Kid reaches his lowest point so far, at number 8.

Poll Date Feature Position
10/05/80 Calculator Kid 4
15/11/80 Calculator Kid 2
20/06/81 Calculator Kid 5
20/02/82 Calculator Kid 4
07/08/82 Calculator Kid 6
21/08/82 Calculator Kid 5
02/10/82 Calculator Kid 6
06/11/82 Calculator Kid 8

Gran makes a surprise re-entry at number 10, only the second time that the aged automaton has achieved a place among the upper echelon of Whoopee characters.

Poll Date Feature Position
10/05/80 $6,000,000 Gran 7
06/11/82 Robot Granny 10

Cheeky and Paddywack remain consistent in failing to make any impression among the top ten placings.

My examination of the fortunes of the ex-Cheeky Weekly funny folk in the Whoopee Top Ten polls will continue in future posts.

Monday, 20 July 2020

A Plug for Gran

Peter Gray has posted some photos of the fantastic models created by Spencer Jordan. Among the sculptures of comic superstars is an excellent rendition of 6 Million Dollar Gran. This is the only time you'll see Gran alongside Plug from the Bash Street Kids.

Wednesday, 15 July 2020

The Whoopee Years - Cheeky Weekly Characters in the Popularity Polls - part 5

The previous post in this series concluded with the Top Ten results printed in the issue dated 21 August 1982...

As promised on the page above, another Top Ten voting coupon was printed a week later, and also in the 25 September 1982 issue. The next results were published in the 02 October 1982 edition.

To understand what features were appearing in the comic between the previous results and those of 02 October 1982, let's first examine those that had ended between the two dates, which could be seen as the features being culled for failing to garner sufficient votes in the intervening period...

14-AUG-82 04-SEP-82 4 Comics Ring-A-Round Challenge
01-MAY-82 25-SEP-82 Frankie's Monster Awards
01-MAY-82 25-SEP-82 Jimmy Fixit

Jimmy evidently couldn't fix it to stay in the comic. The 4 Comics Ring-A-Round Challenge was a promotional feature that ran for four weeks...

...I wonder if there was a hidden agenda behind this promotion and the IPC staff undertaking the calls were instructed to also quiz the readers about their likes and dislikes within the comics.

There was only one feature that started between the poll results...

18-SEP-82 09-OCT-82 Toby's Animal Rescue Service booklet

Not very many changes at all - so what were the ongoing features?...
09-FEB-80 25-JUN-83 Smiler
09-FEB-80 12-JAN-85 Cover Feature
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Bookworm
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Bumpkin Billionaires
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Calculator Kid
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Frankie Stein
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Lolly Pop
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Mustapha Million
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Paddywack
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Stage School
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Sweeny Toddler
09-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Toy Boy
16-FEB-80 30-MAR-85 Chip
01-MAR-80 19-JAN-85 Top Ten voting coupon
10-MAY-80 09-MAR-85 Top Ten Results
01-NOV-80 27-OCT-84 Guy Fawkes Mask
21-MAR-81 27-NOV-82 Whoopee It's Quiz Time
09-MAY-81 25-JUN-83 Robot Granny
12-SEP-81 25-JUN-83 Tom Horror's World
31-OCT-81 05-NOV-83 Guy Fawkes Supermask
02-JAN-82 25-JUN-83 Teacher's Pets
27-MAR-82 25-JUN-83 Little Ed
01-MAY-82 25-JUN-83 Beaky
01-MAY-82 25-JUN-83 Kids of Class Five
01-MAY-82 25-JUN-83 Smile-In
01-MAY-82 25-JUN-83 Whoopee Winners
22-MAY-82 25-JUN-83 Cheeky (second run)

Mustapha Million, Calculator Kid and Stage School, all of which had secured places in all 6 previous Top Ten polls, continued unchanged. Gran was still in her Robot Granny guise, Paddywack's former whole page strips had been cut back to a half page each week as of the comic dated 21 August 1982, and Cheeky was still enjoying the full page outings he was afforded during the initial phase of the second run of his eponymous feature.

So what was the readers' verdict on the comic's contents in the next set of results, published in the 02 October 1982 edition?...

Mustapha Million, who had topped the first three polls, was making a slow, elegant descent through the ranking, although maintaining 4th position for the 3rd time.

Poll Date Feature Position
10/05/80 Mustapha Million 1
15/11/80 Mustapha Million 1
20/06/81 Mustapha Million 1
20/02/82 Mustapha Million 3
07/08/82 Mustapha Million 4
21/08/82 Mustapha Million 4
02/10/82 Mustapha Million 4

Stage School continued to bounce around the lower half of the popularity stakes, this time coming in at number 5, their highest position so far.
Poll Date Feature Position
10/05/80 Stage School 8
15/11/80 Stage School 6
20/06/81 Stage School 10
20/02/82 Stage School 7
07/08/82 Stage School 8
21/08/82 Stage School 10
02/10/82 Stage School 5

Calculator Kid was, apart from the heights he hit in the second poll, hovering around the mid-point - a creditably consistent performance.

Poll Date Feature Position
10/05/80 Calculator Kid 4
15/11/80 Calculator Kid 2
20/06/81 Calculator Kid 5
20/02/82 Calculator Kid 4
07/08/82 Calculator Kid 6
21/08/82 Calculator Kid 5
02/10/82 Calculator Kid 6

Gran, who had registered at number 7 in the first post-Cheeky-merge poll results, had since been conspicuously absent from the top ten, despite her May 1981 relaunch as Robot Granny.

Poll Date Feature Position
10/05/80 $6,000,000 Gran 7

Neither Paddywack nor Cheeky had appeared among the top ten in any of the polls, despite the considerable efforts made to devise a format that would propel our toothy pal into the most popular features.

I'll be continuing my examination of the fortunes of the ex-Cheeky Weekly funny folk in the Whoopee Top Ten polls in future posts.