Businesses Leaving Downtown Portland After Vandalism, Assaults on Employees

Posted by  ▪  August 19, 2020 at 3:00pm

“Our downtown properties have sustained significant vandalism and a number of employees and contractors have been assaulted in recent months.”

Businesses Leaving Downtown Portland After Vandalism, Assaults on Employees

Posted by - 8/19/2020 at 3:00pm

The violence in downtown Portland has escalated in recent days with one reporter describing it as a war zone.

Thanks to the unchecked mob showing up amid a global pandemic, several companies have decided to either move out of downtown or have employees work from home.


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AP Fact Check: Michelle Obama’s DNC Swipe At Trump For Keeping Kids In “Cages” Was “Misleading” and “Distorted”

Posted by  ▪  August 19, 2020

AP Fact Check: Michelle Obama’s DNC Swipe At Trump For Keeping Kids In “Cages” Was “Misleading” and “Distorted”
Posted by
8/19/2020 at 1:00pm
"Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border."

Goodyear Tires: “Black Lives Matter” Okay At Work, “Blue Lives Matter” “All Lives Matter” “MAGA” Prohibited

Posted by  ▪  August 19, 2020

Goodyear Tires: “Black Lives Matter” Okay At Work, “Blue Lives Matter” “All Lives Matter” “MAGA” Prohibited

Posted by
8/19/2020 at 10:51am
Welcome to 2020. "Equality" without regard to skin color is off the table, "equity" based on skin color is mandatory from campus to culture to corporations.

Coronavirus: France Deploys Riot Police to Enforce Face Masks

Posted by  ▪  August 19, 2020

Coronavirus: France Deploys Riot Police to Enforce Face Masks
Posted by
8/19/2020 at 9:00am
Paris and Marseille declared coronavirus 'red zones.'
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AOC Uses 60-Second Speaking Spot at DNC to Endorse Bernie Sanders

Posted by  ▪  August 19, 2020

AOC Uses 60-Second Speaking Spot at DNC to Endorse Bernie Sanders
Posted by
8/19/2020 at 7:00am
"In a time when millions of people in the United States are looking for deep systemic solutions to our crises of mass evictions, unemployment, and lack of health care, and ​espíritu del pueblo​ and out of a love for all people, I hereby second the nomination of Senator Bernard Sanders of Vermont for president of the United States of America."

NEW VIDEO: BLM protesters smash piñata effigy of wife of Minneapolis police union chief in their driveway

Posted by  ▪  August 18, 2020

NEW VIDEO: BLM protesters smash piñata effigy of wife of Minneapolis police union chief in their driveway
Posted by
8/18/2020 at 8:00pm
"... symbolically beating up a woman journalist isn’t a solution. It’s a disgusting act..."

Elizabeth Warren Speaks at DNC Native American Caucus Meeting

Posted by  ▪  August 18, 2020

Elizabeth Warren Speaks at DNC Native American Caucus Meeting
Posted by
8/18/2020 at 5:30pm
So authentic!

They’re Coming for Your Guns

Posted by  ▪  August 18, 2020

They’re Coming for Your Guns
Posted by
8/18/2020 at 5:00pm
Analyzing The Democratic Party’s Gun Control Platform

Democrats Solve Nonexistent USPS Crisis

Posted by  ▪  August 18, 2020

Democrats Solve Nonexistent USPS Crisis
Posted by
8/18/2020 at 3:01pm
Tuesday afternoon, the USPS Postmaster General Louis DeJoy released a statement saying he'll postpone any substantial operational changes until after the election.

Chris Christie on John Kasich: “He’s a backstabber and he’s untruthful guy”, “exhausting”

Posted by  ▪  August 18, 2020

Chris Christie on John Kasich: “He’s a backstabber and he’s untruthful guy”, “exhausting”
Posted by
8/18/2020 at 1:30pm
John Kasich (did you know his dad was a mailman?) is part of that little clique of former and would-be public officials who won’t go away and who are forever swaying like a reeds in the wind towards whomever is

On Centennial Anniversary of 19th Amendment, Trump Pardons Susan B. Anthony

Posted by  ▪  August 18, 2020

On Centennial Anniversary of 19th Amendment, Trump Pardons Susan B. Anthony
Posted by
8/18/2020 at 12:00pm
NYT rushes to cancel Susan B. Anthony as problematic

St. Louis Couple Who Defended Their Home Against Mob Will Speak at GOP Convention

Posted by  ▪  August 18, 2020

St. Louis Couple Who Defended Their Home Against Mob Will Speak at GOP Convention
Posted by
8/18/2020 at 9:00am
Other speakers include former UN ambassador Nikki Haley, Sen. Tim Scott, and Sen. Joni Ernst

Can Trump Flip Minnesota in November?

Posted by  ▪  August 18, 2020

Can Trump Flip Minnesota in November?
Posted by
8/18/2020 at 7:00am
“We’re going to have an election that is all about the survival of this nation”

Black Lives Matter protesters harass neighbors of Minneapolis Police Union chief

Posted by  ▪  August 17, 2020

Black Lives Matter protesters harass neighbors of Minneapolis Police Union chief

Posted by
8/17/2020 at 9:00pm
“You think we give a [expletive] about burning Hugo down?”

Does Anyone Really Believe the Trump vs. USPS Hoax?

Posted by  ▪  August 17, 2020

Does Anyone Really Believe the Trump vs. USPS Hoax?
Posted by
8/17/2020 at 7:05pm

Cat Fight! AOC fights John Kasich to be voice of Democrats at Convention

Posted by  ▪  August 17, 2020

Cat Fight! AOC fights John Kasich to be voice of Democrats at Convention
Posted by
8/17/2020 at 5:22pm
They are each calling the other an extremist.

Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley Calls for “Unrest in the Streets”

Posted by  ▪  August 17, 2020

Democrat Rep. Ayanna Pressley Calls for “Unrest in the Streets”

Posted by
8/17/2020 at 3:00pm
Suggested the public target GOP officials who are continue to "carry water" for the Trump administration

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