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Mutual Aid Animation

Mutual Aid Animation

August 22, 2019

This has already made the rounds a bit, but in case you haven’t seen it, Dean Spade and the Big Door Brigade made this really neat animation about mutual aid….

La Minga Indigena

La Minga Indigena

April 1, 2019

I’m in Medellín, Colombia, for a six week residency at Casa Tres Patios, an arts center connected to the University of Antioquia. I’m here with my partner Erica Thomas, and…

A Brief History of Mining

A Brief History of Mining

January 12, 2019

I recently finished a residency at the Arrowmont School of Art and Craft in eastern Tennessee. This was different from the residencies I normally do- instead of working on print…

Utopian Flag Making

Utopian Flag Making

October 2, 2018

This past Sunday I organized (along with Monica and Interference Archive’s Radical Playdate) a kids flag making workshop in connection with For Which It Stands, an exhibition at the Old…

A Justseeds Garden

A Justseeds Garden

May 24, 2018

Gardening is a large part of my practice from April through November. We’ve got a greenhouse where we have maintained rosemary through the winter to harvest for homemade bread, and…



March 24, 2018

EPIC Bee was inspired by the logo for Upton Sinclair’s EPIC movement (End Poverty In California) from the 1930s. Sinclair’s plan called for a massive public works program, sweeping tax…



October 15, 2017

A two-sided mural by justseeds artist, Jess X Snow for Living Walls, the City Speaks in Atlanta. A mother gives birth to a daughter and carries her across the Pacific….

biocultura santa fe

biocultura santa fe

May 4, 2017

There’s a new project space that opened in Santa Fe recently called Biocultura.  They had an inaugural event April 23rd where they were one of several organizations to partner with the…

Penland School of the Arts

Penland School of the Arts

April 17, 2017

Nestled in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina is one of the country’s oldest and most respected schools of craft.  Opened in 1929 by Lucy Morgan who focused her initial…

event horizon

event horizon

April 12, 2017

I was invited to participate in the 2017 Joshua Treenial.  The theme this year was event horizon.  I ventured to Joshua Tree in January to find a potential location for…

Land of the Free

Land of the Free

December 7, 2016

“Up above the land, in the clouds, borderless.” A new short video from long-time Justseeds friend and comrade, Portland based filmmaker Vanessa Renwick.

QUEER HEARTACHE: a poetry tour

QUEER HEARTACHE: a poetry tour

July 25, 2016

TOUR Join award-winning queer Asian-American poets, Kit Yan and Jess X. Chen (justseeds artist) on the Queer Heartache Summer Tour. Combining oceanic laughter, the violence of heartbreak, and the sorrow lost…

BLU buffs his own work

BLU buffs his own work

March 24, 2016

A friend in Slovenia recently notified me that the artist BLU’s removing his murals from Bologna Italy for very anti-commercial reasons. Check out the article and further discussion, in Italian,…

Earth First! The Musical!

Earth First! The Musical!

March 16, 2016

Colleague Maren Ward has been putting together a musical celebrating 30 years of Earth First!– the radical, no-compromise environmental movement that brought direct action to the forests, mountains and deserts…

Vi Subversa, RIP

Vi Subversa, RIP

February 20, 2016

Legendary punk performer Vi Subversa died today, aged 80. Vi fronted the equally legendary British punk group the Poison Girls, bringing an elder perspective to the turmoil of youth culture,…

Help RAMPS Put Down Roots

Help RAMPS Put Down Roots

February 7, 2016

One of the organizations, RAMPS, represented in our new portfolio We Are the Storm is fundraising to continue their efforts. Check out their campaign, support if you’re able, share cos…

Rest in Power—John Trudell

Rest in Power—John Trudell

December 15, 2015

John Trudell, a poet, recording artist, actor and speaker, passed away on December 8th. Trudell (Santee Sioux) was a spokesperson for the Indians of All Tribes occupation of Alcatraz Island…

Amplify Palestine!

Amplify Palestine!

November 18, 2015

Adalah-NY teamed up with some cultural workers, and friends of Justseeds, to produce this video in support of the cultural boycott of the Israeli state. NY based artists are asked…

Sounds of the Week #18

Sounds of the Week #18

November 18, 2015

Welcome back to Sounds of the Week, I’m going to try and pull this blog post out of hibernation and get back to sharing some of the musical inspirations floating…

A Tale of Two Cities

A Tale of Two Cities

August 6, 2015

How the atomic bomb destroyed the people and cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan, 70 years ago. Little Boy, the first nuclear bomb used in war, was dropped at 08:15…

My Certain Fate

My Certain Fate

January 16, 2015

In 1965, ten years before I was born, my father faked his death in a scuba diving accident on the north coast of Wales, in order to abscond from the…



November 19, 2014

Last week I posted this to my instagram, made sense to share it here: I spent the day harvesting in the field but constantly thinking about the students and families…

Why Do We Protest?

