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Today's Northern Ireland News
Last Updated – February 3, 2019.


NOTICE: Today, Feb 3, is the last update on the Newshound. Again, thank you for all your enthusiasm, encouragement and support during the past 22 years.

I had a couple of e-mails asking if I'd do special editions on dates of major events, etc and I'm considering that but for now this is it.

John Fay
[javascript protected email address]
Twitter: @nuzhound


British minister warning to Irish government on no-deal Brexit and hard border: Sunday Independent
Cormac McQuinn

BREXIT Bombshell – Brussels WILL CAVE in to UK on THIS date with 'substantial concession': Daily Express
Marco Giannangeli

'Time to get our act together' on Brexit, urges Primate: Irish Catholic
Greg Daly

Saints and scholars – Ireland turns to US for Brexit support: RTE
Brian O'Donovan

What will a no-deal Brexit mean for Ireland?:
Gráinne Ní Aodha

Brexit and the Brady Amendment – Game Changer or Phony War?: RTE
Tony Connelly

The backstop is about peace – Britain must stand by it: The Sunday Times
Simon Coveney

Britain's Malthouse compromise is simplistic, contradictory and important (Jan 31): The Irish Times
Katy Hayward

Raab's ignorance is an insult to Northern Irish people: Gulf Today
Ben Kelly

We are staring into a Brexit abyss through no fault of our own: RTE
Claire Byrne

'Varadkar could look to Machiavelli for inspiration amid Brexit skulduggery' (Jan 28): Irish Independent
John Daly

With politicians who can't be bothered to read peace agreements, it's no wonder Brexit negotiations are such a mess: The Independent
Kristin Bakke and Kit Rickard

Give and take can get a Brexit deal over the line: The Sunday Times
Conor Brady

The Brexit Club – Nuts and bolts (Jan 25):
Lindsay Fergus

Pyrrhic Brexit victories are of very little value (Jan 31): Irish Examiner
Jim Power

A Brexit backstop will only make matters worse (Jan 29): The Times
Alex Kane

The English have been getting stuff wrong about Ireland again: The Irish Times
Donald Clarke

As Brexit day of reckoning looms, meet the gammon Magnificent Seven (Jan 31): Belfast Media

Big danger in Theresa May's defeat is that many will conclude democratic politics just doesn't work any more (Jan 16): Belfast Telegraph
Arthur Aughey

Why are we allowing ourselves to be held to ransom by has-been Irish militants?: The Spectator
Lionel Shriver

A crucial intervention against the backstop from Lord Bew (Jan 29): The News Letter

Vincent Browne: Irish unity doesn't matter – equality and justice are what's important (Jan 26): Irish News
Noel McAdam

'Regardless of Brexit, there will be a unity referendum'- Mary Lou McDonald calls for a vote on Irish unity: Irish Independent
Mícheál Ó Scannáil

Derry human rights expert Professor Colin Harvey warns of crisis in rights and equality in the North: Derry Journal

Stormont vacuum creates space for peace and reconciliation (Jan 29): The Irish Times
Jim Deeds

SDLP will remain faithful to justice, peace and reconciliation in all circumstances: Impartial Reporter
Tommy Gallagher

Nothing upsets unionists like Sinn Féin, not even Fianna Fáil's SDLP link-up: The Sunday Times
Newton Emerson

Policing Board members paid more than £300,000 despite political limbo (Jan 31): The News Letter
Adam Kula

Rows on council over cartoonist and Belfast Blitz memorial sad indictment of our politics (Jan 14): Belfast Telegraph
Ruth Dudley Edwards

Richard Cook defends DUP Brexit donation but refuses to reveal source: Irish News
John Monaghan

'People of east Belfast will rise up over the brutality of my dad's murder': Belfast Telegraph
Victoria Leonard

Keep your 'eyes on peace' instead of violence, says priest: Irish Catholic

Paramilitary murder is just what happens here ... but the victim is someone's father, husband or son: Belfast Telegraph
Lindy McDowell

