The Fairy Princess was not planning to write for a while,


it is hot, while New York is recovering well, the rest of the non-mask wearing Red States are insuring our ultimate demise, she has an iced coffee to drink.

Was not planning on writing.


However there is some good news, which of course, is what one prefers, and let’s start with that –

TFP is going to appear on her pal, Musical Theater Juggernaught, HAYDEN TEE – of the INTERNATIONAL Musical Theater Fame – not just Broadway – ‘s show, and here is the trailer.

Hayden is the LUCKIEST because he is in NEW ZEALAND, where they have COMPETENT pandemic management and female leadership! OOOOH she wants to jump on a plane right now! You know he is going to be able to have a CONCERT with an AUDIENCE?!?!

Craziest thing.


ALSO, here is another cool thing to know, that you may view RIGHT NOW – the trailer for the feature film, FORTUNE COOKIES is out – and has some of TFP’s FAVORITE BRITISH EAST ASIANS in it!!!

This is a debut by Writer/Director, Brenda Lee (we love to see more Women who Film) shot in Northampton in 2020. Supported by the BBC Children in Need.

The logline is – would you give up your stage debut to go on a game show and help your struggling family win a lot of money?

Starring Carmen Pat, Belinda Duong, Helena Tang-Grosso, Siu Hun Li, Lucy Sheen, Robert Firth, Paul Courtenay Hyu, Velton Lishke, Eric Mok, Isabella Speaight, Daphne Cheung, Gang Chi, Cindy Humphrey, Natalie Chisholm and many more. Director of Photography Matt Riley. Production Designer Tamsyn Payne. Teaser edited by Connor Mclean of Haymarg Productions. Voiceover Robert Firth.


And now for the sh*tstorm brewing over at MARVEL…over the weekend, this livestream, which of course is now available forever on YouTube, brought together some of the cast from Daredevil, the series on Netflix.

Now, if you go to about the ten minute mark, Actor Peter Shinkoda spills the tea – and like, every last drop of it, on why there are very few Asian storylines on MARVEL shows – and TFP is going to grab the Twitter Clip from @WillamD1123 because

1. He is a white guy and people tend to respond more when a white guy says it

2. This is so offensive, a white guy could see it and say it without even having to ‘all white guys’ it, and more people should do that

Here we go & no, for some reason TFP can not center it, but you should be shocked enough that it was said out loud, that you will forgive that part of formatting:

But wait, even messier, today Mr. Shinkoda himself decided there needed to be a second cup…

and now everyone at MARVEL is freaking out except of course for those involved with Guardians of the Galaxy, where there are TWO (oy vey), and whoever cast Claudia Kim in The Age of Ultron – because in short – it is fairly anti- Asian as hell over there in the village of MARVEL.

You can see it on the screen, Folks, everything is laid out in glorious Technicolor.

We are there, but only in a ‘limited’ capacity – which is not to downplay ANY of the contributions of the Actors in question – they are all amazing and deserve MUCH MORE – who, you say? You have seen ‘them” on the screen you say?

Yes….you have….we celebrate it, but it is not in a Lead Capacity.

Spider-man has an “Asian friend”.

Dr. Strange  has an “Asian friend”.

The  NETFLIX division has “Asian Enemies”

Danny Rand has an “Asian friend/girlfriend”

and “Asian enemies” and Asian “frenemies”

Jackpot, Danny Rand.


For a company that literally created Captain rah rah America, this is some bullshit.

Meanwhile in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.,  Showrunner Maurissa Tancharoen is like…


Cuz that LADY BOSS tweeted this photo:

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Holding up the sky, all on her own, on the Broadcast TV Side…for YEARS…how long?


So much so she has won Awards for it!


She is but ONE person, she cannot do ALL the work.

Essentially, MARVEL, which leans so heavily on Asian culture and fighting styles and legit (TFP watched Dr. Strange last night so forgive this rant)  erased Asians (except to ward off criticism that there were ‘none’ so they gave ONE OR TWO a supporting role), has ONE director on the feature side that allowed TWO Asians thus far – cuz SHANG CHI is not out yet – and that is James Gunn.

However you feel about James Gunn.


SHANG CHI is coming out, and is directed and written and starring Asians, and that is great but ONE film doesn’t fix the systemic racism of what is a broken at MARVEL.

Just like ONE Broadcast television show with two AAPIs Series Regulars on it does not fix what they have done to the AAPI actors on their NETFLIX shows.

It is a UNIVERSE, yeah?

We do not have room in a whole F*CKING UNIVERSE for some different faces – but you will keep painting all your people of color different colors so no one can tell what color they really ARE?

Where diversity is repped by red heads?


A MARVEL UNIVERSE – and AAPIs should be feeling SOME SORT OF WAY about what was said, to Mr. Shinkoda and then what was done to him, as well as Ms. Wai Ching Ho – who very RIGHTLY should be offended.

This kind of stuff has got to stop, Folks.

TFP does not care if it’s ‘cannon’ anymore. Cannon can kiss her ass.


The goal is to look at America – oh Captain, My Captain America – and SEE what America looks like, and cast accordingly.

Who is missing FROM this “Universe”?

Native Americans, Latinx, Middle Eastern & AAPIs are not in the Universe, with rare exceptions.

It would have been SO easy to make HAWKEYE, Native American.

It would have been SO easy to make Maria Hill – literally MARIA – Latinx.

ANT MAN! Who cares what ethnic background ANT MAN has – he is in a suit! He is a science nerd in a suit! He could be from anywhere where science is a thing!

The WASP? We have KILLER HORNETS coming to America from Japan, and WASP is Caucasian?



TFP wants Ms. Tancharoen, and Mr. Cretton (Director of SHANG CHI) and all AAPIS of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Guardians, and SHANG CHI to walk into MARVEL offices next week like…GIVE US ALL THE THINGS!!!

Their Agents and Managers need to understand that


‘taking what is offered’, it is unsustainable and needs to end.

Demand it.

Frankly, it is a bad business model given the AAPI disposable income in this country. What happens next, how much money you make on your pet projects featuring only White People, THAT time, is coming to a close.

The viewers of today have had a taste of seeing themselves, and the demand will not end.

