Pitch to Overland

What we’re after

Overland is always looking for nonfiction pieces, especially for its online magazine. We update the pitch page with subjects that seem interesting – though we consider pitches on any topics. Most of all, we’re looking for thoughtful, provocative and argumentative articles, pieces that will provoke discussion and debate. You can pitch to us on one of the topics below, or submit completed articles (of between 800 and 1200 words) to us via our submissions page. We pay $120 for published online pieces.

You’ve been sending us a steady stream of submissions on politics, the climate and climate politics. Don’t stop doing that! But here are some other things we’re looking for.

Smart essays on TV shows, films or videogames

As with books, what we look for is seldom a review that focuses on the merits or demerits of a single text, unless it is uniquely topical or culturally significant. Rather, we favour expansive review essays that make connections between different texts, in an out of their specific, individual art form.

Essays about the publishing industry and the craft of writing

This is another area of interest to our readers that is relatively under-represented in the submissions we’re getting at the moment, outside of the recent lively debate on the value of literary prizes. 

Other cultural topics

One of our most popular pieces this year, The wildness of girlhood by Bonnie Mary Liston, started as a pitch and is a good reminder that we welcome ideas on any subject. Surprise us!

If you have a completed article, follow the links on the submission page to send it to us.

How to pitch to us

If you want to pitch an article, we ask you to do so through our online submission system. Overland relies on its subscribers for support: subscribers should use this link to pitch; non-subscribers should use this one.

The submission system will ask you to explain your proposed article in around 100 words and should address the following: What will your piece be about and why are you the person to write it? How will your article be different from other writing on the subject? When will you be able to send the finished piece?