Guildford pub bombings inquest criticised as 'pointless': BBC
Tanya Gupta

I still feel guilty for driving my brother to his death in IRA bomb: The News Letter
Philip Bradfield

'I loved Ian Paisley... but Thatcher and Haughey were the rudest people I've ever interviewed', says Eamonn Mallie (Jan 14): Belfast Telegraph
Claire McNeilly

Assembly speaker Robin Newton and Ceann Comhairle Sean Ó Fearghaíl come together for Dáil centenary event (Jan 31): Irish News

'Why names of two RIC men shot at Soloheadbeg should be on memorial' (Jan 23): Irish Independent
Joe O'Toole

Protestant role in 1798 rebellion 'forgetfully remembered' (Jan 23): The News Letter
Graeme Cousins

'We saw horrors of Nazi Blitz with our own eyes – politics had nothing to do with it' (Jan 19): The News Letter

Brexit may threaten us with the 'worst of times', so let's look to our sporting heroes to provide us with the best: Belfast Telegraph

Sinn Féin bid to light up civic centre to mark Pride Day fails (Jan 29): The News Letter
Carmel Robinson

Landmark case could overturn Northern Ireland abortion ban (Jan 29): The Guardian
Rory Carroll

TD Tóibín's 'Aontú' aims for justice: Irish Catholic
Colm Fitzpatrick

'Sinn Féin yet again on wrong side of history' (Feb 1): Irish Independent
Michael Kelly

Secret Brexit meeting between Orange Order and Scottish Tory minister: The National (Scotland)
Andrew Learmonth

Economist – SNP could back 'British Union' as part of alternative independence plan: The Scotsman
Scott Macnab

Breakdown of trust has turned us into Disunited Kingdom (Jan 28): The Times
Ed Williams

Saturday, February 2

Germany will be 'rock-solid' over Irish backstop, says visiting minister: Belfast Telegraph
Michelle Devane

BREXIT panic – Ireland in crisis talks with EU as pressure to back down intensifies: Daily Express
Harvey Gavin

Ireland should become 'advocate for Britain' after Brexit – former minister: The Irish Times
Fiach Kelly

Bank warns no-deal Brexit 'biggest risk to Northern Ireland economy for generation': Belfast Telegraph
Ryan McAleer and Jonathan Bell

EU needs a dose of reality if we are to get a sensible deal, says DUP's Foster: Belfast Telegraph
David Young and Rebecca Black

EU's KEY Brexit issue DISMANTLED by expert – 'Ireland wouldn't SURVIVE politically': Daily Express
Charlotte Davis

Ian Paisley – Chancellor told me to make Sammy Wilson to 'back down' on Brexit: Irish News
Brendan Hughes

Two extra Irish MEPs to be on ice after May elections if Brexit is delayed: The Irish Times
Harry McGee

No-deal Brexit worries raise spectres of the past on Irish border: Financial Times
William Wallis

'Ireland requires solutions, not soundbites, to a no deal disaster': Irish Independent
Micheál Martin

Brexit backstop – Can technology solve the Irish border problem?: BBC
Tom Edgington

It is a massive failure of civic unionism that the backstop got so far with so little criticism: The News Letter
Ben Lowry

The brutality of the British Empire lives on in the dark heart of the Brexiters: The Herald
Kevin McKenna

Brexit – SNP's commitment to Good Friday Agreement to be tested: The Scotsman
Brian Wilson

Whatever happened to north-south co-operation?: Belfast Telegraph
Andy Pollak

Jacob Rees-Mogg defends attendance at DUP fundraiser hosted by Ian Paisley: Belfast Telegraph

Jacob Rees-Mogg's attendance at DUP fundraiser queried by his party: The Irish Times

DUP MP – Jacob Rees-Mogg often agrees with me more than some of his own party: The News Letter
Stephen Gamble

