August 2020

Why Don't Raindrops Bomb Butterfly Wings?
Okay, I admit most folks have probably not thought to ask this creation question. But a bigger question gets answered when we examine the fantastic butterfly features that counter the force of falling raindrops. Butterfly wings are quite thin....

Moving For ward with a New ICR Leader
As the Institute for Creation Research celebrates 50 years of ministry, we’re also experiencing a significant transition. Dr. Henry M. Morris III will retire as Chief Executive Officer in October...
Insight for Today from an Old Prayer
What is wonderful about the Bible is that it is always relevant to any generation in any culture. Christians have also been blessed by reading many of the thoughts and prayers enlightened by biblical...
Deep Water Coals Discovery Supports Flood
Recent geological discoveries are defying standard uniformitarian explanations. First there was the massive Whopper Sand found in the deep water of the Gulf of Mexico.1 Then there was the...
Is Creation Evidence Ambiguous?
Is evidence for creation ambiguous? Could an honest seeker of truth reasonably conclude there is no God? Is the evolutionary old-earth story a reasonable inference from the scientific data? The...
Biological Bounceback at Mount St. Helens
Early one bright Sunday morning, Mount St. Helens looked as picturesque as it had for hundreds of years. Suddenly, an earthquake shook loose the north side of the mountain. This uncorked a torrent of...
Human Activity and Vertebrate Evolutionary History
God gave humans a dominion mandate1 and expects us to exercise responsible stewardship “over all the earth.”2 After the Flood, God reaffirmed the mandate in Genesis...
The ICR Discovery Center for Science & Earth History Up.,.
Plan your trip at, where you’ll find ticket information, discounted rates for nearby hotels, and links to other family-friendly attractions in the Dallas area. You’ll...
Believe Anyway
by Scott Arledge and Brian Thomas, Ph.D. Some within the creation community make the claim that they would believe God’s Word about the age of the universe even if all the evidence pointed...
Sentinels Are Needed in Perilous Times
Watch out! Dangers lurk everywhere—these are surely perilous times.1 One of the apologetics-exhorting themes in Jude’s epistle is the need to beware of—and to forewarn others...
'Doing Business' in Good Times and Bad
No doubt many of you, like me, have been earnestly looking for the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. He called all believers to be godly “salt” and “light” in this sin-darkened...


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