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About this web site:


Unlike almost all other religious web sites, we don't promote the beliefs and practices of a single denomination, faith group, or sect within a single religion.

Instead we try to explain the beliefs, practices, and history of a wide range of faith groups, and promote religious tolerance, freedom, understanding, coexistence, and cooperation.

Other web sites that discuss religious information generally include only news that has developed in the immediate past -- perhaps during the previous day. This web site often tells complete stories from beginning to end, sometimes covering a few weeks or even years. An example was the story of the 50 murders at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand during 2019-MAR. We covered developments over a month's time in five articles. Another was the 2019-APR fire at Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. We consolidated information from over a dozen news articles published over a many months into two articles about the tragedy.

According to "The Book Of Odds," the chance that a web site will contain pornography is 1 in 8.3. If you are looking for porn here, you will be disappointed. We only have words and the occasional non-pornographic image.

See the list of topics on this page titled: "ABOUT THIS SITE" for an index of topics discussed in this web site.

See our list of Recent new/updated essays for articles added in the last few months.

As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases that visitors may make from Amazon.

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star Important note:

All medical, legal, and other information on this web site is for educational purposes only. For specific information including advice, diagnoses, options, and treatment, see your physician, lawyer or other professional.

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Conventions used:

Visitors come to this web site from all over the world. So, we had to select a uniform style for dates. We chose a Year-Month-Day sequence, like 2019-APR-11, which is clear and unambiguous. If we had used a convention like 04-11-19 then some visitors would read this as April 11, 2019 and others would decode it as NOV-04, 2019.

To designate years, rather than use the AD/BC convention which is Christian in origin, we use the newer universal designations:

  • CE is equivalent to AD and refers to the "Common Era:" dates that run from 1 to the present year beyond 2019.

  • BCE is equivalent to BC. It refers to dates "Before the Common Era." that run before 1 CE.

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A sampling of recent new/updated reports:

This should give you an idea of the range of topics that we cover.

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Data that we collect about visitors to this web site

This is in response to a new European Union data protection law known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which became effective on 2018-MAY-25.

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Visitors come to to this web site from around the world:

Most visitors come from the U.S. Many others come from Canada, Central America, Europe, India, etc.

We have never been able to figure out who the various isolated folks are, who are floating in the southern Pacific Ocean, Indian ocean, near Madagascar, etc.

Where visitors come from

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The entire site is copyrighted © 1995 to 2020 by the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. All rights reserved.

Our U.S. postal address is:
OCRT, PO Box 128, Watertown, NY, 13601, USA.

Unfortunately, since our office is in Canada and travel to the U.S. is not possible for us due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we recommend that people use our Canadian postal address: OCRT, PO Box 22035, RPO Cataraqui, Kingston ON, Canada K7M 8S5.

office location is kept confidential because of the hate email and death threats that we receive.

For copyright purposes, this website is registered in Canada as "Religious Tolerance: Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance."
ligious Tolerance."

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Copyright © 1995 to 2020 by the Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance
Author: B.A. Robinson
Latest update: 2020-MAY-03


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