Ninth arrest in Ian Ogle murder probe – Police detail grip loyalist paramilitaries have on Northern Ireland communities: Belfast Telegraph

Ian Ogle daughter – UVF gang that murdered Dad are still planning to kill my brother: The News Letter
Philip Bradfield

Loyalist paramilitaries – 'Once you join it's impossible to get out': BBC
Vincent Kearney

Time godfathers of crime gangs were put in jail where they belong: Belfast Telegraph
Jim McDowell

A wave of genuine revulsion after the murder of Ian Ogle: The News Letter

Gardai to carry out further searches today after 'significant' dissident weapons haul found: Irish Independent
Tom Brady

'IRA' Derry bomb claim raised in House of Commons exchange over Brexit: Derry Journal

Diamond peace demonstration: Impartial Reporter

Two men shot in paramilitary-style shootings: The News Letter
Carmel Robinson

Londonderry shootings 'attempt at controlling communities': BBC

Durkan hits out after men shot in separate attacks in Derry: Belfast Telegraph
David Young

Gerry Adams – New York in 1994 visit 'pivotal to peace': BBC
Mark Simpson

Sinn Féin under fire for silence over murder of former member: The News Letter

Civil rights veteran calls for plaque at Burntollet Bridge: Irish News
Seamus McKinney

350 names of potential soldier witnesses identified in inquest into 1971 death: Belfast Telegraph

Soldier who shot Aidan McAnespie due in court: Irish News
Connla Young

Peter Robinson's son and Ashers manager on DUP fundraiser guest list: Irish News
Brendan Hughes

Calls for DUP to break silence on Ian Paisley Maldives probe: Irish News

What is driving increased demand for Irish passports?: The Irish Times
Sorcha Pollak and Jennifer Bray

'Tóibín's conservative appeal gives new life to our politics': Irish Independent
Patricia Casey

GAA coverage not in our hands, says BBC after Sinn Féin's O'Neill hits out: Belfast Telegraph
Mark Bain

'Forget the backstop as Ireland unites on field of dreams': Irish Independent
Barbara McCarthy

I always supported Ireland in rugby but less so now due to the anti-British mood over Brexit: The News Letter
Owen Polley

EU description of Gibraltar as British 'colony' is result of May 'trying to reopen Brexit deal': The Independent
Rob Merrick

Friday, February 1

Varadkar will help UK win 'extra time' if delay secures Brussels deal: Irish Independent
Kevin Doyle

Government looks to America for help on the backstop: Irish Independent
Kevin Doyle

Northern Ireland's pro-Remain parties urge EU to say firm on backstop: Belfast Telegraph
Andrew Madden

Border checks at Irish ports if no Brexit deal, Humphreys says: The Irish Times
Marie O'Halloran

A hard Border would bring destructive clarity to the North: The Irish Times
Ivor Roberts

DUP pushing PM to exploit logical flaw in Brussels-Dublin backstop position: The News Letter
Sam McBride

Citizens' assembly 'won't tackle root causes of Brexit': Irish World
Colin Gannon

Paddy bashing back in fashion in London over Brexit woes: Irish Voice/
Kevin Toolis

'Ireland's example could provide Corbyn with the key to break the Brexit deadlock': Irish Independent
Yanis Varoufakis

Brexit – Why customs are central to solving the Northern Irish border impasse: Irish Examiner
Gavin Barrett

Forget the DUP and remember that Northern Ireland voted to Remain: The Times
John Kampfner

The Irish backstop is dead, and Brexit can now happen on March 29 based on a series of side deals: The News Letter
Graham Gudgin

Equal rights in Northern Ireland threatened by Brexit:
Emmet Livingstone

The return of an Irish border would threaten a golden age of peace: Financial Times
Jamie Smyth

Can Irish America throw a spanner in the works of Brexit?: The Irish Times
Newton Emerson

British secret service in Belfast to combat IRA Brexit violence: Irish Voice/
Paddy Clancy

