Call for Participants: AOM OMT Virtual Cafe: Sociology PhDs Navigating the Business School Job Market

OMT Virtual Cafe: Soc PhDs Navigating B-School Job Market

Date and time: August 14th 10AM ET

To receive the Zoom link, please fill out this form.

How can Sociology PhDs successfully navigate B-School job market?  Join this Virtual OMT Cafe to explore this question with a group of young scholars who have made the transition.

Confirmed participants: Pedro Aceves (PhD in Soc., Univ of Chicago), Tunde Cserpes (PhD in Soc., Univ of Illinois, Chicago), Daphne Demetry (PhD in Soc., Northwestern), Sharon Koppman (PhD in Soc., Univ of Arizona), Trevor Young-Hyman (PhD in Soc., Univ of Wisconsin-Madison), LT Zhang (PhD in Soc., Harvard). 

Organizer: Elena Obukhova (PhD in Soc., Univ of Chicago).

Book Launch: Coerced: Work Under Threat of Punishment

Please join us for a zoom discussion of Erin Hatton’s new book, Coerced: Work Under Threat of Punishment (University of California Press, 2020). 

Adia Harvey Wingfield (Washington University in St. Louis) and Victor Ray (University of Iowa) will share their brilliant takes on the book’s central question: What do incarcerated workers, workfare workers, student athletes, and graduate students have in common? 

Sept. 16, 2020 – 12pm Pacific// 2pm Central// 3pm Eastern (zoom link to follow) 

RSVP by Sept. 1st 

The Sociology of Worker Ownership: New Data Sets and Research Approaches

Worker ownership” offers both an alternative to the dominant capitalist model of the employment relationship and a means to broaden the ownership of wealth in society.

In the ASA Research and Policy workshop “The Sociology of Worker Ownership: New Data Sets and Research Approaches,” leading researchers introduce several datasets–some of which are new and most of which are publicly available–that enable the study of worker ownership and its effects. 

The prerecorded video opens with comments from Joyce Rothschild and Joseph Blasi, and is moderated by Adria Scharf.  Janet Boguslaw, Laura Hanson Schlachter, Nancy Weifek, and Joseph Blasi present data sets and research. Sarah Reibstein also contributed.

Join the live Q&A with the presenters on Tues., August 11th at 5:30 EDT, as part of the ASA alternative virtual engagement event program.

Call for Papers: Issue of RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences

Issue of RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences on:

The Social and Political Impact of COVID-19 in the United States

Editors: Beth Redbird (Assistant Professor of Sociology, Northwestern University), Laurel Harbridge-Yong (Associate Professor of Political Science, Northwestern University), Rachel Davis Mersey (Associate Dean for Research and Jesse H. Jones Centennial Professor, University of Texas at Austin). 

Note: This will be the first of three COVID-19 related calls. The second call, in spring 2021, will focus on socio-economic impacts and will be edited by Steven Raphael (University of California, Berkeley) and Daniel Schneider (John F. Kennedy School). The third call, in fall 2021, will focus on educational impacts and will be edited by Dominique Baker (Southern Methodist University), Michal Kurlaender (University of California, Davis), Susanna Loeb (Brown University), and Ruth N. López Turley (Rice University).

The COVID-19 pandemic is quickly leading to broad changes in society and upending ways of life across the globe. It is important to begin to understand the social and political factors that shape the response to the pandemic, as well as how the pandemic alters subsequent political and social dynamics for individuals, groups, communities, and institutions. While the COVID-19 pandemic is a clear public health challenge, it also has social, political, and economic problems of interest to social scientists. We recognize that we are at the beginning of a full and deep understanding of the relationships between COVID-19 and U.S. society, but it is evident that immediate issues are emerging. For example, public adoption of advised health behaviors relies on a successful interplay of public policy, personal and mass communication, and public attitudes toward government and fellow citizens. For a pandemic response to be effective, policy makers must devise strategies, information must be conveyed to the public, and individual attitudes and behaviors must change. The rise of diseases such as SARS, MERS, H1N1, and COVID-19 underlines the need to understand these phenomena—not just epidemiologically, but as socially and politically important events. Social and political factors impact government and individual responses to the pandemic, and the pandemic also alters the political and social fabric of the country. That means issues of power, status, resources, culture, politics, and social structures play center stage as the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, unfolded and continues.

The magnitude of the disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and the governmental responses that follow, have sweeping political and social consequences, which we are just beginning to study. Additionally, citizens’ experiences with the pandemic may shape subsequent behaviors, such as strategies for collecting and processing of information, trust in government, voting behavior, and civic engagement. Likewise, the pandemic and related governmental responses have important consequences on existing social and political inequalities, including race, class, and region of residence.