You have a relentless buyer who will consume AAPI Content, consume it all over the world – and there is a void.



One film is NOT enough. No matter how good it is – one film will never be enough – but you know that, don’t you – that is why there are like, 20 Captain America films on Disney Plus!



Would you look at this MF-er who is a DOCTOR who went to KATMANDU to studied with an ANCIENT ONE who is CELTIC who is also yellowfacing it, and who is NOT ASIAN –



Damn, TFP could do this all day.


Wakanda Forever, Comic Book Movies for All!



TFP out.





Before this blog begins, TFP wants to extend her condolences to the Families of Nick Cordero and Naya Rivera.

Mr. Cordero fought the fight, he was #BroadwayStrong and he is now at peace.

TFP strongly supports the renaming of the Longacre Theater with his name, supporting both his Family, and the Broadway community who is reeling from mass job loss.

Ms. Rivera was a wonderful actress and singer, who led the way for teens struggling with their sexuality with her performance on GLEE, and in the end, she was a brilliant Mother, who gave her life to get her four year old back on that boat.

TFP wants to honor these two Parents, who are now, among the stars.



The Fairy Princess is back!


She is so serious, she’s using a gif of HERSELF, which…hey, means it is serious.

Look, she didn’t mean to go away, she left you with five or so blogs of things to watch and take in, and then she stepped aside.


Because bigger things needed the space.

Bigger issues. Systemic racism, and police brutality, and the fact that the country is being run by someone crazier than a rat in a coffee can, who is not content with jailing everyone, he literally wants BIPOC citizens to die, so he is not doing a thing about COVID-19.

Not a thing.


Please vote in November. Your lives depend on it.

Please wear a maskeveryone in the country has a life that depends on it.

Please do not watch FOX news or listen to MAGA relatives – they have ‘volunteered as tribute’ in the great intellectual race of 2020.

Don’t let them suck you in – no one is safe, the pandemic is still going on. Here are the stats for BIPOC from the CDC.

COVID 19 just keeps going down the line – state to stupid state because of stupid people – you want to step out of that line, and protect yourself and your family.


While New York has been through the worst, we hope, of COVID-19, everyone in the rest of the FOX NEWS listening world, has been blatantly NOT wearing masks and spreading this virus like it is glitter at a pageant.

People who do not wear masks are a danger to themselves and everyone else around them.

People who do not socially distance because of some sort of psychotic belief that they are impervious or ‘they would know’ if they were contagious, are ignorant and mistaken, and they have intentionally chosen to be.

Do not listen to The White House, you have a man in there whose Niece, Mary,  is telling you is a racist, a narcissist, and a ton of other stuff that has not been clinically diagnosed because the amount of tests it would take would topple a small regional hospital, and she would know, she has a PhD in Clinical Psychology.

He’s a bad dude.

A Lesbian is trying to save the United States here by letting us all know how awful a person he is, and we should all listen.

TFP mentions that Ms. Trump is a Lesbian because the world at large usually fails to acknowledge the contributions of the LGBTQIA community, and that is wrong.


Thank you Ms. Trump for your service to your country.


Moving on to a train wreck waiting to happen – the production company, BAD WOLF, famous for their show, A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES, has announced they are working on an adaptation of the very successful book by Chris Bohjalian, THE RED LOTUS.

Mr. Bohjalian is half Armenian, and his Grandparents were survivors of the Armenian Genocide. TFP mentions that, because many people have identified him as a white man, and the Armenian are actually a group of people from Southwestern Asia.

Although it is a Indo-European group.

It’s confusing.

While you would look and think, “Oh, that is a white writer”, he is and he isn’t. His heritage is from Southwestern Asia.


As described by Deadline, The Red Lotus follows Alexis, a young ER doctor in New York whose boyfriend goes missing while on vacation in Vietnam.”

Thus far, all we know is that Kate Brooke is the showrunner. She is a very experienced television writer and show runner, as evidenced by her resume.


Her resume has strong female characters, strong Caucasian female characters, and her experience with shows that are period dramas is mighty, but this is a modern mystery drama set in Vietnam. Specifically.

In fact, the women who founded BAD WOLF Productions did so with the intention to help the Welsh Production Industry, and that is part of their goal, so…are they branching out, or are they going to film this story in Wales, recreate Vietnam in Wales?

If that does turn out to be the case, Vietnam via Wales, are they going to avail themselves of the BESEA (British East and South East Asian) writing pool? Are they using their American offices to search for Vietnamese American writers?

Where is Vietnam for these white women?

Wouldn’t you need, one presumes, people who know the country and the culture? Since the writer of the book and the show runner are not from Vietnam, TFP really hopes she is wrong, but there is nothing to indicate that a diverse writers room is the goal.

Not from the writer’s rooms of shows that the Show Runner has previously worked on.

Not from the shows that the founders of Bad Wolf created for the BBC. Or any of their others.

Time will tell.


Clock is ticking, Ladies….please don’t give us a train wreck.




Having a inclusive writers room diminishes no one.

Having a diverse writers room, helps your show reach more people.

TFP says this as a Welsh Multi Racial Person – her Great Gran was from Wales – BEING CAUCASIAN DOES NOT GIVE YOU AN INSIGHT INTO ALL PEOPLES.

Fix it.

For those at home, you can tweet directly to the show runner @KATEBROOK2 to let her knows your thoughts on the matter.

TFP is sure she is waiting for the input.


Now is the part when TFP is going to TFP, and amplify – there is a group of BIPOC Theater Artists – and they have been working particularly hard on a website that contains some demands that have occurred to them – TFP cannot say ‘us’, though she agrees with what they have written, specifically because she was not asked to contribute.



The website is called : WE SEE YOU WHITE AMERICAN THEATER!


You should read it.

All of it.

Some of it you will agree with, and some of it will leave people feeling…well..


It is ok.

You should feel attacked. That is the point.

If BIPOC can survive White, Liberal Theater and it’s tropes for…well, since Shakespeare’s day, you can survive a 31 imaged list of demands.


If nothing else, it is a start.

Look, Broadway and theater in general is shut down and has no real intentions of opening till 2021, and that is if a vaccine is able to be discovered, distributed, and is effective.