'Beyond Brexit' conference a nationalist love-in that did nothing to build a shared future: Belfast Telegraph
Nelson McCausland

We must do everything to avert chaotic Brexit: Irish Examiner
Sigmar Gabriel

Time for Ireland to face reality of its inflexibility on Brexit border: Irish Voice/
John Spain

'PM living in a fantasy world of surreal Brexit triumphs': Irish Independent

Game of bluff with EU a dangerous one: Belfast Telegraph

Ireland's situation with Brexit has become Schrodinger's cat in a box: Irish Voice/

Rees-Mogg promotes 'sensible' deal to leave EU ahead of DUP dinner: The News Letter
Rebecca Black

Jamie Bryson attends DUP fundraiser involving Jacob Rees-Mogg: Irish News
Brendan Hughes

New PSNI chief constable does not have to be a UK citizen – DoJ: The News Letter

Attwood considers his future with SDLP: Belfast Media
Ciara Quinn

Divisions deepen as SDLP veteran says republican deal risks alienating unionists: The News Letter
Adam Kula

Revealed: New figures on religious breakdown in Northern Ireland – Working age Protestants drop by 14%: Belfast Telegraph

Almost equal numbers of Catholics and Protestants in Northern Ireland of working age for the first time: Irish News
Suzanne McGonagle

Ian Paisley complaints process 'confidential': BBC
Enda McClafferty

Prominent republican Colin Duffy in new legal bid to have newspaper reveal details of its source: Irish News

Declan 'Whacker' Duffy faces prospect of returning to Northern Ireland to continue life sentence for murder: Irish Independent

Bloody Sunday – 'Soldier N' victim hits out at police and the prosecution service: Derry Now
Eamon Sweeney

'It's about time' – Guildford Four member welcomes decision to resume inquest into bombing: Irish Examiner

Family appeal for information about IRA man killed at Clonoe ambush: Irish News
Connla Young

Man who laundered bank raid cash challenges state over £3m seized from home: Belfast Telegraph

Brexit – DUP's Sammy Wilson should apologise for 'chippy' remark says SNP's Ian Blackford: Irish News

Peadar Tóibín says third of new party members are FF supporters: The Irish Times
Fiach Kelly

BBC's Nolan defends 'Northern Ireland is not in Ireland' comment – 'If you want to bury your head in sand I can't do anything about that': Belfast Telegraph
Jonathan Bell

Met Eireann to consider including Northern Ireland weather warnings after Sinn Féin complaints: Belfast Telegraph
Gareth Cross

Weather crosses all borders: Irish News

Thursday, January 31

Brexit – MPs call on Theresa May to renegotiate the backstop: The News Letter
Sam McBride

Has Ireland made no deal MORE LIKELY? Varadkar REFUSES to renegotiate in call with May: Daily Express
Harvey Gavin

Ireland will come under pressure on backstop, EU sources say: The Irish Times
Pat Leahy

Varadkar sets out unchanged Irish position on backstop during phone call with Theresa May: Irish Examiner
Daniel McConnell

Britain 'wants it both ways', claims Coveney: The Irish Times
Vivienne Clarke

Coveney to discuss Brexit with powerful figures in Washington: The Irish Times
Suzanne Lynch

Coveney – Anyone who threatens peace process will not be forgotten: Irish Examiner
Juno McEnroe

House has rallied to the unionist position – Dodds: The News Letter
Ben Lowry

Leo Varadkar leaked Brexit conversation says Dominic Raab: BBC
John Campbell

Government describes Raab meeting leak claims as 'off the wall': The Irish Times
Fiach Kelly

Raab says Good Friday Agreement not like 'cracking novel' but he used it as 'reference tool' during Brexit talks: Belfast Telegraph
Jonathan Bell

Dominic Raab says he was advised not to stop at border during visit: Irish News
Claire Simpson

Irritation with London over Brexit now bordering on anger: The Irish Times
Denis Staunton

