Ropemaxx #sexist #psycho #racist #dunning-kruger

[Serious] Men are stronger, smarter and more capable than women. Why dont we enslave them?

I dont get this cucked world. Men are smarter, stronger and better than women. Why dont we just enslave foids and give each man a hole as sexual property?

Foids should be the sexual property of men. Thats why all the wise religions knew it thousands of years ago.

Most ethnic men are on board with that.
Too many white and jew soys in positions of power.

Becouse simps cucks etc.

Because gynocentrism.

We don't even need to enslave them, just enforce their role like we do with children. But most men are unfortunately cucks. They'll sacrifice themselves and everything to fulfill every whim women might have, even when such whims destroy the women themselves.

Flushed Guilt #sexist

I Got Mad and Flushed My Wife’s Birth Control
I think she’s being unfair to me about it.

Dear PrudenceThree months ago, my wife and I had a calm disagreement over whether we should start a family. A few nights later, I replayed the conversation in my mind and got extremely angry about it. I went into the bathroom, flushed her birth control pills down the toilet, left the empty case on the counter, and then went back to bed. When I woke up in the morning, I was ashamed of myself, but I knew she had already seen what I’d done. She never confronted me about it but has displayed strange behavior since then. She is unusually quiet and acts withdrawn. Her body language has changed, and although we still have sex regularly, it is different than it was before. In addition, she is constantly taking phone calls in private and leaving the house on superfluous errands. I realize I made a mistake, but I don’t think it’s fair that she continues to punish me for it by avoiding me. I want to ask my wife for us both to give up our smartphones and share one car so we can work on our communication. I don’t want to fall into the same trap of doing something rash and then regretting it later. How can I talk to my wife calmly about her behavior?

Submitter’s note: I first heard about this here: PZ’s comments are much better than Prudence’s IMO.

James #homophobia #transphobia

From: James
To: Michael Harriot
Subject: Homophobia

I am a big fan of your work but I notice that you and The roots seem to have an agenda to promote gays and trannies as acceptable lifestyle. This is not a part of the black lives matter movement and lumping it all together does not work.

I am not homophobic because a phobia is a fear. I am not afraid of gay people but as a true Israelite I cannot condone the lifestyle. Do you think those gay white people care about us? We need to focus on our people amd stop pushing this liberal agenda.

Submitter’s note: I didn’t include Michael’s response because it is way too long but go check it out, it is awesome the way he handles this

Cynthia Abcug #conspiracy #crackpot

A Colorado woman has been accused of plotting to kidnap her child, who had been removed from her custody, in a raid with the help of far-right QAnon conspiracy theorists.

The woman, Cynthia Abcug, 50, was charged last month with conspiracy to commit second-degree kidnapping, according to police in Parker, in Douglas County.

According to an arrest affidavit, Abcug's daughter, who was still in her custody, told police and child services caseworkers in September that her mother had "gotten into some conspiracy theories and she was 'spiraling down it'" since her sibling was removed from the home. She also said her mother had stopped attending therapy two months earlier.

Abcug's daughter said her mother had become abusive and was planning a "raid" to get her other child back, the affidavit said.

The girl also said that her mother had procured a gun and that an armed man — who she said was "definitely part of this group QAnon" and was sleeping on their couch for "self-defense" — planned to carry out the kidnapping raid with her mother, according to the affidavit.

Cobra/The Portal #ufo #magick #conspiracy

<multiple links removed for space>
Dark forces are trying to misuse the energy of this planetary initiation by subjecting humanity to Corona occult ritual;

You can counteract the effects of this Corona ritual by reframing it. You can reframe isolation/ social distancing into meditative retreat, you can reframe hand washing into spiritual purification and you can reframe mask wearing into occult silence which is always needed before the initiation.

By doing so you can shift the energies of the negative Corona ritual into positive energies of spiritual initiation /breakthrough.
The first manifestation of this configuration was the explosion in Beirut. It was a plasma nuclear explosion which was done with the purpose of destabilizing Lebanon:
The real orchestrators of this attack are the Black Nobility families and the Jesuits. It is interesting to note that Peter Hans Kolvenbach, former Jesuit superior general, who was the man in charge of the Fukushima 3-11 operation, lived and died in Beirut;

It is also interesting to note that Beirut is the site of the Goddess Vortex of Nymph Beroe, which is one of the main vortexes Jesuits want to destroy:

Underground tunnels discovered below Beirut lead to “far away places”:
Process of clearing the Draco fleet has reached the point when the Light Forces are finally able to reach the surface of the planet with their positive quantum Mjolnir technologies and assist the Lightworkers and Lightwarrors. A special Surface Task Force has been formed on the motherships of the Light Forces, with global teams working on the planetary energy grid, and personal teams working on assisting the individual Lightworkers and Lightwarriors, monitoring and evaluating their development and preparing them for Contact.

If you wish a personal team to be formed for you and assist you, you need to say the following protocol aloud three times: “ Command 12 21” (pronounced Command Twelve Twenty one). The first time you say this, a personal team will be formed, and each time you invoke the protocol after that, you personal team will check your status and help whenever and however they can.

One important aspect of this final war against the Draco is that the Light Forces were able to seize advanced Draco technology which shields Draco ships against toplet bomb explosions. The Light Forces were able to duplicate that technology and will use it to isolate and contain the remaining toplet bombs until they are completely cleared.

This gives a huge strategic disadvantage to the Draco, and they will not be able to execute their plans. They were planning to let the Cabal install their New World Order to enslave humanity, then invade the surface of the planet, kill the Cabal and rule over their human slaves:

Brandon Smith #conspiracy #quack

Lockdown Restrictions Are A Test To See How Much Tyranny Americans Will Accept

The pandemic lockdowns are a complicated issue, and that is absolutely deliberate. The point of 4th Generation psychological warfare is to present the target individual or population with a hard choice – a no-win scenario. You are damned if you do and damned if you don’t. I often equate this to the key moves in a difficult chess game; your primary goal is to create a dual threat and force your opponent to sacrifice one piece over another in order to escape with the least amount of damage. Do this a few times and you have won the long game.

There are multiple aspects to the global pandemic which seem engineered to push our society to make “sacrificial decisions”. We can choose to sacrifice the lives of those that are susceptible to the virus, sacrifice our economy, or sacrifice many of our freedoms with the promise that the economy and lives will be protected. The easiest choice is always to give away a little more freedom. We’ll get it all back eventually…right?

Of course, we don’t actually get to “choose” anything when we play along with this game. 4th Gen warfare is meant to eventually take IT ALL from the target population while making people think it was their choice to give those things away.

To be clear, it’s not only the pandemic being exploited as leverage to conjure these situations. The leftist riots are another example of a bought and paid for crisis that is being used in an attempt to convince half of Americans that breaking constitutional principles and instituting unprecedented government power is somehow an acceptable sacrifice. The riots and the virus response work hand-in-hand; one is created to get leftists to demand totalitarianism in the name of public safety, the other is created to get conservatives to demand totalitarianism in the name of public safety.

The solution always ends up being totalitarian government. There are those that would have you believe that this is the only way. The new propaganda meme out there is:
“Silly libertarians live in a fantasy world where freedom is valued over security in times of crisis. We don’t have the luxury of freedom when communist terrorists/deadly virus threaten to destroy the fabric of our society…”

Sound familiar? Yes, this nonsense narrative is everywhere on forums and message boards these days, almost as if someone was paying people to inject it into everyday discussion. The problem is, I’ve seen this all before. Right after the events of 9/11, America went insane for at least a few years, hyperfocused on the threat of terrorists while ignoring the greater root danger of all powerful government. The number of constitutional protections being violated in the name of “beating the terrorists” was staggering, and the number of mostly conservative citizens cheering for this at the time was immense.