Why Do We Protest?

September 27, 2014

I wrote this article for Bitch Magazine in the leadup to the recent People’s Climate March, thinking about futility and frustration and the reasons we do the work we do….

August 6, 1945

August 6, 1945

August 6, 2014

“August 6th 1945 was the day that the US air force dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan, striking Hiroshima and killing up to 160,000 of the city’s inhabitants, most…

Happy Birthday Patrice

Happy Birthday Patrice

July 3, 2014

Today would have been Patrice Emery Lumumba’s 89th birthday. Lumumba, first prime minister of the Republic of Congo, was an emblem of passionate resistance to Belgian colonial rule, and at…

Happy Birthday Paul Robeson

Happy Birthday Paul Robeson

April 9, 2014

Paul Robeson was born today, 116 years ago,in 1898. Above is the Celebrate People’s History poster in homage to him. Also belated Happy B’day to Biz Markie!

We are the Universe!

We are the Universe!

November 19, 2013

Today is the official launch of the newest “WorldWord” short video series. This is a collaboration between Becky Stark, Peter Glantz, and Kevin Hooyman. This series premiered on the relaunch…

The Historical Imagination

The Historical Imagination

November 19, 2013

On a grim and drippy morning earlier this week I sat in my house reading an article about slave capitalism in the magazine n+1, specifically a review of Walter Johnson’s…

What Happened in Grenada in 1983?

What Happened in Grenada in 1983?

October 23, 2013

Bill Bigelow, co-director of the Zinn Education Project, has another quick and lucid history lesson up. This week, identifying yet another sore gap in our popular history textbooks, he’s illustrating…

A Photo and a Print

A Photo and a Print

August 21, 2013

Among the photos my cousin Fannie took in the 1930s, one stood out for me. It was a picture of Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco. This photo reminds me of…

Ship Photos 1930s

Ship Photos 1930s

August 18, 2013

I’ve posted several images of my cousin Fannie Black’s overseas excursions in the 1930s. Here are a few images on board the ship. Here she is looking so stoic, beautiful,…

New York Photos

New York Photos

July 30, 2013

So, this is the second series of images of paper paraphernalia from my relative Fannie Simonowsky’s family archive. The first was a series of photographs of her trip to Russia…

Ask First

Ask First

July 22, 2013

Ask First from Brendan Anckaert on Vimeo. Just turned on to this brilliant reworking of the Robin Thicke creepy top-40 tune by a bunch of Canadian coastal queers…it’s all about…

Google Google Apps Apps

Google Google Apps Apps

July 12, 2013

Perusing the ol’ Hark! a Vagrant tumblr yesterday I came across this absolutely marvelous video by Miss Persia and Daddie$ Pla$tic for a song called Google Google Apps Apps. I…

Honoring Grace Lee Boggs

Honoring Grace Lee Boggs

June 27, 2013

“History is not the past. It is the stories that we tell about the past. How we tell these stories – triumphantly, self-critically, metaphysically, or dialectically – has a lot…

I Am Bradley Manning

I Am Bradley Manning

June 19, 2013

Some colleagues made this awesome, star-studded explosion of a video tribute to Bradley Manning. Watch it, think hard about it. What are YOU willing to do for what you know…

Notes from the Farm

Notes from the Farm

May 24, 2013

Notes from the farm: is the first in a series of drawings and writings telling of my experience coming back home to my family’s farm. It’s been nearly three years…

Dissatisfaction in Slovenia

Dissatisfaction in Slovenia

February 15, 2013

There is a growing social movement in the small Eastern Europe nation of Slovenia. Protests against austerity and corrupt politicians began last December. Comrades sent this short video of the…

Mess Hall Farewell

Mess Hall Farewell

February 9, 2013

People might have already heard that Mess Hall —the great experimental cultural space that has existed for 10 years in the Rogers Park in Chicago—is shutting down at the end…

define: Vibrancy

define: Vibrancy

February 4, 2013

 This past week I got a kick out of Thomas Frank’s article “Dead End on Shakin’ Street” in the last issue of The Baffler. Frank skewers the term Vibrant, particularly…

Whose Art Is This, Anyway?