Brexit backstop: What people on the Irish border really think – and fear: Daily Mirror
Brian Reade

Call for special committee to examine Brexit contingency Bill: The Irish Times
Harry McGee

Food stockpiling flags Brexit disaster – SF: Derry Journal

'We didn't create the problem, and shouldn't have to find a remedy': Irish Independent
John Downing

Brexit – Does the Irish peace accord rule out a hard border?: BBC
John Campbell

May negotiates Tory ceasefire and retains control of Brexit... just: Belfast Telegraph
Suzanne Breen

Dublin's anger about Brexit is palpable: Irish Examiner
Daniel McConnell

May deluded if she thinks this changes anything in Brussels: Belfast Telegraph
Jon Tonge

A depressing night at Westminster: Irish News

'PM living in a fantasy world of surreal Brexit triumphs': Irish Independent

Border vote – Brexit-like fantasy feeds border calls: Irish Examiner

SDLP tie-up with Fianna Fáil will alienate unionist opinion and cost party members ... it is a mistake: Belfast Telegraph
Alban Maginness

Jacob Rees-Mogg's involvement in DUP fundraiser 'frustrating' says Northern Ireland Tory: Irish News
Claire Simpson

Hamilton successor has a big task ahead as PSNI chief: Belfast Telegraph

PSNI 'must do more' to tackle east Belfast UVF, says Sinn Féin's Gerry Kelly: Belfast Telegraph
Mark Edwards

Almost five million cigarettes seized in police operation targeting loyalist paramilitaries: Irish News
Suzanne McGonagle

Jolene Bunting allegedly mocked Irish famine by posting racist and sectarian tweet, High Court hears: Irish News

Man on trial for IRA membership had 'republican' posters in TV unit, court hears: Irish Examiner
Ruaidhrí Giblin

Wilson's 'go to the chippy' remark 'flippant and part of Westminster cauldron,' says DUP's Dodds: Belfast Telegraph
Jonathan Bell

IRSP – British occupation the root cause of Derry car bomb: Derry Journal

Bishop Daly's stole given to museum on 47th anniversary of Bloody Sunday: The Irish Times
Freya McClements

Facebook – Dissident republicans Saoradh take legal action: BBC
Vincent Kearney

Brexit – Northern businesses grow itchy and impatient: The Irish Times
Francess McDonnell

Barclays triggers £166billion EU move over Brexit uncertainty – 'Cannot wait any longer': Daily Express
Carly Read

Erasmus students will be able complete stay in UK in event of no-deal Brexit: The Irish Times
Carl O'Brien

How Brexit could impact on immigration rules and the Common Travel Area: The Irish Times
Piaras Mac Éinrí

DUP – Abortion reform from Westminster a breach of devolution: The News Letter

Northern Ireland Secretary accused of misleading MPs after refusing to act on abortion and same-sex marriage bans: The Independent
Rob Merrick

Sinn Féin accuse Met Eireann of 'amputating' Northern Ireland from weather warnings: Belfast Telegraph
Gareth Cross

Ugly prehistoric hatred of Orange Walk bigot snared by modern policing: Scottish Daily Record

Wednesday, January 30

Brexit – May wins backing to renegotiate Northern Ireland backstop but EU says nothing has changed: The Independent
Joe Watts

Conservative Brexiteers and Remainers produce proposal to replace North backstop: The Irish Times
Denis Staunton

Govt – Withdrawal Agreement 'not open for re-negotiation': Irish Examiner
Daniel McConnell

'Time for EU to stop ignoring voice of unionists' says Dodds as Sinn Féin vow 'Ireland won't be pushed around': Belfast Telegraph
Gareth Cross

Brexit vote – Good Friday Agreement ripped up, says SNP: BBC
Jayne McCormack

DUP react angrily to claim Brexit vote 'ripped up Good Friday Agreement': Belfast Telegraph
Gareth Cross

