Other News

Huckabee Sanders: Democrats In Congress Are Too Stupid To Understand Trump’s Taxes Anyway

Huckabee Sanders: Democrats In Congress Are Too Stupid To Understand Trump’s Taxes Anyway

There is something really wrong with this woman.

by Conover Kennard· · Current Issues, News
Trump Unleashes Morning Tweetstorm In A Panic Over Leaks From Mueller’s Team

Trump Unleashes Morning Tweetstorm In A Panic Over Leaks From Mueller’s Team


White House Spokesman Gets Called Out After Referring To Puerto Rico As ‘That Country’

White House Spokesman Gets Called Out After Referring To Puerto Rico As ‘That Country’

Uhmm…it’s a U.S. territory.

Adam Schiff Beautifully Savages Republicans Who Are Calling For Him To Step Down

Adam Schiff Beautifully Savages Republicans Who Are Calling For Him To Step Down

His response is perfect!

by Conover Kennard· · Current Issues, News
It’s Official: A Fake Cow Is Now More Popular Than Devin Nunes After His Spectacular Self-Own

It’s Official: A Fake Cow Is Now More Popular Than Devin Nunes After His Spectacular Self-Own

This is the best thing to hit the Internet.

by Conover Kennard· · Current Issues, News
Lori Loughlin’s Trump-Loving Husband Recently Raged Against ‘Takers’ And ‘Entitled people’

Lori Loughlin’s Trump-Loving Husband Recently Raged Against ‘Takers’ And ‘Entitled people’

Irony is dead.

Former Trump White House Attorney Heaps Praise On ‘American Hero’ Robert Mueller

Former Trump White House Attorney Heaps Praise On ‘American Hero’ Robert Mueller

Expect a Twitter meltdown in 3…2…

by Conover Kennard· · Current Issues, News
Death Of A President In The United States Of Amnesia

Death Of A President In The United States Of Amnesia

Not speaking ill of the dead around the family of the deceased is proper social etiquette, but presidents’ legacies are public property.

Featured image credit: Gage Skidmore via flckr

Oslo Police, FBI Investigating Forged Trump Nobel Prize Nominations

Norwegian and American authorities are investigating the source of two forged nominations for the prestigious Nobel Prize.

by Randa Morris· · News
Featured image credit: video screen capture via C-Span on YouTube

Republicans Attempt To Intimidate Former RNC Deputy Finance Chair Into Silence

We’re talking about Michael Cohen of course.

by Randa Morris· · News
Top Republican Opens The Senate By Literally Praying That Trump Will Sign The Border Security Bill

Top Republican Opens The Senate By Literally Praying That Trump Will Sign The Border Security Bill

This is insane.

Former Trump Adviser Goes Down In Flames For Arguing With An Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Parody Account

Former Trump Adviser Goes Down In Flames For Arguing With An Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Parody Account

What a dummy.

Featured image credit CC 4.0 wikimedia commons

Is Donald Trump Hiding A Health Condition?

There’s no evidence that an orange complexion is a sign of ‘good genes.’ It can be a sign of a number of serious medical conditions though.

by Randa Morris· · News
The Internet Explodes Over Nancy Pelosi’s Sarcastic Clapback At The State Of The Union

The Internet Explodes Over Nancy Pelosi’s Sarcastic Clapback At The State Of The Union

Madame Speaker doesn’t play around.

by Conover Kennard· · Current Issues, News
Featured image credit: public domain image via wikimedia commons

Republican Senator, Guilty of Child Sex Trafficking, Must Pay $125,850 To Victim

Trump’s Oklahoma campaign manager was previously sentenced to 15 years in prison after pleading guilty to trafficking a child for sex.

by Randa Morris· · News
Screencap, Federal Bureau of Prisons website, 2/2/2019

New York Inmates Trapped Without Heat, Lights During Polar Vortex

This is beyond cruel and unusual punishment. Get these people out of there, NOW.

by Randa Morris· · News
Kellyanne Conway: Cory Booker Is A Sexist For Running Against Women

Kellyanne Conway: Cory Booker Is A Sexist For Running Against Women

This alleged human’s boss has called women vile names.

by Conover Kennard· · Current Issues, News
Featured image credit: T.J. Commons, via Flckr cc 2.0

President-Rearing 101: A Guide To Coping With Your President’s Misbehavior

Are you feeling exasperated with your president’s attention-seeking behavior? Are his late-night twantrums causing you to lose precious hours of sleep? Don’t despair. Read this instead.

by Randa Morris· · News
Sarah Palin’s Tweet Calling Stacey Abrams A ‘Literal Loser’ Hilariously Backfires

Sarah Palin’s Tweet Calling Stacey Abrams A ‘Literal Loser’ Hilariously Backfires

Well, that didn’t go down well at all.

by Conover Kennard· · Current Issues, News
Featured image credit: Screencap Roger Stone with friend 'Bubbles' via rolliequaid/Twitter

The Capital Couples Club: Roger & Nydia Stone Organized Orgies For Washington Power Players

If Michael Cohen had 183 recordings and Omarosa had more than 200 recordings, how many recordings did Roger Stone have?

by Randa Morris· · News