Whose Art Is This, Anyway?

January 28, 2013

I read an article yesterday at the Cluster Mag about the ever-widening circle of art-superstars who never actually participate in the fashioning of their own work. While this is nothing…

Dreams of Vengeance

Dreams of Vengeance

January 17, 2013

I woke up early and read another great post by filmmaker Adam Curtis on his excellent blog. In it, he describes the rise of fear and hatred among a populace…

“V” is for Veteran

“V” is for Veteran

December 27, 2012

 My dad works as a Guardian ad Litem in rural North Carolina. As such, this year he was collecting donated Christmas packages from Toys for Tots, a project of the…

New writing by Cindy Milstein

New writing by Cindy Milstein

October 22, 2012

The following essay was written for the anthology Revolutionary Love Letters (Minor Compositions, forthcoming in 2013), edited by Jamie Heckert, who kindly and lovingly gave me permission to share it…

Street Books

Street Books

September 21, 2012

I’m so inspired by this project taking place in Portland, Oregon. Street Books is a bicycle-powered mobile library for people living outside. It is bicycle with a built in cart…

Rad Graphics from Idinthakarai

Rad Graphics from Idinthakarai

September 21, 2012

A new friend here in Toronto, Ponni, shared some amazing political graphics by Aarti Sunder, criticizing the government’s use of the charge of Sedition to silence over 6,000 anti-nuclear activists…

RIP Chris Marker

RIP Chris Marker

July 31, 2012

French filmmaker and troublemaker Chris Marker died yesterday at the age of 91. If you haven’t seen his film Grin Without a Cat, put it on the top of your…

Licking Your Elbow

Licking Your Elbow

July 19, 2012

A couple weeks back I read an interesting story in the New York Times, about a nascent protest movement in Sudan, inspired by Tahrir Square and Occupy, and struggling against…

It’s a Trap!

It’s a Trap!

July 13, 2012

I recently finished reading a book called “Built by Animals”, by Mike Hansell, published by the Oxford University Press. It’s a quick read, but quite full of fascinating things to…

Seeing Red

Seeing Red

July 11, 2012

The Red Square is the symbol of Maple Spring and the student movement currently happening in Quebec. Justseeds comrade Cindy Milstein has an obsession with documenting the red squares of…

Love Kotti, Hate Rent

Love Kotti, Hate Rent

June 6, 2012

My friend Sandy K., who is regularly producing inspiring work at his design firm Image-Shift, has jumped into a more embodied form of organizing with his neighbors, and they have…

IVAW NATO/G8 demo photos

IVAW NATO/G8 demo photos

May 23, 2012

Greg Miller has posted some incredible photos of the NATO/G8 protests in Chicago and the IVAW-led demo where veterans returned their medals. To see more photos from the action, click…

Ecole de la Montagne Rouge

Ecole de la Montagne Rouge

May 20, 2012

Ecole de la Montagne Rouge (School for Red Mountain) is a group of graphic design students producing work for the student strikes currently happening in Montreal. Their designs and methods…



May 3, 2012

A stunning short film documenting the movement in Barcelona. Take a couple minutes and give it a view. “And we continue…”

Drawing All the Time: 51

Drawing All the Time: 51

April 26, 2012

It has been a while since I have done a drawing all the time post. I have been living in rural Ireland and the internet feels far away.

Gorillas Fighting Back

Gorillas Fighting Back

February 13, 2012

Here are a couple of interesting stories from the gorilla regions of central Africa: The Fossey Gorilla Fund, which operates a variety of active conservation efforts in Rwanda and DR…

In Loving Memory

In Loving Memory

January 11, 2012

On Monday, the Justseeds family lost our dear friend and collective member Dara Greenwald who passed away from cancer at age forty. We cherish the memories of an incredible person…

Sue Coe: Art of the Animal

Sue Coe: Art of the Animal

January 10, 2012

Our Hen House recently posted this short video interview with Sue Coe, wherein she discusses the powerful motivation behind her work. It’s part of their “Art of the Animal” series…

What Do We Want?

What Do We Want?

January 9, 2012

When my friend Katherine Ball was being interviewed by the Oregonian here in Portland during the Occupation this fall, she asked me to write up something to address the so-called…

Ghosts in the Machines

Ghosts in the Machines

December 28, 2011

Adam Curtis, the BBC filmmaker behind a series of amazing documentaries like The Power of Nightmares and Machines of Loving Grace, has a great entry on his blog this week….