Till then, Theater creators have a lot of time on their hands.

You can distract yourself with a million Zoom meetings.

You can work on your own stuff.

Or…you can think about someone other than yourself and do a deep dive into a document that was born of rage and pain, and systemic injustice.

The theater world is, by it’s very nature, a racist institution that caters to an elite clientele.

It is produced by an elite group of people that have money, went to the ‘right’ schools, have the ‘right’ training, know the right people, and it is an engine that feeds itself. White people create white stars, and if they feel generous that day, perhaps they create a BIPOC star, someone who is ‘acceptable’ to them – someone who perhaps went also to the ‘right’ schools, and who does not seem particularly ‘ethnic’ to them.

But just one. Per…decade?

Maybe that is too mean to say, one every…five years or so.


Or they ‘need’ that person for their talent, so they allow one,  because their ‘business’ is in presenting like a liberal, well meaning person who is an ally.

But do they have ‘us’ over for dinner?

Are we going away for the weekends with them?

Are we having playdates with their kids or hanging because we have an odd hour to go grab coffee together?

Some are. Definitely there are those producers and creatives who fall into the Mensch category, and TFP is super proud to know them and feel included because she is seen as a person. As a contributor. As a friend.

They know who they are, names need not be spoken.


Some aren’t. They may ‘think’ they are – but they aren’t. Those people – Producers, Performers, Designers, Theater Admins, PR Folks, Crew – they know who they are as well…

Some believe that they are ‘neutral’, which is peak performative, because they truly do not care as long as they are working and their shows are running.

All of those things have their own validity.

However their ‘validity’ begins in bias. It begins in judging appearance before talent. It begins in the ‘do they fit’ category – and that, is bias.

Bias is hard to face. It is hard to face when you see it, and it is hard to acknowledge when you do it. TFP is not going to tell you “LISTEN TO BIPOC PEOPLE” because that statement is pointless.

You already do it, or you don’t.

But you must face it, head on.

Bias is what makes us, as great as we are to work with, carry our own suitcase of untapped rage around with us, hoping that the bunjee chord around the middle does not pick TODAY to snap and unleash the pain that we all carry around, real fury at the ways we have been erased from existing at something we are really, really good at.

We are on the stage and in the screens on a white person’s say so.

Which needs to change.

It needs to be acknowledge by all parties, and it needs to change.

So read it.

When you read it, when you feel all the anguish that is there on the page for even the most casual of viewers to pick up – perhaps you will get a sense of what really is going on with the ‘delightful ethnic people‘ you work with or employ.

You say you ‘love” us all the time, if you really do – you will read it.

Perhaps you will change a bit. Perhaps you will acknowledge more. Perhaps you will get a glimmer of an understanding as to what it is that people are fighting for.

The humanity of BIPOC people.

BIPOC of all kinds within our Industry.





All of us.

All of us together. The Humans with which you share this planet.

Read it.


TFP out.

The Fairy Princess has been quite upset the last few days.

Not because of property damage.


If you are upset over property damage – you need to come to grips that you value Target over people’s lives, and how that shakes down and the steps you take to learn or not learn from it will decide whether or not you are, in fact, a racist.

There are not ‘very fine people’ on both sides of this – you are either a racist, or you are not one.

There is no gray area. There is no “but, what about’ – it is what it is.


It takes active work, and an active mind set to not be a racist. Racism makes people uncomfortable, and they would prefer – always prefer – to NOT talk about it.

Not helpful.

There are people out there who are minorities who are not Black, and they may engage in troubling behavior. It is by our ‘silence’ that we are complicit. It is by our not stopping people, mid-sentence, mid-punch, mid-action – that we fail our American Persons of Color Community.

Our POC Community is Black, is Asian, is Pacific Islander, is South Asian, is Southeast Asian, is Latinx, is Middle Eastern, is Native American and Indigenous Peoples and any mixes within and without that – those people make up, collectively, America’s People of Color. Within that very large collective are religious differences, People with Disabilities, and Women.

Look at how very vast that group seems when listed- imagine what we could do together?

That is what the ‘fear’ is, that we will all realize how powerful we are.


We are all discriminated against – either by erasure, by design, or by error – and we have to know that in no instance is it right.

Furthermore in NO instance do we get to turn away.

It is too late – if you consider yourself ‘liberal’ or ‘inclusive’ to suffer fromThe Bystander Effect”. You have to train yourself out of that – and you have to do it – whoever you are, whatever your heritage – no one can do it for you.

If your first instinct is to pull out a phone and film when you see an individual being harassed on the subway or elsewhere, instead of intervening – you are doing it wrong.

Because TFP guarantees you that someone else is filming it – in fact, yell, really loud “SOMEONE FILM THIS“, and then you go in. Pull someone else in the crowd in with you so you have numbers on your side, or you pull two someone else’s in and you GO HELP THAT PERSON.


If you go in, someone else will join you – because that is part of the bystander effect too – no one wants to be first, but if they see a leader, they will help.

Be a leader.

Did we learn nothing from Larry Kramer? He would be livid at all of us right now in the Theater and TV/Film community for their silence.


For our inability, as an industry that has Black Americans as our Trade Union Members, as our Creatives, as our Teamsters, as our Producers and Writers and Performers,  to reach out and try and speak on how we support one another –  he would be appalled at our collective silence on the murders of  Ahmaud Abery, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade and George Floyd.




You cannot expound at how moved you have been when seeing The Normal Heart on the stage, and not realize what Mr. Kramer was saying – that it is the indifference that average Americans have towards people that are NOT themselves that wind up doing the most harm.


Because if no one is watching and no one cares – people die.

Right now, Black Americans are hurting because of the relationship between Police in this country and the way they have been systematically slaughtering Black People without consequences. In their cars. Asking for help after a traffic accident. Serving as a caregiver for an Autistic male. Having a party. Getting into an argument with a teacher. Walking in their driveway.

On and on.

There is nothing in this country that you cannot be shot at for trying to do it while being a Black person.


They are also hurting from all the “Help” the Police get to enact these crimes from the “Karen’s” and “Brad’s” out there who call the police on someone, for example, bird watching, or exercising, selling lemonade, or being a Professor – again, the list is endless.

