Domain and web application security

Automated security and asset monitoring for all teams.
Scan your web apps for 2000+ vulnerabilities and track assets across your tech stack.

Trusted and ♥ by:

Automated security research from ethical hackers

Detectify performs automated security tests on your web application and databases and scans your assets for vulnerabilities including OWASP Top 10, CORS, Amazon S3 Bucket and DNS misconfigurations. 200+ handpicked ethical hackers contribute security findings that are built into our scanner as automated tests. Their submissions go beyond the known CVE libraries that are not a sufficient test bed for modern application security.

Modern web application security

Integrate security into your SDLC with Detectify’s Deep Scan, a web app scanner that simulates hacker attacks. Using real payloads rather than version testing enables us to produce accurate scan results and go beyond standard CVE libraries.

More about Deep Scan
A computer scanning for domains

Protect your assets from subdomain takeovers

Discover and track assets and fingerprints with Asset Monitoring. Continuously monitor subdomains for hostile takeovers and receive alerts if anomalies are detected.

Learn about Asset Monitoring

Crowdsourced security knowledge

Detectify Crowdsource is a global network of handpicked ethical hackers. Their vulnerability findings are built into the Detectify service as security tests and available to all our customers.

What is Crowdsource?

Security for everyone

Whatever your role or industry, Detectify can help you stay on top of security and build safer web apps.

Go hack yourself!

Try it out for free

Get started in a matter of minutes and scan your site as often as you like for 14 days. No credit card required, no strings attached.

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