Pepper Spraying Cop

Pepper Spraying Cop

November 22, 2011

I’m enjoying the memes coming out of the Occupation movement. here’s one inspired by the UC Davis officer that used “less than lethal” weapons on students last week. More at…

Help RiseUp!

Help RiseUp!

October 13, 2011

Justseeds is a 25 artist cooperative scattered across 14 cities and 3 countries. There is no way we could do what we do without the amazing online tools created by…

Tahrir Documents

Tahrir Documents

September 13, 2011

I recently came across Tahrir Documents, an amazing website and resource that is archiving, scanning, translating, and representing a huge collection of documents, fliers, posters, and newspapers produced as part…

Labor Arts Website

Labor Arts Website

September 12, 2011

My friend Chas just forwarded me this link to a real awesome website dedicated to Labor Arts. Their mission: “To present powerful images that encourage understanding and appreciation of the…

Presscraft Papers Visit

Presscraft Papers Visit

August 5, 2011

Yesterday, I took my daughters and nephew to see the studio of Gwen Frostic (1905-2001). Like many in Justseeds, my summer has been jam-packed with exciting and busy activities. I…

Tri-X-Noise site launches!

Tri-X-Noise site launches!

June 21, 2011

A good friend of Justseeds, Bill Daniel, has recently launched a new photosite called Tri-X-Noise. Bill has been taking fantastic photos of American sub-culture since the early 1980s, from early…

June 5th-March to Jerusalem

June 5th-March to Jerusalem

June 5, 2011

This is part of the escalating nonviolent movement headed by Palestinian youth activists in the West Bank, Gaza, 1948 territories, refugee camps, and the diaspora. Palestinians and human rights activists…

Print Haiti

Print Haiti

May 12, 2011

a project of Miller Schulman, one of the rad teens I have the pleasure to work with… Print Haiti: Fine Artibonite Prints from the Hangar Prosthetics Clinic, Hopital Albert Schweitzer,…

Teko Sãso

Teko Sãso

May 8, 2011

My friends Bettina and Devon in Chicago have recently released a new album as Teko Sãso, a 2-piece anarchist folk death metal band! Their first record, 11/11, is based on…

Art and Repression in Russia

Art and Repression in Russia

April 25, 2011

Russian art interventionists Voina (whom you might recall from this wonderful action and it’s hilarious world-upside-down aftermath) have donated a portion of the funds that Banksy gave them for bail…

Alternative Fuel in Western PA!

Alternative Fuel in Western PA!

March 16, 2011

This van (seen in Pittsburgh) wryly references the myriad, often toxic rainbow of chemicals found in the hydraulic shale fracturing (or “fracking”) method used in drilling and stimulating natural gas…

Snow Fort

Snow Fort

February 2, 2011

Like many others across a continent that is being ravaged by a changing climate, Mid-Michigan experienced a foot of snow last night. In response to this blizzard, Michigan State University…

Pickle Pots!

Pickle Pots!

January 25, 2011

Just finished setting up a ceramics studio in our basement. Working on making some pickling pots for the Spring Season. Here is where they are spun: Some sneak previews of…

Justseeds In Action!

Justseeds In Action!

January 20, 2011

Mary Tremonte is having an artist in residency at Wonderland! See photos of the studio where the magic happens! And Mary making magic!

Show Posters

Show Posters

January 14, 2011

Looking through my files of prints I realized that there is this whole set of handmade prints that don’t make it onto the store, but may nonetheless be interesting- –…

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

January 1, 2011

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great time. Here’s a little something for your hangover! The National Science Foundation released a report on the 29th of December…

Slug & Lettuce Archive

Slug & Lettuce Archive

December 1, 2010

When I was a mini-proto-krusty-skater-travel punk, in the 90’s, I went to a handful of DIY punk and hardcore shows. The self-produced culture and autonomy involved always intrigued me. Growing…

Legacy of Brutality

Legacy of Brutality

October 30, 2010

I got a great used book for my birthday, World Architecture 2 a large picture book of architectural trends from 1965. It contains many examples of Brutalism, an architectural style…

Riseup Needs Our Help

Riseup Needs Our Help

October 15, 2010

It is a little known secret, but Justseeds can only do what it does because groups like the Riseup Collective create online tools that facilitate 25 artists in 14 cities…

Wisconsin Wonders

Wisconsin Wonders

August 24, 2010

I recently spent some quality time in northern Wisconsin. The best way to spend a summer day in Wisconsin is at a cabin on a lake. Luckily my uncle has…



August 12, 2010

Here are a few photos of what I made at WERKKAMP this July at Fort 8 in Antwerpen, Belguim. This wonderful event was put together by the fine folks at…

Firebrands Reviewed

Firebrands Reviewed

July 29, 2010

There’s a thoughtful (and critical) review of the Justseeds collaborative book Firebrands on Ernesto Aguilar’s blog here. (It’s a great blog too!)