EU to CAVE on Brexit? Ireland PANIC at prospect of no-deal as economic growth set to STALL: Daily Express
Ciaran McGrath

Terrorism could get 'much worse again in Northern Ireland' after Brexit, warns ex-MI5 chief: Belfast Telegraph
Gavin Cordon

Brexit is the political challenge of our time and Ireland needs to hold its nerve – Varadkar: Irish Independent
Michelle Devane

DUP's Sammy Wilson says people should 'go to the chippy' in event of Brexit food shortages: Belfast Telegraph

DUP backs 'Malthouse' alternative plan to break Brexit impasse: The News Letter
Stephen Gamble

State decision due soon on excess MEPs if Brexit stalled: The Irish Times
Harry McGee

Nigel Farage STUNS Irish reporter with shocking forecast – 'Ireland WILL leave the EU!: Daily Express
Aurora Bosotti

No room to change any aspect of backstop, says Sinn Féin: RTE
Colm Ó Mongáin

Brexit – Why is the Irish backstop so controversial?: Deutsche Welle

Here's why the Northern Ireland backstop is so crucial – and why Brexit hardliners are sabotaging democracy: The Independent
Tess Finch-Lees

Brexit – Does the Irish peace accord rule out a hard border?: BBC
John Campbell

'Contempt mobilised nationalist electorate': Belfast Media

'DUP is peddling deceitful nonsense about imagined dangers of backstop': Irish Independent
Gay Mitchell

Whose border is it? Irish, British or EU?: Mayo News
Liamy MacNally

Theresa May willing to jeopardise Good Friday Agreement to save her Brexit skin: Daily Mirror

The Irish Times view on a no-deal Brexit – bracing for impact: The Irish Times

Parliament sends a vital signal on the sort of Brexit it can back: The News Letter

SDLP Youth wing left in dark over 'vague' partnership with Fianna Fáil: The News Letter
Adam Kula

Fianna Fáil ties could see SDLP excluded from European socialist group: Irish News

George Hamilton successor 'should build unionist confidence': The News Letter

George Hamilton the coppers' cop whose frank ways won friends and critics: Belfast Telegraph
Ivan Little

Derry bomb statement released by 'the IRA: Belfast Live
Aoife Moore

Gardai send extra patrols to NI border over dissident republican fears: Irish Independent
Tom Brady

Daughter blames members of the UVF for Ian Ogle's murder: The Irish Times
Gerry Moriarty

Any positive work UVF has been doing is wiped out by Ian Ogle murder by gang high on their own self-importance: Belfast Telegraph
Ciaran Barnes

Anger as Irish road signs in Co Derry vandalised: Irish News
Mairead Holland

Monaghan mechanic denies charge of IRA membership: The Irish Times
Aoife Nic Ardghail

Bonfires listed alongside anti-social behaviour and rape in crime survey: Belfast Live
Maurice Fitzmaurice

Bloody Sunday family calls for removal of 'Para' flags: Derry Journal

'Derry Four' accept PSNI pay-out: Irish News
Connla Young

Passport Service poised for no-deal Brexit surge in applications: The Irish Times
Simon Carswell

Strong case for Irish passport office in north: Irish News

Sinn Féin forced to hold advice clinic in caravan after church hall offer is withdrawn: Irish Independent
Victoria Leonard

We must not be led to ruin by hardcore English nationalists: The Herald
Neil Mackay

Sinn Féin defend backing Venezuelan president despite 40 deaths in civil unrest: Irish Independent
Kevin Doyle

Tuesday, January 29

Former head of MI5 – I fear it's not over in Northern Ireland: The News Letter

May must exploit 'chaos in Brussels and Dublin' to get better Brexit deal – DUP's Wilson: Belfast Telegraph

Sammy Wilson labelled 'despicable' after calling for Theresa May to exploit Brexit 'chaos': Irish News

