Toad is a magical creation that comes about every four months out of pure teamwork.
I'd like to thank all of the artists included in this issue. We feel you make the world a better place. And thanks for the readers. And of course the editors, and our special issue editor Rob Kenagy. I really love the visual art in this issue, and also all of our beautiful poets, soo please have a look.

Rob Kenagy

Ca$h 4 Gold

"Apple blossom petals in the tall grass."

Repeat | Finish | Om

"And you – why are you so kind? How did you learn to forgive like that?"

Emma Steinkraus

Susan Ramsey

Kalamazoo Thinks about Assisi

"Doesn’t know about Saint Francis except birds, wolf, stigmata, poverty."

Kathleen McGookey

According to the Watkins Dictionary of Dreams

"Think Gilligan. Think Greenland."

Jake Dypka & Hollie McNish

Jennifer L. Knox

Endless Wonders

"I am red and smiling in ice for a minute, thanks to a pill."

These Happy Golden Days

"I wanted to think about her when she was not there to mess it up"

Amorak Huey

The Sand Pit Deep in the Woods

"I have invented a childhood full of such cliffs"

Barbara Harroun

Toward the Future

"“He didn’t take his phone,” the woman yelled, “Don’t you understand? He didn’t take anything! He was in a t-shirt!”"

Eugenia Loli

Adam Day

Rising Seas Swallow Pacific Islands

"At least six sins, but far from the favorites."

Jessie Janeshek

Criadora Ladrona aka Carmen's Curse

"I doubt our ability’ssoft charcoal snakes"

Plan Your Next Adventure in the Land of Asaltabancos

"We were addicted to velvet-lined vans white tennis shoes maquiladoras."

Peter Croteau

Laryssa Wirstiuk

Do You Prefer the Calm Before or After the Storm?

"I’ll want you always naked in the light with a spoon of yogurt in your mouth"