Theory. Utopia. Empathy. Ephemeral arts – EST. 1990 – ATHENS LONDON NEW YORK

CHARLOTTESVILLE: The world is divided, the camps are being formed- Anarchist Federation- Greece

in Global movement

Τhe 32 year old anti-fascist, Heather Heyer, was killed when a well-known fascist who was participating at the american alt-rights’ gathering in the town of Charlottesville deliberately ran his car over a large number of anti-fascists, causing the death of the 32 year old and dozens of injured, with some of them very seriously.

Let us begin with this: with most recent example the attacks in Barcelona, the Islamic State has adopted the tactic of blind attacks by ramming vehicles into crowds. Several attacks have been made, some with many and others with fewer victims. After each such attack we saw emergency bulletins around the world and endless discussions on terrorism and the need to have it crashed.

Now that the tactics of ISIS have been applied by the Western equivalent of Jihadism, that is the extreme right and the Nazis, what official, which channel, which «profound» analyst is talking about terrorism and the need to annihilate the perpetrators of such tactics? Not one.

Both the incident of the extreme-right terrorist attack (let’s remember that this blind tactic has always been in the arsenal of the extreme right as, for example, in Italy in the 70s but also in Greece with the bombs inside crowded cinemas) and those that preceded and followed it in the small American city may well be the milestone of a new era in the global social war.

In the US, the fascists, under the slogan «Unite the Right» and having as a pretext the demolition of the statue of a racist general of the American civil war in the middle 19th century, are attempting to create a political pole that will concentrate the entire right-wing political spectrum under their hegemony; A pole, which will be stepping with one leg on  bourgeois democracy and with the other on the latter’s «sidewalk», the parastatal violence and terrorism.

In Greece, in Europe and in the whole world, today as well as a century ago, this has been the basic strategy of fascism. Its stake is twofold: dominance in the parliament’s «lounges» and the state corridors and dominance in the «threshing floors» of the street. The rise to power of the «exemplar» capitalist Donald Trump and its clique, with their typical combination of opportunism, arrivism and fascist representations that characterize every consistent big capitalist, gave the fascists an air of success in the «lounges & lobbies». So they also had to step on the «threshing floors» of the street.

But they have miscalculated. The American anti-fascist and anti-capitalist movement, under the steady rise and wider penetration of anarchist ideas and practices, battle-hardened in the last years, both through the clashes that broke out after the non-stopping cold-blooded racist murders by the American state, and through defending economic, political and environmental rights, has lifted the glove. By adopting practices of direct confrontation and massive counter violence actions, it stood up against the Nazi rally, revealed its nakedness, fought it and eventually humiliated it. But the price was heavy.

It is clear that we are at the beginning of the formation of two hostile camps. Not that they didn’t already exist. But now they are starting to come out, and the truth behind them can no longer remain hidden: on one side we have capitalism, repression, racism, religious fundamentalism, legitimized social cannibalism, while on the other the forces of freedom, equality, unity among the repressed, and social self-management.

Of course, we can not fail to observe the torrent of hypocrisy, overflowing from the liberal and democratic establishment, that followed the events in Charlottesville. This «unanimous condemnation» of the Nazis and the KKK, and the supposed «tolerance» of all this rabble to the anti-fascists, is nothing more than a farce. All they care about is to recovering the state power that is now held by Tramp and it’s cliques.

It is true that for a part of the capital this widespread racism is viewed as a negative factor for its profits. But we should not forget that there is another part of capital that sees racism positively, and that, in any case, when the situation becomes difficult, fascism and racism will always be the most straightforward and consistent defenders of capitalism, whereas those who are fighting against fascism today will be the most honest and consistent anti-capitalists.

That is why the liberals have avoided to talk about «terrorism» in the case of Heather Heyer’s murder. Moreover, we should not be forgetting that the wave of murders by the US police that gave birth to the Black Lives Matter movement, occurred when the liberal, «anti-racist» clique of the «first African-American president of the United States» was in power.

Those who wink their eye to anti-fascist fronts with the bourgeoisie, they better keep it shut. Centuries of social struggles and lousy betrayals have taught us. Our struggle is always against capitalism. These are the outposts of our camp. These are the outposts of the exploited society in the US, Europe, Greece, Middle East and all over the world.

Solidarity to the American anti-fascists and anti-capitalists.

Eternal honor to Heather Heyer.

Death to fascism all over the earth.

Anarchist Federation (Greece)

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