
WordPress is thirteen!

You could have knocked me over with a feather today when I read Matt’s post announcing that WordPress was celebrating a birthday!

It didn’t seem so long ago that we were working on b2++, hacking the multiuser bits in and doing all sorts of crazy things with it.

Now I’m “typing” this on a mobile phone by swiping my finger across a virtual keyboard. Back then the closest to this that I could imagine would be some sort of SMS integration!

WordPress today is unrecognisable from what it was back then, especially if you use the slick Calypso interface.

I’m looking forward to seeing what the next few years bring.


And my first post was …

My post on this forum thread was my first one on apparently.

It was 8 years ago and WordPress didn’t have a plugin system and wouldn’t have until later. I had integrated Smarty into the b2++ project, with a nifty versioned template editor and even looked at doing the same with WordPress. Smarty had a plugin system that could be used in theory but nothing came of it.

What was your first post on the forum? Look in your profile to find out!


b2 to WordPress rss feeds

One problem with changing blog software is the fact that URLs change. I’ve provided a redirection rule here so you don’t need to change the settings in your aggregator. Take a look at the feed now if you like!

RewriteRule ^b2rss2.php(.*)? /wordpress/wp-inst/wp-feed.php?feed=rss2 [QSA]


WordPress on – coming soon!

Coming soon to a browser near you: WordPress on! I’ve moved over a number of weblogs already and I’m fixing up the last few bugs.
The move over will happen on or near the 14th of September and I’ll update here with news and information as things progress.


I want AutoBR back!

WordPress doesn’t support autobr. I want to turn it off for my “Pic Of The Day” posts as the Javascript used gets confused by <br>.
I should have written a Smarty modifier to display those pictures in the first place, but now I’ll probably delve into WordPress plugins and hook into the_content() to do the same.


Why I'm not switching to WordPress

Neil has quite a few reasons for sticking with MT, which he outlines in his essay here. Hopefully my integration of Smarty will put to bed some of those reasons but inertia is the first reason he has for not moving and I guess he never will, no matter what anyone argues.
Thank you Matt for your kind comments WRT my work!


What's in a Name?

I’m looking for a name for my WordPress+Smarty+multiblog hack. On IRC earlier, Liam thought up “Warty” which, while getting in “arty” from Smarty and the W from WordPress is slightly inappropriate.
Kae suggested, “SmartPress” which I like. What do you think?
.. Says Donncha the lad with no imagination ..


Smarty Plugins Working in WP!

Yay! I got the “relatedstories” plugin working! The hardest bit was converting to use $wpdb instead of the PHP MySQL interface. I love that I could call get_permalink in post.html to figure out the story link:

{if $relatedstories}
  <b>Related Stories</b> ({$relatedstoriesWords})
  {foreach from=$relatedstories key=key item=story}
    <li> <a href="{get_permalink id=$story->ID}" >{$story->post_title}</a></li>


WordPress, Smarty and Multi-Blogs

My Smarty powered and mult-blog capable version of WordPress is now running on this site. It’s not perfect at all, but I have a simple script that exports the current blogs here to the WP table format. This blog content lives there already!
I really need to get Smarty caching going soon however!
Link coming in a few days, but TBH, it’s simple to find if you think about it 🙂
Later … Caching’s working, based on URL and user_ID, WordPress developers, is that enough to key the cache by? Also figured out that I need to sanitize_title() all my post titles into post_name before permalinks will work! Doh!


WordPress Multi Blogs

Lots of ideas flying around the web: 1, 2, 3 by Matt, 4, 5, 6

I like the thin layer approach advocated by Ruben the best. I spent the last 2 nights attempting to coax WP into inserting a %wpblog% variable into the URL but it’s too intrusive and it’ll make tracking official releases of WordPress more difficult. Right now, my work is a “hack” on top of WP and I don’t want to spend time duplicating what other WP developers will do in the future.
When can you expect something from all this work? Maybe as early as next week! Keep yer eyes peeled!