Brexit – Jim Allister says case for backstop built on sophistry: The News Letter

DUP must see the benefits of May's Brexit deal, Northern Irish groups urge: Belfast Telegraph

Brexit – Government supports Brady amendment on Ireland border: BBC

Beyond Brexit – Irish border poll without huge planning and engagement 'disastrous': Belfast Telegraph
David Young and Cate McCurry

No health warning with 'Beyond Brexit' unity rhetoric: The News Letter
Mark Rainey

Majority of people want a referendum on a united Ireland in event of no-deal Brexit:
Stephen McDermott

Brexit brings uncertainty and nerves at the border: Belfast Live
Claire O'Boyle

Message from nationalist 'gurn-fest' will surely upset unionism5: The Irish Times
Gerry Moriarty

The DUP is stuck on Brexit – but opting for May's deal could save Northern Ireland from turmoil: The Independent
Michael Hugh Walker

'If May abandons her pledge we must fight fire with fire': Irish Independent
Kevin Doyle

To protect the Good Friday Agreement, the Irish border Brexit backstop must be temporary: The News Letter
Paul Bew

Dublin's discipline on backstop wobbles as strain starts to tell: The Irish Times
Pat Leahy

Workers Party – Brexit event at Waterfront was a reminder that nationalism, be it British or Irish, is bankrupt: The News Letter
Patrick Lynn

Unionism, like nationalism, should be preparing options: The News Letter
Alex Kane

Save Our Sovereignty: The Times

Little Irelander thinking lies at the heart of republicanism: The News Letter

Dealing with Brexit a job for our politicians: Belfast Telegraph

History shows backstop essential – Power not trust defines relationships: Irish Examiner

The Irish Times view on Northern nationalism – the power of persuasion: The Irish Times

Irish language doesn't deserve to be misused as a tribalistic weapon by opportunists: Belfast Telegraph
Ruth Dudley Edwards

Political vacuum to blame for recent violence, peace rally told: Derry Now

East Belfast UVF moves to distance itself from killing: The News Letter

Ian Ogle's murder an act of savagery: Irish News

Two charged with kidnapping after man beaten in paramilitary style attack: Belfast Telegraph

PSNI Chief Constable George Hamilton to retire in June: Belfast Live
Sarah Scott

Michael Stone – I'm not a danger to anyone and should be released from jail: Belfast Telegraph

SDLP's Bríd Rodgers 'cannot support' Fianna Fáil partnership plan: Irish News
Brendan Hughes

SDLP denies vote on Fianna Fáil partnership is 'unconstitutional': Irish News
Brendan Hughes

Ex-IRA bomber who got 30 life sentences has words of advice for young dissidents: Belfast Telegraph
Shane Paul O'Doherty

Ulster Unionist Deputy Mayor welcomes cross-party support for additional police resources: Derry Now

Extradition hearing told of 'fabricated' evidence against 'bomb suspect': Belfast Telegraph

Derry Four settle damages against PSNI chief: BBC

Stephen Montgomery widow, 30 years after RUC man's murder – You move on, but it's still very raw: The News Letter
Adam Kula

Post offices run out of Irish passport application forms ahead of Brexit: Belfast Telegraph
Gareth Cross

Peadar Toibin reveals his new political party will be named Aontú: Irish Independent
Kevin Doyle

James McClean reveals tribute to Bloody Sunday victims ahead of anniversary: Irish Mirror
Eamon Doggett

'We are all Jay Beatty' is the clarion call as Celtic and Rangers fans unite against abuse: The News Letter
Carmel Robinson

Forget about the royals, let's elect a Scottish president: The National (Scotland)
George Kerevan

Monday, January 28

Coveney – We need to work together.. don't just listen to DUP, listen to all in Northern Ireland: Belfast Telegraph
Jonathan Bell

Blow for May as Ireland stresses it will not yield on Brexit backstop: The Guardian
Andrew Sparrow

Ireland dashes May's hopes of breaking Brexit stalemate: Financial Times
David Bond

