SiAmo Afrin - We Are Afrin
SiAmo Afrin - We Are Afrin

SiAmo Afrin (We Are Afrin) Campaign is a global campaign to raise awareness and collect funds to support the people of Afrin with basic necessities.

Following the launch of hTurkey's "Operation Olive Branch" in conjunction with jihadist allies, the peaceful canton of Afrin in Rojava was invaded, pillaged and destroyed.

It's estimated that around 450,000 people fled from their homes. The displaced are currently living in the open air, without food, water and milk formula for babies. Illnesses like tuberculosis and leishmania are spreading fast, and there is a lack medical supplies.

A range of groups, activists and solidarity organisations which support the people of Rojava have called for participation in the campaign "SiAmo Afrin" (We Are Afrin). The funds collected from this initiative will be used to buy medicine, food, and other basic necessities to provide care and support to the thousands of displaced people who have fled their homes. The humanitarian aid will be taken to Rojava

SiAmo Afrin (We Are Afrin) Campaign is a global campaign to raise awareness and collect funds to support the people of Afrin with basic necessities.

Following the launch of hTurkey's "Operation Olive Branch" in conjunction with jihadist allies, the peaceful canton of Afrin in Rojava was invaded, pillaged and destroyed.

It's estimated that around 450,000 people fled from their homes. The displaced are currently living in the open air, without food, water and milk formula for babies. Illnesses like tuberculosis and leishmania are spreading fast, and there is a lack medical supplies.

A range of groups, activists and solidarity organisations which support the people of Rojava have called for participation in the campaign "SiAmo Afrin" (We Are Afrin). The funds collected from this initiative will be used to buy medicine, food, and other basic necessities to provide care and support to the thousands of displaced people who have fled their homes. The humanitarian aid will be taken to Rojava by a solidarity delegation that will leave for northern Syria in June. 

The final goal of the campaign is to raise 200, 000 euros.



SiAmo  Afrin  (We  Are  Afrin),  campagna  globale  di  sensibilizzazione e raccolta  fondi  per sostenere le popolazioni della zona di Afrin con beni di prima necessità.

In  seguito  al  lancio  dell’”Operazione  Ramoscello  d'Ulivo”  da  parte  della  Turchia e dei suoi alleati jihadisti,  il  pacifico cantone  di  Afrin  in  Rojava  (Nord  Est  della  Siria)  è  stato  invaso,  saccheggiato,  bruciato  e  distrutto.  Si  stima  che  circa  450.000  persone  siano  fuggite dalle loro abitazioni. Gli  sfollati  attualmente  vivono  all'aperto,  senza  cibo,  acqua  e  latte  in  polvere  per  bambini.  Malattie  come  la  tubercolosi e lesmaniosi si  diffondono  con  una  certa  velocità  e  allo  stesso  tempo  c'è  una  mancanza  di  medicinali  e  di  attrezzature  mediche per le necessità più varie.

Tutti  i  gruppi,  gli  attivisti  e  associazioni  di  solidarietà sensibili e solidali verso le popolazioni del Rojava  hanno  lanciato il 25 aprile 2018 la  campagna  "SiAmo  Afrin"  (We  Are  Afrin).

I fondi raccolti con questa iniziativa verranno destinati all’acquisto di farmaci, alimenti, ed altri beni di prima necessità per offrire cure e sostegno alle migliaia di persone sfollate ed in fuga dalla loro terra. Gli aiuti umanitari verranno portati tramite una carovana solidale che partirà per la Siria del nord a giugno 2018.

L'obiettivo finale della campagna è raccogliere 200 mila euro.


For more information:     Twitter: #SiAmoAfrin


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Become a personal fundraiser
    € 31


    29 May 2018

    € 91

    CSA Villafria Salamanca

    28 May 2018

    € 102


    28 May 2018

    € 21

    Francesca bonomi

    28 May 2018

    € 906

    Melbourne Anarchist Club & Pink Bloc Narrm

    28 May 2018

    "Radical solidarity from LGBTQIA+ anarchists & punks from Melbourne/Narrm, so-called Australia"


€ 28.161


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€ 28.161

from407 Donors

