In South Africa's cities, evictions are happening despite a national ban

The main targets are residents living in informal dwellings.

To see how a city embraces remote work, look to Helsinki

Before Covid, Finland already displayed impressive levels of remote working.

Mayor Marvin Rees' hope for Bristol: A more equitable city that can 'live with difference'

He's pursuing a number of projects to combat poverty and improve the city's sustainability.

How the rise of anti-crime politics caused lasting harm to Black Americans

Law professor James Forman Jr. discusses the dangers of overreacting to an uptick in violent crime.

The British government wants more mayors and fewer councils in England

The goal is to streamline operations, but it's not yet clear how local government would change.

How Covid-19 is shifting 'smart city' priorities

High-profile projects have been scaled down or scrapped. Instead, economic recovery and digital inclusion are the focus.