
Capital Bucureşti
Time Zone EEST (GMT+2)
Country Code 40
Mobile Codes 71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78
ccTLD .ro
Currency Leu nou (1EUR = 4.1 RON)
Land Area 238,391 sq km
Population 22 million
Language Romanian
Major Religion Orthodox Christianity

Romania’s Winter 2017 Protests: Behind the Power Struggle of the Secret Services, Politicians, and Soros NGOs

March 5, 2017 editor’s note: George Soros’ web of intrigue is coming under increasing scrutiny, from America to Eastern Europe. Yet while it is commonly believed Soros only supports leftist causes, the case of Romania shows that his political support can change to match his unclear interests. This exclusive analysis reveals how, while retaining his traditional method […]

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Boosting Contemporary Art in Romania: Interview with Mihai Suta and Dan Vuletici

November 26, 2012 Editor’s Note: in this extraordinary new interview, Director Chris Deliso documents the experience and ideas of two visionary young Romanians working hard to develop and promote contemporary art in their country. Chris spoke recently with the pair, Mihai Suta and Dan Vuletici at the arty Scârţ loc lejer bar in their city of […]

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