
Protest rallies will be taking place around the country this weekend in response to Israel's rampage against Gaza (and the West Bank).

Resistance: Young Socialist Alliance condemns the killing of three Palestinian youth by Israeli security forces and settlers in the past 24 hours. They have joined the nearly 500 Palestinians who have been injured by the Israeli occupation forces since clashes began several days ago.

Leaked reports of atrocities and misconduct point to troops in Afghanistan and Iraq being part of the problem, not the solution.

The Socialist Alliance has warned of a dangerous escalation of incitement of racial violence against Australia's Muslim communities in the wake of the tragic hostage incident in Sydney.

The Federal government's new security measures won't be limited to fighting the 'war on terror' and will undermine civil liberties.

The Socialist Alliance of Australia condemns the Turkish state’s escalation of illegal cross border air strikes against Kurdish and Yezidi communities in northern Iraq and north-east Syria (Rojava).

The turnout and energy at the March in May rallies on May 18 proved that people are not going to take this budget lying down.

More than 800 police carried out simultaneous raids on houses in Sydney and Brisbane on September 18. Fifteen people were detained as a result, but only two were charged.

US President Donald Trump’s threat to unleash a new nuclear war should not be dismissed as the ravings of an unhinged individual. He may be that, but he has also shown that he is prepared to start a new war and ratchet up old ones.

While there is much finger-pointing at China, we should not forget about about our own government and our major ally.

The Socialist Alliance condemns the threatened US-led Western military assault on Syria. We call on the Australian government to reject this latest imperial aggression, to extract itself from its military alliance with the US and end its involvement in all aggressive multinational military operations.

These are the details of the next round of rallies around Australia in solidarity with Gaza. Sydney rally for Gaza, Sun 27 July. If a rally has been organised in your city/town but is not listed here please send a message to the Socialist Alliance national office with the details.