This Week on CounterPunch Radio: ALEX KOTCH & WALKER BRAGMAN

    • HOST: Eric Draitser
    • GUEST: Alex Kotch & WalKer Bragman
    • TOPICS: The election and state of left journalism.

Trump’s War On Arms Control and Disarmament

Seventy-five years ago, the United States dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, killing more than 200,000 Japanese and injuring another 100,000.  The great fires that raged in each city consumed many of the bodies.  If ever there was a visceral force for promoting a world free of nuclear arms, it should be the memory More

“We Didn’t Bleed Him Enough”: When Normal is the Problem

Bloodletting was a common medical treatment for nearly 3,000 years. It developed around an idea, originating with Hippocrates and later wildly popular in Europe of the Middle Ages: that an imbalance of the four humours of the body – blood, phlegm, black bile, yellow bile – caused illness. Around 500 years after Hippocrates, Galen declared More

Kamala Harris? Really? Desperate Times, Desperate Measures

Kamala Harris might be the perfect lens to reveal who the Democrats really are.  A good run-down on her track record highlights her assertion that “It is not progressive to be soft on crime.”  More

Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch



Jeffrey St. Clair on the police state in Black America; Laura Carlsen on How COVID-19 is Advancing Trump’s White Supremacy Agenda; TJ Coles on How Big Pharma Has Exploited the Crisis; Dan Glazebrook on the Malthusian Responses to the Pandemic; Stan Cox on the Contradictions of the Green New Deal; Jennifer Matsui on the Coming Medical Surveillance State; Daniel Raventos and Julie Wark on the Camps of Lesbos; Maximilian Werner on the West’s War on Predators; Chris Floyd on Dylan’s Stunning Reemergence; Pete Dolack on the New Misery Index; Lee Ballinger on the Criminalization of Rap Music; John Davis on the Disruptive Force of COVID-19; and John LaForge on What Juries Aren’t Permitted to Hear About Nuclear Weapons.


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Kamala Harris and her “Top Cop” Record
