
Alliance for Green Socialism

The AGS believes that global warming and other threats to our environment could destroy our society. We know that capitalism is deeply unjust and leads to the gross inequality we see today. We understand that these two problems are interconnected aspects of the same thing. We will never solve the environmental problem under capitalism, which is based on the ludicrous idea of endless growth. By definition, capitalists will always put profit before workers and the ecosystem on which we all depend. The AGS campaigns locally, nationally and internationally for a radical transformation of society. We work on the streets and we fight elections. Join us.

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The Power of Protest

Fighting racism and police brutality in lockdown from Minneapolis to Hong Kong By Hugh Barnes The history of protest is as old as the history of anything. People have always protested against oppression because it has always existed. Unless you have a vote, and sometimes even if you do, demonstrating in public is the bestContinue reading “The Power of Protest”


The pandemic kept most of us locked up indoors for several months, yet also provided a glimpse of freedom. The airline industry was brought to an almost total standstill. The precipitous contraction of the global economy saw carbon emissions plummet: by the end of this year, they are likely to be 8% less than inContinue reading “Editorial”

A World Turned Upside Down

A look at the unexpected impact of covid-19 on political and economic orthodoxies By Malcolm Christie The impact of coronavirus has turned economics upside down. Until recently, the Conservative Party stood for privatisation, cuts and balancing the books. Now public spending and state ownership top the political agenda. Our libertarian prime minister has imposed aContinue reading “A World Turned Upside Down”

Climate Change Notes

By Bryn Glover The first fully, peer-reviewed analysis of the impact of the covid pandemic on CO2 emissions has just been published, and it indicates that these have fallen at almost exactly the appropriate annual rate that will need to be sustained till 2050 if we have any hope of restricting global heating to 1.5°C.Continue reading “Climate Change Notes”

A Microplastic Marine Mystery

By Juliet Boddington Scientists have known for a long time that the human race is polluting the world – land, atmosphere and sea – and one of the worst examples is the disposal of plastic waste in the form of polymer chains of carbon and hydrogen atoms that are not biodegradeable. Now an international researchContinue reading “A Microplastic Marine Mystery”

Will Labour under Keir Starmer Become a Hostile Environment for Green Socialists?

By Mike Davies The Alliance for Green Socialism rejoiced when Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party because we shared his vision of a better, fairer society. For five years we campaigned alongside Corbyn’s Labour to build a nationwide political movement. But a political movement is different from a political party. A politicalContinue reading “Will Labour under Keir Starmer Become a Hostile Environment for Green Socialists?”

How Did the Tories Get It So Wrong?

As the coronavirus warnings grew louder, Boris Johnson’s government was distracted by Brexit triumphalism. On testing, contract tracing and equipment supply, there was a scandalous failure to prepare By Hugh Barnes The coronavirus known as Covid-19 (or Sars-CoV-2 to epidemiologists) is a new virus that attacks the respiratory tract. It resembles influenza in some waysContinue reading “How Did the Tories Get It So Wrong?”


In medieval England plagues and epidemic diseases were a common scourge. More recently, however, outbreaks like Ebola happened in far-away regions of the Global South. Now the impact of disease (as of climate change) is being felt closer to home. Suburban roads melt in heat waves, storms flood the Peak District, and fires rage inContinue reading “Editorial”

Climate Change Notes

By Bryn Glover The COP26 conference in Glasgow, which was scheduled to take place in mid-November, has now been postponed until 2021 as governments around the world struggle to contain the spread of Covid-19. Indeed the conference centre that was set to host the UN climate talks has been converted into a hospital for coronavirusContinue reading “Climate Change Notes”

The Rise of Euro-Tribes

Brian Elmer on how the ‘Balkanisation’ of Europe is boosting separatist movements Imagine you are looking at a globe. The rotating map shows the world’s land mass and oceans. Different colours help you to spot the political boundaries so your eye goes immediately to the largest countries in terms of geography: Russia, Canada, Australia, China,Continue reading “The Rise of Euro-Tribes”

Syria’s refugees escape out of the firing line into a pandemic

By Liz Peck On 27th February, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced that Turkey would no longer stop refugees trying to cross its borders into Europe. The borders in question, with Greece and Bulgaria, have been closed since 2016. Inside wartorn Syria, meanwhile, hundreds of thousands of displaced people have fled their homes in Idlib provinceContinue reading “Syria’s refugees escape out of the firing line into a pandemic”

A Brief History of Ecology

By Bryn Glover Forty years ago, Stephen Croall and William Rankin described the relationship between humanity and the Earth in a nutshell. The biosphere surrounding the planet is like a thin coat of paint over a football, they suggested in Ecology for Beginners. The image is typical of the way they allude to the delicacyContinue reading “A Brief History of Ecology”