Teutonic Knight #dunning-kruger #sexist

[Blackpill] After all the science, progress and technology, we now live worse than in 12th century Europe

JFL at how bad the Western society is when it managed to regress from the middle ages so badly.

Even a 12th century European peasant lived better than the average Western man today. Average 12th century peasant would get married to a young virgin, work much less than a regular wagecuck and eat healthier food. The only thing he needed to do was to pay a small tribute to his lord and it was way less than what you pay in taxes now.

Average Western man in 12th century is either an incel or gets an old promiscous woman who divorces him, he works like a slave for some corporation and struggles to survive financially. He eats poisoned junk food and is addicted to hundreds of harmful things just to keep coping with his shit society.

And don't come up with shit like "but we live longer now" because we all know that for most men after 25 years of age this isn't living anymore but just rotting for decades until death, and for many it never began. What is the point of people living so long after their physical prime anyway?

Take the brutal 12thcenturypill.

Harry H. Rogers #racist #wingnut #psycho

A man who is an admitted leader of the Ku Klux Klan is accused of driving his truck through protesters during a Richmond, Virginia, demonstration June 7 as they peacefully protested racial injustice and excessive force used by police in the wake of the death of George Floyd, an African American who was killed by a white police officer on May 25.

According to Henrico County Police spokesperson Lieutenant A. M. Robertson, “several witnesses reported that a vehicle revved their engine and drove through the protesters occupying the roadway.”

The incident happened at about 5:45 p.m. on Lakeside Avenue. A 36-year-old man, Harry H. Rogers, was arrested for the crime and is currently being held at the Henrico County Jail.


Robertson said no one was badly injured, but one person was checked out at the scene by emergency medical workers and refused further treatment. That adult victim was the one who called the police.

According to someone who tweeted that she was a witness to Rogers disrupting the protest, he also followed protesters and filmed them.


According to Taylor, Rogers “by his own admission and by a cursory glance at social media is an admitted leader of the KKK and a propagandist for confederate ideology. We are investigating whether hate crimes charges are appropriate,” she said in a statement.

Taylor said they will prosecute Rogers to the “full extent of the law,” calling his alleged action “heinous” and “despicable.”

Rogers’ current charges are attempted malicious wounding and destruction of property, both felonies, and misdemeanor assault and battery, according to WTVR CBS 6. While the investigation continues, he is being held without bond. Law enforcement and Taylor’s office are both asking witnesses to come forward with any more information.


Rogers, who goes by “Skip,” stood outside the Colonial Heights War Memorial in March 2016 in a white robe with red trim and a KKK symbol on it while waving a confederate flag, according to the Progress-Index. At the time, Rogers wouldn’t say why he was doing it.

He told Progress-Index, “I’m exercising my First Amendment right,” he said, and that he planned to stand there “until my clothes get cold.”

In 2015, the Progress-Index ran a story about Rogers, who was an organizer of an NAACP (National Association for Awakening Confederate Patriots) “Confederate flag ride,” with about 20 vehicles waving the flag through the town of Petersburg.

The last public posts on the NAACP Facebook page are from 2015. One post reads that the group has one common goal, which is to “bring America back to the way it’s supposed to be.”

Personalityinkwell #sexist #pedo #psycho

[Blackpill] Saying a 41 year old man wanting to throat fuck an 11 year old girl is wrong because it's "creepy" is a circular argument.

Let's think about this. How do you define "creepy"? SOCIAL NORMS

Where do laws come from? SOCIAL NORMS

Where does perceived socially acceptable morality come from? SOCIAL NORMS

You're creepy = "you don't conform to social norms even if you obeyed the law, therefore you are immoral"

It is creepy though. 11 is still a kid. Not even a teen yet. Pretty sure most 11 year olds don't have their periods yet. 14+ imo is okay

I dunno what to tell you. Wanting to harm children is pretty creepy.

"I dunno what to tell you"

and then you follow it up with

"wanting to harm children is pretty creepy"

you think I'm stupid you faggot NPC?

11 year olds are not "children" in the same sense that 5 year olds are, they are adolescents, you do realize a lot of 11 year old girls fuck right? like millions of them right? they suck dick and bounce on cock

having sex with them is not "harming" them, when these girls want to get cocks rammed in their holes

That's my opinion. Deal with it. No need to get so triggered, damn.

no, it's not your opinion, it's just brainwashing you stupid moron.

you're WRONG

There's nothing wrong with wanting to fuck an 11-year-old.

There's something wrong with actually fucking an 11-year-old.


Just throatfuck an 11 year old girl bro.

Stop pushing your pedo psyop bullshit, OP. This shit is getting absurd.

nope, i won't stop because it's not pedophilia

in fact, i will keep going, as long as i want. keep feeding me bro

Idk what an 11 year old thinks, and at 11 I was probably watching pokemon. Even if I know that 11 year foids these days are fucking chad and using bad dragon dildos, I still am unable to equate 11 year olds being old enough to have sex.

11 year old boys and 11 year old girls are different

Its pedophilia if the 11 year old hasn't been through puberty yet.

true but many 11 year olds have already started developing, the soy in the food causes this

True, science says they're about as attractive as a 29 year old. 12 is when they start wait uh

naturally all men are gonna be hebephiles because that's when girls have their eggs and are fertile

11 year olds are fully capable of handling intercourse. and they want it too

What's "actually wrong" with fucking an 11 year old? If she is a pubescent, she is developed to handle sex, understand sex, want sex, and enjoy sex.

that won't be good enough for the agecucks i'm afraid

let them be cucks. it's not like anything we argue here will change much.

having a young wife is the most sure-fire way to ensure she will be loyal, faithful, and obedient to you. Remember that thread I posted of that loli being groomed by a chad? females bond to stronger males, and older males tend to be stronger/more well-off. Plus, since a loli's brain has more plasticity, she will more readily submit herself and be molded into a loyal wife. That's not even getting into the fact that the 11 year old will be easier to please and more eager to please you in return.

I remember I used to cope hard about Pr. Muhammad marrying Aisha at 9, almost made me leave Islam tbh but being blackpilled, I can 100% say that every social and scientific study shows that young brides are the best brides

9 does seem a tad young, but in certain cases they have hit puberty

mainlander #sexist #pedo #quack

[Serious] The reasons agecucks are against adults dating teens have absolutely nothing to do with (alleged) increased pregnancy risks

1= male teens having sex with them can make them pregnant just the same and agecucks are not against it
2= women in their late 30s and especially 40s getting pregnant have even much, much more increased possible complications (especially for the baby) and they don't care
3= they use data from shithole countries so of course the number of women who died from childbirth is noticeable in those places
4= they pretend to be devout Catholics now and that sex is only for reproduction when we all know it definitely isn't especially on this day and age. If the problem was only that, it would be ok in their book to kiss or to have non-vaginal sex with teens as an adult

Agecuckoldry (teens can date each other but adults can't date them) is 0% about reason and logic and 100% about emotions. Lookism-based prejudice, jealousy, envy, misandry, you name it.

(I won't link the IT thread that inspired me to write this because I already did one thread on IT today and I'm aware Serge doesn't want us to do it).

Donald Trump #god-complex

I have done more for WOMEN than just about any President in HISTORY! As we celebrate the 100th Anniversary of women’s voting rights, we should build a BEAUTIFUL STATUE in Washington D.C. to honor the many brave women who made this possible for our GREAT COUNTRY...

...Congress should send me H.R.473 ASAP and make this happen! It will INSPIRE all women to continue being bold and brave in achieving their DREAMS!

EmpathicDesign #transphobia #wingnut

And all of the T's in LGBT know it's true.

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals have (without issue) embraced their biological sex.

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals have real love for themselves.