Christian CooperTFP is glad you are ok.

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Yes, other minority groups have their own issues, yes there is minority on minority violence and bigotry – those individuals who perpetuate that – they are the ones responsible, no one else.

Not the whole group.

There is a difference.


A Hmong officer stood there while a Black Man was choked to death – you think TFP is not sick about it? You think she does not think he should go to jail as an accessory to murder?

He should. Throw him in jail and prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

 TFP is saying it. She is tweeting it. She is social media-ing it. She is reaching out to friends and acknowledging it. She has been challenging people and biases and her own biases and doing the work. She is being silent when she needs to listen, and she is amplifying the voices who are most needed, who she is learning from every day.

TFP is exhausted  – but it is not the same. It is not the same as what her Friends are going through – and it never will be.


AMERICA needs leaders, and right now, we need vociferously to release statements supporting people’s right to protest, statements for our members, and for our theatrical community – they need to hear from their elected leaders and community leaders.

Condemn the racial violence with a statement – then email it to your members, publish it on your websites, Tweet it, Istagram it – show that we are better as a whole than we are in pieces – because that is where we are now – shattered and in pieces.


It is an epidemic. It is an epidemic and we are not talking about it.

Let’s talk about it.

Actors Equity and SAG/AFTRA need to release a statement.

The Teamsters should release a statement.

The Actors Fund

The Producers Guild.

The Off Broadway Producers.

We want to hear from The Tony Awards, The Drama Desk Awards, The Obies.

From The Public Theater – and don’t act like Joe Papp would not have done it. Cuz he would have.

From Playbill and BroadwayWorld and Backstage.

From The Vineyard Theater, Lincoln Center, The New Group, Signature Theater…

We have news on COVID-19 every day. Every day we get an email and an address from The Governor, because COVID-19 is an epidemic.


If ‘we’ are going to dismantle systemic racism, statements on violence and CLEAR LINE as to where your organization stands, is vital.

One organization that is not waiting to comment is the Parent Artist Advocacy League – aka PAAL.

This is a group that is run by Rachel Spencer Hewitt, and other Parents in Show Business and they have written the:  PAAL STATEMENT OF COMMITMENT TO RACIAL JUSTICE.

They have issued a statement – which was the right thing to do.

The above link is the PDF on their letterhead, but here is the screenshots:

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TFP wants you to see how they are leading – run by women, run by Mothers, run by Mothers who do not want to see this violent epidemic continue. TFP is a Mother, and all those who have been killed have Mothers.

It is up to Caregivers to lead the way. Lead the way with education, caring, and forethought.

Oscar Hammerstein wrote “You Have To Be Carefully Taught” – and this should be blasted in every school right after the National Anthem, in TFP’s opinion. Because it is on the Parents of this Nation to change this situation.

Do not teach hate, you pass the legacy down and more violence ensues.

Do not turn a blind eye – you have power when you acknowledge what is going on and name it.

Be a helper. Mold festers in the dark – shine a light on it.

To TFP’s leading Arts Organizations – which are in EVERY city, and yes, which are operating under an already strenuous time – it not enough to have buried in our by-laws a statement on hate speech or what will/will not be tolerated, you have to SHOW the members that it is not tolerated. You have to SHOW them that anti- bias training is an option for them and is readily available. You have to SHOW them that this is an issue that you are working on so that they can go to work safe, so that they can get home safe.

Because most of show business is not People of Color, and you all know it.

You know what it is – DISMANTLE IT.


TFP out.


The Fairy Princess has been closely watching election coverage – and who has not?


She is firmly Team Biden, and she does not believe   the charges launched by Tara Reade. There are many, many holes in the story and, it keeps changing daily. Having been the victim of sexual assault herself, which thank goodness, did not extend to rape, but was assault, and having known, very sadly, many women and men who have been raped and who have shared with TFP, she does not find Tara Reade credible.

TFP does not blanket #BelieveEveryone – that is just not feasible.

People lie.

The current resident of the White House lies. People lie – and those of us who need to make a judgment call, need to do just that – sift though the information and come to a decision they can live with.

You are free to believe what you like – although we have a guy in charge of the country that only believes what he likes, and guess what? We also have over 90K dead in the United States.

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Again, you are free to believe as you like, but TFP is a huge fan of learning and science and doctors and nurses – so she will be over here with the experts in the field, and you can be over THERE, possibly on a ventilator, choosing to not believe science.

It is a relatively free country – if only in thought.


Next up, she looked across the pond, as it were, and she noticed her now “Brother from Another Mother“, Daniel F. York Loh is running for Actors Equity UK.

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While she has no ‘vested interest’ in Equity UK, let TFP remind the British East Asians and others, that the concept of British East Asians has broadened under Daniel’s watch. In point of fact – the reason the Royal Shakespeare Company was so notably trounced by yours truly is because of Daniel F. York Loh.

If Daniel had not contacted TFP asking for help from the States, TFP would likely not have heard in time to help. That she was able to write something that sparked some movement, and then some more – is due to Daniel F. York Loh, Playwright, Actor, Activist.

He has been a leader in so many ways, and also, a coalition builder. He is always first into the fight, and he brings pragmatism as well as knowledge.

If TFP were in Equity UK, she would vote for Daniel F. York Loh.

He has integrity, and follow through – and that is what is called for when change needs to happen.


Speaking of change needing to happen, Actors Equity Association USA, has mailed out the ballots for their Council Elections and TFP is staring at it right now, next to her.

This is not a post to tell you how TO vote – this is a post to tell you WHY TFP is voting for the people she is voting for. She has gotten text messages and emails that have been private queries, and she sees no reason to not share the whys and wherefores of her voting.

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First up, she is going to vote for Kate Shindle to continue as President of AEA.

Ms. Shindle, for full disclosure, is someone TFP personally knows, however, that is not enough to get TFP‘s vote.

Ms. Shindle has been an active and vocal advocate for Actor’s Equity and it’s members pre-dating her Presidency. She served for three years as the Eastern VP of AEA, and has worked a variety of contracts – as well as having served as a negotiating member for the Production Contract three different times, in addition to being a Board Member for The Actors Fund and BC/EFA.

