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This is my space on the web where I share my thoughts about whatever comes up for me. You can read more about me, contact me, browse through my posts that go back to December 2004, and follow my site for updates using various services.

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A Minecraft Dungeons Adventurer’s Life

I purchased Minecraft Dungeons for the Nintendo Switch a month or two ago, primarily for our kids. They’re Minecraft fanatics, and they’d been looking forward to this game since they first saw the announcement. I was also curious whether this was a game that I could enjoy? 🤔

Adolescent sunflowers

My wife and son are growing various plants on our balcony, including three sunflowers. As with most adolescents, they are tall, gawky, and show great potential!

Light at the end of a short tunnel

I went for a walk to do some shopping this morning. One of the cool benefits of our new city center is a convenient, short tunnel to the mall. It was nice to be out, roaming around the city a little, even with a mask taped to my face (it stops fogging up my sunglasses!). […]

17 years and I miss my father every day

My father passed away 17 years ago, today (at least based on the Hebrew calendar – he passed away on 12 July 2003). This week we also join our cousins, and aunt in mourning our uncle who passed away last week.

Reality tapping you on the shoulder

My family suffered a tragic loss this week due to the coronavirus. Last night, I read Om Malik’s post “The Pain of Distance“, and noticing reality tapping you on the shoulder – If this is how I feel, I can’t even internalize how my mom must be feeling. She said it is cold. She didn’t […]

Children playing in water

Tragedy of Normalcy in the Coronavirus Shadow

This coronavirus is an insidious thing. It pulls families apart when they desperately need to be together. A cliché in Israel is the phrase: “הכל בסדר” – “Everything is ok”. It isn’t, and it won’t be for a while yet.

All the races of Middle Earth

I enjoyed this introduction to the various races of Middle Earth: I’m very tempted to try figure out which of Tolkein’s books delve into the history of Middle Earth, before the events of The Hobbit, and Lord of the Rings. Well, I know there are earlier books. I have a little research to work out […]

Trees are like puppies

I run past young trees like these on one of my routes, and each time I can’t help but think that these trees are like puppies. Just like puppies have oversized paws, these trees seem to have oversized leaves that they’re going to grow into over time.

Two men parachuting

Free fall

The world feels more than a little crazy at the moment. Relative to what 2020 has been so far, that’s saying a lot. Lately, I’ve felt a bit like we’re in free fall, pretending that the air rushing past us as we hurtle down is just a refreshing breeze on a Spring day. It’s almost as if we’re all desperately hoping it can be ok again, faking it until we make it (if we do).


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