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals do not suffer 'Gender Dysphoria'

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals are not bothered by 'Social Gender Norms'

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals are not discriminated on the grounds of not having personally applied pronouns used.

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals do worry about expressing a 'Gendered Identity'.

Transgender identifying individuals are jealous that 'Cis' individuals are not delusional and suffering from mental illness.


Gary D. Barnett #wingnut #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

Travel bans are becoming universal, and Americans are getting ever closer to being fully locked inside the walls of this country. An American passport is virtually worthless now, and that was certainly one of the agenda items sought by these cretins perpetrating this fraud. The U.S. Department of ‘Homeland Security’ has extended a ban on travel with Canada and Mexico until late September, virtually shutting off North American travel.

It is important to understand that this insanity in my opinion is staged, and is not what it is claimed to be. While total deaths were similar or less in 2019 and so far in 2020, than in 2017 and 2018, the lies continue about Covid. False death certificates, hospital bribery for claiming more Covid patients, faulty testing, closings of many hospitals when claims of hospital shortages were reported, building of special medical facilities that were never used, wild exaggeration of the predicted deaths, and false causes of death attributed to people dying have been evident. Other than the lies coming from the government and the mainstream media, is there any factual evidence available that would indicate that any pandemic really exists? I have seen no convincing evidence whatsoever that would support the state narrative.

Anonymous #conspiracy #wingnut #pratt #racist

1940 Jews sink the ship SS Patria, killing 250 Jewish immigrants, to gain
sympathy for Jews being denied entry into British-run Palestine.

1940 Japan, an anti-Communist country, pushes into Indo-China. The
part-Jewish Roosevelt complains, but, strangely, does not condemn his buddy
Stalin's oppression of millions of people in Russia.

1941 Roosevelt orders Japanese assets in the U.S. freezed, largely because
Japan is friendly with Germany, the ultimate sin to the
part-Jewish, almost-Marxist Roosevelt. He is warned that Japan will consider
this an act of war. They do, and later bomb Pearl Harbor Naval Base in Hawaii.

1941 (Aug.) Roosevelt and Churchill sign the Atlantic Charter, pledging to
spread democratic values (!)

1941 (Dec.) U.S. "officially" enters WWII, siding with the
already-mass-murdering Communist Soviet Union.

1942 Father Coughlin loses his bulk-mailing permit, by order of part-Jewish

1942 A team of largely-Jewish scientists starts the Manhattan Project, to
build a nuclear bomb. Some of the Jewish scientists are later charged with
providing the Soviet Union with nuclear information. (Most nuclear spies have
been Jewish).

1945 The ADL distributes 330,000 books in America, designed to convince the
public that "anti-Semitism" is a form of mental illness.

1945 Arab King Ibn Saoud complains to Roosevelt that "an army of Jews, armed
to the teeth" is slowly preparing to attack Palestinian settlements. This is
true, but Roosevelt ignores his protests.

1945 U.S./Britain/Russia crush Germany and Japan, which, by default, kills
the first concerted, modern effort to defeat Jewish/Communist power.

1945 Jewish Communist Harry Dexter White (real name Weiss) writes much of the
Morgenthau Plan, which will surrender a large portion of Europe to
Communist/Jewish/leftist rule. (It's always a good idea to let Jewish
Communists write important government mandates).

1945 An American Jewish man, Henry Morgenthau (of The Morgenthau Plan), is
assigned to oversee the restructuring of Europe, a conflict of interest of
staggering proportions.

1945 General Patton, before his death, comments that the upcoming, planned
trial of Nazi "war criminals" is illegal (ex post facto) and "Semitic"
(Jewish-created, a conflict of interest).

1945 Jewish "cultural anthropologist" Ashley Montagu publishes the bible of
the "equality movement," a book titled "Man's Most Dangerous Myth: The
Fallacy of Race." Liberals everywhere use it to "stop racism," with great

1946 Various Germans are brought to trial at Nuremberg for what is called
"crimes against humanity" (law which did not exist before the war, and is ex
post facto [after the fact] law, which is illegal in America). Many of the
judges are Jewish, and many of the persons present also are Soviet/Communist
officials. Strangely, no "crimes against humanity" have YET been brought
against ANY Communist country, even though their body-count is FAR greater.

metabuxx #crackpot #sexist

[JFL] I finally figured out why people say "what's inside you is important than what's outside"

You know what's inside you? Your genes. Obviously is more important than anything else.

Consider a Chad who never works out, is a horrendous dresser and has a neck beard. You know what foids will say to him? - "Sweetie, what's inside you is more important than what's outside." And what's inside him? His superior genes. Chad wins.

Now consider a subhuman who always works out, wears well tailored suits and has a great haircut. Foids will say the same thing to him. "Sweetie, what's inside you is more important." And what's inside him? Inferior genes. Subhuman looses.

Society was dropping blackpills since I was a kid and my retarded bluepilled ass thought they were talking about personality. JFL.

Kirsten Kaslofsky #psycho #quack

To those on the how dare she not wear a mask train, allow me to stop you from wasting your time.

You mean nothing to me. I do not care if you die. You are not my problem or responsibility. You have no value to me. I will just block you and move on with my day. Go earn some value to someone by sucking some dick, maybe they’ll care if you die because I’m still not wearing a mask if I don’t want to even if it directly would save your life because as I’ve made clear I don’t care if you live because my freedom to do what I want means more to me than you do.

Hope that clears things up for the mask Gestapo <3

My freedom > my concern for strangers.
Let them rot.

based_meme #sexist

RE: [Serious] My boss is a hateful incel. What should I do?

This needs a ragefuel tag as well, because holy fuck, I'm about to punch a hole in a wall.

Imagine some random roastie in your workplace "accusing" you of being "an incel", bringing that up with HR, then contacting a lawyer.

Imagine having your life and livelihood ruined, because some degenerate cunt that works in the same company or department as you doesn't like your face.

Imagine having to face civil litigation because of this.



Saying you are an incel is like saying you are a terrorist

For real. You're joking, but in some countries like Canada (man, they're so fucking cucked, I feel bad for brocels there) "incel" is classified as a terrorist and any violent crime committed by somebody identified as "incel" (air quotes, because it means what the media narrative wants it to mean) is categorized as terrorism and they can get terror charges on their rap sheet.

Imagine getting into a fight there as an ugly subhuman defending yourself, committing manslaughter because you knocked out the asshole and he cracked his skull as he fell to the pavement, and then going to jail for TERRORISM because the police sifted through your online activity and discovered that you posted misogynistic things on the internet and offended some landwhale on reddit.

Imagine wagecucking as a maplesyrupcel (wtf do we call them... Americans are burgercels... so... croissantcel? poutinecel? whatever) for a whole year to save up for a vacation to somewhere nice where you can relax and cope in peace, only to have a special forces unit tailing you, because you've been designated as a terror target who could commit attacks against m'ladies at any moment. This sounds absolutely ridiculous, like something straight out of Team America World Police, but nothing in this gay earth surprises me anymore.

The Absolute State of Western Civilization.

Attila Hildmann and followers #wingnut #conspiracy #racist #psycho

(Excerpts from an infamous speech Attila Hildmann gave at a covidiot demonstration on the 18th of July. Obviously, no one is wearing a mask.)