Radical America

Radical America

June 13, 2010

I just ran across a digital archive of Radical America, an SDS associated magazine that began in 1967. I downloaded a pdf of an issue at random and it was…

Rondos website

Rondos website

April 22, 2010

The Rondos were a punk band from the late 1970s from Rotterdam. They have a pretty thorough website documenting not only the band, but the many collective projects that the…



January 22, 2010

This is a little slice-o’-life blog entry. the van, all done up in front of the ranch Justseeds Artists Cooperative have a collective wealth of skills beyond making radical prints….

Save the Gloo Factory!

Save the Gloo Factory!

January 12, 2010

My good friend Dwight, owner-operator of the Tucson multi-functional art/community/print space the Gloo Factory and allied enterprise Peace Supplies has been struggling against eviction from his crazy downtown space for…

Justice for Oscar Grant

Justice for Oscar Grant

January 2, 2010

by Jesus Barraza & Melanie Cervantes A year ago, early New Year’s Day in the Fruitvale District of Oakland, BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) police murdered unarmed, 22-year old, Oscar…

Drawing All the Time : Week 17

Drawing All the Time : Week 17

December 30, 2009

This is a drawing from a series of drawings tentatively titled, “Bonus Footage about loving, leaving, or existing in a country that revels in its wars.”

Drawing All the Time : Week 16

Drawing All the Time : Week 16

December 23, 2009

This is a drawing from a series of drawings tentatively titled, “Feature Presentation about loving, leaving, or existing in a country that revels in its wars.”

Drawing All the Time : Week 15

Drawing All the Time : Week 15

December 16, 2009

This is a drawing from a series of drawings tentatively titled, “Bonus footage about loving, leaving, or existing in a country that revels in its wars”

HOT on Longs Peak

HOT on Longs Peak

November 7, 2009

My bro just sent me this photo of him in the ‘Hot In Here’ polar bear shirt I made him, at 14,000 feet! I’ll be running off more of these…

Russian Revolution Postcard Set

Russian Revolution Postcard Set

October 25, 2009

“1917, Day of the Revolution, soldiers on [maybe a street name?]” This is a postcard set detailing the Revolution(s) of 1917 in Russia. Someone was auctioning these awhile ago and…

Automatic Insurrection

Automatic Insurrection

October 19, 2009

This just in from our friend John Duda in Baltimore, an automated insurrectionist rant generator! Guaranteed to provide hours of entertainment! John explains: “The purpose of this little program is…

Peter Kuper at MoCCA

Peter Kuper at MoCCA

September 18, 2009

I went to Peter Kuper’s presentation of his recently published book Diario De Oaxaca: A Sketchbook Journal of Two Years in Mexico on PM Press. The event was an opening…



September 4, 2009

This Summer has been crazy, it started in May with a three week trip through the U.S. with Latino and Indigenous artist from New York, Oaklahoma, Guatemala, Colombia, Bolivia and…

Digger Papers

Digger Papers

August 18, 2009

The folks over at Arthur Magazine are building a cool online archive of printed papers created by the Diggers back in the mid-60s. For those new to them, the Diggers…



July 3, 2009

Maybe this means something different in Iran. (Sorry, if I knew where this photo came from I would credit it)

New CD from Venezuela

New CD from Venezuela

July 2, 2009

Just got this package in the mail. Awhile back Kristine Virsis and I had been contacted about having our art used on this benefit CD put out by the anarcopunk…

Happy Pride NYC!

Happy Pride NYC!

June 25, 2009

Celebrate your queerness and nerd out at the New York Public Library with this rad exhibit: 1969: The Year of Gay Liberation June 1, 2009 through June 30, 2009 Stokes…



May 11, 2009

Everyone in Justseeds has been cranking out illustrations for a collaboration with Microcosm to do a series of books about influential radical people/groups in the Americas. I had to make…



April 28, 2009

Friend of Justseeds Brandon Bauer is a part of the project, Bathas Internationale, which now has a public access television show. BATHAS Internationale is a Milwaukee, WI based American art…

What is a Pirate?

