A donation to the National Secular Society will help us to promote freedom, fairness and individual rights. It will help us to continue campaigning, lobbying, speaking out and challenging unfair laws and practices in Britain and abroad.

We receive no funding from government or outside bodies – our work is wholly supported by our members, people like you who share our belief in the urgent need for a public life free from religious concerns.

A direct debit is the most effective way to support the NSS – it allows us to predict how much money we will have available, and also cuts down on administration costs, enabling us to increase the scale of our activities.

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What our members say

  • "Diagnosed with multiple sclerosis I have been thinking about my legacy and end of life issues. Assisted suicide is currently illegal in the UK, a policy which suffers from strong religious lobbying. Legislating against the wishes of a mentally competent person seems barbaric."

    Alison, Aberdeen
  • "Thank you for all of your help. I had never heard of your organisation before, I bet there are many many families feeling like this with no idea how to broach it with the schools or where they stand legally. You do a great job in empowering people to have the confidence and knowledge to stand up for their beliefs."

    A Parent, whose school is pushing an increasing religious ethos
  • My motivations for joining include faith schools, bishops in the House of Lords, religious intolerance towards women and minorities, any situation where the pious are given more respect or airtime than others, and people holding discriminatory views on religious grounds remaining influential.

    Paul, Huddersfield
  • It's all very well suggesting Islamic faith schools are potentially damaging children, but the only way to solve this problem is to leave all religion out of education and legislation. I'm not anti-religion, but I am against giving any religion a free ride.

    Tom, Leeds
  • I feel secularism is a cause for which I can be politically and publicly active. Ultimately it's about removing the archaic rights given to religions to infringe my liberty.

    Nicklas, Haywards Heath

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The National Secular Society is a company limited by guarantee.
Registered in England No. 1418145
25 Red Lion Square, London, WC1R 4RL
admin@secularism.org.uk | 020 7404 3126