News & Politics

Kamala Harris.
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Kamala Harris Gives New Meaning to the Biden Campaign

Biden has consistently said that he is just a “transitional” figure—a generational bridge. Now we know a bit more about who may come next.

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The World Has Reached Decision Time on the Climate Crisis

Three figures in bright yellow suits with face masks standing in knee-deep water on a street

In 2020, biology, history, and physics are making the choice between transformation or disintegration clearer than ever.

August 12, 2020

Connecticut Primary Live Election Results

State outline of Connecticut

The latest election results from the Connecticut primary ahead of the 2020 Presidential election.

August 11, 2020

Trump’s Unprecedented Attacks on Our Public-Health System

President Donald Trump standin with Alex Azar, Robert Redfield, Dr. Steve Monroe, and secret security personnel in a labratory

The President’s refusal either to lead or to recognize the leadership of others has made it impossible to develop a national plan to combat the coronavirus.

August 11, 2020

Trump’s Latest Executive Orders Are a Political Stunt

Donald Trump holds up a signed executive order.

The claim that the recent orders will substantially help unemployed Americans, or the economy as a whole, is ludicrous, even by the President’s standards.

August 10, 2020

Teachers Across the Country Worry About a Rush to Reopen Schools

Tables and chairs set up in an empty classroom

In red and blue states alike, educators balance their concern for students with distrust of the plans offered by their local governments.

August 10, 2020
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How Suffering Farmers May Determine Trump’s Fate

Dairy farm.

As rural Wisconsin’s fortunes have declined, its political importance has grown.

Toyin Ojih Odutola’s Visions of Power

Artwork “Suspicions Left Behind”

In their depictions of domination, the artist’s works, full of world-building and philosophy, do more than flip the script.

How China Controlled the Coronavirus

Image may contain: Water, Amusement Park, Water Park, Human, and Person

Teaching and learning in Sichuan during the pandemic.

The Musk Ox and Me

Jon Lee Anderson with a large insect on his shoulder.

How a summer spent tracking elusive animals in Alaska led to a lifetime on the road.


Chinatown Continues to Handle Fallout from the Coronavirus

New York’s Chinatown saw its restaurant industry affected early in the pandemic. Months later, business owners are still figuring out how best to move forward.


The Rikers Debate Project, and Isabel Wilkerson

Two figures in profile behind bars debating

Inmates and former inmates debate the most critical topics of the day, parliamentary style. Plus, the Pulitzer Prize-winning writer explains America’s racial caste system.

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