Rattled Irish deputy PM claims the EU will NEVER let the UK drop the hated backstop from Brexit deal – but ministers accuse him of BLUFFING insisting Dublin is terrified of creating a hard border: Daily Mail
James Tapsfield

Theresa May set to demand EU ditches hated Northern Ireland backstop to save her Brexit deal, Matt Hancock hints: The Sun
Natasha Clark

'May takes things to the brink as she plays a dangerous game' (Jan 27): Sunday Independent
Willie O'Dea

Has Theresa May just signalled she wants whole backstop dumped?: ITV
Robert Peston

Simon Coveney plays down Leo Varadkar's border soldiers warning: Irish Examiner

'Varadkar's border gamble may not prove to be the wisest bet' (Jan 27): Sunday Independent
Gavin Barrett

Northern Irish groups visiting Westminster with plea to avoid no-deal Brexit: Belfast Telegraph

Mock wall erected on Border in protest against Brexit: Irish Independent
Wayne O'Connor

Amateur dramatics of mock Irish Brexit border irresponsible nonsense and playing on people's fears – DUP's Dodds: Belfast Telegraph
Jonathan Bell

Ireland's media is a vital counter to London-based Brexit bampottery: The National (Scotland)
Stuart Cosgrove

'The backstop chickens are coming home to roost – with our economy in danger' (Jan 27): Sunday Independent
Dan O'Brien

Brexit renegotiation and People's Vote 'both lose/lose for Northern Ireland': Irish News
Bimpe Archer

Brexit – How British-Irish relations are coping: BBC
Leanna Byrne & Tori Watson

'Europe will eventually be blamed if a border is ever returned to Ireland' (Jan 27): Sunday Independent
Jody Corcoran

A united Ireland – a hard border fix that dare not speak its name: RTE
Colin Harvey

The Irish border challenge should be agreed between Dublin and London (Jan 25): The News Letter
Austen Morgan

'Only option' is Direct Rule, says UUP leader: Impartial Reporter

Unity conference exposes divisions on border poll timing: Irish News
John Manley

University professor defends no Beyond Brexit invite for unionists: The News Letter

Unique gathering at the Waterfront Hall: Irish News

'UK can break deadlock – and get out of jail free' (Jan 27): Sunday Independent
Colm McCarthy

Violent dissidents are 'jumping on Brexit bandwagon': Irish Independent
Claire McNeilly and Laura Larkin

'The true republican believers haven't gone away, you know' (Jan 27): Sunday Independent
Ruth Dudley Edwards

Good people of Derry speak for us all in their defiance of evil bombers who would drug us back to the past: Belfast Telegraph

Loyalist killer Stone 'not a danger to anyone' due to ill health: Irish News

Thousands march to remember Bloody Sunday 47 years on: ITV

Eamon Collins – PSNI 'close to identifying' IRA man's killer: BBC

McNulty commends Newry Civil Rights March (Jan 16): Newry Times

Belfast City Hall could get new statues (Jan 25): BBC
Mark Simpson

Collapse of Stormont has left health rudderless for two years (Jan 25): The News Letter

'The Taoiseach has used the green jersey to gag Fianna Fáil' (Jan 27): Sunday Independent
Eoghan Harris

Anger over spelling of Irish names on transport passes (Jan 21): The Guardian
Rory Carroll

Gardaí need not offer breath test results in Irish and English, judge rules (Jan 23): The Irish Times
Mary Carolan

No-deal Brexit 'threat to export of Northern Irish animal waste to Republic': Irish News
Michael McHugh

'Unfit' Northern law forces 900 women to travel for an abortion (Jan 24): The Times
Ellen Coyne

Tories 'put DUP before domestic violence victims' as abortion reform thwarted: Daily Mirror
Dan Bloom

Sinn Féin reveals true self again with Venezuela infatuation (Jan 24): The Irish Times
Stephen Collins
