Author Archives: Rafe Champion

David Bidstrup guest post. “Fith-20″ (the new old disease)

There is a very dangerous disease sweeping Australia. It manifests in the complete inability of those afflicted to engage in rational thought processes. It seems to affect those people who are in “leadership” positions more than ordinary folk, although the … Continue reading

Posted in Australian Story, Guest Post, Oppressive government | 4 Comments

Green energy in Britain

See if you can find the wind and solar. Source. Jo Nova’s report on the return to coal yesterday when the temperature was up and the wind was down. Read all about it! Kevin Rudd tweeted: “For anyone who thinks … Continue reading

Posted in Electric Power and Energy, Global warming and climate change policy, Rafe | 12 Comments

Gas fires up the hornets of RE

The Coalition decision to go for gas (and a few other things) has poked a stick into the hornets nest of power generators and the RE industry. It is a move guaranteed to make nobody happy because there is no … Continue reading

Posted in Electric Power and Energy, Rafe | 15 Comments

No wind in Dan’s sails, Scomo on fire (sort of) and leave it to LEAN

Wind drought across the nation. All the states from west to east have virtually no wind in the early afternoon today with the exception of Tasmania and Queensland. Tasmania is importing power, presumably to save water. Just remember that the … Continue reading

Posted in Electric Power and Energy, Global warming and climate change policy | 38 Comments

Comparative costs of power

In November last year a group of consultants tabled a report in the NSW Parliament with the results of some elaborate modelling work to generate  the  total System Levelised Cost of Energy (SLCOE)  which is defined as — “…the average … Continue reading

Posted in Electric Power and Energy, Rafe | 18 Comments

Climate and Energy Roundup

The windpower supply this morning.  SA is generating three quarters of its needs from the wind and the price is minus $1000. Tasmania (the battery of the nation) is importing power. NSW is producing less than 10% of demand and … Continue reading

Posted in Electric Power and Energy, Global warming and climate change policy, Rafe | 6 Comments

Rewriting Chinese history

The word from China this week is that the new school year is starting with a revised History textbook. Never say it couldn’t happen here (because it has). Don’t miss the video in the comments Xi Jinping in Panic Mode.  … Continue reading

Posted in International, Oppressive government, Rafe | 28 Comments

Interesting times in the energy debate

Seisimic changes may be advanced to deal with the so-called transition to RE while we get rid of the “ageing coal stations” that generate noxious fumes of CO2. See the Post 2025 Markt Design Consultation Paper produced by the Energy … Continue reading

Posted in Electric Power and Energy, Rafe | 26 Comments

Get with the program Daniel!

Just a thought from Governor Newsom. SACRAMENTO, CA—Governor Gavin Newsom has released new guidelines for California’s counties looking to reopen their businesses, saying that counties may only begin to lift their lockdowns once a cure for death itself has been … Continue reading

Posted in COVID-19, Rafe | 10 Comments

Double standards on picket lines

In Britain the Extinction Rebellion movement has set up blockades at printing works of various newspapers, notably the evil press empire of Rupert Murdock. This has roused the Conservative Government and prompted calls for  XR to be viewed as an … Continue reading

Posted in Rafe, Terrorism, Unions | 8 Comments