South Korea RC Church Warns on Milingo

“With the financial help of Moon, he is planning something” Asia News reports on a statement by the Roman Catholic Korean Bishops’ Conference: The former Archbishop of Lusaka, Emmanuel Milingo, “is a danger for South Korea’s Catholics, who must avoid him and above all not become involved in his activity, clearly condemned by the Universal […]

Israel Chief Rabbinate Tells Jews to Avoid Christian Zionist Events

Arutz Sheva reports on allegations that Christian Zionist groups in Israel have missionary intentions: Ze’ev Shtieglitz of the anti-missionary Lev L’Achim organization has presented evidence of actual missionary activity by ICEJ [the International Christian Embassy] to the Chief Rabbinate. “For instance,” he recently told Arutz-7, “ICEJ Liaison Officer Doron Schneider is the head of the Messianic […]

Israeli Scientist: Every Christian should be a Zionist

Frontpage magazine turns to theology with an essay by conservative Israeli-American scientist Michael Anbar. Anbar explains why Christians ought to be opposed to “Palestinian” (his scare-quotes) sovereignty over Arab areas of Jerusalem. As well as giving strategic reasons, he argues that: Like in Judaism, Jerusalem is central to Christianity, which expects Jesus to reappear in […]

Kunonga Interviewed on Plan to Leave Province of Central Africa

A bit of dry humour from “His Disgrace” Anglican Bishop Nolbert Kunonga, in an interview for the Zimbabwe Herald. Kunonga has announced his intention to secede from the Province of Central Africa over the issue of homosexuality, despite the fact that the Province has taken a stand against it (emphasis added): Q: How do you […]

Colson Discovers Book Revealing Muslim Plot to take over the West

…or maybe not On the anniversary of 9/11, Charles Colson uncovers a conspiracy: But as a Muslim convert to Christianity notes, we have more to worry about than violent attacks. We should be just as concerned about the quiet inroads Islam is making in Western societies. Dr. Patrick Sookhdeo, who was born into a Muslim […]

ID Activist’s Complaint Dismissed by California Federal District Court

Remember Larry Caldwell? I blogged him in July 2005, a few months after he announced plans to sue his children’s school: California parent Larry Caldwell has filed a civil rights lawsuit in federal court against the Roseville Joint Union High School District and school officials alleging that his constitutional rights to free speech, equal protection […]

WND Accuses Olmert and Peres of Plotting “Final Solution” to Temple Mount Dispute

Joseph Farah goes off the deep end: While the Muslim zealots who administer the Temple Mount continue to excavate the site without a thought or care as to the integrity of the most sacred ground in Judaism, not to mention an archaeological treasure trove, the Israeli political elite is secretly working out a “final solution” […]

Fatigues-Wearing Church Deacon Backs Mayor Naugle with Spiritual Warfare

Bizarre scenes in Florida, where a mayor decided to show that the community supported his anti-gay policies by inviting a representative of a religious group dressed in military fatigues to address the press at city hall: A group of Christian clergymen flocked to the side of [Fort Lauderdale] Mayor Jim Naugle on Tuesday, saying the […]

UAE Business Leader Gets Degree from Rev Moon

Following on from my last entry, the AFP reports: The head of a major Middle Eastern development company flew to North Korea Wednesday, and a South Korean report said he may be looking at investment opportunities. Mohamed Alabbar, chairman of Emaar Properties based in the United Arab Emirates, used his own plane for the trip […]

Belarus Politician’s Links to Rev. Moon Highlighted

From Interfax: Former Byelorussian Parliamentary Speaker Stanislav Shushkevich has said that he has nothing to do with the Church of Unification of Sun Myung Moon, but that he does agree with some of its principles. “As for the church established by Moon, I have never had anything to do with it. But I find the […]