(Hildmann arrives with his campaign macho sports car modified to make loud obnoxious macho car sounds.)
(Hildmann waves around an Imperial War Flag while the crowd chants “Attila! Attila! Attila!”)
And then, they only write crap in the news, provoking [incomprehensible] the Jüdisches Forum, [incomprehensible] FOR A THOUSAND YEARS, WE HAD TO SUFFER, THAT CAN BE SAID! THAT CAN BE SAID!!! FOR A THOUSAND YEARS WE HAD TO SUFFER!!! (Female voice: “Shut up!”) IN THE MOMENT I AM (believing? lookin’ at it?) LIKE A GERMAN!!! WE WANT A PEACE TREATY!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!
(Hildmann is standing in the crowd, which is chanting “ATTILA! ATTILA! ATTILA!” again together with him.)
(Man in the crowd: “Lügenpresse!)
Well, let’s start with my friend Volker Beck. Mister Volker Beck is a politician of the child-fucker party The Greens. Well, if I were Reichskanzler, then I would reintroduce the death penalty for Volker Beck: His balls shall be kicked in at a public square!!!
And [the fake news media] said that Hitler is a blessing compared to Communist Merkel. And they said that I am a Nazi because (pulls out Imperial War Flag again) I show this flag of Imperial Germany, and they said and believe that this man is no rightwinger. (Woman in the crowd: “The Emperor was no Nazi!”) Hitler was a blessing in comparison to Merkel the Communist, as she and Gates plan a global genocide against seven billion people! (crowd boos in agreement) […] Well, in this left-fascist state, in this Bolshevik Republic of Germany, I am not right-wing! In this left-fascist state, I AM PROUD TO BE ULTRA-RIGHTWING!!!! (crowd cheers loudly) And I am a nationalist!

Transcript of original GermanUnd dann schreiben sie nur Mist in der Presse, proviziert [?] die Leute vom Jüdischen Forum, [?] TAUSEND JAHRE MUSSTEN WIR LEIDEN, DAS KANN MAN SAGEN!!! DAS KANN MAN SAGEN!!! TAUSEND JAHRE MUSTEN WIR LEIDEN!!! (“Halt die Klappe!”) ICH (GLAUB? GLOTZ?) JETZT GERADE WIE EIN DEUTSCHER!!! WIR WOLLEN EINEN FRIEDENSVERTRAG! UNGLAUBLICH! ATTILA! ATTILA! ATTILA!
(“Lügenprese!”)Dann fangen wir einfach mal an bei meinem Freund Volker Beck. Herr Volker Beck ist ein Politiker der Kinderfickerpartei Die Grünen. Also, wenn ich Reichskanzler wäre, dann würde ich die Todesstrafe für Volker Beck wieder einführen, indem men ihm die Eier zertrete auf einem öffentlichen Platz!!!
Und sie hat’ gesagt, ich hab’ ja gesagt, Hitler ist ein Segen im Vergleich zu Kommunisten-Merkel. Und sie hat auch gesagt, dass ich ein Nazi bin, weil ich diese Keiserreichflagge zeige, und sie hat gesagt und geglaubt, dieser Mann sei kein Rechter. (“Der Kaiser war kein Nazi!”)
Hitler war ein Segen im Vergleich zu Kommunistin Merkel, denn sie plant mit Gates einen globalen Völkermord von sieben Millarden Menachen!
Also, in diesem links-faschistischen Staat, in dieser Bolchewiken-Republik Deutschland, bin ich kein Rechter! In diesem links-faschistischen Staat BIN ICH STOLZ, EIN ULTRA-RECHTER ZU SEIN!!!! Und ich bin ein Nationalist!

David Lotherington #ufo #magick #quack #mammon

A Unique Approach

Channeling non terrestrials, Angels and Spirit guides. Akashic records reading. Karma/cord removal. Super soldier memory recovery. DNA infusions. Light language blessings/translation and attunements. Alien implant removal, Government implant removal, AI removal. Master level Reiki, Galactic energy healing, Body scan, Entity removal, House clearing, Black goo removal, Telepathy. Access to scans provided by non terrestrials including pineal gland calcification percentage, Mineral deficiencies and other imbalances. Psychic surgery including chakra spin rate, colour, imbalances. Healing holes in the aura created by implants and more.


Practicing energy healing over several years has sensitized David to be able to see peoples chakras. After a quick scan he can see the colour, spin, and blockage percentage of each chakra. David can then begin to work on optimizing and removing energetic blockages that were created by negative patterns in a clients life. Removing these blockages causes bad habits and pain to fade. Looking at a chakra tells a story about an aspect of someone's life, what is in balance, what is out of balance. Negative entities can be seen if they are present. A negative entity will cause a unblocked chakra to become blocked if it goes untreated. It does this so it can hide in something he calls a black nest. This black nest is like a house, where the entity can maintain a low vibrational frequency. Removing the blockage allows the entity to be seen so David can remove them which raises the clients vibration and removes pain. He loves showing my patients how just a few treatments can make an enormous difference to a clients health and mindset.

"When we touch something, we leave our fingerprints. When we touch the lives of people, we leave our identity. Life is good when you are happy, but life is much better when others are happy because of you. Nothing in nature lives for itself. Rivers do not drink their own water. The trees do not eat their own fruit. The sun does not shine to itself, and the flowers do not spread their fragrance for themselves. Living for others is a rule of nature. We are all born to help each other. It does not matter how difficult the situation in which you are, keep doing good."

Mythi the Andromedan

Anonymous #racist #psycho


I'm making a game called Black Lives Splatter in which you play as Moonman on a quest to run over every nigger available. It is rather buggy and unoptimized but good for a laugh. I might continue to work on it if there is some interest.

Decent specs are required due to the EXTREME nigger killing physics.

EXTREME nigger killing physics
Moonman commentary
Lots of blood
2 levels
6 vehicles
Various injured states for nogs, including crawling away and seizures

Mark Grenon, Joseph Grenon, Jonathan Grenon and Jordan Grenon #quack

Colombian officials say they have arrested two Florida men wanted in the U.S. on charges they illegally sold a bleachlike chemical as a miracle cure for the new coronavirus and other diseases. The Colombian prosecutor's office said Tuesday that Mark and Joseph Grenon were arrested in the beach town of Santa Marta, and were shipping their "Miracle Mineral Solution" — chlorine dioxide — from there to clients in the United States, Colombia and Africa.

It said seven Americans had died from using the substance.

Mark Grenon is the archbishop of the Genesis II Church of Health and Healing, based in Bradenton, Florida. The church is centered on use of the toxic chemical as a supposed sacrament it claims can cure a vast variety of illnesses ranging from cancer to autism to malaria and now COVID-19.


A federal criminal complaint filed in July charged Mark Grenon, 62, and his sons, Jonathan, 34; Jordan, 26; and Joseph, 32, with conspiracy to defraud the U.S., conspiracy to violate the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act and criminal contempt.

Records in Miami federal court last month did not list attorneys for any of the Grenons. They face a maximum of between 14 and more than 17 years in prison if convicted of all charges.


The federal complaint says the Grenons initially agreed to abide by U.S. District Judge Kathleen Williams' order that they stop selling the solution, then changed their tone in podcasts and emails to the judge herself.

"We will NOT be participating in any of your UNCONSTITUTIONAL Orders, Summons, etc," one email from Mark Grenon read. "Again and again I have written you all that . . . you have NO authority over our Church."

Barbie Garrett #magick #mammon

Astarte’s Slut Water: Elixir to unleash your “inner slut”

Unleash Your Inner Slut Rite: Custom ritual performance & photographs
Personal Consultation: 30-minute live chat with Barbie Garrett
Consecration Course: Online access to film of consecration ritual
eBook Grimoire: 23-page guide to incantations & sigil for activation
Author: Barbie Garrett
Global Shipping: Receive in two weeks or less
Safety Warning: Contains all natural ingredients. Safe for limited topical use. Do not swallow or consume.

