
Ruth Wilson Gilmore and David Harvey featured in Antipode documentaries

The Antipode Film Project of the Antipode Journal and Foundation produced two short documentaries with the director of the CPCP, Ruth Wilson Gilmore, and the director of research, David Harvey. Geographies of Racial Capitalism with Ruth Wilson Gilmore and David Harvey and the City are documentaries available as of June 2020, and both will be made available in perpetuity through the website: AntipodeOnline.org.

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5/6-13: Online Film Screening: False Belief

The CPCP is pleased to cosponsor the free streaming of the film FALSE BELIEF for one week only, from:

May 6, 12pm – May 13, 2020

To view, go to: https://kunstnerneshus.no/en/cinema/hjemmekino-lene-berg

Lene Berg’s critically acclaimed film False Belief (2019) is based on autobiographical events and reconstructs the filmmaker’s Kafkaesque journey through the American criminal justice system after her partner gets arrested, put on trial and eventually imprisoned for no reason.

This event is in lieu of a live screening and discussion we hoped to have this spring. We recommend the book of former CPCP visiting scholar, Christina Hanhardt, Safe Space, as a companion piece for this film.

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POSTPONED: CPCP Annual Conference on The Agrarian Question Today

Photo Credit: Cristiano Navarro: Indigenous communities displaced by agribusiness corporations in Brazil

In response to precautions against the spread of COVID-19, the annual conference of the Center for Place, Culture and Politics will be rescheduled to a later date. We will provide an update in the near future.

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