What is a Pirate?

April 20, 2009

A friend told me about this artist Knaan, a Somali-Canadian who recently made this video. I found his work and political views to be really provocative and interesting. He was…

John and Ruth Vassos

John and Ruth Vassos

April 19, 2009

I found this book called Humanities nestled into the Social Science section in a used bookstore in Pittsburgh a few years ago. A thin handsome old spine, I pulled it…

Cat and Girl

Cat and Girl

April 4, 2009

I came across Cat and Girl the other day and found it a charming and provocative comic. This one interested me since I’ve been discussing the values and necessity of…

Questions for Dark Times?

Questions for Dark Times?

March 16, 2009

What can I say? The Justseeds installation was totally fun and I feel a bit of post-installation depression or something being back in my daily routine… Finding myself a little…

Historical Memory

Historical Memory

January 29, 2009

A friend sent me link to some interesting montage made by Sergei Larenkov in honor of the 65th anniversary of the Leningrad Blockade, juxtaposing present day street shots with shots…

Decaying Buildings

Decaying Buildings

January 27, 2009

My friend Shaun Gilheeney from Providence, RI just sent me a link to his new site, which documents a large body of print and painting work he’s been doing over…



January 23, 2009

There is a brand new site called Think-Palestine-Act which will house resources “to (help) learn, teach, organize, and act with Palestine”. The site is described on their homepage as a…

A Holiday Card from @thens

A Holiday Card from @thens

December 25, 2008

The Christmas tree in the center of Athens, see Icky’s earlier post. Greece: Protests and Unrest Enter Third Week Protests continue across Greece in response to the police murder of…

Happy Holidays from Palestine

Happy Holidays from Palestine

December 11, 2008

My friend elin o’Hara slavick just sent me this great holiday card designed by British political artist and photo-montagist Peter Kennard. Kennard has been making political collages for decades, he…

Eat Local! Eat Free!

Eat Local! Eat Free!

November 15, 2008

Hen of the woods bicolor bolete This summer I went mushroom foraging and even took a few Justseeds members on a couple of hikes! Mary Tremonte and Shaun Slifer both…

What happened here…

What happened here…

September 21, 2008

In recent years many of the projects I’ve worked on have involved the creation of signs, and in the case of the ghost bike project– signs and a corresponding map…

TIm Wise on Privilege

TIm Wise on Privilege

September 19, 2008

This is your nation on White Privilege By Tim Wise For those who still can’t grasp the concept of white privilege, or who are constantly looking for some easy-to-understand examples…

Has anyone asked…?

Has anyone asked…?

September 15, 2008

Does capitalism work? I need someone to explain this crisis to me, cos I can’t seem to figure out who gains with this most recent economic calamity. Anyone?

Hardbred out of Pittsburgh

Hardbred out of Pittsburgh

September 8, 2008

Pittsburgh-based artist Bill Yund (Insulator’s Union, retired) has just launched an online collection of his drawings and stories about child labor, “Hardbred”. I was first turned on to Bill’s work…

Eating Apes

Eating Apes

September 2, 2008

Hello, fellow apes. I’m here today to tell you about your relatives. I’m referring to the other three African species of Great Ape, namely the gorilla, the chimpanzee and the…

Art Imitates Life

Art Imitates Life

September 1, 2008

Someone finally decided to do a street poster based on American Apparel’s Dov Charney. Most folks can identify the intriguing and sexual advertisements of American Apparel, yet probably didn’t know…

Propaganda of the Deed

Propaganda of the Deed

June 23, 2008

Today in 1892, Anarchist,Alexander Berkman, entered the office of Henry Clay Frick and attempted to assassinate him, holding him accountable for the deaths of strikers in the Homestead Massacre. This…

Memorial Bike RIde-update

Memorial Bike RIde-update

January 8, 2008

Photo by Fred Askew The 3rd Annual Memorial Bike Ride went as planned on Sunday, January 5th. There were around 250-300 cyclists that attended the rides that eventually converged on…

Europe Communique #1: YNKB

Europe Communique #1: YNKB

November 12, 2007

Our hosts, Finn and Kiersten, in Copenhagen ran a great little space called YNKB. Josh gave a talk/slideshow there on political printmaking. Located in the diverse working class Outer Northern…

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

October 31, 2007

Halloween is descended from Samhain, an ancient Gaelic harvest festival. It was brought to the United States by Irish immigrants fleeing the potato famine and English imperialism. Poor children would…