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Stuart Christie, 1946-2020 August 18, 2020

Posted by WorldbyStorm in Uncategorized.

As noted in comments by YourCousin, sadly this week saw the death of Stuart Christie, anarchist/libertarian socialist, activist and member of an attempt to assassinate Franco. Got to love his autobiography:

An updated and single-volume version of his autobiography Granny Made Me an Anarchist was published in 2004 by Scribner. It had previously been published in three parts, the other titles being General Franco Made Me a Terrorist,[6] and Edward Heath Made Me Angry.


1. Mick Hall - August 18, 2020

Just got his book down from my shelf, read it years ago, it’s still a good read. If you go to Stuart web site the film archive has some treasures within it..


Liked by 1 person

WorldbyStorm - August 18, 2020

Thanks a million for the link Mick. Much appreciated.


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