More to the point – Ms. Shindle has thrown the full weight of her office behind things that matter to Actors and Stage Managers – safety, job security, wage increase, more minority representation, caregiver support systems, and has worked for the implementation of those factors when dealing with contract re-negotiation with The Broadway League and the Off Broadway League.

TFP has watched her since she was the Eastern VP, constantly advocating for all of us within the Union – even as she was, for example, on the road in a National Tour.

As the Pandemic continues to decimate Broadway, Ms. Shindle has shown no fear and a cool head reassuring members, as well as taking Governor Cuomo to task for not including Broadway and the Arts when coming up with a plan to re-open the City.

She is fearless, and we need that – because the truth of the matter is – we do not know what we are coming back to.

Social distancing does not a theater experience make.

Drones to clean the theater are one way to do it, the other is – make sure that the woman who was in charge when the Union hired a health advocate to advise AEA Members and Theater Producers as to a post-Covid 19 existence because that is what Leaders do, gets to follow through on initiatives started on her watch.

Women who Lead have handled this pandemic the best across the world, we have one right here, running our Union, we need to support her and let her do her job – a job she has performed excellently at thus far.

Futhermore, the Parent Artist Advocacy League (PAAL), agrees with TFP as to the need to see Ms. Shindle re-elected, as does the #FairWageOnCouncil candidates – these are all people actively working towards equality and representation for all AEA members.

Screen Shot 2020-05-20 at 6.40.38 PM.

Remember if you in any way feel ‘betrayed’ by this, or push back against it – talking to you, “Robe” folks who protested the name change – just remember – if you have always had privilege, then equality feels like oppression.

If Women being in charge and People of Color having representation ‘scare you’ or make you feel like, “Just there is something I don’t trust….” or “but her emails…”


It is happening.

In Addition, TFP wants you to note, she is not blindly voting for someone else’s created platform, she is a firm believer in  the need for Rashaan James II to be re-elected to his seat on the Council repping the Eastern division.


For Kim Huber in the Western Division and Wydetta Carter in the Central to be in their Councilor Seats.

TFP is hoping to see more POC and more Women run this Union.

TFP is being honest.

TFP is also going to support the #FairWageOnCouncil group because –

1. They helped get AEA Off Broadway Members a raise! A living wage!

2. They worked to get a broader sense of what America looks like and what the Acting/SM World looks like, and make sure to advocate for those voices to be represented and present.

3. They are always available when TFP has a question about their platform or their ongoing plan, and they hold weekly Friday zoom hang outs so they can hear from members and come up, Elizabeth Warren style, with ‘a plan for that’.

The Union is changing.

The World is Changing.

TFP wants people who do not fear change, but embrace it and make it their own.

If we want to see this Creative World where Actors and Stage Managers get to speak their truths without fear of Producer wrath, and where contract negotiations are of paramount importance, where annual wage increases are accepted, a place where more tours do not go Non-Union, which serves only the Producers, and not at all the Performers – then TFP really feels she has no other alternative, than to vote with the #FairWageOnCouncil.


This is the way TFP is voting.

This is not the way you have to vote.

It IS the way Spider-Man’s Aunt is voting…

Just sayin’…

Ok, ok, TFP actually apologies to this Oscar Winner, Marisa Tomei is brilliant on the stage and on the big screen.

If you want to know why TFP is a Union Person as well as a Union Member, well – she is a third generation Union Family.

Her Cousin, Mike Quill, founded the Transit Workers Union.

Her father, Kevin P. Quill, was a Labor Lawyer,

and finally…she is an… Actor with a Blog…


(her ancestors are particularly thrilled at this she imagines

However, in the Unions she is a member of, she has served.

 TFP has served as an AEA Deputy repeatedly, she was Vice Chair of the SAG AAPI SubCommittee and a member of the SAG EEOC Board for a number of years, and she helped renegotiate the Foreign Language Contract with SAG to be more inclusive of Southeast Asian, South Asian, and Pacific Islander languages.

But…again, what does she know?

You vote your way, just letting you know mine.

TFP out.


The Fairy Princess is home.


As should we all be –  unless we are essential workers.

She did have to go to the grocery store a few days ago, and while she hates to recount it – she was “Karen-ed’ by a lady walking down the other end of the aisle. Both of us in masks, she looked at TFP’s features and yelled “I JUST DON’T WANT TO DIE” when TFP misread the arrows on the floor and turned the wrong way.

TFP was the only AAPI in the store.

There were plenty of men in the store who were breaking all kinds of arrow spacing and the woman didn’t yell at them. It should be pointed out here that none of the other people in the store spoke up to Karen, or advocated for TFP (which yes, included POC) –  TFP realized it was up to her to decide whether or not to ‘clap back’.

Later that trip to the store, the ‘Karen’ herself, turned the wrong way, and TFP just stood in her way and eyeballed her until she ducked her head and whispered “Sorry” and ducked by.

Mistakes can be made.

We are all doing the best we can.

But Karen…



The Lucille Lortel Awards were announced yesterday, considered the TONYS of Off Broadway, there were, very rewardingly, POC and Women in many categories, and honestly, Off Broadway is what the world looks like.

Go on, STRANGE LOOP  with your 7 nominations!


SOFT POWER, written by David Henry Hwang and Jeanine Tesori, received 5 nominations – Outstanding Musical, Outstanding Choreographer (Sam Pinkleton), Outstanding Lead Actor in a Musical (Francis Jue), Outstanding Scenic Design (Clint Ramos), Outstanding Lead Actor in a Musical (Conrad Ricamora)!

This is DHH‘s FIRST Lucille Lortel Nomination – so TFP is sure he is feeling pretty great right now.

Francis Jue scored another nomination for Outstanding Featured Actor in a Play for his work in Lauren Yee‘s CAMBODIAN ROCK BAND, a category where he is not the only AAPI nominated – also a nod went to Ken Narasaki for his work in GREATER CLEMENTS.

In more good news, Aaron Yoo was nominated in the Outstanding Lead Actor in a Play for his role in THE HEADLANDS written by Christopher Chen.

