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Founded in New York in 1971 as an affiliate of the UK William Morris Society, the William Morris Society in the United States strives to publicize the life and work of William Morris and his associates. We coordinate our activities with our fellow Morris Societies in the UK and Canada, and distribute UK and US Newsletters and a biannual Journal of William Morris Studies.

William Morris Society in the United States
Statement in support of Black Lives Matter

‘I do not want art for a few, any more than education for a few, or freedom for a few.’

--William Morris, ‘The Lesser Arts’, 1882

‘Times of change, disruption, and revolution are naturally times of hope also.’

--William Morris, ‘The Hopes of Civilization’, 1888

As a Society bearing the name of William Morris, who worked tirelessly to create a more just and beautiful world, we acknowledge our responsibility to fight against racial injustice. We pledge to examine our policies and programming to explore how they could better honor William Morris’s legacy. We will work to increase the diversity of our membership and of our governing committee. The William Morris Society in the United States believes Black Lives Matter.


Re-evaluating the Pre-Raphaelites (MLA 2020)

The William Morris Society will sponsor sessions at the Modern Language Association Convention in Seattle, January 9th-12th, 2020. Details here


Modern Language Association
Toronto Convention

January 7-10, 2021

Guaranteed session: Morris and His Circle: Biography, Archives, Artifacts


Proposed joint session with SHARP, the Society for the History of Authors, Readers and Publishers: Revisiting William Morris and the Arts and Crafts: Reception and Influence

A joint social event with the William Morris Society of Canada is planned.
For information on times, locations, and attendance passes, please check in here
or email



Call for papers: Symposium on Morris & Co. Interiors [pdf details]
Wednesday 6th November 2019 at the Art Workers’ Guild, London

From Slaveholders to Sanders: A Brief History of the US Democratic Party, for British Readers

American socialist Bill Crane provides a brief history of the Democratic Party from its inception to the present, and asks how revolutionaries might relate to the movement behind presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders.

A new French translation of Morris's Well at the World's End : William Morris La Source au bout du monde Le grand Roman picaresque de l’âge Victorien. A tribute to the Kelmscott Press edition of 1896 developed, illustrated, composed and printed by William Morris. See full color, 4-page brochure.


William Morris and the Bauhaus are coming to London.
The William Morris Gallery is aiming to put on the first ever exhibition to explore Victorian William Morris and the modernist Bauhaus movement. Although working half a century before the Bauhaus opened its doors in 1919, Morris’s ideas about art, craft and community had a profound influence on the seminal German design school. Walter Gropius, its founder, personally acknowledged the debt he owed to “Ruskin and Morris of England”.But there has never been an exhibition exploring this connection.To correct this oversight, London’s William Morris Gallery is now fund raising £15,000 to stage a historic exhibition uniting the pioneering work of Morris and the Bauhaus.

Other Events in the US:

Book sale to benefit the William Morris Society in the United States

New Illustrated Edition of News from Nowhere

New Blog by WMS Award Winner: The Morrisian

New Book:

Teaching William Morris
Jason D. Martijnek and Elizabeth Carolyn Miller, eds.
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2019. 

William Morris & John Ruskin: A New Road on which the World Should Travel
John Blewitt, ed.
University of Exeter Press, 2019. 

William Morris and the Icelandic Sagas
by Ian Felce
Cambridge: Brewer, 2018. 

History and Poetics in the Early Writings of
William Morris, 1855–1870

by Florence S. Boos
Ohio State University Press

The Broadside
To Build a Shdowy Isle of Bliss: William Morris's Radicalism and the Embodiment of Dreams.
Eds.Michelle Weinroth & Paul Leduc Browne
McGill Queens University Press, 2014

Time and the Tapestry Cover  width=
Time and the Tapestry: A William Morris Adventure
by John Plotz
Bunker Hill Publishing, 2014

Time and the Tapestry Cover
The Collected Letters of Jane Morris
Edited by Jan Marsh and Frank Sharp
Boydell and Brewer, 2012

Collected Letters Cover

Morris-related Book:

Slow Print: Literary Radicalism and Late Victorian Print Culture. Stanford, 2012.

Shadows of Amiens bookcover


NEW William Morris Song Book

CD from Britain: For contents and information on how to order, please visit or write

Digital Independent Morris-Inspired Press:

The Kelmsgarth Press
First Publication: William Morris: The Blog by Tony Pinkney