Barbie Garrett
With Astarte’s Slut Water, you will…

Consecrate your altar and talismans to harness the erotic forces of Astarte
Use it as a manifestation base to evoke the gods of love and cast high-powered love spells
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Infuse your makeup to heighten beauty, increase self-love, and cause glamor
Magnify the power of your ritual sex magick
Cast a protective circle against toxic people
Release yourself from the ball and chain of self-hate, anxiety, and guilt
1. Astarte's Slut Water - Ritual & Kit - $999 799
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Personalityinkwell #sexist #pedo

[Soy] You wanna know what's more cucked than having a daughter?

I train my Dad!))) It's very funny!!! :-D Я тренирую Папу!))))) Это ооооочень весело!!!!))))))))))

Literally don't need to say anything. Imagine being a fat, bald, old dude, and having a daughter wear spandex shorts riding up her ass in a public gym, and going with her to train her ass so she can get fucked harder by Chads.

In fact, I'd bet money he jacks off to this little slut and would even allow her to fuck in the house while he is downstairs and listens, furiously fapping to her moans.

Peak soy, they say "I cannot comprehend anything more cucked than having a daughter", but I think this actually is that on steroids.

He could be very based instead of being a cuck if he trained her in sex.

he is training her for sex

Whisper #sexist

“No means no!”

You’ve heard this before. And you know it ain’t so. Because if you have been doing this a while, you have often heard “no”, and eventually gotten to “yes, please”, and even “harder, daddy”.

So what does “no means no” actually mean?

Well, if you’re the sort of man who gets to “harder, daddy”, you know that women usually say things that aren’t literally true. This is not just about lying… women use language differently.

And the phrase “no means no” is a particularly clever piece of female-language technology. It’s a Rorschach test. You know, that business with the inkblots, where some headshrink whips out a card and some people say it’s a bat and other people say it’s a moth.

It’s neither… it’s a card. None of us use language literally. Keep that in mind as you try to understand women.

So, when men hear “no means no”, they interpret it differently, and that separates them into two categories…. this is exactly what women intend. This kind of language is also known as a “dog whistle” in certain other contexts.

Some men hear “Anytime a woman says no, you should stop forever”. These are men who take “no means no” literally, because they are unable to decode the way women use language.
Other men hear “No means no when I say later that it did. But if you get to ‘yes’, I will never bring this up.” These are the men who can decode woman-speak.
Each of these types of men gets the message that women want them to hear.

They don’t want clueless men who don’t know of the existence of a “soft no” to be ignoring “no”… because then they might ignore a “hard no”, which makes for stalkeriffic behaviour.
But they WANT men who are dialed in to persist in the face of a “soft no”, while stopping in the somewhat more rare occasion of a “hard no”.
So, just like the “soft no” itself, the phrase “no means no” is used to measure a man’s social savvy, and thereby separate the wheat from the chaff.

So, how do different types of man respond to “no means no”?

Your standard Bernie-Sanders-voting bugman takes it literally, agrees enthusiastically, and often goes for years without seeing a naked women in the flesh. These are the guys women want taking this phrase literally.
Your standard PUA type ignores it inside his head, but agrees out loud so as not to be detected. These are the guys women want to ignore this phrase.
Your standard red pill novice realizes it isn’t literally true, gets mad, and calls out the “lie”. These are the guys women are most afraid of… he’s too savvy to miss the lie, but not smooth enough to play along. They are afraid this means big stalker potential.
A fully realized red pill men doesn’t merely ignore it while making the correct noises…. He constructs a dog whistle of his own, using his word choice and behaviour to let women that this isn’t his first rodeo and everything will be alright.
If any of this is news to you, then I’ve just turned you into the third type of guy, and your mission is to turn yourself into the fourth.

Here’s some things to keep in mind:

There are hard and soft “no”s.
Women want you to be able to tell the difference.
But if you can’t, they want to treat them all as hard, because having a hard no treated as a soft one is what they fear most.
They will almost never admit to any of this in literal language, because if any man who can’t tell hears it explained to him, the game stops working and bad things might happen.
Learn to spot the difference.
Getting it right is your responsibility, not hers.
Never try to discuss this openly with women. Just learn to indicate with your actions that you know.
You can sometimes pretend to treat a soft no as a hard one, if you need to overcome ASD, do a freezeout for LMR, or just to play her like a fish on a line. Don’t act butthurt. Big grin.

Vasily Kukushkin #wingnut #conspiracy #racist


Hi, friends! My name is Vasily Kukushkin, I'm developer of "Der Sieg: 1944".

"Der Sieg: 1944" is the propagandist national-socialist computer game. It is top-down action-rpg set in alternative reality in 1944, which tells us a story of a Gestapo officer in occupied London, who is fighting with underground network of Antifa, redpilling the player, as the story goes on. It will be somewhat similar to "Angry Goy" but with many differences:

* Story focused gameplay

* Side-quests

* Deeper lore

* Character and weapon upgrade system

* Decisions possibility, which will affect game ending

* Collectibles (posters, letters, music records and so on)

* Inventory and item system

* In-game radio system (like in Fallout) with music and fictional news

The development started not so long ago, but you can follow the development of the game and ask your questions at the: gab com/Der_Sieg

If you have any questions about the game and it's world, I'll be glad to answer them.

P.S. I apologize for the fact that English is not my native language.

TL;DR: I'm creating national-socialist computer game, if you're interested in it - you can follow game development at: gab com/Der_Sieg

metabuxx #sexist #psycho #racist #crackpot

[Based] The ideal foid is submissive and lacks vocal chords

If you want to see an ideal foid in action notice how they act around Chads. They are submissive and they agree with everything their Chad master says without talking back.

And foids have done nothing with their freedom of speed except falsely accuse innocent men of rape, reject us, call us ugly and advocate for our genocide. In front of us they forget about their submissive nature and try to act all superior and dominant.

I wish I lived in an ideal world. A world where foids are born without vocal chords and are trained to be submissive even around subhumans like us.

For a fraction of a second I felt tempted to start coping by looking for a deaf mute, but think how visual they must be :lul:

Even blind foids want Chads. A study proved that blind women cared more about physical looks than blind men.

There once was such a world where at least foids pretended they respected non chads, but that was destroyed by simp cumskins

Exactly. If it weren't for simps, cucks and Jews we would still be enjoying the basedness of patriarchy.

in ideal world foids would have their tongues forked and be trained to be a submissive slave from birth.


ADepressedVirgin #psycho #conspiracy

[Serious] I am pretty sure the government is intentionally driving me to rope

I know this seems a bit outlandish to assume but i really dont understand this.

So I finally got myself a dead end minimum wage job a few days ago, and my training just started today. This place is a shitty utility store where ive never seen anyone at before. I applied here mainly because its usually empty and the employees usually sit around doing little to nothing.

Well what a fucking coincidence because during my training at the cash register, the first fucking people to walk in was a chadlite and his high tier becky girlfriend in tight ass yoga pants, I asked if they had appointment or whatever and they did, so I instructed them to wait in line. What do they do? do they stand there like normal fucking citizens? no, they start kissing each other, touching each other, the chadlite looked like he was fingering her from behind trying to look inconspicuous.

This happened for nearly 15 minutes, as customers slowly filled the store (what the fuck?! the whole time i was wondering why the fuck so many people were coming in because its ALWAYS empty). Eventaully my supervisor asked anyone who didnt need to be inside to leave, because of muh coronahoax. So FINALLY THE FUCKING CHADLITE WENT OUTSIDE, BUT DID HE STAND THERE AND WAIT? NO HE FUCKING MOTHERFUCKING DIDNT HE WAS TEXTING HER AND MAKING KISSY FACES AND SHIT THROUGH THE FUCKING GLASS. WHAT THE FUCK

I swear to absolute god there is a coordinated effort organized by corrupted government officials to dispatch teen couples into my vicinity with a goal of trying to test if I'll snap and go ER. This weird "coincidental" shit happens EVERY time I go out, no matter where I go or what I am doing, this ALWAYS happens.

