Tell the world with a digital billboard
& You may win 'Unabashed Atheist' tee
Not afraid of burning in hell?
In an irreverent TV commercial for the Freedom From Religion Foundation, Ron Reagan quips that he is "an unabashed atheist, not afraid of burning in hell." Today "nones" (the nonreligious) are 24 percent of the U.S. population and the third-largest group worldwide. Join FFRF in declaring your independence from religion (and its empty threats), using FFRF's brand-new social media app.
It's fun, it's easy and takes less than a minute to complete! Once your cyberboard is approved by FFRF, you may post and tweet it or use it as your Facebook or Twitter image. We even size it for use as your Facebook or Twitter image or banner.
If your billboard is chosen as a staff “pick of the week,” FFRF will feature your billboard on Facebook and Twitter, and mail your prize — FFRF’s popular “Unabashed Atheist - Not Afraid of Burning in Hell” T-shirt! (Only U.S. residents eligible.)