SAVE 25% when you purchase our Theme Bundle and Make Plus together. View bundle deal.

Stop Adding Columns to Contact Form 7! Here’s a Simple Alternative For Your WordPress Forms.

By Scott Rollo on September 21, 2018

Contact Form 7 has, without a doubt, more downloads than any other WordPress form plugin available on the WordPress Plugin Directory. But did you know Contact Form 7 is over 10 years old?! And WordPress has changed a lot over those years! Simply take a peek into the history of WordPress, and you will see just how far it has come.

The NEW Way to Build Columns in WordPress Forms

Meet HappyForms! It’s time to stop hacking HTML, and stop playing with shortcodes in an attempt to create two, three and four columns with Contact Form 7. Instead, HappyForms (a completely free form builder plugin) makes is super-easy!

All you need to do is select from a drop-down which width you’d like your form to appear. Like this…

It’s really that simple! Here’s How a two column form looks…

And HappyForms also makes it easy, using the ‘Auto’ width, to create form inputs and buttons that appear all on one line (great for newsletter sign-up forms)…

Get started for free

Say goodbye to Contact Form 7! Download HappyForms plugin for free to get started creating your own multi-column forms in WordPress. And the best part is, with HappyForms you don’t even need to know any code.

Pirate Forms is Retired. What’s the Best Alternative WordPress Form Plugin Now?

By Scott Rollo on September 20, 2018

Are you still using Pirate Forms? Almost 300,000 people have loved this WordPress contact form plugin since it was first released but just this week they announced they’re discontinuing development. So now what?

Meet HappyForms! It our brand new, free, and super-simple WordPress contact form plugin that’s easy to transition over to from Pirate Forms. HappyForms is already rated five-stars on the Plugin Directory and has over almost 20,000 downloads so far!

Here’s three reason we think you’re going to love HappyForms…

1. Live preview

HappyForms is the only WordPress form plugin with a completely real-time live preview of your forms:

2. Style controls

You can easily style your WordPress forms appearances without touching a single line of code:

3. Redirect and Spam prevention

Premium features like URL redirecting, HoneyPot and Google ReCaptcha spam prevention are built-in and super-easy to use:

Download HappyForms plugin for free to make the switch from Pirate Forms.

Create Natural Language Forms in WordPress

By Scott Rollo on September 20, 2018

natural language WordPress form HappyForms

Natural language forms are a lot like fill-in-the-blank quizzes you might have been asked to complete back in school. They’re a fun and super-intuitive way to spice up your traditional WordPress forms because it feels like you’re having a conversation right in your browser!

Let’s get started

All you need to do is write a a short sentence and where appropriate leave blank spaces in places you want your readers to fill in their information. And this is super-easy with HappyForms new Story part.

This is a screenshot from HappyForms showing how you click ‘Add Placeholder’ to create your forms…

natural language WordPress form HappyForms

A few things to consider

It’s important to know that not all forms best fit this style, so we recommend also reading over GoodUI’s guide to natural language forms dos and dont’s.

Get started for free

Download HappyForms plugin for free to get started creating your own natural language forms in WordPress. And the best part is, with HappyForms you don’t even need to know any code!

HappyForms 1.4.5

By Tom Stark on June 8, 2018

Today we’re bringing you a new pack of updates for HappyForms. We focused on improving compatibility and fixing bugs in this patch release. Here’s what’s new:

  • Improvement: HappyForms scripts are now loaded only when a form is present on the page.
  • Improvement: Submit button now remains disabled until reCaptcha is filled to avoid accidental form submissions.
  • Improvement: Increased compatibility with various themes.
  • Improvement: Scale part now has a colored tracker and accepts color settings set in Style step.
  • Improvement: All Forms and Responses screen are now clear from any third-party plugin effects.
  • Bug fix: Add HappyForms overlay was not showing up in some page builders.
  • Bug fix: Submit button styles were changing to defaults on hover.
  • Bug fix: Various fixes related to part styles.

HappyForms 1.4.4

By Tom Stark on May 29, 2018

Hey everyone! ? We’ve just pushed another set of updates to HappyForms, improving the overall experience and fixing bugs. Here’s what shipped in version 1.4.4.