Gary D. Barnett #quack #conspiracy #wingnut

And so the coronavirus schooling stage begins, not as advertized to help children and keep them safe, but to mold them in the transhumanism ideology that will train them to think and act as if they are programmed. This is the new schooling that has been purposely created in order to advance the conspiracy called Covid-19. Whether this so-called virus actually exists matters not, because it can be used to not only design and weaken the minds of the young and innocent, but can at the same time alter future generations so that they cannot naturally protect themselves from biological, viral, and bacterial infection and disease. This is the current agenda of the ‘Public’ school system, and if allowed to go forward will help to build a society of fully dependent drones.
First, there is not only a great risk, but also more likely a certainty, that the psychological damage to children placed in this environment will be devastating. Isolation, total regimentation, constant temperature checks, distancing, no gathering, very restricted play, and all in all a prison atmosphere, will leave these children scarred for life. It will be little different than were Adolf Hitler schools for youth.

Secondly, the health ramifications are monstrous to say the least, and possibly deadly. Constant hand washing, constant ‘sanitation’ with chemical-based ‘disinfectants,’ little if any close contact with other children, a sterile environment, and less sunshine and play will lead to what could be considered an assault on the immune systems of all children in school. Their natural immune systems are still in the development stage, and with this very unnatural behavior, they will be much more susceptible to sickness and disease, something I believe to be desired by the state. In addition, long-term mask wearing will steal vital oxygen causing very high rates of Co2 for extended periods, as they rebreathe tainted and oxygen depleted air.

BummerDrummer #racist #crackpot

At best, to separate the races so we don't have unnatural mixing of racial groups that should not be mixing together. Whites in white land, Blacks in black land, Mexican in Mexican land and so on and so forth.

They're angry because jewish lobbyists have been infiltrating and destroying society for years and this is the culmination of it. They have been expelled from 109 different countries. This isn't a coincidence. Imagine having your entire race and people in the process of being wiped out, being told you're evil constantly, and seeing society and the entire world go to shit. Also if you are far right being the victim of historical revisionism ("Waaah hitler was bad he wanted to kill all nonwhites" which is 100% false) That's the life of a white person in 2020.

Darren Perks #ufo #conspiracy #dunning-kruger

Since approximately 1980, a secret space fleet code named ‘Solar Warden’ has been in operation unknown to the public…

Is this nonsense, is it a conspiracy or is it simply so sensitive that it will cause uproar around the world?

These are my own words after conducting research into the secret program. Whilst conducting an FOI (freedom of information) request with the DoD (department of defence) in 2010, I had a very unexpected response by email from them which read:

“About an hour ago I spoke to a NASA rep who confirmed this was their

program and that it was terminated by the President. He also informed me that it was not a joint program with the DoD. The NASA rep informed me that you should be directed to the Johnson Space Center FOIA Manager.

I have ran your request through one of our space-related directorates and I’m waiting on one other division with the Command to respond back to me. I will contact you once I have a response from the other division. Did NASA refer you to us?”

The program not only operates classified under the US Government but also under the United Nations authority. So you might be wondering, how do I know this information?

Well there are a few people and many others that have tried hard to find out the truth, and have succeeded by leaked information or simply asking questions and have government departments slip up and give away information freely, just like what happened when Darren Perks asked the DoD. One notable contributor is Gary Mckinnon.

When Gary McKinnon hacked into U.S. Space Command computers several years ago and learned of the existence of “non-terrestrial officers” and “fleet-to-fleet transfers” and a secret program called “Solar Warden”, he was charged by the Bush Justice Department with having committed “the biggest military computer hack of all time”, and stood to face prison time of up to 70 years after extradition from UK. But trying earnest McKinnon in open court would involve his testifying to the above classified facts, and his attorney would be able to subpoena government officers to testify under oath about the Navy’s Space Fleet. To date the extradition of McKinnon to the U.S. has gone nowhere.

McKinnon also found out about the ships or craft within Solar Warden. It is said that there are approx eight cigar-shaped motherships (each longer than two football fields end-to-end) and 43 small “scout ships. The Solar Warden Space Fleet operates under the US Naval Network and Space Operations Command (NNSOC) [formerly Naval Space Command]. There are approximately 300 personnel involved at that facility, with the figure rising.

Solar Warden is said to be made up from U.S. aerospace Black Projects contractors, but with some contributions of parts and systems by Canada. United Kingdom, Italy, Austria, Russia, and Australia. It is also said that the program is tested and operated from secret military bases such as Area 51 in Nevada, USA.

So should we just write this off as utter nonsense?

No we shouldn’t and as time goes on the truth will slowly come out. Many people around the world are now witnessing craft moving around in the skies and sub space that completely defy gravity. Whether they are part of the Solar Warden secret program, military experimental aircraft or not, thousands of people know what they see.

LoginTrap #pedo #dunning-kruger

BS. SJWs are the ones accusing everyone in pedophilia. Ask Epstein.
And they are fucking puritanical and denounced everything achieved by progressives ever since sexual revolution.
Now we have two sides of the extreme with nothing in between. You either get puritanical SJWs or puritanical Evangelicals.
Both reject science and batshit insane. Meanwhile nature doesn't care and puberty still hits around 12 years old and so the girl have menstruation which means ability to get pregnant and to give birth. And boys can spill their semen and impregnate the girl. :D

Also sexual education for ya tweens:

There is no "god" (and priests fuck children).
There is no "virginity" (some girls simply never have hymen, others may lose it by pure accident before they even know, besides - its just thin skin and also can stretch)
Also its not somewhere deep - if tampon or penis got inside - the hymen is not a problem anymore. By the way - tampons do go inside when the girl have menstruation, although for young girls pads recommended (mostly cause conservatives love "virgins"). Scary tales about painful defloration actually a ruse. Puritans simply obsessed with sexual abstinence. That been said - for pleasurable sex girl must be happy and aroused, otherwise she won't be wet, so it could be unpleasant.

No, sexual abstinence doesn't help. In fact it creates autistic young generation scared of any relationships. Through puberty both sexes must develop libido (sexual feelings) and crucial communication skills to be able to have any sexual life later on. People never achieve anything instantly - they learn and accumulate experience!
Puritanical idea that at 18th birthday sheltered kid suddenly turn into an adult is BS. Teens develop sexuality all the way and no one shall prevent them from this, sexually repressed teen will have many psychological problems in future adult life (see - incels).

"Pulling out" doesn't work as contraception aka birth control (that is prevention of pregnancy)
The only reliable way to avoid unnecessary pregnancy and possible STD (bad sickness which you get if someone whom you fuck has it) is to use condoms (yes, when doing oral sex - too, no, you can't get pregnant this way, but you can get STD). Birth control pills helps against pregnancy too, but not against STDs. Abortion is not good, but unneeded kid would be much worse. So don't be dumb.
And make love, not war!

Fucking is good if done right. (Carry your condoms with you, yes, even if you a girl - guys always forget that, never fuck without them!)
If pussy isn't wet - she's not aroused and there is no pleasure. So make it wet by gently playing with her clit! (its that little spot under the skin hood where her pussy lips close at the top) What are you doing?! I said - gently! It helps to play with each other first (hugging-touching-feeling-kissing) that's the best way to make girl wet too! Better do it with someone whom you like, whom you trust, and who are less likely to have STD.
Slut shaming is a ruse of old fat women jealous to young sexy girls.
Incels are assholes.

Partying and drinking is good...but drunk girl easy prey for assholes. Be careful! Oh, don't do drugs. Do not smoke weed either...oh, well. At least do not smoke too much! (Smoking is bad, m'kay?)
Hey, guy - do not rape! Young girls are easy anyway!