In this issue, we invite theoretical and empirical papers which enhance our initial understanding of the social and political impacts of the COVID-19 outbreak. Our aim is to highlight outstanding early research on: (1) how social and political dynamics shape responses to the pandemic; and (2) how the pandemic itself alters social and political dynamics for individuals, communities and institutions. This includes research exemplifying the interplay among politics and policy; information exchange; economics; psychology; social structures, including networks and institutions; power and status; and public behavior in the United States. We welcome research from across the social sciences, including communications, economics, education, organizational behavior, political science, psychology, and sociology. Papers may employ a variety of methods and data, including both quantitative and qualitative. We are particularly interested in studies that deepen our understanding of social institutions in times of crisis and change. In the United States, the decentralized nature of the pandemic response created cleavages between regions, urban and rural areas, demographic populations, and other groups leading to significant power and status differentials. Papers that analyze geographic, racial, socioeconomic, political, or other status and power inequalities are welcome, as are papers that leverage key events, geographic variation, or temporal differences. Papers with an international focus will be considered only if they have clear comparison with, or direct implications for, the United States.

Please click here for a full description of the topics covered in this call for articles.

Anticipated Timeline

Prospective contributors should submit a CV and an abstract (up to two pages in length, single or double spaced) of their study along with up to two pages of supporting material (e.g., tables, figures, pictures, etc.) no later than 5 PM EST on November 3, 2020, to:

(NOTE that if you wish to submit an abstract and do not yet have an account with us, it can take up to 48 hours to get credentials, so please start your application at least two days before the deadline.)

All submissions must be original work that has not been previously published in part or in full. Only abstracts submitted to will be considered. Each paper will receive a $1,000 honorarium when the issue is published. All questions regarding this issue should be directed to Suzanne Nichols, Director of Publications, at and not to the email addresses of the editors of the issue.

A conference will take place at the Russell Sage Foundation in New York City on June 11, 2021 (with a dinner the night before). The selected contributors will gather for a one-day workshop to present draft papers (due a month prior to the conference on 5/11/21 ) and receive feedback from the other contributors and editors. Travel costs, food, and lodging for one author per paper will be covered by the foundation. Papers will be circulated before the conference. After the conference, the authors will submit their revised drafts by 9/30/21. The papers will then be sent out to three additional scholars for formal peer review. Having received feedback from reviewers and the RSF board, authors will revise their papers by 3/10/22. The full and final issue will be published in the fall of 2022. Papers will be published open access on the RSF website as well as in several digital repositories, including JSTOR and UPCC/Muse.

Please click here for a full description of the topics covered in this call for articles.

Member Publication: The Revolution That Wasn’t: How Digital Activism Favors Conservatives

Please check out the recent publication by OOW member Jen Schradie. 2020. The Revolution That Wasn’t: How Digital Activism Favors Conservatives. Harvard University Press.

Here is a short description of the book:

How do we make sense of this pendulum swing from digital utopianism of Facebook and Twitter revolutions to dystopianism Russian bots, political hacking, and fake news? The Revolution That Wasn’t: How Digital Activism Favors Conservatives (Harvard University Press), is sociologist Jen Schradie’s new book that contextualizes the online political landscape. WIRED Magazine chose The Revolution that Wasn’t as one of its top summer reads, noting“Schradie explains that, while Black Lives Matter and #MeToo capture headlines, it’s traditionally powerful conservative groups who have used digital tools to create tangible change. Hers may not be the internet culture take you want…but it’s likely the one you need.” Other news outlets, ranging from Newsweek and Vox to The Times Literary Supplement and Le Monde, have recommended the book to its readers. Academic critics have also sung its praises: Dave Karpf noted that the book is “both timely and important. The book offers a robust challenge to some of the bedrock assumptions that have motivated research on digital politics for the past decade or two…It is empirically rigorous, theoretically compelling, and beautifully written. I expect this is a book that will help shape the field for years to come.” Data & Society director danah boyd noted, “The Revolution That Wasn’t reveals the textured reality of contemporary activism, challenging widespread assumptions about technology’s role in social movements. Beautiful storytelling and grounded insights make this book a delightful and important read for anyone who is concerned about politics today.” According to Sidney Tarrow, “A pleasure to read, and packed with vibrant interactions with activists of both types, Schradie’s book will take the study of digital activism to a new level.” And Richard R. John noted in the Washington Monthly, “An “arresting thesis…While Schradie recognizes the quantitative dimension of online engagement, the primary strength of her book lies in her fine-grained ethnographic analysis of the ways in which left-leaning and right-leaning groups did, and did not, take advantage of digital media.” 

Call for Paper: Gender, Work & Organization: Crises and the (Re)Organizing of Gender and Work

Call for Papers: Crises and the (Re)Organizing of Gender and Work

Journal: Gender, Work & Organization

With this special issue, we seek to understand and explore how feminist organizations and activists around the world mobilize in the face of crisis events to resist the structural marginalization of gender and work issues.

We invite interested authors to send an extended abstract (750-1000 words) and a short bio for each author (150 words) before 28 September 2020. The abstract must clearly state the title, question(s) for discussion within the framework of the special issue, theoretical or/and empirical ground. Extended abstracts should be sent to corresponding co-editors Jamie Callahan ( and Kristy Kelly (

More information is available here.

Invitations for full submission will be sent mid-October.