  • Improvement: New Advanced link added to each form part. Clicking it reveals more advanced settings related to the part. The result of this is a cleaner look for when parts are first opened in the builder.
  • Improvement: Better compatibility with themes. We tightened our CSS rules to persist the styles of HappyForms parts across popular themes.
  • Improvement: Current user’s email address is now pre-filled in Your email address field in Step 2.
  • Bug fix: Input placeholders behavior when Title Placement was set to Display as placeholder.
  • Bug fix: Responses screen was showing just a first letter of submitted data.
  • Bug fix: PHP notices were visible when adding HappyForms widget in Customizer.

HappyForms 1.4.3

By Tom Stark on May 22, 2018

We’ve just pushed a new version of HappyForms 1.4.3 with yet another set of exciting updates! Here’s what’s new:

  • Improvement: Date part gets redesigned and renamed to Date & Time. We also brought a lot of new features to it. To pick a few, the minimum and maximum allowed value for year and hour field are now possible, as well as setting inputs to show current date and time as the default value.
  • Improvement: Address part now lets users grab their current location automatically using Geolocation API.
  • Improvement: Added option to specify the subject of email notifications sent to site owners.
  • Improvement: Email notifications now support From, Reply-To, and CCing multiple email addresses.
  • Bug fix: Responsive behavior of Address and Date & Time parts.
  • Bug fix: Updated code to support PHP down to version 5.2.4.

HappyForms 1.3 is out now for free!

By Scott Rollo on April 26, 2018

Earlier today we released one of the biggest updates ever to HappyForms, our free contact form plugin. The new version now includes a heap more style controls, improved form parts and ReCaptcha. Here’s the offical changelog for more details:

  • New feature: Parts duplication.
  • New feature: “Title placement” setting now features options for displaying title as a placeholder with smooth transition, and place the title directly in the input field.
  • New feature: Google ReCaptcha support.
  • Improved: Better templates and filter coverage.
  • Improved: Modal for adding a form to a content has been redesigned and refactored.
  • Improved: Saving a form now displays an extended “Form saved” notice that contains a guide on how to insert form to a content. This message is dismissible.
  • Improved: Parts in the Form Builder now show part title for better navigation.
  • Improved: Dropdown part with lots of options now only reveals first 5 options on load with the option to reveal them all.
  • Improved: Redesigned Style step with lots of new settings to make your forms even better looking.

Download HappyForms 1.3 from the Plugin Directory for free.

We’ve added the Make builder to posts!

By Tom Stark on November 1, 2017

Hey everyone! ? We have exciting news for you today: We’ve added our Make page builder to posts and custom post types! This is an exclusive Make Plus feature and it enables the builder editing experience in both Make and Make Builder (our free plugin that we released just last week).

Besides that, we included a couple of important improvements to ensure compatibility with WordPress 4.9. See below for the full list of changes. Be sure to update to latest versions to make it yours!

Make Plus

  • Introducing post builder, allowing you to enable builder for your posts!
  • Fixed issue with builder sections’ visual editor not inheriting background color set in Customizer.


  • Added compatibility code to allow for latest features introduced in Make Plus.
  • Fixed section backgrounds appearance when set to Tile.
  • Fixed issue with builder sections’ visual editor not inheriting background color set in Customizer.
  • WordPress 4.9 compatibility improvements.

Make Builder

  • Added compatibility code to allow for latest features introduced in Make Plus.
  • Fixed section backgrounds appearance when set to Tile.

Meet our new Make Builder plugin

By Tom Stark on October 18, 2017

Today we’re proud to announce the release of Make Builder – our brand new, free page builder plugin. It’s the builder you know from our popular Make theme but now can be used with any theme!

Over 800,000 businesses now use Make, and we’re already hearing great things about Make Builder! So head on over to the Make Builder plugin page to download it for free.

Discover Make Builder’s popular features

  • Powerful, free page builder
  • Easily create content columns
  • Design beautiful slideshows
  • Create stunning galleries with overlays
  • Easily add buttons and custom styled lists
  • Customizable section background styles
  • Clean, valid, SEO friendly code (no shortcodes!)
  • Action & filter hooks for developers
  • Completely compatible with all your favourite plugins including Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads and more!


Make and Make Plus 1.9.1

By Tom Stark on August 18, 2017

We’re releasing 1.9.1 today! This patch release squashes a handful of small bugs that our makers have reported since updating to 1.9.


  • Added compatibility check and a notice about updating Make Plus when using a version older than 1.9.
  • Fixed issue with carriage returns in content editor’s Text mode.
  • Fixed ‘Configure column’ drop-down display issue, visible when multiple rows were used.
  • Fixed bug with content background color not resetting to default when no color was set.

Make Plus

  • Added notice about compatibility issue when Make is older than 1.9.