Finally - watch Swedish educational film "Pubertet" (Puberty) Its for teens but retarded Murrica censored it on youtube so search on torrents.

Blusnayl #racist

Re: 61% of Koreans view foreigners not members of Korea

The yellows are racially conscious and xenophobic despite being able to maintain first world civilization. If only Whites, as the only other major race capable of maintaining first world civilization, could have maintained the same good civilization preserving habits.

Oh well. At least the yellows will learn from our mistakes and carry on the torch of humanity into the eventual coming ages of robots and space colonization.

ShortStop and Joseph Spencer #conspiracy #quack

Former Man in Black talks about Viruses, Aliens and Depopulation Agenda

Haven’t seen this posted here.
Former MIB talks about depopulation agenda through chemtrails and lab created viruses. Water fluoridation to make people sick. Heart attack stun gun to eliminate whistleblowers and ufologists. He personally killed William Cooper and others. Fake alien invasion to create a one world government in 2024. Alien hybrids and children kidnapped for medical experimentation in underground installations.

transphobes on #transphobia #psycho #dunning-kruger #quack

Stand your ground. You are under no obligation to play along with other peoples' delusions and mental illness.


Very true


Especially when they come for the kids. Pedo Trannys need to be fed to the hogs plain and simple. There only redeeming value is fertilizer for my fruit trees


Fun fact - there is actual scientific evidence showing overlap between gender dysphoria and pedophilia. Something like 40% IIRC.

There is nothing feminine about that. He's a dude, she's right.


You can change the color of your hair
And you can change the clothes you wear
But you'll never change what's born in there
No, you can't change that
--with thanks to Ray Parker Jr. and Raydio

Listen to science about corona. Don’t listen to science about biology


Honestly, science these days are corrupted by politics. If you look at the mask narrative, the left made a complete 180 turn. They are pushing remdesivir which is thousands of dollars more expensive than hydroxychloroquine. Soon enough they will officially make transgender an actual biological sex. It's a mental illness and psychologists know it.

Cathy O’Brien #crackpot #psycho #conspiracy #wingnut

My loving compassion for Haitians is abSOULute. In Haiti, I saw a whole country existing within the same perimeters of hell I endured under MK Ultra mind control.

Forced into black ops under MK Ultra mind control, I had cause to be in Haiti numerous times since it was a routine stop for NCL cruises in the 1980s. Neither Haitians, nor the rest of the world, knew true covert reasons why NCL docked in Port-au-Prince. Nor did Haitians anticipate that their conditioned livelihood from tourism would abruptly cease when New World Order perpeTraitors dropped Haiti as a Cruise ship destination in order to bury their crimes against humanity even deeper into the shadows and out of the public eye.

Haunted Eyes
Eyes of Haitians are haunted, with pupils reflecting black holes of hell. Smiles neither reach their dark eyes nor animate to the rest of their face. Swollen bellies protrude from their skin-and-bone frames while they work tirelessly. Still, I intuitively recognized hope somewhere deep inside their spirits – a shared hope for a world to wake up and save them from their decades-long nightmare of New World Order mind control trauma.

Instead, too many of u.s. slept through it all while a criminal faction of Catholic Jesuits and Deep State CIA used Haiti as a petri dish for ever-growing unhindered terror and horrific experimentation. I am aware through my personal experience documented in TRANCE Formation of America, that Clintons and their Deep State/New World Order cohorts had no limits to what they would do in the name of “charities” to run cocaine, heroin, arms, humans, and body parts through Haiti.

Sad but True
I first gained insight into Haiti as a young child singing a disturbing hymn in St Francis de Sales Catholic church that included “…there is hunger in Haiti, it’s sad but it’s true, that’s too bad- there’s nothing we can do”.

At such a young age, my MK Ultra mind control conditioning had not yet prohibited my ability to ask our presiding Jesuit priest why there was “nothing we can do”.

My answer from the priest? “Que sera sera. Hunger is the least of their worries,” Father Don replied while glaring at me for even asking. I never did think like my abusers, which is why torture was used to force me to carry out their bidding under MK Ultra mind control. Despite eventually losing all free thought and free will to systematic tortures and mind control programming for decades, they could not make me one of them.

Once I had the keys to deprogramming my own mind (PTSD Time to Heal) I did it in record time. My daughter’s life was on the line as documented in ACCESS DENIED For Reasons of National Security and it was imperative to reach all those with eyes to see, ears to hear, and soul to know the abSOULute truth of my testimony in time to help her.

No child should ever endure what my daughter witnessed and experienced in Haiti from ages 2-7 at the hands of identified Deep State New World Order perpeTraitors who still remain free as of this writing.

Selling Out Haiti
Baby Doc Duvalier was a CIA asset who profited from selling Haiti out as a prototype to New World Order controls, from vaccines tainted with AIDS to unconscionable human trafficking ops of both living and harvested children.

pbjnmilk #psycho

I fantasize about killing dogs /vent(self.Dogfree)

The barking reverberates in my nerves throughout my body, it literally causes muscle tension in my hands and feet. Sitting in my room studying, out of no where the thing loses its f* mind, over nothing, on a regular f* basis. I fantasize about slitting a dogs throat. Chopping it up and cooking it. (I wouldn't do that only bc we have laws against it). I am here to vent as a stranger about how much I dislike, hate, dogs. All of them. I see their purpose in services, by that I mean strictly for the handicapped, as police dogs, etc. a TOOL. Regardless, I wish they would all disappear, into a national park for them, no one should OWN them unless for special needs. Which most dog owners act like it, they "need" them in their lives.

I can't stand the infatuation with dogs online, it's Everywhere, this isn't normal! The obsession is a sickness. Especially the people who value a dogs life above another human, that is a mental illness.

I don't understand why we can't eat dogs. What's wrong with dog meat?? Why can we eat fish, cows, etc. but dogs are somehow not ok?
When I hear the neighbors dog barking incessantly throughout the day and night, I fantasize about poisoning it. I don't date people with dogs, I have a theory dog people are emotionally stunted, they feed off that crutch, the positive feedback that Something "needs" them. I hate dogs bc they have no autonomy, no self-control. They have no reason to exist. No dog does anything good of it's own will. When I see the neighbors dog shit in the public space, I want to throw it at their home. I want to rip the ears off a dog, break its legs with a bat, and stomp on it.
Not even dogs, the ownership, I don't understand this, how can a being OWN another life? It is modern day slavery, conditioned from birth to be around you, IT DOESN'T BELONG TO YOU, it doesn't need you and you don't need it. Unless you have the breeds conditioned to Need you, bc without f* up their genetics, making breathing or running difficult, they wouldn't Need you or their Rx medications. Slavery isn't the right word, I don't have it.. manipulating their existence for your vanity, yet those same people claim they love them, no you don't love them, you love yourself and you love control. I don't really care for any animals, bunnies, cats whatever, but dogs.. god, I just want to rip them to pieces, set them on fire. /endrant

you(r) = dog owners

Anonymous Coward 79258737 #quack #conspiracy #wingnut #dunning-kruger #psycho

Mask wearers and Corona believers, fuck you all. You are the textbook Nazis.

You had 6 months to look through their bullshit.
Time is up, from this day on I will treat you like a idiot Nazi.
You are too scared to speak up? You believe their shallow lies? I don’t care, You both are equally guilty for what’s coming.
You wear a mask when going shopping? Fuck you.
Fuck 99.9% of you all.

Also it won’t be a smooth ride into your new normality. We will make you pay for it.

Adunaiii #moonbat #psycho #god-complex #wingnut #sexist


The ukrainian population is decreasing because of the failure of the economic system of the ussr at the end of the 80s.

I'm not a big fan of economic materialism. To me, it is obvious the USSR fell because the GULAG was shut down. Eaten from within by spies.

