Let’s Do This

Are you seeing anything odd in the delivery of mail, quality of service or timeliness of delivery? Are access points to the mail being limited? TPM Reader DG just told me that in South Los Angeles he still hasn’t received his mail at 8:30 PM this evening.

So what are you seeing? If you have anything to report, just shoot us an email at our main TPM email address which you can find in the pull-down menu at the upper left of the site. Here’s the key: Definitely tell us where you live. But the most important thing is to tell us your zip code. That will be a great help in aligning and making sense of the reports we receive.

Seriously, see something? Let us know.

Which Side Are You On?
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I’ve written at various points about my dark view of most police unions in the country. Much of that dark view has been shaped by Pat Lynch, the head of the main NYPD police union. Lynch is almost a caricature of the municipal police union chief: intemperate, often contemptuous to civilian control, drenched in grievance. Yesterday, Lynch went to President Trump’s Bedminster resort where the President is spending the weekend and delivered the union’s endorsement for Trump, apparently the first time in living memory the union has endorsed for President.

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Where Things Stand: Concrete Plans To Challenge The Election
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Like any good manipulator, President Trump has been signaling for weeks that he plans to be very mad about the election. The preemptive complaints about mail-in voting, the race-baiting, the showy displays meant to signal law-and-order — he’s building a sturdy base narrative to stand on when things don’t go his way in November.

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You’ve Got (No) Mail!
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For anyone watching from a distance, this sabotage of the US Postal Service thing is for real. There’s really no question. We know this to be true from too many different directions, not the least of which is the President telling us it’s true. Some of the changes are things corporate lobbyist friends have likely wanted to do for ages – a different vision of managerial efficiency, sloughing off non-economic services. But even when that is taken into account these changes are being done in a way that – at a minimum – maximizes near-term disruption.

If that weren’t enough we are clearly seeing widespread delays in many parts of the country. If causing delays is not the goal then, given the impending election, you’d think there would be some course correction. But that’s not happening. It’s full speed ahead. There’s no course correction or adjustment because nothing is going wrong. This is the plan.

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Let’s Chat
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This week David and Kate and I talk Biden, Harris, the upcoming debates as well as the House GOP’s new QAnon Caucus. Watch after the jump.

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Where Things Stand: The Love Letters
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Here’s something to look forward to as we attempt to distract ourselves from the fact that COVID-19 is still very much our reality: Reading the contents of pen pals President Trump and Kim Jong Un’s letters to one another.

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Trump and That “Disrespectful” Woman
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These things are so transparent that it is hard to know what to say beyond the obvious. But I wanted to note that based on yesterday’s evidence, Donald Trump’s and the Trump campaign’s central attack line against Kamala Harris is that she is “disrespectful.”

A Trump campaign email that went out last yesterday called her “the meanest, most horrible, most disrespectful, MOST LIBERAL of anyone in the U.S. Senate.” In his afternoon press briefing President Trump used the word three times. He said Harris was “very disrespectful to Joe Biden” and then said it’s “hard to pick somebody that’s that disrespectful.” Later he attacked her ‘disrespectful’ behavior toward Brent Kavanaugh. “I thought it was terrible for our nation. I thought she was the meanest, the most horrible, most disrespectful of anybody in the U.S. Senate.”

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As We Were Discussing …
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A brief follow up to yesterday’s post about the possibility of widespread immunity or resistance to COVID among those who have never been exposed to it. Carl Bergstrom – who is a professor at the University of Washington and a good Twitter follow for COVID – has an important caution or caveat on this hypothesis. If it’s true that say 50% of people started with COVID immunity, then that means that it’s dramatically more infectious than we thought.

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Where Things Stand: Early Speculation On Harris Senate Replacement
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Sen. Kamala Harris’ (D-CA) appointment as Joe Biden’s running mate represents a wealth of necessary firsts for our nation and is the culmination of months of political maneuvering from both Biden and Harris’ teams and the Democratic Party as a whole.

But why float in the breeze for a few hours after months of speculation when we can dive into a plethora of “what’s next?” inquiries. That is the media’s job after all.

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Joe Picks Kamala
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I wanted to share a few thoughts on the Kamala Harris pick.

My first thought is that as with much else about Biden it is – for this moment – a thoroughly conventional pick. She compensates for Biden’s relative lack of demographic match for the coalition that he leads. Biden is old, male and white. Harris is young (at least as presidenting goes), female and black. She also has a recent immigrant background from South Asia. Joe needs a lot of compensating and she provides a lot. Critically, she has run and won three statewide races in the largest state in the union, in addition to running a major presidential primary campaign. So few surprises.

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Week In Review
| News

Biden Taps Kamala Harris, And Trump Revives Birther Conspiracy

  • The 2020 presidential campaign entered a new phase on Tuesday, with former Vice President Joe Biden choosing his own veep, California Sen. Kamala Harris.
  • Harris, the daughter of Jamaican and Indian immigrants, is the first Black woman to appear on a major presidential ticket.
  • The Trump campaign issued a predictably unhinged statement after Biden announced Harris as his running mate. During a press conference Tuesday evening, President Trump repeatedly called Harris “nasty.” Trump then doubled down, calling Harris a “dangerous choice.”
  • Later in the week, Trump’s attacks on Harris took a racist turn. On Thursday, Trump revived his racist birther campaign, this time directed at Harris, who was born in Oakland, California, and is fully eligible to serve as president and vice president.
  • The President’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, kept the birther ball in the air on Friday, refusing to say whether or not he believed Harris was eligible to serve.


It’s Sabotage

  • Trump made his efforts to cripple the U.S. Postal Service explicit this week, confirming that he is holding up emergency funds for USPS to hamper mail-in voting.
  • “Now they need that money in order to make the post office work so it can take all of these millions and millions of ballots,” Trump told Fox Business Network. “But if they don’t get those two items, that means you can’t have universal mail-in voting.”
  • The Biden campaign called Trump’s admission “an assault on our democracy and economy by a desperate man.”
  • Despite railing against mail-in voting at every opportunity, Trump has requested a mail-in ballot for next week’s Florida primary.
  • The head of the Postal Workers Union called Trump’s efforts to sabotage the Postal Service “truly shameful.”


QAnon In Congress


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Scott Atlas
| Five Points

The President’s got a new top doc. His name is Scott Atlas, and in recent months, Atlas has cut a well-worn path arguing on television that America’s COVID-19 fears were overblown — that, as he said in May, “the cure is bigger than the disease.”

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Ep. 132: The Tortoise and the Harris
Ep. 132: The Tortoise and the Harris
Josh, Kate, and David talk about Joe Biden’s lengthy process to settle on the ultimately most predictable — though historic — vice presidential choice....
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