Big Gold Dream + Teenage Superstars


Big Gold Dream and Teenage Superstars - The Sound of Young Scotland films

Vrijeme pridruživanja: lipanj 2013.


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    7. pro

    Now with first appendix of albums ranked 101-200. I think it fills some gaps and gives the whole thing a more rounded feel. No LP in the top 200 received less than 5 votes.

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    8. pro

    Looking through the archive and found the offline non-broadcast version of Jock and Roll again. Here's an excerpt starring . .The full rushes are still out there including the entire Edwyn and Alan Horne interview

  3. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    6. pro

    Guitarists of Scotland: Chloe Philip of BMX Bandits.

  4. 8. pro
  5. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    22. lis

    A mere thirty years after it was recorded, The Motorcycle Boy’s debut album is finally released. Check out the review on the blog Go and buy a copy, preferably from your local independent record store!

  6. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    19. stu

    UNAMERICAN BROADCASTING - EPISODE 38 Contain yourselves in any way you can - we're back on the airwaves tonight... 9PM [GMT] / 4PM [EST] Only on

    , , i još njih 6
  7. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    19. stu

    Adventures in Stereo - the pop genius of Judith Boyle & Jim Beattie.

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    18. stu
    Odgovor korisnicima i sljedećem broju korisnika:
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    17. stu

    Al Murray appeals for people to sign stem cell register after nephew is struck by rare blood disorder

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    17. stu
  11. Poništi
  12. 7. stu

    Rose McDowall on Postcard, Strawberry Switchblade, Poets and Bjork

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  15. 5. stu

    Michael Kerr from The Motorcycle Boy on Meat Whiplash, Scarlet and the prelude to the North London Polytechnic Riots.

  16. 4. stu

    The Motorcycle Boy. Interview with Michael Kerr chatting about the history of the band, Meat Whiplash and the full story of the North London Polytechnic riots later in the week.

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    1. stu
  18. Tonight, Teenage Superstars streaming for free

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  19. Thanks for the tip-off from the Thomas Leer/Rober Rental Facebook page here's a great film about Inverclyde's punk/post-punk music scene.

  20. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    7. lis

    UNAMERICAN BROADCASTING - EPISODE 35 Tuesday 8 October 2019 9PM [UK] - 4PM [New York] - 11PM [Moscow] Only on Painting: A. Zhukov

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