Fifth Estate Issue 407
Fall 2020
Submission deadline: July 15

Theme: Where We Live

We seek analytical articles, news reports, essays, poetry and fiction relating to housing, currently and historically, such as communes and squats, urban and rural, and activism around housing, rent strikes, evictions and blocking evictions, and living on the planet.

Before submitting essays or articles, please read our writer’s guidelines at

Original Material only please. We have a general policy to only publish articles that have not yet appeared online or elsewhere.

To get a good idea of the non-academic, intelligent writing we publish, you can read articles from past and current issues on our website at

All submissions should be consistent with our political views.

When writing, please consult our manuscript style sheet at:

Submit manuscripts for short pieces and proposals for longer essays, along  with graphics and photographs, to:

fe ( at ) fifthestate ( dot ) org


 Fifth Estate, PO Box 201016, Ferndale, MI 48220, USA.

 Please put “Submission 407” on the subject line of e-mail.

 We also invite letters to the editors related to articles we have published.

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