Janelle McDermouth was nominated in the category of Outstanding Lead Actress in a Musical for her work in Young Jean Lee’s WE’RE GONNA DIE.

The ceremony will be presented online on May 3 – Congrats to all the Nominees, especially great to see AAPI stories up there.

May there be many more.


Remember that SOFT POWER is having a cast listening party on 4/17 at 8pm raising funds for the @aaldef & @PublicTheaterNY –


Here is some fun, at home, entert-tain-ment that TFP is super excited about –


OS TableRead Facebook Twitter Post

It has been…wait for it, A DECADE since these brilliant faces have been on the television weekly – and TFP for one, has missed it.

Coming together for charity, in this case, charities, during this COVID-19 crisis are:

Ben Rappaport, Anisha Nagarajan, Diedrich Bader, Parvesh Cheena, Pippa Black, Rebecca Hazlewood, Rizwan Manji, Sacha Dhawan, Guru Singh, Matt Walsh and Shawn Parikh.

With Directors, Ken Kwapis, Victor Nelli. Co-Executive Producer, Alex Beattie, and Writer, Robert Borden reuniting with the cast to partake in the virtual reading.


Mark the date!


Outsourced drops on YouTube at 1PM EST, and SOFT POWER At 8pm EST!


Finally, on May 3rd –  during AAPI Heritage Month – Lauren Yee’s CAMBODIAN ROCK BAND will be releasing their Cast Recording on iTunes, Spotify, Amazon and wherever music is sold.

You can pre-order it at


There you go – some fun things to do.

While you cannot leave.

Might as well support!

TFP out.

The Fairy Princess would like to extend her condolences to Actor, Lewis Tan, who lost his Grandfather to COVID-19, may he Rest In Peace.


The Fairy Princess is not an essential worker, she is able to work from home, and she is going crazy – let’s face it – we all need a little good news right now.

Doesn’t have to be a LOT of good news, we are still sheltering at home during a pandemic of course, but as James T. Early said in DREAMGIRLS,There’s got to be some good times”.

First up – AAPIs are still being hammered, physically and mentally, over the ‘blame’ of COVID-19 – even though the New York Times today says that scientists have found OUR strain of the virus actually comes from Europe!


Therefore, please join TONY Winning Playwright, TV Scribe, Opera Book Writer and all around good guy, David Henry Hwang in Washing the Hate away.

That bathroom looks very organized!



NEXT WEEK – on the 17th, there will be a Broadway Virtual Listening/Release party for the album of DHH’s SOFT POWER, he wrote the play & some lyrics, while the music & some lyrics were by Jeanine Tesori, which has been seen in LA and in NY at THE PUBLIC THEATER, and here is a link to the released video of one of the most moving songs in the show, DEMOCRACY.

Hosted by The Public Theater, Funds raised from the virtual listening party, will go to the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund (

Just so you can give them a hug when we are all allowed to hug again – here are the names of all the cast – thank you all for representing.

The complete cast of Soft Power includes Billy Bustamante (Xuē Xíng Standby), Jon Hoche (Chief Justice/Hālǐ Àohālā/Ensemble), Kendyl Ito (Jīng/Prof. Lǐ Bìyù/Ensemble), Francis Jue (DHH), Austin Ku (Bobby Bob/Jū Míng), Raymond J. Lee (Randy Ray/Yáo Tuō/Veep/Ensemble), Alyse Alan Louis (Zoe/Hillary), Jaygee Macapugay (Betsy/Lóng Lín Kūn/Ensemble), Daniel May (Ensemble), Paul HeeSang Miller (Ensemble), Kristen Faith Oei (Ensemble), Geena Quintos (Airport Greeter/Ensemble), Conrad Ricamora (Xuē Xíng), Trevor Salter (Ensemble), Kyra Smith (Ensemble), Emily Stillings (Swing), Emily Trumble (Zoe/Hillary Standby), and John Yi (Swing).


ALICE WU, director of SAVING FACE, which TFP has mentioned in the past – has a NEW FILM OUT ON NETFLIX called THE HALF OF IT, premiering May 1st – just in time for AAPI Heritage Month

Great things happen when kids start finding their ‘tribe’, eh?

Speaking of which, Auli’i Cravalho, who voice the character of Disney’s MOANA, has come out as Bisexual – so cheers to that.

Answering a fan question as to whether she likes girls, she answered in Tik Tok – which is the new language for anyone under 30, by mouthing Eminem lyrics

Seriously though, jokes aside, how you doin’? You straight?
She said: “No, I’m bi”
She said: “Are you drunk?” I said: “No, I’m high”
I’m checkin’ out the chick, she said: “So am I.”



Alan Yang’s TIGERTAIL hits NETFLIX on April 10th – which is TOMORROW!!!!

Check out this great interview on Tzi Ma, who is – definitively – one of the greats, pushing that rock endlessly up the hill since the 1970’s for AAPI Actors – go Tzi!


Consequently, KILLING EVE has stepped up it’s release for Season Three to April 19th on AMC and BBC America.

SHOWRUNNER and CMU Alum, Kortney Kang is working on a new show that is a reboot and update of an old show – DOOGIE HOWSER, MD is now, DOOGIE KEALOHA, MD!


Doogie is now a 15-16 year old FEMALE medical prodigy, and is also…mixed race, based on Ms. Kang’s own upbringing in Hawaii.

Nice to see more shows heading to Hawaii, as Hawaii 5.0 bids aloha to the small screen.

and finally, for those who have not seen it, PARASITE, the OSCAR WINNING FILM from this past year, is now streaming on HULU!


Take a watch:

And if NONE OF THAT CHEERS YOU UP…please enjoy Simu Liu from KIM’S CONVENIENCE on Netflix, who is Shang Chi in the new Marvel Reboot – working out.

Listen all – this is hard. Staying home should not be THIS hard, but it is. Be kind to yourself, to your pets, to your kids, and try and keep your perspective as we try and navigate this new normal.

TFP has good days and bad days.

Mostly tied to homeschooling.


It is what it is.


TFP out.


Yesterday TFP read some VERY unfortunate commentary delivered, via article in the Washington Post, by one of the Asian Americans who ran for the Democratic Nomination this past year – and not the good one.