Deadline for full submissions: 1 March 2021

New Sociology Series in the Evolution Institute’s Scholarly Magazine

See below an announcement about a new series the Evolution Institute’s scholarly magazine:

Dear ASA sections chairs and chair elects,

We are pleased to announce the new sociology series in This View of Life, the Evolution Institute’s online scholarly magazine.  Adding these articles to your summer reading list won’t take your mind off our current global crises, but we guarantee the articles will stimulate some new insights about them. We would be grateful if you could distribute this among your section members. 

Check out our introductory essay with David Sloan Wilson and the first two articles:  

New articles will be released each week according to the following schedule::

July 27:  Lengefeld, Hooks, Smith: Zoonotic Spillover and COVID

July 28:  Kalkhoff, Serpe, Pollock: Videochat and social interaction in COVID

Aug. 3:  Turner: Natural and sociocultural selection and COVID

Aug. 4:  Abrutyn: Emotions, Neuroscience, Suicide

Aug. 10:  Hitlin: Sociological social psychology and evolution

Aug. 17:  Hammond, Long-term economic growth and the pandemic

Aug. 24: Prescheduled Third Way Conversation

Aug. 31:  Evans: Institutionalization of Animal Welfare and the Evolution of Corona Virus(es)

Sept. 7:  Maryanski: COVID, evolution, and apes

Sept. 14:  Blute: Density-dependent selection

Sept. 21:  Atkinson: Religion and Evolution

Sept. 28: Prescheduled Third Way Conversation

Oct. 5:  Devine: Tyranny, evolution, and COVID

Additional articles will be published as they are completed.  We’re grateful to all who have contributed and we’ll welcome suggestions for additional essays.

Best wishes,

Russell Schutt, 2019-2020 EBS Chair and Rengin Firat, EBS Council Member

Job Posting: TT Assistant Professor Position at Marquette University

The Department of Social and Cultural Sciences invites applications for a tenure track position at the rank of Assistant Professor, beginning August 2021. We seek applicants to teach primarily in the Sociology program, with expertise in the sociology of race and ethnicity. The department is open to the full range of perspectives active in the sociology of race and ethnicity today, including those that have conventionally been understudied. The candidate who is hired will be expected to teach a course on race as well as other courses relevant to their areas of expertise. The ability to contribute to curriculum being developed around our university-wide Race, Ethnic and Indigenous Studies program will be considered an asset.

Applicants should demonstrate excellence in teaching, evidence of scholarly productivity, and a clear research agenda. A Ph.D. in Sociology or a related field is required by the time of appointment.

More information about the position here.

The job ID in the ASA job bank is: 16428

Deadline for the application: September 7th

Funded Research Opportunity: The Systematizing Confidence in Open Research and Evidence Project

See below a message from OOW member Philip Cohen:

Here is a funded research opportunity for sociologists. I’m happy to discuss this with anyone who is interested in conducting replications. Or contact the organizers directly. – Philip Cohen,

The Systematizing Confidence in Open Research and Evidence project (SCORE) is looking for researchers to help conduct secondary data replications of claims published in leading social-behavioral sciences journals between 2009-2018. There are two different ways to participate in this project:

· Identify and prepare datasets that provide independent evidence about a claim found in this spreadsheet. Researchers will receive $2,000 for each dataset they prepare. The claims that are not already highlighted should be prioritized. The first step is to complete a data proposal following this template, which should be submitted to Andrew or Anna at COS.

· Analyze a dataset provided to you. Researchers will receive $1,000 for each dataset they analyze. The list of studies available for analysis is here. Any project not highlighted is still available, and this list will be continually updated as more datasets become available. Researchers should contact Andrew or Anna at COS when they’ve identified a project they’d like to serve as a data analyst for.

Philip N. Cohen
Department of Sociology
2112 Art-Sociology Building
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20742
Pronoun: he

Call for Participants: AOM Professional Development Workshop on “Trust between Individuals and Organizations”

Invitation to AOM PDW on Trust

We invite you to attend the 8th AOM Professional Development Workshop (PDW) on “Trust between Individuals and Organizations.”

Scheduled: Tuesday, Aug 11 2020, 7:00PM – 9:00PM EDT.

Format: Real-Time – Open: Presenters and audience on live video.

There is no need to register for this workshop, but you will need to register for the AOM Meeting in order to be able to attend.

Organizers: Oliver Schilke, Bart De Jong
Panelists: Katinka Bijlsma-Frankema, Chris Long, Aks Zaheer

Facilitators: Stephen Jones, Rico Lam, Michel Lander, Jessica (Wildones) Wildman, Christopher Yenkey

Workshop Summary: Trust is a fundamental characteristic of organizational relationships and one of the most frequently studied concepts in management research today. This annual PDW is aimed at advancing research on trust by serving as a platform for scholars to discuss critical issues, engage in dialogue, and help further research-in-progress. The workshop consists of two segments: (1) The first segment starts off with a panel discussion, in which leading scholars share their thought-provoking ideas on this year’s focal topic of “trust and control”; (2) For the second segment, attendees break into roundtables to discuss various relevant issues in current trust research. Each table will start out with a particular topic but may move on to other issues as the discussion unfolds. Topics may include (but are not limited to): trust asymmetries, trust violation and recovery, trust in teams, trust in interorganizational relationships, trust across levels of analysis, trust in networks, trust dynamics, and trust and contracts.