WordPress Meetup: Erään digitoimiston tapa tehdä verkkosivustoja

This is a past event

60 people went

Every 1st Wednesday of the month

Location image of event venue


Digitoimisto Duden kaverit Jyväskylästä tulevat kertomaan omasta tavastaan tehdä verkkosivustoja ja mitä ovat siitä oppineet.

Miten neljän hengen putiikki pystyy toteuttamaan räätälöityjä toteutuksia kohtuulliseen hintaan järkevässä aikataulussa, polttamatta tekijöitään loppuun? Missä menee raja turhan teknisen hieromisen, asiakkaan tarpeisiin vastaamisen ja tulevaisuuteen varautumisen välillä?

Alustuksessa kerrotaan kehityksessä käytetyistä työkaluista ja tavoista, kuten projektien jakamisesta front-end ja back-end koodarin välillä. Toimiiko tämä jako villissä luonnossa vai ainoastaan märissä unissa? Tulet myös kuulemaan avoimia stooreja mokista, kasvukivuista ja mitä niistä on opittu. Jos on opittu.

Summary In English

The talk will be in Finnish, but you’ll be able to ask questions in English and there will be plenty of time for discussions before and after the talk.

Folks from Dude will be talking about how they work on WordPress sites, and what they have learned.

How to see through custom WordPress projects as a small team, while retaining reasonable prices and schedules - without burning out.

What tools and processes are involved, and how is work split between front-end and back-end. What challenges have they faced and what was learned as a result.


17:15 – Doors open

17:30 – Opening words

17:40 – Presentation

19:00 – Drinks & networking

Drinks and snacks will be sponsored by Zeeland Family.

As always, we’ll continue on to a bar nearby after the official program is over, so you can join us later even if you miss the talk. Follow the comments in the meetup event or our Slack channel for updates!

The meetup will take place at Microsoft Flux located in Korkeavuorenkatu 35, 00130 Helsinki.

If you have any questions, leave a comment or contact us directly through the contact form on Meetup.com. You can also find us on Twitter (@WPHelsinki) and Facebook. If you prefer a more direct approach, you can find most of the community members on the #meetups-helsinki channel on Slack.

See you on Wednesday!

The WordPress Helsinki Organisers


If you’d like to speak at an upcoming meetup or suggest some topics you’d like to hear about, leave a comment on our meetup board or contact us on the #meetups-helsinki channel on Slack.


The local Finnish Slack community is a great place to meet other WordPress enthusiasts online and get help and advice with WordPress-related issues.

We’ve written a brief introduction on our meetup page if you're interested in joining: http://www.meetup.com/WPHelsinki/pages/Slack/

You can find us on the #meetups-helsinki channel or chat with @marco, @niko, @sonja or @sami.keijonen directly if you have any questions to the organisers.


Our meetups are run by volunteers and could always use some support from the professional community. If your company is interested in sponsoring an upcoming meetup or hearing more about it, leave a message on the #meetups-helsinki channel on Slack or contact us directly through our meetup page.