That was Kamala Harris.


Nope – she always makes sense and speaks eloquently on a variety of subjects.

Kamala Devi Harris is a proud graduate of Howard University, and University of California, Hastings College of Law. She is of Indian and Jamaican heritage.and whatever you believe based on policies she was responsible for holding up while Attorney General of California from 2011-2017, doesn’t matter.

She was chosen by the people to uphold the laws at the time, and she did.

She is an effective lawmaker who has been serving with distinction in the Senate – supporting single payer healthcare, paths to citizenship of undocumented immigrants, a ban on assault rifles and much more.


This one, Andrew Yang, is the one in the hot seat today.

The one who makes math jokes and caters to white supremacists. He is a corporate lawyer who grew up in New York, he went to Brown, and then Columbia University for Law.

He worked for a test prep company as an executive, and then founded VFA – which recruits top college grads into a two year fellowship program at startups in developing cities.


Since dropping out of the Presidential nominee process, he has been somehow dubbed as the ‘go to’ guy for Asian American commentary – which is ludicrous, because we have Jeff Yang, Phil Yu,, CAAM, CAATA, EWP, PAN ASIAN REP, MA YI, SILK ROAD – a bunch of folks who have been doing this their whole lives, and who can speak on the day to day of AAPI issues.

People tracking the violence which grows day by day!

MOST recently, as in within the last day – he has been talking about how Asian Americansnot even halfway through the anti-Asian sentiment and attacks due to the POTUS’s racist remarks while telling the nation about COVID-19 – need to ‘prove’ that we are more

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American than anyone one else.

Because that will stem the tide of racism.


Which makes TFP – who has, yes, been verbally attacked both prior to COVID-19 and since, wanna go…


Let’s first get something out of the way- ‘we’ do not have to ‘prove’ anything.

To anyone.

If someone attacks you, if someone calls you a slur – you are NOT responsible for what that person decided to visit upon you, based solely on your appearance.


Andrew Yang has some  issues, that is for sure. Take a look at this quote from the article:Screen Shot 2020-04-03 at 2.49.16 PM

Why would you allow yourself to feel ashamed of a virus?


It’s a virus, you idiot.

Viruses can and do start anywhere there are conditions available for animal to human transfer.

Mike Masaoka, part deux is something that the AAPI community does not need right now, ANDREW….

Thankfully, TFP is watching AAPIs clap back at him – both on her private social media and her public one – but still…this is infuriating.

‘You have the right to defend yourself against hatred and self-hatred‘ is the tagline from THE SENSEI a film by D. Lee Inosanto.

Hold on to that, Folks, because apparently defending ourselves against FOX Viewers is not enough, we have to look to our ‘own’ to keep us down, keep us ‘kow towing’.




ANDREW YANG IS UNINVITED TO DIM SUM, Yum Cha, Sushi, Hibachi, Korean BBQ and anything else – because you know what – ‘we’ are not apologizing for racists acts enacted upon us.






Not for your existence. Not for your Asian-ness. Not for your Sexuality. Not for how your Identify. Not for whom you Love – none of it.

And certainly not for your American values – of which you embody every single one.


YOU ARE GORGEOUS, YOU ARE PROUD, and NO ONE ‘created” this VIRUS on purpose – it just happened, because pandemics and viruses just happen – and it is how you handle it that makes it better or worse.

Clearly, Andrew Yang errs on the side of making it worse.

TFP out.


The Fairy Princess is not an ‘at home’ drinker, she’s a social drinker – although if she lived near master chef, Ina Garten, she would be over in a flash to borrow a cup of Cosmos because Common Core Math is ridiculous…

Although TFP is pretty sure Patti LuPone must live somewhere close to Ina…

TFP agrees with Ms. LuPone that this may be her best basement work – EVER!!!! Of particular fascination is where she keeps that turban and caftan…is that on a whole other level of the house? Is it housed in the basement as well?



First – some GOOD NEWS

KIM’S CONVENIENCE has been renewed for two more seasons!!!!!


That is correct – Seasons 5 and 6 have been greenlit and Season 4 is available today, across the world on NETFLIX!!!!!!



Sadly, the news from Scotland is not so great – The Edinburgh Festivals are one of the many victims of COVID-1 – with both their International Festival, their Fringe Festival, and their Book Festival being cancelled.

Going to Edinburgh is considered quite the feather in an Artist’s cap – whichever one the Artist gets to play – and TFP is sad about it – because the International scope of the Festivals is vast and inspiring.

She hopes this is a cancellation for this year only – and truly has empathy for those who were planning to hit the Scottish town and earn all the accolades.

Her thoughts too are for the town of Edinburgh, who plan their year’s calendar with this influx of Artists and Audiences, and depend on that pound being spent.

May the next round keep your coffers full…and hopefully next season we will all “Go Lassie Go, and we’ll all go together…”

TFP is tired today – so she will just leave you with some encouragement from Ms. DOLLY PARTON, who donated $1 Million Dollars today to Vanderbuilt towards COVID-19 research and that is going to be it today, Folks

Let’s hope Ms. Parton is correct – she usually is – that there can be some sort of speeded up timeline, because if homeschooling continues much longer...TFP gonna be..


The Fairy Princess was very sad to read about Manhattan Theater Club cancelling their production of Qui Ngyuen’s POOR YELLA REDNECKS that was scheduled for this coming May.


Hopefully this is a reschedule and not a true cancellation – because adding insult to injury would be having a Vietnamese American story being cancelled because the POTUS chose to ineptly mishandle the COVID-19 crisis, while choosing to ramp up racism against AAPIs.

Not only are we being attacked in the streets, but we are being erased from the stage – and that is just…


Wait, don’t believe TFP?


WE’RE GONNA DIE by Young Jean Lee, (Broadway’s only Asian American female playwright) closed early at Second Stage.

CAMBODIAN ROCK BAND  at Signature Theater by Lauren Yee closed early.

ENDLINGS by Celine Song at NY Theater Workshop closed early.

THE HEADLANDS by Christopher Chen at LCT3 closed early.

SUICIDE FORREST by Haruna Lee at Ma Yi closed early.

