
Who Are We?

We are a political party separate from all others. We stand for the sole aim of establishing a global system of society in which there will be common ownership and democratic control of the world’s natural and industrial resources.

We advocate a world social system in which each person has free access to the benefits of civilisation and an equal say in how their society is run; a world in which production is freed from the artificial constraints of profit and used for the benefit of all.

Whether you are new to socialist ideas or not,  these links provide both introductory as well as in -depth analyses

|What is capitalism?|  |What is socialism?|  |Reform or revolution?||The Case for Socialism|  |In Depth articles|  |Study Guides|A-Z of Marxism|

What no leaders? Genuine democracy.

Common ownership.

Abolition of the wages system.

Class Struggle


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The Environment

The issue of climate change is just one of a vast range of problems which capitalism is hopelessly ill-equipped to deal with.

Human and environmental needs come a poor second whenever the needs of capital dictate. The history of sincere but failed attempts to correct a system which cannot meet needs leads to the conclusion that a only new social system will suffice.

A system without money and the profit motive in which the interests and needs of all are paramount. In such a system the challenge of the human impact on the environment can be seriously addressed for the first time. People, and not money, will control their lives and the direction of social progress.

Socialism and the Environment

Economics,Politics and Climate Change

Socialism as a Practical Alternative



Socialism—the society we desire and work for— means a world in which all people will be social equals. There will be no owners of property and no non-owners, no rich and no poor, neither superior nor inferior classes, “ races ” or sexes. Why, it may be asked, is such a state of affairs desirable?

There is, of course, one very obvious answer. It will give better material conditions to those who now go hungry, badly clothed or poorly housed—in short, to those who suffer any form of poverty. It is the expression of their demand, as Oscar Wilde put it, to be seated at the board instead of being grateful for the crumbs that fall from the rich man’s table.

Prejudice and Equality

Is Inequality Natural? (Audio)

The Socialist Standard is a monthly socialist newspaper published without interruption since 1904 by the Socialist Party of Great Britain.

Socialist Standard Archives