Humour Youtube

Did Somebody Mention Cork?

Regional accent discrimination? Foil Arms & Hog show are spot on with their accents!

Humour Youtube

The Leak

I’ll come back for you!!!


Ireland in Brief

I can’t claim to be the author of this piece. I found it on Facebook but a quick Google search shows it in blog posts and forum threads going back to 2010.
Being a Cork man, I’ve never been to Newry. I’ll have to rely on my Dublin friends to tell me what it’s like. I wonder if that bit is still true given the collapse in the value of the Euro..

Ireland is an island to the west of Britain but Northern Ireland is just off the mainland – not the Irish mainland, the British mainland. 

The capital of Ireland is Dublin. It has a population of a million people, all of whom will be shopping in Newry this afternoon. They travel to Newry because it is in the North, which is not part of Ireland , but still pay in Euros. Under the Irish constitution, the North used to be in Ireland , but a successful 30-year campaign of violence for Irish unity ensured that it is now definitely in the UK . Had the campaign lasted any longer the North might now be in France . Belfast is the capital of Northern Ireland. It has a population of half a million, half of whom own houses in Donegal. Donegal is in the north but not in the North. It is in the South.No, not the south, the South. 

There are two parliaments in Ireland. The Dublin parliament is called the Dáil, (pronounced “Doyle”), an Irish word meaning a place where banks receive taxpayers’ money. The one in Belfast is called Stormont, an Anglo-Saxon word meaning ‘placebo’, or deliberately ineffective drug. Their respective jurisdictions are defined by the border, an imaginary line on the map to show fuel launderers where to dump their chemical waste and bi-products. Protestants are in favour of the border, which generates millions of pounds in smuggling for Catholics, who are totally opposed to it. Travel between the two states is complicated because Ireland is the only country in the world with two M1 motorways. The one in the North goes west to avoid the south and the one in the South goes north to avoid the price of drink! 

We have two types of democracy in Ireland. Dublin democracy works by holding a referendum and then allowing the government to judge the result. If the government thinks the result is wrong, the referendum is held again. Twice in recent years the government decided the people’s choice was wrong and ordered a new referendum. Belfast democracy works differently. It has a parliament with no opposition, so the government is always right. This system generates envy in many world capitals, especially Dublin.

Ireland has three economies – northern, southern and black. Only the black economy is in the black. The other two are in the red. All versions of the IRA claim to be the real IRA but only one of them is the Real IRA. The North’s biggest industry is the production of IRAs. Consequently, we now have the Provisional, Continuity and Real IRA. The Real IRA is by far the most popular among young graffiti writers simply because it is the easiest to spell. I trust this clarifies things and has answered many previously unanswered questions for you.


Dr Emoto Water Blessings

From an unsolicited spam email:


Have you heard about Dr Emoto, who discovered that placing positive words on water bottles produced beautiful crystals in the water?

We are an inspirational publishing company. Inspired by Dr Emoto we have developed Water Blessing Labels, re-usable static cling decals that you can place on any water container.

Please reply to this email and we will email you our wholesale catalog and offer you a complimentary pack of decals. No obligation.

Customer Service Team

Pearls Of Wisdom Publishing Co.
Spreading Blessings All Over The World

Seems legit, but what happens if you put negative words on water bottles? That would be a nasty trick to play on someone you don’t like!



Forget all those projects on Kickstarter that are trying to recreate the games of yesteryear. This is a project we can all be part of. An orbital deathray to destroy the Earth. Amazing.


Angela Merkel addresses the Irish Nation

In the aftermath of a devastating football game last night against Spain, Angela Merkel addresses the Irish Nation exposing the harsh reality of our situation. Namely, “are you putting up with ordinary broadband?”

Thanks Apres Match.


Welcome to Life

Tom Scott looks at what a corporate sponsored and controlled afterlife might be like. Creepy.

That’s why you must choose The Pirate Bay as your primary healthcare provider.

Funny Humour

Patrick Stewart on Extras

That final line of this scene.. Couldn’t stop laughing.

(Odd, the video looks squashed. It’s not WordPress doing it as the embed code from Youtube does the same. Odd.)


Saturated Fat!

Saturated fat is bad for you. Yummy for dinosaurs.


Man hit in the head with a basketball

Poor Phil, star of his own Youtube video, “Man hit in the head with a basketball”. Sore head?

Yes, I just watched that episode of Modern Family. Great show. I hope they got their stop sign …