The RAGE PLAY by Nandita Shenoy never got a chance to open at the Abrons Center.

Sondheim’s ASSASSINS at East West Players is looking to reschedule.

Right now, CAMBODIA AGONISTES  by Ernest Abuba is still on for their May 18th start, at Pan Asian Rep, but really, who knows?


Quite a list.

Anyway, it a HUGE blow to AAPI’s who have long been overlooked on our stages, to then have the stories (Some centered around community issues, some not) unable to be seen – it is infuriating.

Plus, let’s face it – none of the people calling us names, attacking us cares to tell us apart – so does it matter to an ignorant racist that you happen to have heritage from a country other than China?

No, it doesn’t.

So we are ALL going to have to walk around as if armed from now until the foreseeable future, and be extra careful with our kids and elders – and that is just exhausting.

TFP hates it.

She is also very sad to know that so many are suffering and passing from COVID-19, and that AAPIs are still getting blamed for it. Meanwhile, AAPI are not immune from it, and are losing their lives to it – and it is JUST A VIRUS.

It’s just a virus.

It could have happened anywhere the circumstances were available for it to jump species.

ANYWHERE animals and humans interact.

So. Much. Ignorance.


However it is not all bad there is some light at the end of the tunnel

@TheaterWit is going to make it’s production of Mike Lew’s TEENAGE DICK available on Vimeo for specific dates and times.

The McCarter Theater Center in Princeton, NJ will be producing, for their 2020-2021 Season, both TIGER STYLE  by Mr. Lew in January and the musical, ‘BHANGIN IT –book by Mike Lew and Rehana Lew Mirza, music and lyrics by Sam Willmott.

All super cool.


And may TFP just mention that TIGER STYLE is a play.

TIGER KING is an insane docu series about big cat animal abuse on NETFLIX and neither of them have anything to do with one another, so don’t get it twisted.

Also, Tigers and Lions oh my should not be in captivity. Private zoos are hideous.


KIM’S CONVENIENCE just ended their season in Canada, so that means the USA will get it here on NETFLIX …wait for it – TOMORROW!!!!!

TFP finds re-watching episodes in this time of forced closeness, oddly comforting.



KILLING EVE on BBC America moved up it’s release date by two weeks – and waaay better performers in it that just are ACTING like they kill people and stars Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer…who are just ACTING….as opposed to people seeming to have done away with their former spouses….



Ok Peeps, writing this every day is kinda a lot, but here ya go…something to keep you busy.

When this is over, you must take the pledge – you must buy a ticket to a play by an AAPI Playwright.


Make it happen – grab yourself a ticket, make a pledge to see people’s work.

You need it.

They need it.

We are all going to need as much ‘escape’ as possible, given the way this virus is replicating.

Please accept TFP‘s condolences for any losses you may have suffered during this time, her heart is with you,


Stay safe. Stay home.

TFP out.

The Fairy Princess is lapping the crazy pole in four inch heels while she has laundered, cleaned and baked all the things… except bread, which…too many carbs anyway.


She has no concept of how yeast works – so she is very glad bread is not high on the list of personal needs.

Coffee however..


She is ready for this to be over, because you try and corral a kid, in the home, for several weeks at a time while teaching college courses and –


However it is NOT over, not ANY time soon – so we just keep self isolating. Let Essential Service people have the space they need to deal with those that are ill – and stay out of the hospital unless you need a respirator.

Meanwhile TFP’s kid never wants to go back to school – and it seems he might get his way, pardon while she searches for her sanity.


We do not pay teachers enough.

For real.

Nor, do we pay Paramedics – she has just watched the head of the Paramedic Union reassuring people on the news that if you call them, they will come – and yet – should any of them pass away from contracting this virus – their death benefits to their families will only continue for 3 years after they pass – unlike the rest of the Policemen, Firemen etc.

Not right.

Anyway, if you are not adept at sewing, but still concerned about Health workers getting what they need, you may consider donating to


Here is their GO FUND ME page – this is the collective brain child of TFP‘s buddy, Edgardo Miranda-Rodriguez, who last year created a comic book anthology to help Puerto Rican Hurricane Recovery, and his friends Dr. Sanjeev Sriram, Bob Bland, Kristin Mink, and Saira Rao.

They have found a manufacturer that can get them the N95 masks – FDA approved – for $2 a mask – the goal being to get 2 million masks to essential workers, asap.

If you look on the Go Fund Me page – you can find their mission statement and all related information – this is a big one, Folks – you should do this.

Even if you are not sick, do it for those who are.


On to Entertainment –

TFP wants you to know that RUSSELL PETERS and PAUL CHOWDHRY both have comedy specials on Amazon Prime right now, and they are hilarious.

Also on Prime is a new series called THE FORGOTTEN ARMY which is about the men and women who fought for Indian Independence, as part of the Indian National Army.

Very cool, bilingual series – it is INTENSE!

Something a bit more fun – MADE IN HEAVEN – also on Amazon Prime – a series about wedding planners in Delhi – it is not a reality show, it is scripted, and alternately comedic but ultimately drama, drama, dramaaaaaaa!

Moving now to a Martin Scorsese Produced film – REVENGE OF THE GREEN DRAGONS, with Kev Jumba, Harry Shum Jr. Justin Chon, Leonard Wu, MC Jin, Celia Au, Eugenia Yuan, Ron Yuan, Carl Li, Jon Kit Lee, Phil Nee, Billy Magnussen and Ray Liotta – and many more.

Directed by the Andrews – Lau and Loo,  and is available on NETFLIX.

If docu- series are more ‘your thing’ then check out MINDING THE GAP, about young skateborders on Hulu

Equally as interesting is this interview with MINDING THE GAP‘s Director, Bing Lui as to why he had to ‘join’ the film.

Ok, one supposes one must keep some things for tomorrow – however, keep in mind, if you are able to shelter at home, and not overly concern yourself over the loss of a salary for a week or two – then you are lucky.

TFP hopes you stay healthy.

Heads up, shoulders back – keep exercising – you can do it.

Also – if anyone gives you shade, or goes further – tell them KISS YOUR FAN TAN FANNIE

TFP out.