Stalin defeated Hitler - that's a historical fact. Whereas post-Brejnev USSR fell to spies without a shot.

The ukrainian population is decreasing because of the failure of the economic system of the ussr at the end of the 80s.

Emigration - because modern Ukraine has a failing economy and lax emigration laws. And a religion that worships foreign deities such as Jesus and Coca-Cola.

Low birth rates - because the USSR gave women the right and obligation to work. Coupled with American feminism, it might be described as the witch's brew.

Although the fertility rates in the modern DPRK are at replacement level - 1.93.

Dont get me started on that 1.5 mil number which is grossly underepresentative.

Can you please explain how the Holodomor figures are in any way relevant to the cold historical fact of 52 mil. in 1990 - 37 mil. in 2020? The Holodomor worked out way better than capitalism.


Shut the fuck up you tankie you are just as bad as neo nazis


Shut the fuck up tankie you are just as bad as neo nazis

Isn't it funny how I'm upvoting your responses as a commendation of your effort to engage in a discussion, whereas you are trying to silence me by downvoting my eloquent posts?

You are not even arguing against the numbers I am presenting. A clear case of dishonesty, coupled with mental dissonance.

No, I'm no tankie, I'm a fascist-sympathiser and a fan of Juche.

O'Brien Award

Adunaiii #moonbat #pratt #wingnut #racist #psycho

[Submitter’s note: not sure how to do quote bars? I’ll just put brackets around what he’s quoting, and if someone without my technical ineptitude could fix it, that would be smashing] [Edit: fixed]

In fact, North Korea is ranked at or near the bottom of several freedom rankings, including Freedomhouse and

Philosophically, we disagree. Personal freedom is a lie. An ideal for Christians. Nature only knows the survival of the population. This way, I am philosophically fascist, authoritarian - all men and women in Juche Korea work for the betterment of their entire nation. Even the lowliest job is important.

Life for one's own self is disgusting, no wonder southern Koreans are emigrating to the USA by the millions, and never have children. This is so funny when only a few hundred people per year emigrate from the DPRK.

the common citizen thats being oppressed or for the Kim dynasty that only seeks to expand their power.

We are all "oppressed" by life. The way of individualism is suicide - collective suicide. Beauty lies in embracing our oppression, and by working out a great future together, not dying alone.

if NK did not pose such a threat and be so aggressive against literally everyone then the US would have no reason to have a presence in SK.

Asking a foreign power for help in the matters of civil war is unfair and scummy. See the Irish in the 12th century.

Also, American occupiers kill Korean girls (Wikipedia).

I honestly get green with envy that the DPRK can have such glory, and my nation is drowning in squalour.


Thats not even taking into account the soldiers used by the PRC, which amounted to roughly 3 million over the course of the war.

Wasn't the RoK propped up by Americans? Then it's fair game to bring in friends (the Chinese are far closer to the DPRK both racially and ideologically, Mao Tse-tung was like a brother to Comrade Kim Il Sung).

I find it amusing that you preach about being independent when the nation you have trumped up as the golden standard has failed by the very metric you hold South Korea against.

Southern Korea bases its entire raison d'être on being a cog in the machine of Christian American capitalism. If they survive its collapse, then we'll talk. But a far more likely scenario is that they'll beg for a reunification under the DPRK to save them from utter chaos.

(The fall of the USSR is nothing like what will happen when the colossus with the feet of lay that America is disintegrates.)

Also, authoritarian governments only care about remaining in power and accruing more power, they don't care about you or anyone else as anything more than a tool by which they can spread their influence.

Yes, the government cares about its people, for without the people, it will not exist. In a word, fascism.

No, the DPRK government is rooted in the Korean race, not in economics or memetics. It is precisely the opposite - it is the southern Korean government that would rather import Filipinos to prop up its failing economy than care for its very population. It is the capitalists who view their people as interchangeable units to produce the idea of money - not the hard matter of blood.

BlkPillPres #sexist #crackpot #dunning-kruger

[Blackpill] [Hard To Swallow Edition] The Average Man Is Always Paying Women In Some Way For Companionship & Or Sex ("Courtship" Is Just "Indirect" Prostitution)

Modern human courtship norms and rituals are really just "veiled" forms of prostitution that help to ease the conscience of participants, its so that women don't feel like whores and men don't feel like "johns", but at the end of the day, there's always a transaction taking place, its just veiled behind convoluted systems and obfuscation of words and meanings, all for the sake of preserving the "human ego" and allowing us to continue to reproduce while "feeling dignified"


When you look at things for what they really are, its undeniable that you as a man are always paying in some way










At the end of the day, as a man, you are ALWAYS PAYING, this is why it always confuses me to hear men say - "I don't want to pay for sex, I want someone who is with me for me", then they proceed to "date" and that person is only going out with them BECAUSE THEY ARE PAYING FOR THE DATE

Unless you are splitting the bill on most occasions, guess what, YOU ARE PAYING THAT WOMAN FOR COMPANIONSHIP (AND THE MERE POSSIBILITY OF SEX)

MattwhiteAmerica #racist

Re: Dept of Justice finds Yale systemically discriminates against White & Asian applicants

The only systemic racism is against whites and to a lesser extent asians. It is against anyone that works hard and actually earns their way. It is literally given to blacks and browns at our expense! The truth is browns and blacks are the privileged ones and the data and facts prove it.

The left won't ever stop until they've taken every drop of our blood and washed the floor with it. Evil bastards.

Ivo of Vega via Sharon Stewart #conspiracy #ufo #magick #wingnut

Ivo: The Storm is part of a collective Ascension process for humans on earth.

Unless you go through this process of awakening and not complying with the evil agenda, you will not ascend.

When the deep state is arrested and ousted from your world, and you return to the world you were living before 2016, what is there to stop another set of people from taking over your world again? Nothing. You must go through this pain in order to evolve. It is the evolution of the human mind and release from the dark's grasp over you that will lead to your eventual freedom. But it is a choice that each individual must make: to be free to ascend or to stay in the lower frequencies.

What you perhaps seem to misunderstand is that your world was created based on corruption. It is entirely based on theft, lying, cheating, manipulation and control. That is the Matrix world and your current life is part of that. The fact that you have surrendered your god-given world to beings who are foreign to it bears that out. You have given your world to thieves who claim to be its leaders when in fact you are its leaders, not they. You were born here.

It would be difficult to return to your pre-corona world without falling back on lying, cheating, stealing, manipulating and controlling as the basis of life. To suddenly declare that all will now be transparent, authentic and of service to others when all are incapable of that would be absurd.

Also, the lives you live now bear no resemblance whatsoever to the true life of a multi-dimensional human.

So the Storm is necessary. You are all becoming socially involved in your political system because now you are all personally affected. You cannot ignore it anymore because your pre-corona standard of living, which was acceptable to so many, is being threatened. This is necessary to make you realize how fragile that way of life was and how vulnerable you are. Many realize that now. In feeling these states of vulnerability, you are taking precautions so that you are less vulnerable. And this is good. You are reacting to the stimulus affecting you.

What you need to be living is a lifestyle that is not vulnerable, and that is the true fashion that the human being lives in - because in becoming invulnerable, by living an invulnerable lifestyle - you are empowered. The problem is the earthling is so disempowered now. You need to gain your power back.

Power begins, as I said before, when you say no to those claiming authority. When enough people do this, the authority has no power over you.

You must understand universal law at work here. This is your planet. Yours. You are the governing power of your planet, not the dark ones, not the deep state. They are pretending. They are lying when they proclaim to be your authority. Universal law stipulates that those native to the planet are its benefactors and hold the power of authority over anyone who visits. In other words, what you say, goes. All must comply with your will on this planet. You make the laws and they relate to universal law - God's laws