Danny Yee's Book Reviews

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Latest reviews (all recent reviews)
*Visual Complex Analysis (Tristram Needham)
- a genuinely geometric perspective
Babel (Gaston Dorren)
Around the World in Twenty Languages
Children's Picturebooks (Martin Salisbury, Morag Styles)
The Art of Visual Storytelling
Life: The First Four Billion Years (Martin Jenkins)
- an illustrated overview for children
A World of Plants (Martin Jenkins)
- a children's introduction to botany
Beautiful Geometry (Eli Maor, Eugen Jost)
- art illustrating classical results
Math Art: Truth, Beauty, and Equations (Stephen Ornes)
- the maths behind some contemporary art + artists
Bilder der Mathematik (Georg Glaeser, Konrad Polthier)
- visualisation for understanding
The Invisible Killer (Gary Fuller)
The Rising Global Threat of Air Pollution and How We Can Fight Back
Clearing the Air (Tim Smedley)
The Beginning and the End of Air Pollution

Other: Publisher, Foreign Language, Random Review.

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