3:AM Magazine


Whatever it is, we're against it. Since 2000.

London / Paris / NYC
Vrijeme pridruživanja: svibanj 2007.


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  1. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 4 sata
  2. prije 4 sata
  3. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 6 sati

    I talked to about Camus’s sentences, the word quarantine, and what it was like to walk the city walls of Oran last winter (feels like a lifetime ago). Thank you to Ethan Powers for such thoughtful questions!

  4. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    prije 22 sata

    On translating Camus’s The Plague today.

  5. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    14. svi

    "Tracing the labor of hands in the processes of production and reproduction in the world we live in is an imminently political task. And, right now, it’s an inescapable task." on the pandemic, in my translation.

  6. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    14. svi

    "Like a giant x-ray, the deceleration the pandemic has brought makes clear, or even exaggerates, what was already here ...a State for which bodies are not a matter of care but merely extraction." translates for

  7. 14. svi
  8. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    14. svi

    "As the virus is spread through proximity, especially through the respiratory system and touch, we have to be aware that we are bodies. It seems like a simple operation. It isn’t." Don't miss this vital, important essay by , tr. by

  9. 14. svi

    Touching Is a Verb: The Hands of the Pandemic and the Inescapable Questions

  10. 13. svi
  11. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    13. svi

    "Yet, that friends disappoint—say too little or too much, break their word, lie—furnishes Guibert with material. The friction between honesty and deceit, tenderness and rancor, eros and thanatos are ever present for his friends-cum-characters."

  12. 13. svi
  13. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    12. svi
    Prikaži ovu nit
  14. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    12. svi
  15. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    12. svi

    Pleased to have a short story on today—read on if doubles, the New York subway system, an actress turned Instagram influencer, and the corrosive effects of capitalism sound interesting to you.

  16. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    12. svi
  17. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    12. svi
  18. 12. svi
  19. 12. svi
  20. proslijedio/la je Tweet
    12. svi

    Such a great interview. Perfect reading for a Tuesday still in lockdown


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