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I have a Ph.D. in physics and am doing a second one in sociology at the University of Wisconsin. In between the two, I was a freelance writer, antiwar activist, and foreign policy commentator. I wrote two books about the War on Terror back in the early aughts and went to Iraq twice in 2004. I started Empire Notes in January 2004 and, after initially blogging pretty frequently, I eventually settled down to a weekly commentary, which I did for almost six years. Although the occupation of Iraq was the biggest single topic and foreign policy was the main focus, I wrote often on domestic politics as well. I put the blog on hiatus in February 2010, and have only used it sporadically since.

There is a great deal of old material on the blog, which I am slowly posting to the WordPress database. Until then you can access old material at

I am contemplating reviving the blog once again, so stay tuned.

Comments are on moderation, mostly to keep spam off the page. I do reserve the right to bounce comments for racist, sexist, etc. language, threats of violence, signs of insanity or extreme stupidity, or obvious trolling. I have no problem with you linking to your site or to something you write, if it’s even slightly relevant, but will bounce obvious marketing. I love comments that disagree with me using facts and logic. I also hope (call me crazy) to foster the occasional insightful, civil (but not overly civil) discussion.

You can contact me at

3 Responses
  1. Doug Hockin permalink
    January 4, 2011

    I’d like it if there were a left margin on the text so it isn’t jammed up against the left side
    of the browser.

  2. January 4, 2011

    Thanks for the comment, Doug. The WordPress template business has already been a bit of a pain, and I’m planning to revisit it sometime soon.

  3. Irfan permalink
    January 31, 2011

    Its great you came back after last year’s reprieve. Im just glued to streams from Egypt and Tunis. What an incredulous turn over. I hope they will be able to get a representative government. Lets see what happens?


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